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Sheikh's Desire

Page 21

by Leah Leonard

  Khalil clutched Kelley’s hand, stepped closer to the two men to force their attention and continued on. “Doctor Jones Smith is an archeologist and friend of our family from the United States.”

  The Sultan bowed. “My pleasure.”

  Kelley nearly fell over. She had to bite her inner lip and plant her legs firmly on the marble floor to keep her flight instinct from kicking in.

  Khalil must have sensed her discomfort, because he put his arm around her and turned to the movie star. “This is Miss Jones Smith. Kelley, this is Lakshmi Methuselah. She and her father the Sultan are long time friends of our family.”

  Oh wonderful! She was not only gorgeous, but apparently she was aptly named after a goddess and was daughter to a wealthy king. “Nice to meet you.” Kelley extended her hand, unsure if this was appropriate or not.

  She smiled and bowed, but never touched her. “Likewise.”

  “And my brother, Ahmed,” Khalil pointed out a heavy set slightly older man. “And this is his wife Saba.”

  They also gave her a cool reception, both nodding slightly, but never uttering a single word. How rude!

  What happened to Khalil’s promise that his family would be on perfect behavior? Not only were they not treating her well, they acted like they had neither ever seen nor heard about her before.

  There was only one reason why the family would give her such a cool reception. Lakshmi was obviously the offspring of a far more powerful man than even Khalil’s own father. Khalil was officially widowed and without any heirs. Kelley knew at once where this was going. Apparently another arranged marriage was in the works! How could Kelley possibly compete either? The girl was not only stunning, but her family had ties to his and they shared a common background. She seemed nice too, which made things even worse. Oh how Kelley wanted to hate her, but how could she? The girl was young and naïve and it certainly wasn’t her fault that Khalil’s father wanted him married off to a wealthy woman from their own country. If Kelley learned anything since coming here, it was that tradition mattered. Kelley knew little about the culture, and since Khalil apparently failed to share his intentions to marry her, she found herself in the middle of a horrible matchmaking session.

  Kelley wanted to leave. Now! All the pent up fears and insecurities she had about this whole mess from the beginning - having a palpable attraction to her friend’s old fiancé, Khalil’s marital status, his wife dying, his team planting a phony artifact for her to find. She got over all of that before, but this situation took things over the top. The signs had been there all along, but she never wanted to face them before. She and Khalil could never be!

  She would leave tomorrow. No questions, no arguments. No matter what he said to try and stop her, Khalil needed to be with this woman, not her. They were a match, and apparently their families were already involved with each other. How could she hope to compete?

  Kelley planned to leave, but Khalil kept a tight grip on her, literally. Every time she started to pull away, even slightly, she felt him pull at her, insisting she stand close by his side. Perhaps she needed to stick this out, she told herself, see all of this once and for all for what it truly was so it would be easier to say goodbye to Khalil tomorrow.

  With that in mind, Kelley followed as the group relocated to the dining area.

  The staff poured everyone fresh tea while platters of delicious smelling food came out, more than an entire army could possibly consume.

  Khalil sat at one head of the table, the Sultan at the other. Kelley was seated to his right, Lakshmi to his left.

  Tomorrow she could leave. Tonight she would pack. For now, she sat still and took this humiliation as gracefully as she had all the other tests she faced since coming here. Actually better. Somehow she would get through this mess and no matter what, it wouldn’t last forever. Soon this would be over. Her adventures with Khalil would end, once and for all. She hated the thought of it, but the reality hit her square in the jaw. They were too different. They came from completely different cultures, different backgrounds, different childhoods. And Kelley had no intention of joining a family who hated her. She couldn’t live like that, therefore she couldn’t live with Khalil. Love wasn’t enough.


  When Khalil first stepped into the ballroom and saw the supposed business associates his father had invited to dinner, the veins in his neck bulged and heat rose from his center. How dare his father invite the Sultan and his young daughter to their family home without warning him! He knew immediately what the elder Sheikh had in mind, and he wanted no part of it.

  He had never felt more angry or deceived. Everyone knew this beautiful young girl was considered the prize of Turkey. Whoever married her would become the wealthiest man in the land. She was too young for him, though. A mere teenager. The whole scene was embarrassing and disgusting. There was no telling how much money his father offered for her dowry to attract them here tonight. The supposed business meeting was nothing more than a precursor to another arranged marriage, one that Khalil did not approve of at all. The girl deserved better than that as well.

  He was about to excuse himself from the whole affair when poor Kelley showed up. He rushed to her side. God she looked absolutely stunning! His pants tightened immediately when he gazed at her form-fitting gown. He wished to whisk her away to private parts of the palace and devour her, yet there were more pressing issues at hand, like the fact his family and a powerful guest were staring them down at the moment.

  The gall of his father to disrespect him so and to treat Kelley so poorly infuriated him beyond belief. She was right to assume she would not be welcomed. Khalil expected more from his brother, or at least his brother’s wife. He wanted to tell them all to go to hell.

  To his great pleasure, his Kelley behaved with the grace and dignity of an angel. Oh how he wanted to embrace her, reassure her of his love and escape from this dreadful meeting! And yet, he realized the situation provided a perfect opportunity to announce his intentions to his family. If they chose to invite the Sultan and his daughter without warning him, then so be it. He refused to be deterred. Tonight was the night.

  Once everyone was seated and the meal was served, Khalil decided to question his father about the business he and the Sultan were engaged in. “So father, tell us what business arrangement you and the Sultan have planned together. Have you purchased a new factory, an oil rig, perhaps, or have you made a joint investment? Do tell.”

  His father gave Khalil a dirty look.

  “He’s here to marry you off,” Ahmed rudely interrupted. “What did you expect?”

  Khalil laughed nervously and glanced at Kelley, who stopped chewing her meal. He prayed she wouldn’t get up and run.

  Meanwhile, the young Lakshmi averted her eyes out of sheer embarrassment and immaturity.

  Khalil realized this would be the perfect time to announce his intentions to wed Kelley. “That is impossible!”

  “Oh?” His father glared at him.

  Khalil reached out and held Kelley’s left hand out for all to see. “I have an announcement to make. Kelley and I are getting married. I am no longer available.”

  Kelley’s eyes grew wide and she sat motionless.

  “I have never loved anyone as I do Kelley and she and I will be married as soon as possible.”He gazed lovingly at Kelley, and kissed her on the lips.

  Lakshmi, to her credit for someone so young, was a real lady. She turned to Kelley first, then to Khalil. “I am so happy for you both. You make a lovely couple and I wish you great happiness.”

  “I apologize to you, Lakshmi, and to you, Sultan, for this misunderstanding. I had not been informed of the purpose of our meeting until this moment, and as such, I truly believed we were discussing a more…tangible business arrangement, such as purchase of an office park or other investment. I am sorry for wasting your time.”

  With this incredible pronouncement, the dinner went on, quieter than what anyone wanted, and within the hour, the Sultan and his l
ovely daughter left the palace.

  “I am going to my room, Khalil.” Kelley stood and excused herself. “Sheikh, nice to see you again. Ahmed, Saba…a pleasure.”

  Khalil knew better than to try and stop her after she had endured so much today. He kissed her cheek. “I will join you shortly.”

  Like the classy lady she was, Kelley crossed the ballroom and disappeared.

  His father growled, “Khalil, you will come outside at once.”

  Khalil realized this conversation needed to happen, so he followed the elder Sheikh to the driveway where his limo waited to take him back to Istanbul for an early morning flight. “You have disgraced us for the last time. If you marry this woman, I will disown you!”

  “Father, you said yourself on many occasions, you loved our mother. Was this a lie?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then how can you tell me that I should not have the same? I love Kelley. I already told you I was not interested in your assistance in this matter. I had hoped this evening would give you and Ahmed an opportunity to discover what I have come to know about Kelley – that she is a wonderful woman who will make the perfect wife for me in every way, and will provide the heir you so desire.”

  “We will discuss this later. Goodbye.” With that, the Sheikh, and Khalil’s brother and sister-in-law disappeared into the back of the limo.

  Khalil watched while the car drove out of sight. If his family refused to accept his new wife, then so be it. He would do what he had to do and would stand by her no matter what.

  Regardless of what anyone said about her, Khalil desired Kelley more than anything or anyone in the entire world. Nothing would ever come between them. Not now, not ever.


  Kelley rushed through the ballroom into the private hallway, wanting to get away from these people as quickly as possible. She went to her room, slammed and dead-bolted the door behind her. She kicked off her heels, sat on her bed and stared at the beautiful diamond ring on her finger. She had to get out of here – tomorrow! No matter what Khalil said, no matter how much he tried to talk her out of it, she had to leave him, once and for all.

  What a complete idiot she had been! How many signs did she have to endure to know that her trip to Turkey was cursed beyond repair? First, Safina and Josh disappeared, Josh lied to her, her funding for the project failed, Khalil’s wife died, and then he lied to her about the artifact, going so far as to actually hire people to hide something for her to find. She forgave him, yes, but what was she thinking to ignore such a complete abandonment of the truth? How could she ever truly trust him with anything if he was willing to go to such lengths to deceive her?

  Before thinking any more about it, she removed the ring and placed it on her dresser. She would leave it here for him to find.

  Thoughts of their time together raced through her mind. Through all of this drama and difficulty, she basically ignored and forgave everything. Blinded either by love or hormones – at this point, she wasn’t sure which - she was willing to go ahead and move forward. Until now.

  Khalil’s family hated her. They disapproved of her from the beginning and even went so far as to try and find another, more suitable, wife for him. Thanks to this, their union would be an uphill battle she was unwilling to fight. She could never hope to have a decent relationship with his family. She knew one thing about herself and that was the fact that she could not stand the thought of marrying someone whose family hated her. Life was too short! She deserved better than that, and so did Khalil.

  Letting him go now before any more damage was done would be the wise and humane thing to do for both of their sakes. She would miss him terribly, but in time, they would heal.

  She fought back tears as she pulled her suitcase from the closet, and began filling it with her belongings. She was about to zip it closed when she was interrupted by the inevitable knock on the door.

  “Kelley!” Khalil pounded his fists and shouted.

  She had to be strong and mentally repeated the vow she made to herself moments ago – no matter what he said to try and convince her otherwise, she was going home this time. No ifs, ands or buts about it. No lovemaking sessions, diamond rings or romantic dinners could keep her here any longer.

  “Kelley?” He knocked again.

  “Yes?” She pretended to be surprised.

  “Please, let me in.” His voice softened a bit this time as if he was turning on his incredible power of persuasion. She pressed her eyes closed for a moment, prayed she could remain strong enough to resist him, and unlocked the deadbolt, not opening the door, but waiting for him to come in on his own.

  The knob turned a split second later, and a frantic Khalil appeared. Beads of sweat speckled his furrowed brow, his breath was labored. The poor man looked like he would soon pass out from stress, despite the fact that Khalil never appeared to get too upset about anything. He always had it together. Until now.

  Kelley felt bad for him and a little flattered too. At least he cared. Hopefully he would see this was all a big mess and they could part as friends.

  Khalil’s eyes went straight to the overflowing suitcase on the bed. “You must stay.”

  “Khalil, I”

  He lunged at her, wrapped his arms around her and kissed the wind right out of her lungs.

  God he was hard to resist!

  His hands roamed over her body and down her arms, sending shivers into every single cell of her being. His hands continued exploring, down the length of her arms and came to rest on her fingers, which he traced with his own, apparently expecting to feel the diamond ring. “Where is it?”

  “On the dresser,” she pointed. “Look, I can’t marry you.”

  Khalil released her, picked up the ring and approached her again, falling to one knee. “Marry me, Kelley!”

  I have to resist him! “I never agreed to marry you, Khalil. You never even asked me what I thought about it. You put the ring on my finger…I know you mean well and I’m sorry, but—”

  “You are correct.” He gazed lovingly into her eyes. “This is not how I wanted our moment to be, Kelley. I planned an intimate dinner for just the two of us. I wanted a private gathering with my family where we could both share our news. You never received that either. I will make this all up to you. I promise. I love you, Kelley. You will be mine. ”

  Frozen and unable to comment, Kelley felt the familiar slacking of her jaw. Damn him! Why was he so gorgeous? Why couldn’t she resist him?

  He placed the ring back on her finger. “You will marry me.”

  Tears welled in Kelley’s eyes, because on one level, this was exactly what she wanted, and then some. But not like this. The sad fact was that the idea of her and Khalil living happily ever after was a fantasy. Reality had unfortunately kicked in, and their story needed to come to a swift end. “Khalil…”

  “I love you.” He stood and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. “I shall not live without you.”

  She remained strong in her resolve. “I can’t.”

  “You must!” Khalil insisted.

  Kelley gazed at the incredible diamond ring. She studied the square stone surrounded by a diamond band. It was absolutely stunning, exactly what she would have wanted had she picked it herself. Aside from that, she felt the same about Khalil. She knew she loved him more than anything in the world, only, “Sometimes love isn’t enough.”

  “It is! I swear it is!”

  “Your family hates me…”

  “They will learn. And if they do not, that is not our concern. So be it! I shall disown them all because you are my prize, the only woman I have ever truly loved, the only person alive who matters to me at all.”

  “I am not a prize, that’s just it! You treat me like I’m a piece of property you can make demands on. You think you can buy me, and lie to me by hiring people to help make my work more satisfying. That’s not real! I am not something you win. I can’t be bought. But that’s not your fault. I shouldn’t be here.
I should have left right away once Safina and Josh took off. I could have rented my own place near the dig and figured things out when nothing turned up, so I apologize. Really, when I think about it, this is all my fault. I appreciate all you’ve done to help me, but I have to go home now, and no matter what you say, I won’t change my mind this time. You’re a wonderful man, Khalil, and I really do love you, but no.” Kelley removed the ring, handed it back to him. “We’re finished. Tomorrow I’m going home. Please don’t try and stop me. My mind is made up, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”


  Never in his life did Khalil hate his family, however at this moment, he was furious and blamed them for this entire ordeal. He should have known his father would not make a business meeting without some hidden agenda, and yet, he failed to use his instinct. Now he was about to lose the only thing that mattered to him in the whole world.

  Kelley was right about one thing – he had lost much during these past few weeks, but gaining her had been his restitution for hard times. With her gone, he had no idea what he would do. He refused to take no for an answer where she was concerned. She would be his, if not now, soon. The resolve in her eyes made him realize that at least for now, he would have to allow her to leave and not stand in her way, or he may risk losing her forever.

  He slipped the ring back in his pocket and backed away. “As you wish.” This battle was over, yet he would fight again soon, and win her heart, for his mind was made up. Kelley Jones Smith was the woman for him and he would wait, and do whatever it took to win her heart and her hand.


  After insisting they sleep apart, an arrangement, which made the whole ordeal sting all the more, the following morning, Khalil had his driver pack Kelley’s bags into the limo. He half expected her to have a change of heart overnight, but when that didn’t happen, and she failed to join him in the dining room for breakfast, he knew he had no choice but to allow her passage to the United States.


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