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Torn (Thornton Brothers Book 4)

Page 24

by Sabre Rose

  Tyler sat down beside me and leaned in close. “He was worried about the trust. The fucking family trust.” Tyler shook his head.

  Billie announced that dinner would be served at two thirty, giving up on Jake’s appearance. But as soon as we sat down at the long table, decorated in black, white and gold, Jake entered and quietly took a seat.

  “Pleased you could make it,” Hamish said.

  “Yeah,” Jake grinned sheepishly. “Sorry I’m late.”

  “Where were you?” Billie asked.

  Jake shrugged and reached for some ham. “Nowhere, just lost track of time.”

  “I think the right question would have been, who were you with?” Gabe grinned. He had Ollie in his arms, lifting him up and down and blowing raspberries on his belly.

  “I smell gossip,” Billie said leaning forward. “Spill.”

  “You really shouldn’t be doing that at the table,” my Mother barked at Gabe who poked his tongue out at her before burying his head in Ollie’s squishy tummy again and making him chuckle with glee.

  Jake muttered, “There’s nothing to tell.” It was only then that he glanced at the people around the table. A small look of confusion passed over him when his eyes rested on Dante. “Have I missed something?” he asked.

  The entire table broke into laughter. Even Hamish. And then Tyler launched into the story once again. I sat back in my chair, food forgotten and looked at my family as they chatted around me, reaching across the table to help themselves to food and drink, Christmas Carols playing in the background.

  This was my family. My strange, messed up family, but they were mine. Tyler caught my eye from across the table and smiled. And it was right there in that moment that I knew this was it.

  I was his for life.



  My eyes were closed.

  The sun kissed my skin.

  Waves crashed on the beach.

  Life was perfect.

  We had been on holiday for almost a week and it was heaven. We ate fresh tropical fruit, drank cocktails on the beach and spent a lot of time in bed. We had been attached to a harness and zip-lined down a mountain. We had snorkelled and watched colourful and curious fish. We had been on jet-skis and stand-up paddle boards.

  Five months had passed since my accident. I had moved back into Sadie’s house, much to Tyler’s annoyance, but he didn’t protest. We spent some nights squished together in my small bed and others lounging in the expanse of his. But either way, most nights we were together.

  I was back at work. Slag had won a few decent contracts and we were going through the process of hiring a graphic designer and web developer to join our team rather than contracting out the work. My recovery had been aided with physio and my crutches had long been discarded.

  Tyler had turned thirty-three and we had spent the evening at Maria’s with Sadie and Gabe and Jake, laughing and drinking and eating food only Maria could prepare.

  Dante had stayed with us many times over the holidays. He and his mother were in negotiations about whether he could board in the city to finish his high school years so he could be closer to Tyler. Tyler had wanted him to live with us, but Claudia was against the idea. Dante had been the one to suggest boarding school as a compromise.

  Gabe and Jake had opened their gym and Jake had finally introduced us to a girl he was seeing.

  Peta was still busy at the café. Mother and Father were exactly the same, although Mother’s blunt manner was beginning to lessen. Madi was talking about coming to the city to go to university. Alistair and Morgan had this weird vibe going on where he had become more assertive, not putting up with her muttered criticisms, and strangely, Morgan always responded to him with heated cheeks and dark eyes. I wasn’t sure what was going on. And I wasn’t sure if I wanted to.

  As I sat with my eyes closed, I realised the pages of Tyler’s book had stopped turning. The deckchair he was spread on sighed in protest as he shifted his weight, adjusting his position.

  I opened one eye to find him staring at me. He was restless. I had discovered during our holiday that Tyler’s ability to relax had a time limit. He was content to sit in the sun but only if he had a book, and only for just over an hour before he dove into the water, took to the paddle board, or approached me with burning lust in his eyes.

  He was unaware I was watching as his eyes roamed over my body. I was wearing a white bikini which stood out against my sun-drenched skin. It was small. It was skimpy. I had bought it the day before at one of the shops at the resort just a short stroll down the beach, and it was doing its job beautifully. Even as he was reading, his eyes would skim over me every so often and his tongue would dart out to trace over his lips. I think he was unaware that he was doing it, but I wasn’t. My sunglasses gave the perfect disguise for me to be able to watch him.

  “Keen for a swim?” he asked, getting to his feet.

  I shook my head. “You go ahead though.”

  He was itching to take me with him, fool around as the waves crashed over us. I could tell by the way he held his hands near his hips, the way he shifted from foot to foot, unsettled, unsure. But there was a reason I said no. I could watch.

  Tyler walked towards the ocean, white sand under his feet, blue sky and water glinting in the sun as his backdrop. After a few steps he dove under, then rose to the surface, powerful and muscled arms rising in strokes that took him deeper. I could have stayed like that forever. Just watching him.

  But when he came out from the water, wet, glistening, muscled, and divine, it was hunger that pooled within me.

  I loved this man.

  And he was mine.

  Once he was close, he shook his head. Droplets of water landed on me and I squealed with laughter. Lifting my legs from the deckchair, he slid beneath me, my legs now resting over his and wrapped around his waist. His eyes were dark. His intentions clear.

  Leaning forward, he gripped a handful of hair in his hand and squeezed, letting the drips of water fall onto my breast, turning the white material translucent. My nipple, now hard and peaked, stood out prominently. “I think I like this one,” he said, hooking under the strap on my shoulder, and running his finger down until he reached the soft flesh of my breast. Pushing the strap to the side a little, he groaned when my pale skin was exposed. He loved my tan lines. The little strips of white that ran over my shoulders. The perfect triangle patches that covered my nipples but not the full swell of my breasts. The thicker lines that graced my hips. And the slip of white over my bare sex. He had groaned the first time I stood bare for him. Groaned, and fell to his knees, grabbing the cheeks of my backside and dragging me close until his face was pressed against me.

  “But as much as I like it, I think you should remove it.” Tyler’s voice was husky as he ran his finger up and down the strap of my bikini. Then both his hands reached behind me and tugged at the tied bow on my neck. The straps fell. Tyler grabbed one between his teeth, pulling it down until my breast was exposed.

  “Fuck,” he said slowly and with gravel in his tone. “Am I ever going to get used to the sight of you?”

  Hooking his hand under my thigh, he slid me closer and lowered his head to my nipple. I expected to feel moisture. The velvety softness of his tongue against my skin, but instead, his teeth scraped over my nipple, pulling it into his mouth as he applied pressure. I hissed. Or moaned. Some sound fell out of my mouth, rising up from the depths of my being.

  Removing the top of my bikini completely, Tyler took both my breasts in his hands, flesh spilling between his fingers. Through the thin material of his bathing shorts, his hardness pushed against me and I writhed, grinding into him as he had me open and pressed against him. Taking each nipple between his thumbs and forefingers, he twisted and pangs of pain and pleasure rippled through me.

  “Open your eyes,” Tyler commanded. “Look at me.”

  I opened them and looked into his eyes. Lust licked his irises. His mouth was held slightly open, chest risi
ng and falling with need.

  Lightning crackled in the distance. Thunder peeled across the sky. Tyler pinched again and my chest rose towards him. Pulling me closer, Tyler’s mouth crushed against mine as I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist, pushing my pelvis into his, relishing the delicious steel of his hardness.

  His hands were in my hair. Wrapped around my neck. Running feverishly over my back. Clutching the generosity of my breasts. Cupping my backside and digging painfully into my flesh.

  His mouth trailed down my neck, sucking and pulling. My head fell back in ecstasy. The heavens opened and rain fell as a sheet around us. But Tyler barely noticed. He was too intent on devouring me, pulling every moan, every intake of breath, every seductive sound out of my body.

  Lying me back onto the deckchair, he moved from under me and tore at the lower half of my bikini, tossing it aside. Then he released himself and stalked towards me, completely and utterly naked. My mouth watered with anticipation.

  “Open,” he said in that deep growl that weakened me.

  Rain poured over him, over me. It danced over our skin, hot and cold at the same time. It ran in rivulets down his chest and tripped over the undulations of his body.

  “What if someone sees?” I asked, my voiced hushed with desire.

  “Then they will be very jealous. Now open,” he said again, reaching down to grip my chin and pull my mouth open. “It’s a private beach,” he added, noting my hesitation. He licked his lips, then sucked his lower one between his teeth. A shudder of need trembled through me and I rose to my knees and took him in my mouth. Tyler let out a groan of pleasure and wrapped his hands into my hair, pulling it back from my face and gathering it in his hand.

  I let out a gasp of surprise when he pushed to the back of my throat. Moisture slid down my legs. I was hungry for him. I needed him. Wanted him. Ached for him.

  He rocked his hips back and forth as he pulled my hair tighter and tighter, until that lick of pain that sent shivers slicing through me danced across my scalp. He grew thicker in my mouth and I struggled to contain him, pulling back when I needed to breathe. His hands ran over my face and he dipped his thumb between my lips, breathing in sharply when I pressed it between my teeth.

  “Lie back,” he instructed.

  I did as I was told and he stalked forward, lowering to his knees and taking his place between my thighs. He used his hands first, massaging my inner thigh, teasing me by rising higher and higher only to retreat when I wanted him the most. And then his mouth was on me. And again, instead of the smoothness of his tongue, it was his teeth that nipped gently at me. I panted. I squirmed. I dug my hands into his hair and pulled him closer.

  I was lost in rapture. Rain poured over the parts of my body not covered by him, sending needles of pleasure across every inch. Tyler’s mouth was desperation, kissing, licking, sucking and biting. Thunder rumbled again and I felt it in the very depths of my soul.

  “I need to be inside you.”

  And then he was. Pushing against my entrance and slipping deep inside, Tyler let out a guttural moan of restraint as he held himself still, allowing me to feel the fullness of him. Then his hands gripped my thighs and he pulled out, only the tip of him pressed against me before plunging back in. Releasing his grasp on my thighs, he rose over me, eyes searching mine as he rocked back and forth. His hand reached behind my head and drew my mouth to his, ravenous.

  My pants increased with his movement. His mouth was feverish. His hands needily dug into me. My orgasm rose quickly, exploding with such a force I cried out, letting both the rain and Tyler’s cry of completion slip down my throat.

  He slumped, still inside me, and I clung to him as our chests rose and fell in unison. “I love you,” I whispered against his ear. His reply was to press his mouth against mine with lethargic satisfaction.

  Untangling his body, Tyler got to his feet, his spent cock hanging between his legs, still slightly firm and heavy. He stretched high into the air and even though I was completely and utterly sated, my eyes still trailed over him, the word ‘mine’ whispering through my mind.

  Holding his palms out to the pouring rain, Tyler’s eyes searched the beach. “I guess we’d better head back inside.” His eyes stopped on me. I was still naked, stretched out on the deck chair in lazy abandon. His head cocked to the side. “Unless…” He grinned wickedly.

  I sat up quickly, Tyler’s eyes glued to where my breasts swayed with the movement, and stretched to my tiptoes to kiss him, feeling the tenderness between my legs. “Later,” I said, over my shoulder as I picked up my now soaked beach-dress and slipped it over my head.

  As suddenly as the rain had started, it stopped. After covering himself with some shorts, Tyler gathered our belongings in one hand and took mine with the other. As we walked up the beach to the little track that led to the house, the clouds began to dissipate, revealing the amber glow of the sun as it spread over the water.

  Everything was perfect. Well, almost.

  I glanced up at Tyler, nervous butterflies in my stomach and took a deep breath. “You know that question you asked me when we met Dante for the first time?”

  Tension seeped into Tyler’s movements and he looked at me sideways. “Yes?” he said with a question framing his expression.

  “I think you should ask it again.”

  * * *

  Thank you for taking the time to read the Thornton Brothers.

  If you enjoyed it, please consider leaving a review.

  I hope to one day continue the story with a book about Jake, so if you'd like to be notified of any new releases you can subscribe to my newsletter here:

  About the Author

  Sabre Rose writes about love and lust. Flawed people in messy relationships. Happiness and heartbreak. Loyalty and betrayal.

  With stories as unpredictable as they are steamy and intense, Sabre draws you into the lives of her characters and their complicated families.

  The ideas floating around her head range from delightful to dark, so sign up to her newsletter at to keep up to date with her latest news and releases.

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