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“My God it’s enormous! I’ve seen it in person only once when I was a teenager,” Bains recalls.
“I was there, remember? You had just joined Ares military. That was it’s twenty-eighth launch. This will most likely be her final mission, Reed says respectfully.
“They don’t make ‘em like they use too, that’s for damn sure,” Dr. Pierce adds.
Bains takes in all the sights around her as if it’s her first time seeing the world. A tear falls from her eye. Reed puts his arm around her.
“Hey now, this is suppose to be a happy occasion,” says Reed.
“It is. It’s just in this moment I fully realize that life is precious and this mission must succeed or all the sacrifices we’ve made up till now will mean nothing,” Bains says.
They both look above the ship at the sun and take notice of the partially completed Dyson’s Sphere. They then look back down at the ship.
“This mission will succeed, because you may be the one Captain that really understands how high the stakes are. We won’t get a second chance. This is it kiddo,” Reed says.
“You have been like a father to me, Reed. I hope I can live up to your expectations.”
“You will. I haven’t met a better leader than you. You’re ready”
Bains smiles as Reed holds her closely. Nyna and Dr. Pierce leave Reed and Bains to enjoy the sights alone. A Captain and a Commander scrutinizing their vessel before a launch was a longstanding tradition. However Reed and Bains’ father-daughter-like relationship made this more than a momentous occasion–––it was epic.
Chapter Ten
Bains and Reed continued their inspection of the Decima up close. They perused the ship’s operating systems and took a tour. At one point they separated. Bains noticed earlier the cargo bay being loaded with supplies and equipment. She wanted to take a closer look. Reed decided to remain on the bridge looking over the navigational systems.
The ship swarmed with technicians. Every corridor and deck was occupied with personnel all tasked with insuring the vessel’s readiness for the journey ahead.
Bains arrives in the cargo bay. She notices four technicians loading a mysterious unlabelled metal crate that is about ten feet in height and eight feet wide. Her curiosity is peeked. She approaches the men as they carefully shift the crate via a dolly onto a mechanical lift. One of the technicians is startled by her unexpected arrival, which alerts the others.
The group becomes a bit apprehensive and Bains senses the tension.
“So, what’s this?” Bains asks.
Nyna enters the loading bay and interrupts the group.
“That is classified, Captain,” Nyna informs Bains.
“Uh-huh, I see. Look, I’m not going to pretend to like all the secrecy surrounding this mission. Clearly, The Seeyer has given you a certain latitude, but I have some concerns here,” Bains says sternly.
“You’re concerns are premature, Captain,” Nyna remarks.
“Again, your meaning is cryptic. First, at the debriefing and now.”
“Then let me be clear. There are aspects of this mission that fall under your command and others that do not, this being one of them.” Nyna says pointing at the crate.
Bains’ patience with the mystery behind Nyna’s involvement with the mission was wearing thin. However, she had no actionable recourse except to deal with it.
“Bains, Lieutenants Cruise, Pendersen, Nickolette and Neil are out of recovery,” Reed announces over the intercom.
“Acknowledged, I’ll meet you on the launch pad––Bains out!” Bains snaps.
Bains walks off abruptly leaving Nyna and the technicians to stow the mysterious crate. She shakes her head in discontent with the situation.
“Alright! Move your asses and be careful with this thing,” Nyna orders the technicians.
Bains arrives on the launch pad. Reed is there looking across the ocean towards the Pyramid. As she joins him she can see a transport vessel approaching from the distance. It glides in and lands several feet from them. The hatch opens and the crew disembarks. First, Lt. Amanda Magruder climbs down the metal steps and then Dr. Pierce. They are in military garb and wearing reflective aviator sunglasses.
“Whew, big momma!” Magruder says referring to the Decima.
They walk over to Bains and Reed. Next, Lt. Cruise emerges from the vessel. His muscular frame fills the transport’s doorway. He tosses his duffle bag to the ground and leaps off the top step in a grandiose fashion.
“Easy there, big boy. We wouldn’t want you to split your pants,” Magruder jeers.
“I’ll split something for ya, girl,” Cruise retorts grabbing his crouch laughing.
Pendersen and Nickolette emerge from the shadowy interior of the vessel. Bains is amazed how much they look alike, yet different from their former appearance. They even share the same mannerisms.
“Ha! On the ride over the bobbsey twins here were finishing each others sentences,” Cruise says to Reed.
“Yeah, but that isn’t the weirdest thing. Get a load of, Neil,” Magruder adds.
The cyborg exits the vessel. His exposed semi-metallic arms glisten reflecting the sunlight. Even covered in military fatigues his cybernetic implants are very prominent. A faint mechanical whine can be heard as he moved.
“You okay, Lieutenant?” Bains asks Neil.
“Never better, Ma’am,” Neil responds.
“Careful, Neil, we are surrounded by water. Wouldn’t want your new name to be, Rusty!” Cruise cracks.
“Alright, fall in slugs and give me a tight formation!” Reed barks.
The crew scrambles and forms a line. They stand at attention as Reed eyeballs them intensely. Reed looks back at Bains and she takes on a stern posture. Bains slowly walks by each of them looking them over carefully. Before she reaches the end of the line Nyna rushes in and takes her place next to the crew.
“Nice of you to join us, Lieutenant,” Bains says smugly.
Bains pauses and turns facing Nyna dead on. She stands inches away from her. The two stare blankly at each other neither blinking once. After a long awkward moment, Bains breaks off her stare-down with Nyna to address the crew.
“This is launch day. Though many of you are here to collect the huge payday that ore on MV5 will bring; we all understand the responsibility placed on our shoulders. I’ve not had the pleasure of serving with you prior to this mission, but I expect on my command for you to put your asses on the line without hesitation…”
“Yes, Ma’am!” The crew yells in unison.
“…Without reservation!”
“Yes, Ma’am!”
“…Without thought!”
“Yes, Ma’am!”
“…AND WITHOUT QUESTION!” Bains growls.
“Yes, Ma’am!”
Reed is impressed that Bains immediately incorporates Captain Briggs’ mantra into her address to the crew. He respects that and assumes the crew does as well. In actuality, the crew still has reservations about Bains, especially Lt. Cruise. However, there was an unspoken code of military ethics at play. Respect for the Senior Officer, command structure and an overarching sense of duty were not to be taken lightly. Bains’ role as Captain, whether liked or disliked demands compliance, at least an outward display of it.
Bains goes on a bit voicing her expectations of the crew. Afterwards, General Graham addresses the crew. He delivers his typical Fathom-Ares laced hurrah speech about duty, honor and the pursuit of infinite knowledge. With expert precision he conveys the sentiment of the whole world, wishing the crew a successful mission. It is nothing less than an inspiring glory speech.
Chapter Eleven
After the ceremonious speeches the crew boards the Decima’s cramped bridge. All strapped in for lift-off they begin their prelaunch preparations. The Decima’s oversized bucket cockpit seats are arranged like tiered sections. Each seat is equipped with wrap-around holographic-interface consoles. Captain Bains, Commander Reed and Lt.
Magruder are seated on the lowest tier, which is the Helm. Behind them on the next tier sits Lt. Cruise, Lt. Neil and Lt. Nickolette at Engineering. On the third tier Nyna, Dr. Pierce and Lt. Pendersen are seated at the Medical Interface Monitoring Station. Nyna is hooked up to ISIS the Interactive Synergetic Ion System, the ship’s main computer. Bains inputs her security codes, waking ISIS from her dormant state.
“ISIS online,” ISIS says as her voice echoes throughout the ship.
“This should be interesting,” Reed says to Bains.
Having served on board the Decima before, everyone except Bains and Nyna had first hand knowledge of the ship’s eccentric personality. The Ares Corp. technicians had reprogrammed ISIS’s personality sub-routines three missions ago as a joke for the crew. The Decima’s former Captain, Briggs was fond of the change and decided to keep it. He said it reminded him of his late wife.
Nyna’s direct link to the computer will be perceived as an intrusion––like a guest taking over ones home.
“Mission directives uploaded…accepted. Mission status: Pre-Launch in progress. Synchronization…crew interactive links online,” ISIS states as she continues her systems check and attempts to catch up with the activity already in progress.
The crew smiles at one another anticipating the in evadible objection to Nyna’s intrusion.
“Captain Bains, I’m detecting a cybernetic neuro-link to my core systems”
“Affirmative, ISIS, that would be, Nyna. Accept link,” Bains commands.
“Acknowledged. Link accepted. First I get a new Captain and now a nanny? Strange, I’m not detecting that complete overhaul I’ve been requesting for the past ten years, Commander Reed?” ISIS states sarcastically.
“C’mon, old girl. I thought you’d prefer the junk yard over being tainted with new software,” Cruise jeers.
“Lt. Cruise, my sensors detect an increase in your muscle mass. I see you’ve got a new upgrade. Hopefully, your nuero-harlots will appreciate it,” ISIS retorts.
“Alright, back on task,” Reed commands.
The crew performs their prelaunch checks like a well-rehearsed orchestra. All of them have fiber optic leads attached to their temples allowing them to interface with the ship’s navigation and propulsion systems. They are also wearing nylon gloves outfitted with sensors that control the holographic monitors. The monitors illuminate in neon blue in front of them. Doctor Pierce monitors the crew’s neurological wave patterns closely.
Over the intercom system, The Seeyer communicates with the ship’s crew.
“Decima, system’s check and computer interface?” The Seeyer inquires.
“Green for Helm,” Bains responds.
“Green for Engineering,” Cruise says in his typical gruff manner.
“Medical Interface, green,” Dr. Pierce adds.
“Computer Interface, green,” Nyna says.
“Confirmed. You are go for prelaunch burn,” The Seeyer responds in its usual monotone voice.
“Acknowledged, Seeyer, go for prelaunch burn,” ISIS responds.
Cruise ignites the engines via his neuro-interface. He taps his holographic controls vigorously. ISIS starts the countdown and the crew rapidly reacts to their holographic monitors inputting data.
“…Five, four, three, two, one go for lift-off,” ISIS cues the crew.
“Main engine burn initiated!” Bains yells out.
“Cruise, watch your vector this time,” Magruder warns.
“I got it!” Cruise gripes.
“What’s that all about?” Bains asks Reed.
“Cruise, tends to have a lead foot during take-off and under compensating for vectors. But that’s not gonna’ be problem this time, right, Cruise?” Reed says.
“No worries, I got this. I don’t see why we’re not using auto-pilot anyways!” Cruise snaps as he vigorously taps his holographic controls.
Bains gives Reed a semi-concerned glance. He just smiles to reassure her.
“Auto-pilot is what I keep telling you guys every time, auto-pilot. I’m anxious to get to my stasis chamber,” Cruise continues to rant.
“Patience, buddy, you got three whole years to play with your neuro-harlots,” Pendersen jeers.
Typically, while in cryo-sleep the crew’s body is inactive, but their minds remain active interfacing with the ship’s systems and engaged in recreational activities. Some of them play games and meditate, but it was common knowledge that Cruise prefers sexual diversions. He programmed his unit to project him in various sexual scenarios.
The Decima’s rockets burn furiously defying gravity’s hold on her. The mammoth ship shakes with great intensity as it slowly lifts-off from the launch pad. Outside, large plums of smoke bellows from beneath the Decima’s underside. From a distance the massive vessel looks like a huge metallic futuristic cathedral surrounded by multiple structures as it takes flight.
The Decima hit several G’s during her ascent. The massive rockets glow like the sun and roars loudly as the beast passes through the clouds.
“Activating gravity plating,” Nyna says.
Nyna instructs ISIS to activate the gravity plating throughout the vessel via her cybernetic link. The transition is seamless as the ship enters space.
“Well, see she is good for something,” Reed whispers to Bains referring to Nyna.
“So is my toaster, but I’m not ready to give it carte blanche over my apartment,” Bains quips.
Reed laughs quietly.
“Plotting course to the Crimson Expanse Wormhole,” Magruder says.
“Acknowledged. Seeyer, we are underway,” Bains responds.
“Go with infinite knowledge, Decima,” The Seeyer responds.
The Decima’s Aft rockets blasts directing it towards the expanse. They pass several vessels that are in route to the sun; they’re working on The Dyson’s Sphere. The crew receives transmissions from them, all wishing them a safe journey.
“Engaging auto-pilot,” Nyna informs the crew.
“Finally!” Cruise blurts out.
The crew laughs at his comment. Bains feel the implication of Lt. Cruise’s use of the stasis chamber’s neuro-link is inappropriate, but digresses. It is apparent that Cruise’s behavior is accepted so Bains chooses not to fight that battle; she has bigger fish to fry.
The Decima begins its eight-month journey towards the wormhole. It will spend another two months traversing it and one month to reach MV5.
The crew leaves Nyna on the bridge and they go to Med Lab. There they prepare their cryo-stasis chambers for their long sleep.
“Well, see you in eleven months, Commander,” Bains says to Reed.
“Eleven months,” Reed echoes.
“Goodnight, John-boy,” Cruise jokes with Pendersen as he climbs into his unit.
The crew settles into their units drifting into the slumber of cryo-sleep. Each of them is unaware of the horror that awaits them on MV5.
Nyna remains active on the bridge hooked up to ISIS.
Two weeks into the flight, while the crew sleeps Nyna takes ISIS offline and enters Med Lab. The crew’s unconscious state is still in effect. Their slowed synaptic functions haven’t reached the Altered REM Cycle yet. The Altered REM Cycle is a condition that allows them to monitor the ship’s progress from their chambers. Even though they are frozen they will be conscious. The freezing process slows everything down giving Nyna the perfect opportunity to hatch the devious pact between she and The Seeyer.
She wanders over to Captain Bains’ chamber and opens it. Quickly, she removes some bone marrow tissue samples from Bains’ sleeping body. Carefully, she pierces Bains’ hipbone region extracting her samples. She did the same to Reed and Dr. Pierce. She then closes the chambers and performs tests on the samples at a station in the lab. What is she up to? Whatever it is, Dr. Pierce isn’t privy to this part of Nyna and The Seeyer’s plan.
Nyna finishes her work and returns to the bridge. She transmits a message back to The Seeyer––“Dr. Todd Remis’ findings are
confirmed. The symbols appear to be a map pointing to MV5. We’ll soon know their origin.”
Afterwards, Nyna reconnects herself to the ship’s systems and reactivates ISIS. The computer is unaware of her activities. Together they guide the Decima on its lengthy voyage to MV5.
Chapter Twelve
It’s been three years and the Decima has successfully traversed the Crimson Expanse Wormhole. A sea of stars fills the emptiness of space as the mining ship approaches the eerie planetoid, MV5.
The dark planet is ominous surrounded by a massive asteroid belt. Caught in its orbit are three moons that are dwarfed by its massive size. MV5 is three times the size of Earth with a dense atmosphere.
The Decima’s engines hum silently as it passes the planet’s nearest moon. Onboard, the ship is like a graveyard at midnight; only the core systems are active. The mess hall is dimly lit. A dining table has a few digital magazines strewn across it. The ship experiences minor tremors from a sudden course correction and automatic braking to acquire a synchronous orbit with the planet. Another tremor shakes the ship knocking one of the digital magazines off the edge of the table. It’s landing activates the cover article.
“Briggs, is out; Bains, is in. Ares Corp. brings in new blood after, Briggs’, forced retirement,” a reporter for the magazine announces.
The old article continues to play displaying outdated imagery. On the bridge, Nyna is powered down, yet still hooked up to ISIS. Suddenly, detecting their arrival ISIS powers up the bridge’s computers. The holographic monitors light up displaying the ship and MV5’s location. The navigational computers communicate with each other. Their bleeps and tones sound almost musical.
The phrases, “FLIGHT TIME: 3 YEARS: 1 MONTH: TWO DAYS: 09:00HRS” and “LOCATION: CANIS MAJOR DWARF GALAXY: PLANETOID MV5” flashes across the helm monitors.