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Her Boss: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

Page 15

by Roxeanne Rolling

  We walk into the living room. The sun is shining brightly all through the house, lighting everything up inside here. Once again, I’m struck by the luxury of the house, the decorations.

  We sit down on the couch, side by side, but with plenty of space between us.

  “So what did you want to talk to me about?” I say.

  I’m practically holding my breath, waiting for an answer.

  His demeanor is a little different… he’s still rocking his commanding presence as always. He’s obviously the boss of just about everything and anyone, whether or not they’re working for him. I’m not going to call it a softness, but there’s something else there.

  “I wanted to talk to you,” says Ryan, turning his body to look me right in the eyes. “I… I don’t know where to start, but, well, I just wanted to tell you a story.”

  “A story?”

  I guess I was thinking he was going to admit his love for me… this isn’t exactly what I was expecting. But he’s talking differently than he usually does—I’m not growing angry.

  “My mother raised me,” he says. “My dad ran off… It was just me and her. That’s how I got started in computers, you see…”

  The story comes tumbling out of him. He tells me all about his childhood with his mother, and how if it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t have known anything about computers whatsoever. He tells me how close he and his mom were, how she made dinner for him every night, despite being dead tired from her job as a secretary. And he tells me how she took classes along with her job and still managed to raise him.

  There aren’t any tears in his eyes, but I can see the sadness in his face as he tells me how his mom started getting sick, and about how he finally found a doctor who was able to diagnose her, only to find out that she was going to die very, very soon from terminal lung cancer.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that,” I say. There may be no tears in his eyes, but there are some in mine. The way he tells the story is just heartbreaking. I’ve never had anyone open up like this to me ever, and the douchebag billionaire is certainly the last person that I would ever expect to talk like this.

  He tells me more, about how he locked away all these feelings for so long, and about how it wasn’t until today that he opened the box that contained the pictures of his mother… feelings that he’d been trying to lock away for so long came rushing back… he’s glad he did so.

  “And I wanted to tell you all this,” he says. “Because… well, I realized I’ve been locking away all sorts of emotions… not just those about my family history…”

  His words come out in spurts, but he’s still not awkward and he’s never stumbling over his words.

  “Thanks for telling me,” I say.

  “And this has a lot to do with you.”

  “With me? What do you mean?” I know what he’s going to say, I think, but I have to ask anyway.

  “I feel something different for you… Something intense, and I didn’t want to admit it.”

  I pause for a moment. A thousand thoughts are buzzing in my mind, with a thousand possible things to say. In the end, I let my instincts guide me, and tell him what I feel. “I feel the same way about you,” I say, my voice soft. “You hurt me… I thought there was something between us, but then you treated me like any one of your other girls.”

  “There aren’t any other girls. You’re different from anyone I’ve ever been with… and I feel something for you… I think I…”

  I hold my breath, but he doesn’t say it.

  “Let’s give it another chance,” he says.

  I don’t say anything. For a response, I lean across the wide gap between us and kiss him softly on the mouth, letting my lips fall against his like rose petals.

  He kisses me back, softly, but not so gently.

  “Let’s take it slow this time,” he says.

  “OK,” I say.

  We continue kissing, and his strong hands work their way across my back and down my shoulders. He pushes my hair aside and kisses my neck gently.

  I moan softly.

  “I don’t know if I can take it slow with you,” I say, my voice soft and throaty, filled with lust.

  Just being near him again, having his hands on me, it’s incredible.

  This time may not be slow, but it’s different than the other times we’ve had sex. I can already tell this isn’t just fucking. There’s more than lust here, something else, something powerful between us that pulses through our bodies.

  I feel his hard cock in his pants, pushing outward and upward.

  “We’ll go to the bedroom,” he says. “No more closets and couches for you.”

  “None?” I say, inflecting my voice. “But I liked the closet.”

  “I know you did.”

  He picks me up in his arms easily and carries me against his dense chest. He carries me through the house, up the stairs, and lays me gently on the plush mattress.

  It’s almost dusk outside. We’ve been talking for hours without me realizing it. Ryan closes the blinds gently, and comes to lay beside me on the bed, putting one of his strong hands on me.

  I snuggle up to him, and his hard cock presses against me.

  “I love having your cock pressed into me,” I whisper.

  Slowly, I start grinding my body against him and his cock. I can’t help it. I do it almost automatically.

  The tension builds and builds between us, and finally it snaps like a twig. There’s simply too much attraction between us to take it slow.

  His mouth mashes against mine, our tongues tangling. His hands are all over me, and mine are on him.

  I push my way on top of him, laying my body flat on his. His cock pushes right into the space between my legs.

  We go through the clumsy business of removing our clothes, only it’s not clumsy at all. Instead, it feels romantic and special. With me straddling him now, he reaches down and removes my shirt from my torso, and he unhooks my bra from behind, letting it fall away.

  He leans up and sucks on my nipples, which are hard little daggers pointing right into his mouth.

  I unbuckle his belt, undoing his pants, and move aside and off of him so that I can tug them down.

  Soon, our clothes are on a pile on the floor, and I straddle him once again.

  A condom appears nearly out of nowhere, and I help him put in on his big cock, letting my hand stay there, pushing my palm into the base of his cock.

  When I remove my hand, there’s an instant where I’m about to slide myself down onto his cock, taking him into me.

  He pulls me down with his hands on his shoulders and kisses me, gently this time, but passionately.

  “I love you,” he says.

  I can see it in his eyes that he means it. This isn’t just some line. My heart fills with the most intense joy I’ve ever experienced.

  “I love you too,” I say.

  I slide myself down onto his cock and it enters me. I love being able to control the speed, and I start out thinking I’m going to ride him slowly. I actually do for a little while, long slow rocking motions, rocking back and forth along his muscular body.

  But soon, the tension builds, and I simply want him too much.

  With my eyes locked onto his, I start riding him faster and faster, until I’m panting with exertion.

  His cock feels so fucking good inside me. I don’t ever want it to leave. My hands are planted on his chest, palms downward.

  He growls as he winks at me and basically just picks me up and flips me over, getting on top of me quickly, without his cock ever leaving me.

  I start moaning as soon as he’s on top of me. He doesn’t break the rhythm at all. He’s riding me hard and fast, with his eyes still locked onto mine.

  His hands hold my head around the side, cupping me like I’m the most precious thing in the world to him. It’s sweet and also ragingly hot at the same time.

  This is just as hot as when we fucked in the closet, but it’s different… it’s impossible to e
xplain, but there’s emotion now. That doesn’t make it any less hot, less naughty, or less intense. It makes it more intense.

  The orgasm rushes through me and I cry out as he keeps riding me.

  He comes a moment later, his cock twitching inside me, frozen, buried deep.

  We stay like this for a full minute before disengaging. We’re both panting, and he’s still looking into my eyes, brushing the hair out of my eyes.

  “Wow,” I say, finally getting the strength to talk again.

  “Wow is right,” he says.

  “So this is where you run off again, right?”

  He laughs, a deep chuckle coming from his chest.

  “Not this time,” he says. “You’re staying right here with me.” He pulls me close to him. He’s on his back, and I nestle my head into the crook of his arm. His muscular arm drapes up and around me, holding me close to him.

  We fall asleep like this, drifting off into the night, into dreams that are as sweet as what’s developing between us.

  “I love you,” I tell him, right before finally closing my eyes.

  “I love you too, Lily,” he says.


  I don’t know how to express it to her, but I try my best the next morning.

  “That was incredible,” I say. “I’ve never… You know, I’ve fucked plenty of times.”

  “I know,” she says, winking at me.

  “But I’ve never made love before. That was different… so different.”

  She just kisses me and hugs me. “Remember,” she says. “It’s new for me, too.”

  We eat breakfast together in the kitchen, with the light coming in.

  For me, it’s the longest I’ve been in daylight in a few days, maybe more. I’ve been locked away down there in that basement, bleeding my eyes out onto the computer screen.

  Everything seemed impossible, impractical, completely pointless. I was lost, and for more time than I thought. I’ve been lost for years, and now I’ve found her. I was adrift, like a sailor at sea. Except the sailor knows he’s lost, and I didn’t.

  I wish I could tell her everything, exactly how I feel. But it’s hard starting to express myself like this…

  It’s not like I’m a new person. No, I’m still the same commanding guy who can tackle everything, just like before. But I’m better equipped now to confront challenges than ever. I was missing the critical thing. I was missing Lily.

  I tell her what I can. I do my best, which isn’t enough. There will be time for that later. She’s not going anywhere, and neither am I.

  We don’t talk much through breakfast, finding ourselves just staring at each other instead.

  The rest of the day goes by like a pleasant dream. We walk in the park in the sun, and she falls asleep with her head in my lap as we sit in the warm grass. Children are playing nearby, laughing and running around.

  The day floats by and I don’t think about my business problems at all. They simply don’t enter my head, so enthralled am I to have this beautiful creature at my side.

  “You want to get some ice cream?” I say as Lily wakes up, smiling at me as she opens her eyes.

  “Ice cream?” she says sleepily.

  I nod.

  “Oh!” says Lily. “What happened with the algorithm? You said…”

  I tell her everything, including the news that I got from Jonny Robbins, and I share with her the struggles I’ve been having with trying to figure out how Simmons could have faked the results.

  “So what do you need to do to prove that he faked it all?” she says.

  I shrug. “I don’t know. I guess I’d have to have access to the tech magazine’s servers.”

  “What’s it called again?”

  “Tech Bee Bumble,” I say. “Only a bunch of computer nerds could have come up with a name like that.”

  “Can’t you just hack in?”

  I shrug. “It would be tricky. I mean, they’re tech guys who talk about security all day long. Believe me, I’ve tried, but their servers are probably more secure than the government’s. And that makes me wonder if Simmons really could have cracked it himself in order to manipulate everything.”

  “Wait, did you say Tech Bee Bumble?”

  “Yeah,” I say. “Why? I bet you’ve heard of them. They’re pretty big in the algorithm world. Not a lot of people outside the business know them.”

  “You know,” says Lily. “I have all these roommates… and I thought they were all finance people. They party really hard, and they’re never home. I hadn’t even met any of them until recently… because I was at home.”

  “Because you quit?”

  “Yeah,” she says, letting her word trail off into nothing, into embarrassment.

  “Just say the word and you’re hired again.”


  “Of course,” I say. “But keep in mind that I’ll be your boss again.” I wink at her.

  “You’ll always be my boss,” she says.

  “That’s kind of weird,” I say, laughing.

  She laughs. “But, yes, I desperately need the job. Money’s kind of tight right now.”

  “No problem. But I don’t know how much longer the company’s going to be around if I don’t fix this problem.”

  “Wait,” says Lily. “Before you say that, I think I have a way we could get into the system…”


  “Yeah, so get this. One of my roommates is this guy named Blake with a real big head. He doesn’t talk much. And he’s not a finance guy at all. He actually works for that same magazine.”

  “He works for Tech Bee Bumble?” I say.

  “Yeah, I’m positive. He told me the name and I didn’t remember it right away, so I asked him again. He’s kind of a weird guy. He finally just pulled out his ID card and showed me the name on that. Maybe he is a finance guy after all or something, I couldn’t really get the whole story out of him. But what I do know is that he definitely works for Tech Bee Bumble.”

  “You think he’d let us into the building, or give us access to the server? I personally doubt it. They’re going to have top security over there.”

  “I really don’t know him at all, and he didn’t seem too friendly. I doubt he’d do anything willingly, but maybe…”

  “Are you suggesting we use his credentials or something to gain access?”

  “It could work, couldn’t it?”

  “You’re naughty,” I say. “Very naughty. And I like it.”

  “You’ll have plenty of time to punish me later,” says Lily. “First of all, what do we need? What would give us access?”

  “Well, if we could get onto his laptop or something… That’s pretty much all we need.”

  “Great,” says Lily. “Let’s go to my place then.”

  “Right now?”

  “Of course. It’s important, right? And the company’s in jeopardy.”

  “I just care about you,” I say. “But now that you mention it, I would like to crush Simmons…”

  “That’s the Ryan Hudson I know,” says Lily, giving me a forceful kiss on the mouth.

  My cock grows, pressing against the fabric of my pants. I can feel her body against me, ready.

  But there’s business to take care of. We’re going to have all the time in the world to fuck.

  “I’ll get us a car,” I say, using my phone to order one.

  Less than a minute later, while we’re still making out, a sleek black car pulls gracefully to a stop only about fifteen feet from where we’re sitting.

  “Good service,” says Lily, impressed. “I could get used to this lifestyle.”

  “It’ll be an easy transition,” I say. “But we have to prove Simmons a fraud first.”

  The driver drops us off by Haight Ashbury, where Lily’s apartment is tucked into the back side of an old rambling Victorian.

  Lily takes my hand and leads me through the entrance hallway, which has cracked paint and a strange, moldy smell.

  “I used to
live in places like this,” I say.

  “It takes some getting used to.”

  “It’s not bad,” I say, eyeing a broken broom that’s leaning against the wall in the hallway.

  “I’m this way,” says Lily, opening the door to her apartment with her key.

  The kitchen is… intense. It looks like a bunch of college kids live here or something. The sink is full of dirty dishes, and there are half empty vodka bottles lined up on the counter.

  My first thought is: where’s the maid? What’s she been doing? Is she on vacation?

  Then I realize most people don’t have maids, let alone a staff of them.

  “Nice place,” I say.

  “No need to bullshit me,” says Lily.

  I laugh. “Just trying to be nice.”

  “That’s not really your style. Come on, it’s this way.”

  “Blake?” she calls out, moving down the hallway. I follow. “Blake? Hailey? Is anyone home? Seems like everyone is out.”

  “How much time do you think we have?” I say.

  “It’s hard to say. Someone could come home at any time. I don’t know their schedules. Hailey’s at work… she’s my best friend… the one from the park.”

  “The one who wanted you to jump my bones again in the park?”

  “Yeah,” she says. “And come to think of it, I need to apologize to her.”

  There’s a noise in the hallway.

  “Is that someone?” I whisper.


  The noise goes away, and the front door doesn’t swing open.

  “A lot of my roommates are never here. Blake’s one of them. Here’s his room.”

  We enter the room, which is sparsely furnished with a mattress on the floor and not much else.

  “They must not be paying well over at Tech Bee Bumble,” I say.

  “Here’s his laptop.”

  Hailey goes over to his laptop, which is lying on the floor near the mattress.

  “He probably fell asleep jacking off to porn or something,” I say.

  “Gross,” says Lily.

  I crouch down in front of the laptop, careful not to move it from its position. I’m also careful to avoid sitting on the mattress because, as Lily points out quite accurately, it’s quite filthy.


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