Skinner, B. F., 62
Skutch, Alexander, 118
Slaty Vireo, 135
sleep deprivation, 88, 167
sleeping sickness, 195–96
Smiles, Mark, 201
Snetsinger, Phoebe, 78
solo travel, 29, 143–44, 247, 256
Sooty-capped Chlorospingus, 117
South Africa, 166, 186–92, 218–19, 228–29
Southeast Asia, 233, 237
Southern Cassowary, 245
Southern Ground-Hornbill, 190
Southern Rockhopper Penguin, 17
Southern Screamer, 24
Southern Willamette Ornithological Club, 148
Spain, 159
Spix’s Macaw, 52
Spoon-billed Sandpiper, 237
Sporophila lineola, 27
Spot-bellied Eagle-Owl, 257
Spot-breasted Antvireo, 53
Sri Lanka, 237
Sri Lanka Frogmouth, 211–12
Stephan’s Dove, 240
Stripe-breasted Rhabdornis, 230
Striped Sparrow, 138
Styan’s Bulbul, 217
Stygian Owl, 13
Sulphur-breasted Bushshrike, 191
Sunbittern, 127, 129
Superb Bird-of-paradise, 238
Surucua Trogon, 51
Swinhoe’s Pheasant, 217
Sword-billed Hummingbird, 102
Taiwan, 215–23
Taiwan Blue-Magpie, 217
Tambourine Dove, 173
Tanzania, 166, 186–87, 192–97, 198, 200
tapetum lucidum, 138
Tasmania, 245
Tawny-chested Flycatcher, 127
Tawny Grassbird, 231
Tawny Pipit, 159
Temminck’s Courser, 195
10,000350 Birds blog, 122–23
Texas, 141, 143, 144–47
Thailand, 237
Thattekad Bird Sanctuary, 208–9, 210–13
Thick-billed Murre, 157
Thrush-like Wren, 58
Ticlio Pass, 66–67, 72
Tierra del Fuego National Park, 17–18
Tikal, 121–22
Timberline Wren, 116, 117
Times of India, 214
Tindana, Robert, 179, 180–81
Tit-hylia, 173
torpor, 141
Torrent Duck, 28–29, 32
Trilling Cisticola, 180
tsetse flies, 195–96
Tucker, Jim, 42
Tucumán Mountain-Finch, 35
Tufted Puffin, 149, 150–51, 157
Tufted Titmouse, 146
Tumbes Sparrow, 88
Tumbes Tyrant, 88
Turkey, 159
Turkey Vulture, 4
Tveit, Bjørn Olav, 158
typhoon Lando, 215–16, 223–24
Uganda, 100, 166
United Arab Emirates, 201
Upland Sandpiper, 153
Utcubamba Valley, 93–94
Valdés, René, 135–40
Vardaman, James, 45–46
visas, 51–52, 148, 252
Volcano Hummingbird, 116
Volcano Junco, 115
Wailing Cisticola, 180
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 238
Wandering Tattler, 174
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper, 101
Weigel, John, 248
Welz, Adam, 219
Western Bluebird, 138
whales, 17, 151, 204, 219–20
WhatsApp, 32, 120, 153–54
Whistling Cisticola, 180
whistling thorn habitat, 196
White-backed Swallow, 246
White-backed Vulture, 190
White-bellied Hummingbird, 95
White-bellied Treepie, 208
White-breasted Waterhen, 209
White-breasted Wood-Wren, 126
White-browed Crake, 240
White-browed Treecreeper, 244–45
White-capped Dipper, 75
White-cheeked Barbet, 212
Whitehead’s Broadbill, 237
Whitehead’s Spiderhunter, 237
Whitehead’s Trogon, 237
White-necked Jacobin, 127
White-nest Swiftlet, 237
White-rumped Munia, 209
White-rumped Needletail, 209
Whitewinged Scoter, 149
Wild America (Peterson and Fisher), 39–40, 41, 44, 45
Wild Turkey, 206
Wilson, Alexander, 37
Wilson, Owen, 47, 248
Winding Cisticola, 180
Wing-snapping Cisticola, 180
Worthen’s Sparrow, 145
Yanacocha Reserve, 101–2
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, 126
Yellow-breasted Antpitta, 109
Yellow-rumped Honeyguide, 253
Yellow-scarfed Tanager, 81
Yellow-thighed Finch, 116
Yellow-throated Tinkerbird, 173
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker, 58
Yenmoro, Joseph, 234–36, 240–41
Yerger, John, 149
Yogurtçuoglu, Emin, 159
Yudi, Pak, 237
Zimmer’s Tapaculo, 35
Zitting Cisticola, 180
Zone-tailed Hawk, 137
About the Author
NOAH STRYCKER is associate editor of Birding magazine and the author of The Thing with Feathers and Among Penguins. He has studied birds worldwide and works as a guide on expedition cruises to Antarctica and the Arctic, spreading the inspiration of birds from pole to pole.
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