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Tyler and the baby was her chance at having her own family. Only, her ambitions got in the way. She now realizes what her choices have cost her.
Vanessa allows herself a moment more of self-pity and remorse then she wipes her face dry with her bare hands.
“Get your shit together, Bains!” She said to herself in defiance.
“We need that damn ore for The Dyson’s Sphere or mankind is fucked!”
Suddenly, an armed guard entered her room.
“Captain Bains, I’m here to escort you to the debriefing,” the guard announces.
“Of course, I’m ready.”
Vanessa grabbed her cane and her sunglasses and reaches for the guard.
“Lead the way,” she says confidently.
As the officer and Vanessa walked she tries to focus on the mission and she planned on finding out about Todd’s absence. Of course, she concerned herself with keeping up a stern appearance in front of the crew.
They arrived at the briefing room.
“I got it from here officer, thank you.”
Vanessa wanted to walk in under her own steam. She had memorized the layout of the room from her last debriefing and remembered exactly how many steps it would take to reach her seat. She could also see some shadows that helped her a bit.
The room is eerily quiet. As she makes her way to her seat there are some whispers among the crew. Most of the chatter was about the security breach.
At the front of the room sits four Ares Corp. executives and Nyna. They face the crew.
“There are undoubtedly many questions regarding the breach. We will try to answer them and there are some mission updates,” One of the executives explains.
Vanessa listens intently sensing uneasiness in the air. Acutely attune to the anxiety building in the room she can hear Reed tapping the tip of his toothpick on the table. She moves her hand over to his to stop the distracting sound. Magruder shifts constantly in her chair causing it to squeak. With all the distractions Vanessa is still able to shrewdly discern what is being said and what is not.
This is about new mission directives, not a diplomatic meeting of minds. They are soldiers there to take orders nothing more.
“As of now, the MV5 Mission has two priorities. First, of course, is to pick up the payload and the second is classified. The nature of the second objective is highly sensitive and will fall under the jurisdiction of Dr. Pierce and your new Science Officer, Lt. Nyna.”
“Lt. Nyna?” Cruise asks.
“Classified?” Reed follows.
“Wait a minute,” Nickolette chimes in.
The tone of the meeting takes a dive and Bains feels the descent.
“Nyna is an android and The Seeyer has agreed to their inclusion on this mission,” the corporate executive explains.
“A robot? We’re working with the androids now?” Cruise asks.
The Seeyer has been monitoring the meeting.
“The androids’ involvement on this mission will prove to be a valuable asset. They have requested inclusion and we will grant it,” The Seeyer states.
No one questions the matter further. To do so would be foolish. The Seeyer is considered all knowing, besides the penalty for an objection would be harsh.
However, Vanessa is struck by this decision and is curious. She’s suspicious about the motives of the council, but holds her tongue on the matter. The crew is frustrated and is particularly concerned with Nyna’s presence. Nyna is reserved and unemotional which is indicative of most androids, at least the ones that aren’t programmed to display feelings.
Vanessa picks up on something the others miss. Whatever the details are surrounding these mysterious new developments Dr. Craig Pierce is in the loop and they are not. This did not sit well with her.
The crew’s frustration with the new development doesn’t deter them from their goal. They want the financial gains from collecting the ore on MV5 and they’re all anxious to get the mission underway.
The meeting continues for a few more hours and then adjourns. The crew files out with more questions than they had when they went in. Vanessa lingers a bit to have a word with The Seeyer.
She approaches the front of the room as the executives prepare to leave.
“Yes, Captain?” one of the executives asks.
“I’d like to address the Seeyer, in private please.”
“Of course. We need to further debrief your new Science Officer.”
They lead Nyna to the door.
“I look forward to serving with you, Captain,” Nyna says to Vanessa almost sarcastically as she saunters past her.
Vanessa smiles awkwardly not knowing exactly how to take the android’s meaning. She is usually very perceptive, but her blindness leaves her at a disadvantage. She cannot read the robot’s facial expression. However, the lack of Intel on Nyna’s involvement with the mission is enough for Vanessa not to trust her.
The guard that escorted Vanessa to the meeting is waiting for her at the door. Vanessa tells him to wait outside. He complies and the automatic doors close behind him. Vanessa treads carefully when addressing The Seeyer. Her role as Captain and a longtime high-ranking official at the Ares Corporation allowed her wide latitude, but not complete free reign. Her inquiries needed to be carefully crafted.
“Yes, Captain.”
“I’m concerned about these new developments.”
“Concern is irrelevant, Captain. Your function on this mission is clear, is it not?”
“Absolutely. However, to be effective and efficient Ineed to be fully informed.”
The Seeyer pauses before answering Vanessa as if to decide on granting her request to be fully debriefed.
“We calculate a 98% mission success rate with your present Intel. Dr. Pierce and Nyna will debrief you on any developments that require your input during the mission,” The Seeyer explains.
Its response was odd. Why was a straightforward mission-becoming covert? Whatever the reason, it was clear she was not going to get an answer from The Seeyer.
“Acknowledged. Seeyer, I can’t seem to reach Dr. Todd Remis. His assistant says he’s been out of the office.”
“Dr. Remis has been reassigned, off-world. The nature of his work is classified. Unfortunately, contacting him will be impossible.”
Vanessa’s heart dropped. She suspected that Todd’s work on the fragments was discovered. She knew his work wasn’t sanctioned. All research had to be cleared by The Seeyer. Some aspects of Todd’s work could easily be perceived as conflicting with ideas in Fathomism. That would be considered heresy an offense usually punishable by off-world banishment. But since Todd worked for the Ares Corporation, the creator of The Seeyer, who is the founder of Fathomism, his punishment could be death. No one would question the sentence. In fact, many followers of the faith would consider his punishment an act of salvation.
Vanessa feared the worst for Todd.
“Is there anything else?” The Seeyer asks.
Vanessa instinctively knows to back off. She is treading on dangerous territory.
“No, Seeyer.”
“Then go with infinite knowledge.”
“Yes, Seeyer, with infinite knowledge”
Vanessa makes her way to the door and the guard waiting to escort her back to her room. She isn’t content with The Seeyer’s answers, but knows there is nothing to do but let the mission play out as planned. As for Todd, she feels deeply saddened and determined to find out exactly what happened to him.
Chapter Seven
Its days before the mission launch and the crew prepare to travel to The Temple of Giza for the Enlightenment Ceremony. This is a deep meditation ritual purposed to give the crew clarity before undergoing their physical alterations. It also mentally prepares them for the cryogenic sleep chambers that they will be placed in to endure the extended deep space travel. It is very different from the meditation practices of the past.
This practice involves a mental joining wi
th The Seeyer to achieve focus and discernment about one’s self and others. Unlike the downloading practice used by the general public the crew’s consciousness won’t be relegated to portals. Instead, they will have direct access to the souls that comprise The Seeyer. The Seeyer of course chooses what to show the participant careful not to expose its true motives and darkest secrets.
Captain Vanessa Bains, Commander Reed, Lt. Cruise, Lt. Magruder, Lt. Nickolette, Lt. Neil, Dr. Pierce, Lt. Pendersen and Nyna all board a transport vehicle to be flown to The Pyramid of Giza for the ceremony. Vanessa is assigned a guard to escort her during her blindness however, she insists on carrying her own bags to the vehicle. She wants to maintain as much independence as possible. Once boarding the vehicle, she immediately seeks out Commander Reed.
“Over here, Bains,” Reed calls out.
Vanessa follows the sound of his voice. Her sight is improving. Instead of shadows, she can now see blurry and faint figures. She makes her way to the back of the shuttle. The space is sparse and cramped. The crew is seated on either side of the rear cabin. She takes a seat next to Reed.
“Glad you could make it,” Reed says.
“Wouldn’t have missed it. So how long before we reach Giza?” Vanessa asks.
“About two hours flight time”
“Good enough time to bond with the crew,” Vanessa says loudly enough for the crew to hear her.
Lt. Cruise is seated directly across from her. He rolls his eyes at Bains’ attempt to warm up to the squad.
The crew’s camaraderie is clearly obvious to Vanessa. They laugh and joke with one another barely interacting with her. Their kinship was expected, they did after all serve together on many missions under their previous Captain Briggs. Still she feels left out.
Reed tries to comfort her.
“Give it time they’ll warm up to you. They’re a little rough around the edges, but you won’t find a better crew within the company.”
Vanessa manages a smile, but it is forced and Lt. Cruise notices.
“We’re cleared for take off,” the pilot seated at the front of the shuttle says to his co-pilot.
They tap on a few buttons at their station and the engines rev up.
“Autopilot engage,” the pilot commands the onboard computer.
“State destination,” the computer responds.
“The Neon Bar,” Lt. Cruise yells from the rear of the craft referring to a go-go bar located on The Metropolis, a cruise ship orbiting just above Earth’s atmosphere.
“Ah, good times,” Nickolette chimes in as he high fives Cruise.
The pilot is not amused.
“The Pyramid of Giza,” the pilot instructs the computer.
The crew straps themselves in and the craft lifts off from the launch pad. After it reaches a high altitude the craft’s rear jet engines ignites and the shuttle blasts off at lightning speed.
Dr. Pierce is seated next to Lt. Amanda Magruder. They speak quietly to each other.
“Come by my office after the ceremony and I’ll prescribe something,” Dr. Pierce says to Magruder.
“Everything ok, Lt.?” Vanessa inquires.
“Yeah, I just get a little queasy before cryo. Pre-flight jitters, its nothing,” Magruder responds.
An hour and fifty-five minutes into the flight, the craft is over theDesert Ocean of Giza. The pilot brings the craft to a lower altitude just above the water. The shuttle’s locator beacon flashes on the console in front of the pilots indicating that the craft is approaching the Pyramid of Giza. It’s hidden beneath the ocean. Only the tip of its peak pierces the surface of the water.
They fly so close to the ocean surface that huge water droplets splash across the craft’s windshield. The waves kick up against the bottom of the vessel. The shuttles occupants feel the turbulence and holds on to their harnesses as they are jostled in their seats. Suddenly, the pilot takes notice of the approaching tip of the Pyramid. He signals the command station of their arrival.
The Pyramid separates at its mid-section lifting the colossal top half out of the water. Huge metal shafts push the enormous structure higher and higher as larges amounts of seawater fall down around it. The spectacle looks like a massive waterfall. Underneath, a huge landing bay is revealed. The crew lean forward looking up to the front of the craft trying to get a look at the display.
“Puts me in awe every time I see it,” Reed says aloud.
“I’m sure its something,” Bains says.
Reed reaches back and rubs her shoulder in order to comfort her.
“Ah, if you’ve seen one spectacle you’ve seen them all,” Reed says.
Bains rubs his hand appreciating his attempt to dismiss the scenery. The ship flies into the bay splashing through the rushing waterfall.
It lands and the Pyramid structure retreats back under the sea. Inside, the Pyramid is massive. Over the decades the entire construct has been renovated and its size has been increased by four times. Many technicians and military personnel go about their routines.
The group exists their transport shuttle and is greeted by Dr. Shalus, a Holy Mystagogue. She is dressed in a black robe and has a white bindi on her forehead. She touches it with her middle finger and proceeds to touch the foreheads of the crew. The all remove their boots and socks immediately. The Pyramid is considered to be a temple and holy ground.
“Here you will embark on a journey of wisdom shedding any doubts, boundaries…” Dr. Shalus tells the crew as she anoints their foreheads.
She arrives at Vanessa Bains last and touches her forehead.
“…And regrets.”
“To go with infinite knowledge,” the group responds in unison.
Vanessa is not a follower of Fathomism, however she goes along with the practice as it relates to her position at Ares Corporation. All of the rituals and conflicting ideas seem tedious to her. Fathomism provided the unity the world needed to end all the recent wars, although conversely it was divisive and allowed for an unyielding dictatorship.
Dr. Shalus leads the crew to a platform that takes them to a lower level of the complex.
The crew showers before the ceremony and is given robes. They are led to an enlightenment ceremony chamber known as The Great Hall of Wisdom. They enter the large hall. Candles and torches are ceremoniously lit throughout it. The walls and ceilings have holographic frescos painted on them representing the universe and high holy figures from many religions all joined together to represent the Fathom Religion.
In the center of the room sits a large circular unit able to accommodate several people. The unit had several indented shapes that resemble a human form seated in upright positions around its circumference near the floor. These indentations are where the crew will be seated in Indian-style positions.
The crew disrobes and several Mystagogues come to them and paint several symbols on their naked bodies. They sit within the indentations on the unit. One of the Mystagogues is standing at a console in the front of the hall. He opens a channel to the awaiting public. The ceremony is broadcasted around the world and to off world colonies.
Vanessa is nervous. What would she see on her journey, she thinks to herself.
Suddenly, The Seeyer appears above them. Its swirling mass of energy and star-like emanations seem to blend in perfectly with the holographic fresco of the Universe that is projected from the ceiling. Everyone lowers their heads daring not to look upon it.
The crew sits in Indian style with the back of their wrists resting on their knees and forefingers touching their thumbs. The sound of an OM Mantra resonates with perfect clarity throughout the hall. The crew closes their eyes and begins their journey into their subconscious. With their eyes closed they hum mimicking the tone of the OM Mantra. Technicians and Nyna monitor their neurological and biological scans from behind a glass partition above them in a far corner of the hall. Nyna is a member of the crew, but as an android her participation in the ritual is as a spectator. She has no subconscious to explore.
sp; As the crew hums Vanessa can feel the resonance of their voices matching with the OM Mantra. It vibrates throughout her body. She feels as if she is free falling down an empty void.
“Clarity, focus, enlightenment is the way to infinite knowledge,” The Seeyer says in an awesome voice.
A plasma-like wave circles above the unit housing the crew. It gives off faint discharges that make contact with the top of the unit. The charges make their way down the unit to the heads of the crewmembers interacting with their brainwaves.
“Allow the essence of my being to engage your inner peace,” The Seeyer persuaded the crew as the plasma waves ignite their senses. One of the technicians notices a spike in Vanessa’s brain wave patterns.
Vanessa gasps as she glimpses a quick flash of light. It is an image, but it is too quick to make out.
“Focus your thoughts on my voice. There is nothing but the vast Universe around you. Here you will find clarity, focus and enlightenment.” Channel all your thoughts to the center of the Universe. HE, is here. HE, is the progenitor of all creation,” The Seeyer says soothingly.
Vanessa feels as if she is in the presence of something greater than herself. It is magnificent. It can only be described as a feeling of immense love and joy. Then she feels a rushing sensation. Is she flying or falling? She can’t tell she is completely disoriented.
The back panel of the unit glows bright yellow and it releases a wave of energy into the spines of the crew.
Lt. Ricardo Cruise appears to be having some sort of erotic sensation. Vanessa can hear him moan aloud as she descends deeper into her subconscious. The last audible sound she hears before losing contact with the outside world is Lt. Amanda Magruder saying, “We have each other and that’s all that...”
BOOM! Suddenly, out of the darkness Vanessa sees a star go supernova. The sound of it is like a thousand thunderbolts exploding at once. Its white-bluish blast radius plums out toward her consuming every other star in its path. The bright ring of gas and energy envelopes Vanessa completely. She is totally submerged in her vision. She is surrounded by light. The experience seems surreal yet she feels a warm sensation all over her body.