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Steel Rain: A Military Romance Collection

Page 4

by A. Gorman

  Cain took Titan and me out to celebrate our official partnership last night. I think he’s excited as I was once we became official partners. I hope he keeps visiting, but I’m not sure he will since I’ll be seeing him at training three nights a week. A girl could hope, and keep her fingers crossed.

  “Fine, Titan. I’m awake. Let me gets some clothes on and we’ll head outside.” The dog calmed once he saw me getting out of bed. I grabbed a sweatshirt to throw over my tank top and shorts. After being in Iraq, I get chilly here.

  “Titan, heel.” He walked beside me as we made our way through the house and out the door. “Do your business.” The dog ran off the porch and made he’s way to his designated potty spot. Even though he was on his time, he made sure that he could see me if something happened to me.

  While he’s doing his thing, I looked at my watch and see that it’s nine hundred hours. I wondered where everyone was. Normally Mom woke me before they headed out to check fences or heard. I hoped everything was okay. Titan finished and came back to my side. We went back inside and I began my morning routine, which now included feeling a dog and doing my makeup. I never thought I would be doing either—I was never good at putting makeup on.

  After dressing, I headed to the kitchen for much needed coffee, and still no sign of my parents. I grabbed my cellphone from my bedroom, and checked my messages, making sure I didn’t miss anything from them.

  Mom: Sorry I didn’t wake you. The heard was getting out on the eastern side of the property. You know old man Jackson would kill the lambs if he catches them in his field. We should be home around noon. Love you, Eves.

  Me: Okay. I’ll have lunch ready for everyone.

  Three hours…what could I cook? Pizza. I pulled my mom’s big mixer off the shelf and gathered the ingredients to make the crusts. I mixed them up in the bowl and let the dough rise for thirty minutes. While I waited, I grabbed toppings for the pizzas: homemade pizza sauce, pepperoni, sausage, cheeses, onions, bell peppers, and anything else that sounded good on pizza.

  By the time I had finished, the kitchen was an absolute wreck, but I had made six large pizzas. I hoped that it was enough food to feed eight men and a woman, and decided to fix a salad to go with the pizza. Once the salad was ready, I put it back in the fridge, and began to clean up the mess. If I hurried, I would have everything cleaned up before they got back. My mom would have a heart attack if she saw this mess.

  The entire time I was working in the kitchen, I didn’t think about not being normal, being injured in the line of duty, or my service dog lying on the floor mere feet away from me. I felt like me. Everything was coming back together.

  Moments after getting the last dish in the dishwasher, my mom came walking through the door. “Evie, this looks amazing. The guys are sure going to love you today.”

  “Thanks. It felt good being in here and cooking.”

  “I’m sure you can cook for them anytime.”

  “I might take you up on that. This felt normal.”

  “That’s great. We can see a difference. Even in the past two weeks since Titan’s been here. I think he’s going to be a great asset to your recovery,” she said as she pulled me in for a hug.

  “I think so too.” I smiled.

  “Oh, look at this! Thank you, Ms. Evie!” Gus hollered as he walked into the kitchen.

  “I’ll help you carry everything to the table. Mom, there’s a salad in the fridge too.”

  “You thought of everything.” She beamed, happy that I remembered a salad.

  We carried the food into the back dining room where all the hands ate breakfast, lunch, and if they’re swamped, dinner too. As I was getting ready to sit down to eat with everyone, the doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get it. Y’all go ahead and eat. I’m sure you’re starving.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Evie.”

  I walked to the door with Titan closely beside me, and I didn’t look through the lace covering the window, and swung the door open with a smile on my face. As soon as the person appeared in full view, the smiled faded from my face.

  “Hi, Evie. I thought I would stop by to say hi and see how you’re getting a long,” the sugary sweet voice drawled out.

  Titan stood in between Brian and me, his fuzzy fur standing up more than normal. He was protecting me. Titan knew that Brain wasn’t a nice person.

  “Hi. I’m fine. Thanks for stopping by, but I need to go. I was about to sit down and eat lunch.” I went to close the door and he threw his arm in the way. Titan growls at him and I’ve never seen him act that way. “I said good-bye, Brian.” Panic began rise in my stomach.

  “I thought we could go out and grab a bite to eat or catch a movie,” he slyly stated.

  “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not interest.”

  I tried shutting the door again, and this time he pushed the door open. He began to step inside of the house and before I could tell Titan to stay, he up on Brian, pushing him out the door. My dad comes running up from behind me.

  “What in the Sam Hill is going on here?” He looked at me, making sure I was unharmed.

  “Titan, no. Sit,” I commanded.

  “This fuckin’ psycho dog tried to attack me. I wasn’t doing anything, Mr. Gervais,” Brian whined.

  “That’s a load of bull shit and you know it, Webster,” a sexy voice drawled out from the right side of the door.

  “What are you doing here, Graham? Oh, so this is one of your dogs. No wonder it went crazy.”

  “Titan was protecting Evie from your crazy ass. I suggest you apologize to the Gervais’ and get out of here.”

  “Fuck you, man. Have at her. She’s a horrible lay anyways.”

  I didn’t see it coming. Cain’s right fist connected with Brian’s left jaw, cracking as it impacted.

  “Listen here, you piece of shit. That’s no way to talk to a lady, especially one who put her life on the line to protect her country, which included your pussy ass. I suggest you get the hell out of here before Mr. Gervais gets back with his shotgun and fills your ass with lead.” Brian glanced behind me to see that my dad was gone. Cain was right; he probably was getting his shotgun.

  The ass jogged off the porch and got in his overpriced sports car.

  “God bless your heart,” I yelled after him, my lips curled up in an evil grin.

  He shot me the bird before he quickly sped down the drive, and my dad arrived back in time to see a cloud of dust in his trail.

  “I never liked that jerk,” my dad huffed out.

  “I know, Daddy.” I placed my hand on his arm and patted it.

  “Sorry to cause a scene, Mr. G.,” Cain said, as he shook my father’s hand.

  “Nah, no worries, son. About time someone shut him up.” My dad smiled at him. “I’ll let you two be. I’ll have Mom save you some lunch.”

  “Thanks, Daddy.” I kissed his cheek and he went back to the backroom. I moved out of the doorway to let Cain in. “Well, come in.” I smile, in his gorgeous eyes. “Titan, heel.” The dog stood and followed us in the house and into the living room, where I sat down on the couch. Cain sat close by, and Titan laid down at my feet.

  “I’m so sorry about that. I normally don’t lose my temper, but when he said that about you, I instantly saw red,” Cain nervously said.

  “Thank you, Cain, for standing up in my honor.” My heart fluttered and I knew I was crushing hard on this man

  “Anytime, Evie. I…” He cleared his throat. “I came over here for a few reasons. The first is to set up our training schedule and secondly to do this—”

  Before I could question him, both of his hands are on either side of my face, pulling me in for a kiss. His warm lips met mine and I melted into the couch. Feelings that I pushed down, deep rushed to the surface, causing adrenaline to rush through my body. Whatever this man was doing to me, I wanted more. I pushed myself into him to deepen the kiss and he pushes back—consuming me even more.

  I had to pull back for air; my chest was heaving, and
I felt as if I was flying high in the clouds. Cain’s fingers caressed my face and I opened hooded eyes to look at the sexy man who astounded me.

  “I’ve wanted to do the moment I laid eyes on you, but I didn’t want you to think I was using Titan to get to you,” he breathlessly stated.

  “I wouldn’t have thought that...not for long anyways.”

  “I want to ask you out on an official date.”

  “Really? Did you read my file? I have issues…and I’m far from perfect with my scars. I don’t want to burden you with my baggage.”

  “Evie, look at me when I say this. I want to help you with your issues. I’ve been there where you’ve been. I have scars too.” He stood, pulling his shirt out of his pants, and lifts the back up, revealing burn marks, and long scars mixed with tattoos. “You’re not alone. We don’t have to rush anything or have to even be a couple. There’s something about you that makes me want to get to know you, want to help you. That is if that’s okay with you,” he asked as he sat down beside me.

  I turned to look at him, and the adrenaline was still racing through my body. On a whim, I got up, and placed my knees on either side of his thighs, straddling him. I placed both of my hands on his chest, steading myself, and bent over and kissed him. Even though I was an Army Tom boy, this man made me feel like a Southern Belle.

  “Yes, I would like that. I enjoy being around you. It’s nice that we have a comfortable friendship already. Plus, I already know what Titan thinks of you. Now, if at any time he doesn’t like you, I will choose him over you.”

  “Ouch. That hurts.” He grabbed his chest, pretending that I wounded him.

  “Yeah, yeah. I can’t see that happening.” I gave him a big cheesy grin. “Are you hungry? I was about to eat lunch before all the drama. I’m sure there is plenty pizza left.

  “Sounds good. Lead the way.”

  “Titan, heel.” I led him to the back dining room, where there were several pieces left along with some salad. Today turned out to be a great day, minus Brian.

  Chapter Seven

  How in the hell does one dog understand five languages and I could barely grasp two? Titan amazed me daily with his knowledge and compassion. Even though I was against getting a service dog at first, I was glad that everyone kept suggesting I look into it. He did make me more independent.

  We’d been training hard the past month. Between physical therapy, counseling, and service training, we had been getting a lot of out time. This week concluded a lot of what we’d been doing. I’d graduated from physical therapy, Titan and I graduated from service training, and counseling should go to one time a week. Cain had attended a few sessions with me. I wanted to make sure that Dr. Judd though I was ready for a relationship. I wanted him to hear the words for himself, and not from just me.

  Cain’s friendship and love began mending the broken pieces of my heart left by Amelia and Jeremy’s death. With him and Titan in my life, I was ready to close the Army chapter and begin a new one. I was ready to make important decisions about my finances and property.

  I didn’t want to leave Fort Valley now, not where I had so much going for me. I had a home and whole other life in Columbia, South Carolina that I’d ignored since my injury, but I needed to decide what I was going to do. That home had many memories that I didn’t know if I was able to deal with.

  Cain and I were going out to dinner in a bit to celebrate all the milestones I’d accomplished. I knew it wasn’t the best time to talk to him about everything, but I needed to so other things, like his roaming hands or his silky smooth lips, wouldn’t distract me. Shaking the thoughts from my head, I finished getting ready for our date.

  “Evie, Cain’s here,” my mom hollered from the other side of my bedroom door.

  Shit! How did I let time get away from me? I stood before the full-length mirror that hung next to the bathroom door. No longer stood the haunted looking girl that arrived here over three months ago; in her place stood a confident women who knew she had the power to make a change. A woman that knew life was a gift and she needed to make the most of it. I winked at her and grabbed my purse off my desk.

  Titan and I walked out to the foyer, where Dad was talking to Cain. Once Cain saw me, he stopped talking. Dad turned to see what stopped him mid-sentence. A smile replaced his curiosity.

  “You look stunning, Evie,” Cain rushed out.

  “Thank you,” I said, blushing. He didn’t look bad himself in black jeans, button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, exposing his tattoos, and black boots. My cowboy.

  “You clean up well, kiddo. Lynn, I think the kids are getting ready to leave,” my dad called out.

  “Coming, dear,” Mom shouted from the kitchen. She came rushing to the foyer and when she saw me, she put her hands over her face to stop a squeal I knew that wanted to come out. “Evie, you look beautiful.” She hugged me tight.

  “Jeeze you two. You’re acting like you’ve never seen me in a dress.”

  “Prom eleven years ago,” Mom sassed out.

  I rolled my eyes and started for the door. “Don’t wait up.” I winked as I faced Cain.

  “Be safe, kids. Cain, good seeing you again,” my dad said as he shook his hand.

  “Will do, sir. See you later, Mrs. G.”

  My parents waved as Cain, Titan, and I made our way to his truck. I think Titan loved this truck as much as Cain did. He had the full back seat to relax while we were traveling. Cain helped me up in the truck and Titan jumped in his seat, and Cain jumped in and the truck’s engine came to life.

  He pulled out of the drive and dust flew as he speed down the half-mile driveway. When he turned on the county road, he turned to me.

  “I can’t take my eyes off you. You’re already beautiful, but seeing you in that dress—something I’ve never seen you in before—makes it special… You’re so special.”

  “You’re looking pretty good yourself over there.”

  “Why thank you, ma’am,” he drawled out. “What sounds good for dinner?”

  Panic filled my chest. “I thought you already had a place picked out.”

  “I do, I just wanted give you the option to choose.”

  “I’m good with whatever you pi—” A loud pop stopped me mid-sentence. I felt my body being thrown around like tennis ball. “Stay down. We’re under attack. Where’s my gun. I can’t find my gun!” Terror consumed me. I was going to die because I couldn’t protect myself. I had no way to defend myself…

  A gentle nudge in my hands and a soft voice pulled me from the terror in my mind, and I jerked my head toward the source of the voice.

  “Evie, you’re safe. The tire was punctured. We’re not under attack,” Cain calmly stated as Titan licked me, pulling me into the present. “Evie, deep breaths, sweetheart.”

  “I need to defend myself,” I muttered out.

  “Evie, you’re in the cab of my truck. Titan is here with you. Concentrate on petting him. Let us help you.” His voice was calming and I focused on that.

  “I’m safe,” I mumbled.

  “Yes, Evie. You’re safe.”

  I cleared my throat and blinked my eyes. They focused on the knobs on the radio and I knew I wasn’t in the Humvee. I was safe.

  “I’m so embarrassed…I’m so sorry.” I covered my face with my hands as tears sprouted from my eyes.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, Evie,” Cain said as he gentle pulled my hands from my face. “Do you want me to take you back home after I change the tire?”

  Did I? Did I want to ruin what was supposed to be a new start? No, no I didn’t. “No…but I don’t feel like going out.”

  “Okay, what sounds good?”

  “Chinese at your place?”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll open the door for you and Titan. I want you to stand on the side of the road while I change the tire. It shouldn’t take long.” I nodded and waited for the door to open.

  An hour and a half later, we were eating Chinese at Cain’s house. The first
time he brought me here, I was impressed with the size of a home for one man and his dog, a female lab named Crius. She and Titan got along and he enjoyed his rest time being a normal dog with her.

  “Are you felling okay,” Cain asked as I stared off in space.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking,” I said as he pulled me into his lap.

  “All good thoughts, I hope.” He looked me in the eyes.

  “Yes, I need to talk to you about a few things,” I said, biting my lip

  Worry replaced the happiness that was on his face.

  “Oh, it’s nothing bad. I promise.” I smiled.

  “Okay.” He was still unsure about my statement.

  “You know about my house in Columbia… Well, I want to sell it and come back to Fort Valley to live permanently.”

  “Are you positive?” Happiness reappeared on his face and his hands gently squeezed my thighs.

  “Yes! I have too much going on here that I want to pursue just to leave it behind.”

  “I hope that us is something you want to pursue,” he bluntly stated.

  “Yes, for sure. You make me feel…not broken. My inner demons calm when I’m around you. I can be me, the person I was before the accident, and the organization… There’s so much potential and you’ve help create those possibilities.”

  “I’m glad I can do that for you,” he said has he caressed my arms with his fingers.

  “Make love to me. I want you close to me, without clothes on. I want you to beside of me. I’m not one to beg…it’s been so long and I want you,” I blurted out.

  “Are you’re sure this is what you want, Evie. I don’t want you to feel like this is something you have to do if you’re not ready. I’ll wait…”

  “I want you, Cain. Please don’t make me beg.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  He picked me up from the couch and carried me to his bedroom, the one room I hadn’t been in. He’d been a gentleman all the times we’ve been together, although we would get touchy feely on the couch while watching movies sometimes. Titan stayed behind because he knew it was rest time.

  Cain laid me on his bed, and his earthy scent consumed me. He stood back and watched me as he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it in a chair off to the side of the bed. Muscles rippled the front if his body and tattoos decorated his flesh honoring his brothers and sisters he lost while in the Army.


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