world Big Years, 43, 45–47, 98–99, 198–99
and world records, 200–204, 206–8
year-end acceleration of time, 233–34
The Big Year (film), 248
Bird Guide (Reed), 38
addictive nature of, 62–63
author’s interest in, 3–4, 21–22, 36, 86, 92–93, 95–96, 207–8, 248
bird vocalizations, 11–12, 13–14
cryptic bird behavior, 57
field guides, 48
in the Information Age, 47–49
and ornithology, 36–37
rare bird chasing, 153–54
shared passion of birders, 1, 5, 35, 157, 179, 208, 256
and world records, 200–204, 206–8
See also checklists
Birding magazine, 42, 121
BirdingPal website, 31, 47, 113, 164, 170
Birding Without Borders blog, 119–20
Birds of America (Audubon), 37, 38
birds-of-paradise, 237–39
A Birdwatcher’s Guide to Norway (Tveit), 158
Black-and-cinnamon Fantail, 227
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle, 60–61
Black-and-yellow Silky-Flycatcher, 116
Black-bellied Bustard, 167
Black Bittern, 240
Black-capped Chickadee, 1
Black-capped Vireo, 145
Black-casqued Hornbill, 173
Black Skimmer, 60
Black-spectacled Brushfinch, 72–75
Black-throated Saltator, 60
Blue-headed Parrot, 58
Blue Jay, 146
Blue-mantled Thornbill, 81
Blyth’s Hornbill, 240–41
Boateng, Yaw, 164, 166, 167, 174, 179, 181
Borneo, 237
Brazil, 51–65
Bright-rumped Attila, 126
Broad-tailed Grassbird, 203
Bronze Mannikin, 167
Bronze-tailed Starling, 185
Bronzy Inca, 95
Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant, 81
Brown Jay, 126
Brown Pelican, 153–55
Buenaño, Edison, 105–10
Buff-collared Nightjar, 139–40
bullet trains, 220–21
Burgos, Freddy, 23, 24, 25–29, 30–31, 32–35
Burj Khalifa, 201
Cahill, John, 131–32
California, 145, 149
Call Collect, Ask for Birdman (Vardaman), 45–46
Cameroon, 166, 187–88
Campbell, Oscar, 201–2
Canada Warbler, 126
Cape Coast, Ghana, 175–77
Cape Crombec, 191
Capellone, Monal, 237
Cape Petrel, 9–10, 16
Carolina Wren, 146
Caroline Islands Ground-Dove, 43
Carvalho, Guto, 52, 53
Catesby, Mark, 37
Cayuga Lake, 153–55
Chattering Cisticola, 180
Clements Checklist, 14–15, 46, 199, 255
English common names, 26
global, 14–15, 46
heard-only birds, 11–12, 13–14, 230–31
IOC World Bird List, 14, 255
Latin names, 26, 52
list length versus birding expertise, 183–84
no introduced birds (NIB), 13
“stringers” and “stringing,” 12
Chestnut-crowned Antpitta, 109
China, 215–16, 218
Chinspot Batis, 191
Chinstrap Penguin, 7, 17
Christmas in Australia, 243–44, 250–51
Chun, Cheong Weng, 237
Cinchona Forest Reserve, 226, 227–28, 229–30
Cinnamon Ibon, 231
cisticolas, 180, 184
Citrine Warbler, 81
Clements Checklist, 14–15, 46, 199, 255
Clements, James, 46, 48
Cliff Flycatcher, 25, 26
Cohen, Callan, 192, 218–19
Colombia, 112, 175
Common Eider, 157
Common Iora, 209
Common Kingfisher, 241
Common Ostrich, 3
Common Poorwill, 139–41
conservation, 100, 102, 110, 172, 227
Copper-tailed Starling, 185
Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 14, 31, 46, 48, 153–55
Correa, Rafael, 100
Costa Rica, 113–19, 124–32, 133
Cox, Guy, 50–51, 53
Crested Eagle, 132
Crimson Chat, 244
Croaking Cisticola, 180
Crowned Woodnymph, 131
Cundinamarca Antpitta, 160
Cypseloides rothschildi, 27
Daniels, Esteban, 17–18
Dark-backed Wood-Quail, 107
Dark-fronted Babbler, 208
Darwin, Charles, 238
Davies, Alan, 48–49, 200
Diabolical Nightjar, 174
Diademed Sandpiper-Plover (DSP), 12, 15–16, 19–21
Díaz Segovia, Fernando, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20
Downy Woodpecker, 147
Dun, Gideon, 218
Dun, Moses, 218
Dusky Grouse, 206
Dwarshuis, Arjan, 98–99, 198–99, 202, 256
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle, 60–61
Crested Eagle, 132
Great Philippine Eagle, 224, 230, 231–32
Harpy Eagle, 55–65, 132, 225
Eastern Meadowlark, 138
eBird app, 14–15, 31, 47, 153, 217, 249, 250, 254
Ebola virus, 90, 171
Eclectus Parrot, 241
ecotourism, 102, 105, 110, 114–15, 124, 127–28, 170–72, 184, 186, 238
Ecuador, 99–110, 228–29
Egyptian Goose, 161
Elaeis guineensis, 236
Eldhose, K. V., 212–14
Elegant Crescentchest, 88
elephants, 180, 191
El Yeso Valley, 18–19
Emperor Penguin, 5
Empidonomus varius, 27
Emu, 245
Engblom, Gunnar, 69–88, 91, 93–94, 96–97, 98, 198
Enríquez, Hugo, 121–24
Epaulet Oriole, 60
Erb, Lisa, 127–29, 131, 133
eremomelas, 184–85
Espinosa, Rogelio “Roger,” 18
Ethiopia, 159, 249, 250
Eurasian Moorhen, 180
Eurasian Wigeon, 157
European Starling, 1
Eusebius, Kuriakose Mor, 212–13
eyeshine, 138–39, 241
Ezhupunna Birders, 208–12
Farina, Martin, 24, 29
Fernández, Johan, 113, 115–18, 122–24, 127, 128–33
Fernández Roman, Noah Felipe, 133
Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, 58
A Field Guide to the Birds (Peterson), 38–39
Fiery-throated Hummingbird, 115
Fischer’s Lovebird, 195
Fisher, Dean, 40–41, 42
Fisher, James, 3, 39–40
Five-striped Sparrow, 149
Flame-crowned Flowerpecker, 231
Flame-throated Bulbul, 208
Floyd, Ted, 121
Francis, Sid, 218
Franzen, Jonathan, 47
Galápagos Islands, 100, 101
gallo pinto, 114
Gavensky, Marcelo, 24, 29
Gentoo Penguin, 7
Germany, 159–62
Ghana, 159, 163–82, 184, 187
Giant Antpitta, 103–5, 108
Giant Laughingthrush, 218
“goatsuckers” (nightjars), 139
Gogoi, Bidyut, 252–53, 257–58
Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager, 77, 80–82, 94
Golden-breasted Puffleg, 102
Golden Bush-Robin, 218
Golden-cheeked Warbler, 145
Golden-crowned Sparrow, 256
Golden Mask
ed-Owl, 235–37, 239–42
Gorleri, Fabri, 25, 26, 27–28, 32
Gorospe, Gorka, 159
Grallaria kaestneri, 160
Gray-fronted Green-Pigeon, 209
Gray Go-away-bird, 191–92
Grayheaded Social-Weaver, 195
Gray-necked Rockfowl, 187
Great Dusky Swift, 50
Greater Rhea, 24
Greater Scaup, 149
Great Philippine Eagle, 224, 230, 231–32
Green-breasted Mango, 127
Green-breasted Pitta, 200
Green Warbler, 201
Green-winged Pytilia, 190–91
Gregory, Janine, 189
Guatemala, 118, 119, 121–23, 131–32
Guinea Turaco, 167
Guinness Book of World Records, 200, 203, 205–7
Guyana, 249, 250
Hairy Woodpecker, 147
Happy Wren, 137
Harpy Eagle, 55–65, 133, 225
Hathibaruah, Binanda, 252–53, 257–58
Heart-spotted Woodpecker, 208
Heath, David, 192, 195–97
Henna-hooded Foliage-Gleaner, 91
Herrick, Kelle, 192, 195–97
Heyerly, Anne, 148–51
Heyerly, Dan, 148–51
Hirundinea ferruginea, 26
Homer, Fred, 15, 18, 19–22
Hooded Grebe, 30
hornbills, 46, 170, 173
Horned Guan, 122
Hsu, Wayne, 215–17, 219–23
Huembo Reserve, 93–95
Hung, Kuan-Chieh “Chuck,” 216
Icarangal, Nicky, 224–32
icebergs, 6–7, 17
Iceland, 156–58
Iceland Gull, 157
Iliff, Marshall, 154
Illiasu, Ziblim, 179, 181
immigration points, 141–43
immunizations, 90
India, 200–204, 208–14, 249, 250, 251–55, 257–58
Indonesia, 237
International Date Line, 249–50
Island Flycatcher, 231
Jackass Penguin, 174
Jamaica, 113, 142–43
James, William, 234
Jayaramaiah, Harsha, 202–4, 208–13
Jones, Wayne, 188–92
Julca, Juan, 88
Kaestner, Kimberly, 160–62
Kaestner, Peter, 159–62, 172
Kakum National Park, 172–75
Kalema, Livingstone, 200
Karamoja Apalis, 194–97
Karlsson, Klas Magnus, 189
Kaufman, Kenn, vi–ix, 44–45
Keel-billed Toucan, 125
Keith, Stuart, 41–43, 44, 186
Kenya, 166, 192
Kingbird Highway (Kaufman), 44–45
King-of-Saxony Bird-of-paradise, 238–39
King Penguin, 5
King Vulture, 128
Kistler, Ethan, 192
Klaas’s Cuckoo, 173
Kolbeinsson, Yann, 156–58
Komito, Sandy, 248
Kori Bustard, 190
Kruger National Park, 189–92
Kwabena, Cobby, 176–78
Lake Duck, 206
Lee, Geddy, 47
leks, 104, 106
Lenz, Tim, 153–55
Lesser Moorhen, 179–80
Lettered Aracari, 58
Linnaean Society, 37–38
lists. See checklists
Little Egret, 222
Long-tailed Sylph, 95
Lumiston, Emiliano “Blackie,” 227–28, 229–32
Lumiston, Ramil, 227–28, 229–32
Lyre-tailed Nightjar, 109
Madagascar, 166, 192
Magellanic Woodpecker, 18
Maguari Stork, 24
Malabar Gray Hornbill, 212
Malabar Trogon, 208
Malaysia, 237
Maleo, 237
Many-striped Canastero, 84
Maquis Canastero, 35
Maria (antpitta), 104–5, 107, 108–9
Martin, Claudia, 25, 26, 27–28, 32, 34–35
Martínez, Eric Antonio, 134–35
Marvelous Spatuletail, 68, 87, 93–96
Melancholy Woodpecker, 174
Mexico, 134–38
migration, 31, 111–12
Mikado Pheasant, 217
Military Macaw, 137
Miller, Martha, 189, 191
Miller, Ruth, 48–49, 200
Mindanao Bleeding-heart, 226–27
Mindanao Island, 224–32
Miombo Wren-Warbler, 191
Mirin, Ben, 213
Mishmi Hills, 252–54
Mississippi Kite, 31
Mitchnick, Alan, 189, 191
Mitred Parakeet, 27
Moitessier, Bernard, 247
Mole National Park, 178–81
Monte Albán, 135
mosquito-borne viruses, 89–90
moths, 124–26
Mountain Gray Woodpecker, 194
Mountain Warbler, 231
Mountain White-eye, 231
Mount Cameroon, 187
Mount Kilimanjaro, 194
Mount Kitanglad, 226, 227
Moustached Antpitta, 109
Msengi, Roger, 192, 195, 196, 197
Mulga Parrot, 244
Murdoch, Floyd, 44
Myanmar, 218
Nair, Preetu, 212–14
Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands (Catesby), 37
New Britain, 234–37, 239–42
New Britain Boobook, 240
New Britain Friarbird, 240
New Britain Kingfisher, 240
New Britain Rail, 240
New Britain Sparrowhawk, 240
New Britain Thrush, 240
New Year’s Day, 1–2
New Year’s Eve, 228–29, 251–55, 257–58
New York, 145, 152–53
New Zealand, 245
Nigeria, 57, 168, 170, 178
nightjars, 139–41
Ochraceous Wren, 117
Ochre-breasted Antpitta, 109, 110
O’Connor, Frank, 244–47, 252
oil palms, 235–37, 239–41
Oleaginous Hemispingus, 174
Olivaceous Piha, 109
Olmstead, Scott, 149
O’Neill, John, 97
One Ocean Expeditions, 5–6
Orange-billed Sparrow, 130
Oregon, 148–51
Oriental Bay-Owl, 257–58
Oriole Warbler, 179
Orozco, Roy, 113, 115–19, 122–23, 124–30, 132–33
Panama, 112–13, 132
Papua New Guinea, 234–42
Pardusco, 82
Parker, Ted, 44, 81
Pastizal grasslands, 34–35
Paynes Find, 243–45, 246, 250
Paz, Ángel, 102–10
Pearled Treerunner, 81
Pengjia Islet, 221
Peregrine Falcon, 206
Peru, 66–76, 78–80, 83–84, 86–93, 96–97
Peruvian Screech-Owl, 88
Peterson, Roger Tory, 3, 37–40
Philippines, 215–16, 223–28, 229–32
Pied-crested Tit-Tyrant, 67
Pied Crow, 167
Pink, Dan, 207
pintado (Cape Petrel), 9–10
Piping Cisticola, 180
Piura Chat-Tyrant, 88
Plains-wanderer, 246
Port Moresby, 238
Progne elegans, 27
Psittacara mitratus, 27
Quito, Ecuador, 100–101
Rainbow-bearded Thornbill, 102
Rancho Naturalista, 124, 127–28, 133
Raphael, Anthony, 192, 195–97
Rapoza, Brian, 189
Ratiantsihoarana, Jacky, 192
Rattling Cisticola, 180
d Cordonbleu, 180
Red-cockaded Woodpecker, 145, 146–47
Red-crested Cotinga, 84
Red Grouse, 205
Red Junglefowl, 11
Red-necked Woodpecker, 60
Red-throated Ant-Tanagers, 125–26
Red-throated Tit, 195
Reed, Chester, 38
Resplendent Quetzal, 115, 117–19, 121, 132
Retter, Michael, 145–47
Richards, Del, 245, 246
Rockjumper tours, 188–89, 235–36
Rock-loving Cisticola, 180
Rock Wren, 135
Roesler, Ignacio “Kini,” 30
Roseate Spoonbill, 24
Rose-ringed Parakeet, 179
Rothschild’s Swift, 27
Rufous-bellied Nighthawk, 109
Rufous-breasted Antthrush, 109
Rufous Night-Heron, 235
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, 127
Rufous-tailed Plantcutter, 21–22
Rusty-throated Wren-Babbler, 253
Sánchez, Manuel, 101–3, 105
San Sebastian de la Selva forest reserve, 50–51
Santos, René, 52–53
Sasirat, Panuwat “Par,” 237
Sasi, Sanu, 208–11
Scaled Antpitta, 109
Scaled Pigeon, 60
Scaly-breasted Wren, 125
Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager, 75
Scarlet Macaw, 128
Schmitt, Fabrice, 15
Schubothe, Harv, 192, 195–97
Schulenberg, Tom, 154
Screaming Piha, 14
Scrub Nightjar, 88
Segovia, José, 25, 27–28, 32, 34–35
Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path), 68–69, 70
Serengeti, 192–97
Serra das Araras, 54–65
Shining Honeycreeper, 113
Shining Sunbeam, 75, 174
shorebirds, 15, 111, 145, 195, 219, 237
Sibbald, Glenn, 61, 72–74, 77–78, 80–85, 87–88, 91–92, 95–96
Siberian Crane, 221–23
Sieburth, Dessi, 149
Sierra Madre, 135–36
Siffling Cisticola, 180
Silver-breasted Broadbill, 255, 257
Singal, Ramit, 252–53, 257–58
Singing Cisticola, 180
Birding Without Borders Page 62