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Her Boss: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

Page 18

by Roxeanne Rolling

  “Hi, Jim,” says Dan, jovially.

  “It’s still Mr. Bach, to you, Dan,” says Mr. Bach. “Even if you have graduated from high school. Although I don’t know how you got out. What are you doing? Working in a car wash?”

  “Scholarship to college,” says Dan, brightly and defiantly.

  “You better get going,” says Mr. Bach. “I’m calling the cops now, and don’t think that they’re all your fans, Dan. Jimmy Gecker is an officer now, and he was one of my favorite students.”

  “How’s old Jimmy doing?” says Dan, still smiling defiantly.

  I groan inwardly. Jimmy Gecker was the biggest suck up ever, and he always loved getting everyone he could into trouble, no matter how minor the offense.

  “I’d be driving along, if I were you, Ms. Parsons,” says Mr. Bach. Ugh, I can’t believe he remembers me. “And if I were you, I wouldn’t be hanging around with a low life like Dan. You were a good student, Ms. Parsons. Always quiet and obedient.”

  He rolls his window up and I start the car again.

  Dan gives me a grin.

  “That wasn’t too bad,” he says.

  But Mr. Bach and his old station wagon doesn’t leave it with that. Instead, he makes a U-turn and follows us all through the streets, no matter what route I take.

  “Looks like he’s determined not to let us have any fun,” says Dan.

  “I should be getting back to my dad, anyway,” I say, checking the car’s clock. “I need to give him his medicine.”

  “Come on,” says Dan. “Let’s go somewhere. I’m sure we can lose this creep. You just might have to drive a little faster, that’s all. Can’t he take his medicine himself?”

  I shake my head. “Sorry,” I say. “I’ve got to be there. I have to write it in the log and everything and he never does it on his own. I think he just wants to die.”

  That puts a damper on the whole amorous mood of the car, for sure.

  We drive silently through the streets.

  “I still want to see you again,” says Dan, as I pull up to his house.

  “I want to see you again, too,” I say.

  I notice that his cock is still rock hard in his jeans, creating an unmistakably huge bulge.

  “It seems like we keep getting interrupted,” says Dan, flashing me his famous smile, with all his teeth shining like the moon, but a sexy moon.

  I know I’m not making sense to myself in my head, but his sexiness, his masculinity completely overwhelm me.

  I feel my heart leaping out towards him, but there’s already a sadness here inside me.

  After all, it seems like I can’t get away from sadness. First my mom died, and now my dad is certainly going to die.

  This is fun, messing around with Dan like this, in the car. It hasn’t been since prom, when I was 18, that I did anything with a guy. It gives me an escape from my dreary life. After all, I work a dead end job, I’m not in college, and I’m caring for my grumpy, dying dad. I understand why he’s grumpy. He doesn’t have anything to look forward to.

  Dan is my thing to look forward to, my thing to long for and dream of.

  And he awakens parts of my body I didn’t even know I had.

  But he’s headed back to college, hours away from me. He’s headed back to college, where he’s undoubtedly the king of the school, just like he was in high school.

  If I were in college, too, would he even look at me? Would he even be interested in me?

  How long can anything with him last, since we’re going to be hours apart, with such different lives?

  I’ve followed his career ever since he left for college. It’s true, I’ve always had a crush on him. Every major sports paper says he’s bound for the pros.

  What does that mean will become of us? He’s not going to take me with him on his crazy celebrity lifestyle in the pros, the one he’s bound to have, the one he’s headed for.

  But why do I have to think so far into the future? We aren’t even an “us” yet, and I don’t know if that’s even going to happen.

  “You still there, Chloe?” says Dan, laughing.

  “Oh,” I say, as he startles me out of my cascading daydream thoughts. “Yeah.”

  “Anyway,” says Dan. “If Glecker is a cop, we can’t rely on the cops giving us a free pass. And we keep getting interrupted. Why don’t we get a hotel? We’ll each sneak out at midnight, when everyone else is asleep.”

  “A hotel?” I say.

  I mean, I was just grabbing his cock, and I was just sucking on his cock. But a hotel means… we’re definitely going all the way.

  As soon as I think of this, my body responds. I can already almost imagine what it will feel like to have his hard cock deep inside me.

  “I’d love to,” I say, just as Dan’s parents appear at the door.

  His mom comes over to the car, peering at me over her reading glasses.

  “He’s not giving you a hard time, is he?” she says.

  I shake my head and blush. “He’s been very gentlemanly.”

  She scoffs. “I don’t believe it for a second,” she says, peering disapprovingly at her son.

  “Tomorrow night,” mouths Dan at me as he disappears into the house.

  I head back to my dad’s, and give him his medicine and make all the marks I need to on all his charts.

  I frown as I look over the latest report by the doctor. My dad’s not doing well, and everything’s getting worse. In particular, his one remaining kidney is beginning to shut down. The doctor cautions in his written report that my dad might not have much time left at all.

  He’s going to die. I’m going to lose him. I don’t know what I’ll do.

  Tears start falling down my cheeks as I put away the dropper for one of my dad’s medicines, making sure to screw the top all the way back on.

  “What’s the matter, Chloe?” says my dad, the gruffness momentarily gone from his voice.

  “It’s nothing, Dad,” I say.

  “Come on, Chloe,” he says. “You’re worried about me?”

  “Yeah,” I say, sitting down next to him on the battered couch.

  My dad switches off the TV.

  “I’m sorry to watch so much of this garbage,” he says. “I just… I’m scared to, Chloe. I don’t want to face the end. I just want distraction.”

  “Dad…” I say. “That’s horrible…”

  My dad shrugs. “We all deal with death differently,” he says. “I’ve never been a very spiritual person. It is what it is. But, Chloe, and you’ve got to listen to me. I don’t want the same thing to happen to you. I don’t want you to live your life running away from things. If you want something, you’ve got to get it. Just go out and get it. Take life by the balls, if you’ll excuse the expression.”

  But his expression makes me laugh, the laughter driving the tears away from my eyes.

  My cell phone rings at me.

  “It can wait,” I say.

  “Get it,” says my dad. “Maybe it’s your new boyfriend.”

  I give him a surprised look. How did he know I’m interested in Dan? My dad can be more perceptive than he seems, especially when he’s all grumpy and grumbling at everything.

  My dad just winks at me.

  “Go on,” he says. “Answer it.” He’s smiling at me. His face seems absent of any fear. For this moment, it seems that he doesn’t fear death.

  I answer the phone without looking at it, sure that it’s Dan. My heart almost skips a beat when I think of Dan calling me. I can’t wait to talk to him, and greedily swipe my finger across the screen, answering it.

  “Chloe? Is that you? Listen, it’s Tami. We’ve got a situation here.”

  Tami, I think to myself, damnit. That’s about the furthest I could get from Dan. I groan inwardly, already knowing that she’s going to ask me to come in tomorrow, or even tonight if I’m really unlucky.

  “Tim and John both called out,” she says. “I’m in a bind here, Chloe. Marge quit today without any notice. I need you
to come in tomorrow. I’m covering tonight, but please, I need you to work all tomorrow.”

  Marge? I didn’t even know there was someone named Marge who worked at the movie theater.

  I want to tell Tami to go screw herself. I really do. She’s always pulling this garbage with me. The only reason people are quitting and calling out in droves is because she’s so mean and demanding.

  But I need the money. I glance over at my dad.

  His illness has made me much more practical, much more pragmatically minded. I know that once he’s gone, selling the house will pay off his medical debts and not much else. I’m going to be on my own and I’m going to need money if I don’t want to be on the street. And without a college degree, I’m going to have a hard time of getting a job that pays well.

  I might as well save up all the money I can now.

  “Fine,” I say. “I’ll be there for opening tomorrow.”

  “And closing too?” says Tami, a pleading tone in her voice. But don’t be fooled. She can be nasty when she needs to.

  I think of Dan, and our midnight rendezvous, realizing that I won’t be able to make it.

  But I can tell him to wait for me, right?

  “Sure,” I say. “I’ll be there, Tami. I’ll work the double shift.”

  “Great,” says Tami. Now that she’s got what she wants from me, the semi-sweet pleading tones of her voice drop away and she simply hangs up the phone.

  “Looks like I’ve got to work tomorrow,” I say. “All day.”

  My dad’s gone back to his TV world, retreating into a place where he feels secure and safe, away from the world, where he can let his mind wander in this fantasy world.

  “I’m going to bed,” I mumble and head up to my room.

  I strip off my clothes. It’s chilly in the house, because we don’t want to waste money paying for heat, which has gotten much more expensive.

  In my underwear, I crawl into bed, without changing into my pajamas. First, of course, I turn off the light.

  My head on my pillow, I stare at the ceiling, and my thoughts turn to Dan, and the way his cock felt in my hand, and in my mouth.

  I slip my hand under the elastic band of my underwear, and I feel myself. I’m ready for his cock right now. My breathing is going ragged.

  In my mind’s eye, I picture what his cock looks like. I can’t wait to see his naked body, hard and muscular, right before me. I can’t wait to feel him on top of me, pressing his weight down onto me, pressing himself into me.

  My breathing grows more ragged as I begin to orgasm, the pleasure washing through me. I want to moan out loud, but I keep my mouth closed, keeping my noises to myself as I squirm under the covers. The cold air feels good and calming on my face, and when the pleasure fades away from me, I pull the covers back to cool off a little.


  I can’t stop thinking about her. Last night, I jerked myself off furiously to the thought of her mouth on my cock earlier that day.

  But despite relieving myself, I wake up with the biggest and stiffest morning wood of my life. I simply don’t have a choice but to give myself some relief. I can’t be walking around all day with this kind of wood in my pants. So I close my eyes and the hottest thing I can possibly think of is still Chloe, with her mouth around my cock. I wonder what it’s going to be like to get inside her, to be on top of her, to fuck her, to be between her legs, to bury my hard cock in her sweet pussy?

  I come in no time, my fist working furiously away at my cock.

  You just have to wait until tonight, I tell myself. I check my cell phone’s clock, and remind myself that it’s just a little less than fifteen hours.

  My cell phone beeps at me.

  “Have to work late tonight,” reads a text message from Chloe. (We exchanged numbers yesterday.) “But I can meet you there at one, I think.”

  “No problem,” I write back, adding a smiley face, although I’m not sure why. I’m not the type of guy who normally uses smiley faces. I add a kissy face and a heart for good measure. Shit, that looks lame, I think to myself.

  In college, I don’t need to go to this much effort to sleep with someone. They simply come to me, sometimes knocking on my door in the middle of the night.

  But Chloe isn’t like that. Chloe is special. There’s something about her that attracts me so much to her and I can’t explain what it is. She drives me absolutely crazy, and she drives my cock crazy, making it harder than it’s ever been before, making me simply ache for her and her body. My cock aches to be inside her.

  I’d better head downstairs before I get another erection. My cock’s already getting a little stiff again.

  My parents have gone away on errands, leaving a note on the table.

  That’s just like them, I think to myself. Even though I’m just home for less than a week, they’ve still got their own stuff to do that’s more important than spending time with me.

  Whatever, I think to myself. This means I’ve got the place to myself.

  I make a mess of the kitchen, frying up some steaks, bacon, liver, and eggs for breakfast. I wash the whole thing down with a quart of milk and a couple of glasses of orange juice.

  Coach says I need to work on my diet. He says I need more power if I want to go pro. But I know I’m going to go pro no matter what. I still have a couple more years in which I can grow even bigger, getting even stronger, so long as I keep working out.

  I clean the dishes and I have an hour to kill before my work out. I try to open some of my school textbooks, but the words on the page seem to swim away from me. Normally, I don’t have any problems studying, but my mind keeps wandering back to Chloe. Chloe, Chloe, Chloe. She’s stuck in my head like an earworm, a catchy melody that you can’t get out of your head.

  Time for the workout.

  I head into the basement, where my old weights from high school are still there. My dad bought them for me, and once in a while he’ll use them himself, but not often.

  I study the weight for a moment, then pull off my shirt. I glance at my reflection in the mirror that’s there to study my weight lifting form. Not bad, I think to myself, flexing a little.

  Chloe’s going to like this, I think to myself, studying my body.

  Come on, man, can’t you think about something else for a moment?

  After all, you’ve got plenty of football games coming up. It’s important to keep up with the training even though you’re at home. I tell this all to myself like a little mental lecture.

  After warm ups, I do bench presses, three sets of 10 each, with 80% of my max, with my shirt off. This doesn’t even get me sweating, though.

  With my back lying on the weight lifting bench, the iron bar above me, I can feel my cock swelling. I glance down and see it poking up massively, creating a huge tent in my work out shorts.

  Shit, I think to myself. I can’t continue my workout with a hard on like this.

  There’s an old trick that all virile guys like myself use, and use often.

  Before a date, when you’re particularly excited about a girl, it’s a good idea to jerk off a few times ahead of the date. Some just jerk off once, and there’s enough for them, to keep them from getting too excited.

  For me, I happen to have a very high sex drive. Probably goes along with being muscular and fit and young.

  I can’t think of anyone else but Chloe, of course.

  I have a good visual memory, but it’s not as good as pictures, so I head online to her social media profile and pull up some pictures of her from the last couple months.

  There are just a couple, and honestly it doesn’t look like she’s been doing much more than working, but there’s a picture of her wearing her movie theater uniform, which is a tight shirt that shows off her breasts and her hips.

  I slide my hand into my shorts, and then, frustrated already, I slide my shorts down while still lying shirtless on the workout bench.

  Propping my phone up on the floor, I stare at it, and start working away at m
y cock.

  With Chloe’s picture in front of me, it’s not long before I explode into an old rag that I promptly throw out.

  I should be ready for tonight, I think to myself.

  I do two sets of heavy weight squats, all the way down to the ground each time, my ass almost hitting the floor.

  When I’m done with my workout, I hit the shower and let the steam pile up around me, relaxing my tired muscles.

  Then it’s time for another meal. I have to laugh at myself. Sometimes it feels like all I do is eat, play football, and lift weights. Well, that and party, of course.

  But someone like Chloe could open up new possibilities for me, new things to do.

  I’m surprised at myself, really surprised, because in my head I’m imagining all sorts of possibilities with Chloe, like going on dates together, going to dinner at fancy restaurants, and when the weather is better, hanging out in the park.

  But she’s going to be here at home, a townie, and I’m going to be at college, playing football constantly. I’m even supposed to be there for the summer months, for training.

  It’s even unusual that I actually have Thanksgiving break off. It’s just the way the football schedule worked out this year. In general, I have to spend all my time at school practicing and playing games, training, weightlifting, meeting with Coach—I don’t have the luxury like other students of heading home often for the holidays.

  But maybe she can come visit me at school, I think to myself, my naked cock growing hard in the shower, just from thinking about her.

  Damnit, I think to myself, looking down at my cock. My body really can’t wait until tonight.

  I towel myself off out of the shower, turning off the water. My naked cock is still hard.

  Before I can get dressed again, my phone rings.

  It’s Coach.


  It’s not good when Coach calls you on Thanksgiving break.

  “What’s up, Coach?” I say, using my dry hand to answer the phone.

  “Johnson says you two have been having words,” says Coach.

  “Nice to talk to you too, Coach,” I say. “How was Thanksgiving?”


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