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Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript (Oxford World's Classics)

Page 81

by Malory, Thomas

  causer of their hasty judgement] sufficient reason for an immediate sentence

  doubteth] fears

  ghostly father] spiritual father, i.e. confessor

  strengthen] enforce

  magré] ill will

  recrayed] recreant

  booteth] avails

  overled] oppressed

  forecast of] conspiracy to commit

  I trust … and ye may get me] I am quite sure that if you can lay hands on me

  blow upon] insult

  battle] battalion

  stour] battle

  for ye get here … do my utterance] you would get no honour here if I did my deadly best

  breme] fierce

  can you thank] express thanks

  get you at avail] get advantage of you

  meinie] company of followers

  orgulous] over-confident

  said unto] upbraided

  with this] on this condition

  never for nothing … stand in no peril] that she shall not in the future be in danger on account of any conjectures made in the past

  shower] storm

  say largely for] offer an open challenge on behalf of

  sarpes of gold about their quarters] chains of gold round their hips

  owches] ornamental clasps

  clean] pure

  recrayed] recreant

  make avaunt] boast

  gar make] have established

  he beareth not … make it good] no man alive is able to prove that [in combat]

  condescended] agreed

  orgulous set] arrogantly minded

  pick thee lightly] get yourself speedily

  flemed man] a man forced to flee

  all we that be not of your blood] i.e. even those of us who are not related to you

  devoir] duty

  trussed] equipped

  on foot and hands] i.e. in submission

  handle] get hold of

  blow on their nails] i.e. to warm their hands

  shend] destroy

  dare] lurk

  for] for fear of

  whilorn] a while age

  compare] contend

  ladders] i.e. to storm the walls

  stiff] strong

  sue] follow hard

  becalled] accused

  a beast to a bay] a cornered animal forced to defend itself

  sad brunts] grievous blows

  leechcraft] medical skill

  engines] missiles hurled from siege-engines

  chafe] anger

  most orgulest] most impressive

  sought upon] pressed

  sondes] messengers

  depraved] denigrated

  brought up of nought] raised from nothing

  most king] greatest king

  new-fangle] fickle

  carracks] cargo ships used in sea-battles

  let] prevent

  discover me] confess

  affiance] trust

  wite] blame

  sedle] short letter

  pitched a new field] encamped ready for battle

  chaflet] platform

  proffer you largely] offer generous terms

  wightly] quickly

  condescended] agreed

  beams] bugles

  fainted] shrank

  devoir] duty

  tide] betide, let come

  avail] advantage

  a fathom] six feet (two metres)

  bur] butt

  tay] outermost layer

  bees] arm-or neck-ring

  works] hurts

  lief] dear

  eft] again

  wap] lap

  wan] darken

  hoved] floated

  holts hoar] grey woods

  flemed] forced to flee

  deeming] supposition

  bezants] gold coins

  graven] buried

  beleft] remained

  let] prevent

  spered] enquired

  dole] memorial almsgiving

  disease] hardship

  it was no boot to strive] opposition was useless

  on His right side] i.e. with those who are saved

  self] same

  cast me] intend

  shrive him and assoil] hear his confession and absolve

  brother] i.e. fellow hermit

  in the same suit] clothed likewise

  took no force] cared nothing

  cered] waxed

  web] wrapping

  careful] sorrowful

  orgule] overweening

  cubit] a forearm’s length

  Steven] voice

  houselled and eneled] given the Eucharist and extreme unction

  dretching of swevens] troubling dreams

  favour of makers] authorial partiality

  anon as they had established their lands] as soon as they had arranged for the rule of their lands

  done made] had made

  paynims] pagans

  behest] promise

  aretted] presumed

  translated] removed

  Dutch] German

  cunning] knowledge

  enprised] undertaken

  estates] social ranks




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