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Karek (Warriors Of Ition)

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by Maia Starr

   Copyright 2018 by Maia Starr - All rights reserved.

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  Your Exclusive Prequel Bonus

  Kalazaron Blue Planet Warriors


  Karek (Warriors Of Ition)

  By Maia Starr

  Table of Contents

  Karek (Warriors Of Ition)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Weredragons Of Tivuso Complete Series (Sneak Peak)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Other Books By Maia Starr

  About The Author

  Your Exclusive Prequel Bonus

  Chapter 1

  King Karik Korinth

  “Where is Moxor?” I whispered to Azlo over radio communications on my armband.

  “Moxor is not in sight. I have lost sight of Moxor. Jex, do you have eyes on Moxor?” Azlo asked.

  “No. No eyes on Moxor,” Jex responded.

  “Shit, Moxor… Moxor, come in,” I said into the radio. There was no response.

  “I see him. I see him. He's going in through the back. He's going in alone,” Azlo said.

  “Dammit, Moxor. Stand down. We are going in as a team,” I said into the radio. But there was no response.

  Moxor did things like this. Even though I was the king and leader of the Veruka weredragons, Moxor always wanted to disobey me. He was a hardcore weredragon soldier. But his ruthless and careless ways often put us in trouble. There were times when we had very close calls because Moxor would run blazing into fights and not wait for a signal. Like the time we went up against the Jitron monster on the planet Guidia. That was a close one. Now, he was doing it again. It was not that he didn’t respect my authority as his king; it was that he was reckless and insane.

  “Azlo, follow Moxor in through the back. Jex and I are going in through the front,” I said.

  “Yes, my king,” Azlo responded.

  Everything had gone according to plan up until this point. Everything had been laid out carefully, but I should have known that Moxor would jump the gun on the situation. I knew I should expect it and work it into the plans from then on. But how was I to know that there would not be a next time?

  We were launching an attack on a large building on Earth. It was a very important building. It was a building that was key in helping to turn the battle in the favor of the humans. The humans didn’t even know that we were doing this. In fact, they didn’t even know that we existed. Why would they? They weren’t an interplanetary species. They were not as advanced in space travel as we were. But they did build great machines. They built them so great that eventually the machines took over the entire planet and the humans were nearly extinct. This building was part of the machines. It was home to a cyborg repair facility on the continent that used to be known as North America, before the machines took over and all hell broke loose. This facility was where broken machines were brought to be repaired, or inactive ones were housed.

  The building was guarded by the ruthless and machine-driven cyborgs known as the Clenok. I didn’t know if they gave this name to themselves, or if the humans had given it to them. I only knew that now, there were billions of them spread out on the Earth and they had one mission: kill humans.

  Cyborgs were the hardest enemy to fight. Anything with a real conscious could be manipulated or maybe even reasoned with. That was not the case with a machine.

  The machines did not feel. They did not have humanity or any empathy-driven conscious. They were pure machine. You could not reason with them. You could not negotiate with them. They were set to do their mission: take over the Earth and drive humans to extinction.

  This was where we came into the picture. We needed something from the humans, and we knew that by helping them we could show them that we meant them no harm. So we decided to take out this facility.

  We knew this facility was guarded by Clenok cyborgs, but there were more Clenok cyborgs that were out of operation than in operation because most of them were undergoing repair and were turned off. Therefore we only had to go up against the ones that were turned on to guard the facility, and if our previous scouting information was correct, it was very few Clenok cyborgs to deal with.

  Our plan was to infiltrate and double assault, a team going in the front and a team going in the back. We had one important goal: set explosives and get the hell out of there. It was going to be a team effort, until Moxor decided to go in on his own terms, like he always did. I was impressed with his bravery but pissed off at his stupidity.

  "Moxor, we are coming in!” I said over the radio.

  “He must have turned off his communications or he is not responding on purpose,” Azlo said.

  “Wouldn't be the first time,” Jex said.

  “Alright, move in. Maybe we can still catch them off guard if we stay quiet and…”

  Boom! Boom! “Shit! Shots fired! Repeat, shots have been fired from inside the Clenok facility!” Azlo shouted.

  “Dammit! Move in! Move in now!” I shouted, and Jex followed me as we kicked open the door to the facility. Immediately, shots were fired in our direction, and we took cover behind the massive concrete poles of the warehouse-like facility.

  “I'm in! I'm in through the back! I cannot find Moxor,” Azlo shouted over the radio as we fought a full-on gun battle between the silver, metal Clenok cyborgs and us, the Veruka weredragons from Tivosa.

  “Dammit!” I shouted.

  “We have to set the charges now. We won't be able to hold them as soon as more Clenok move in,” Jex said.

  “Azlo, find Moxor! Set the charges along the way even if you have to throw them like grenades. Just find him!” I shouted.

  “Yes, my king,” he responded.

  “Jex, you go around the right, and I will go around the left. Ready?” I said.

  “Ready,” he said.

  We began firing at the Clenok cyborgs as we went around in different directions. I was laying down explosive charges, dropping them and rolling them underneath factory tables and machinery as I went. The Clenok cyborgs were hard to fight. You hit them once, and they did not go down because they were made of metal. You had to hit them several times, hoping to burn out their circuitry. It took a lot of firepower and accuracy to make that happen.

  “Moxor is down! I found Moxor; he is down!” Azlo shouted.

  “Motherfucker! Get him out of there! Forget about the charges and take flight. Fly him out of there. If you come toward me, I can give you cover,” I said into the radio communications. I was pissed. Moxor had done this to himself.

  “Yes, my king!” Azlo shouted.

  “I'm done setting charges!” Jex said.

  “Good. Get out of here. Hel
p Azlo,” I said.

  “No, I won't leave you, my king,” was his response.

  “Dammit, Jex, get out of here; that is in order. Do not disobey your king!”

  I heard Jex grunt and growl over the radio. He did not agree with my orders. Just then, I saw Azlo flying overhead with Moxor in his arms. I began to shoot all the Clenok cyborgs that noticed them in order to protect him from their gunfire.

  “I got that one,” Jex said suddenly at my side.

  “Dammit, didn't I tell you to get out of here?” I shouted at him.

  “I didn't hear that order,” he said as he grabbed my arm and began to pull me backward. Together, we fought our way back toward the front door.

  “I am clear of the facility!” Azlo said.

  I looked at Jex. Together, we ran towards the front door and took flight, spreading our emerald-green wings and flying in the facility. We made it out the front door and into the open night sky where we flew straight up. That was the plan. Fly up and as high as you could. The cyborgs had a limited range, and they did not fly.

  “Detonating!” I shouted as I hit the detonation button on my armband. In a split-second, the entire facility blew up. Bam! Boom! Bam! Explosion after explosion went off. We cheered in victory.

  The heat and fire enveloped us, but it did not matter. We were dragons. We were made from the fire. It did not hurt us. We watched as the facility succumbed to the explosions. It crumbled in on itself. I hoped the fire was hot enough to melt those cyborgs. I smiled. Mission accomplished.

  “Go! Go! To the rendezvous point,” I said into the radio.

  We flew away from the mushroom cloud of smoke and flame toward a mountaintop high in the mountains with a thick forest that provided us with cover. It was where we had landed our army a week before. Earth was new to us. We knew it was under attack by the Clenok cyborgs for almost a decade. It had nearly decimated the entire population of humans. But it wasn't our fight. But there was a reason that brought us here, and I was now going to be faced with that reason more than I could ever know.

  “Set him down on the leaves,” I said to Azlo as he held Moxor. He sat him down on the leaves. I hovered over him.

  “Dammit. Why can you never listen to orders?” I said looking at his injury on the side of his torso. We had a good armor; it was part of being a weredragon. But sometimes a gun laser blast could get through if it hit us in the right soft spot. This was what happened to Moxor.

  “I am sorry, my king. But we both know that my time was up anyway. The blackness had come upon me. I would rather give my life in battle than to succumb to this strange plague that is new to us. I did not want to die a weak Veruka in bed. Now I have an honorable death. Now I died defending my king and helping the Earth humans. I am at peace,” he said in a whisper as the life was leaving him.

  His words were honorable. They were the true words of a Veruka weredragon. They made me proud. He was a good soldier, and I understood what he meant. We gathered around him until his last breath. I had never been prouder or more saddened by the death of a soldier. We had all grown up together, Moxor, Jex, Azlo, and Razook. We were tight even though I was king. We had trained together since we were young. Losing Moxor was like losing a brother. I could see the pain and anguish on each other’s faces as he left us. But we knew that he was right. None of us wanted to give into this strange illness that had sprung itself onto us on our planet. It was unexplainable. But we were too honorable to die in bed, a sick weredragon. We were born to fight, protect, and defend. We knew that if we were in Moxor’s place, we would have done the same thing.

  Chapter 2

  Dr. Vanessa Lopez

  “You don't know what you're doing,” Dr. Bradley Douglas said as he grabbed the test tube out of my hand. He was rough as he yanked it from me. I hated him. His beady black eyes were small and were always staring at me. He was balding, and he always slouched. Still, he was all that I had in terms of fellow scientists. So I had to deal with working with him.

  “Yes, I do know what I am doing, Dr. Douglas. You are not giving me a chance,” I said annoyed by his lack of confidence in my medical skills. I grabbed the test tube back from him.

  “Do I have to do everything myself? You are useless, Vanessa. Give that back to me. You are going to do it wrong, and then that sample will not be able to be used,” he said to me.

  “I am not useless. You are a bully. I have had enough of your crap,” I said as I placed the test tube back on the stand. I pulled off my rubber gloves and stormed out of the lab.

  I walked into the bright sunlight and breathed in a cold breath of air. It was a crisp autumn day. The pine trees towered high around me, and I could smell the sap on the tree trunks. I took in a few breaths to calm myself. Nature always did that for me. Even though I spent all of my time in the lab and medical clinic, I preferred to spend all of my time outdoors, even if it was in this prison complex that we had made for ourselves. Being with Dr. Douglas always got my blood pressure high. I needed to take a walk to remember that I was, in fact, a good doctor and scientist. He was just a misogynistic asshole.

  “Good day to you, Dr. Lopez,” a young woman said as she walked by me. I smiled a polite smile and returned the greeting. I liked her. She had wanted to learn from me. I promised to make her a student the following year. In truth, I was holding off because I did not want to subject her to Dr. Douglas as well. But we needed more medical staff, and anyone interested was always taught.

  I continued my walk, and there were more greetings. I was well known in the small village of Haven Brook. Everyone knew everyone, but I was seen as a leader. People followed me. I didn’t ask for it. It just happened.

  We all were in this together. We couldn't leave if we wanted too, not that leaving was the best option anyway.

  I took a few steps and turned around. Behind the tall pine trees was a massive wall rising a hundred feet in the air, made of solid concrete. An electrified fence sat on top of it. If you went to the other side, there was a massive tangle of electrical traps. They were there to protect us from the cyborgs known as the Clenok. This is what the world had become.

  When the machines learned to replicate themselves, and had developed a shocking artificial intelligence ability, they took over. It happened slowly at first. I almost didn’t believe the news reports. But then it spread more and more. The battles were hard and fierce. Most of us hid away in safe bunkers or at military bases so we didn’t see just how much the cyborgs had grown and how much they were kicking human ass. Before everyone realized the level of devastation, it was too late. They had taken over and were the majority, and humans were the minority and on the verge of extinction.

  Haven Brook was where I lived now. We were one of the few isolated and protected villages left on Earth. The others were scattered across the globe. I had never seen one, but we heard about them. Every now and then we would get a transmission from them, but they came years apart. No one wanted to risk sending a transmission that would let the Clenok cyborgs know where they were. So we all lived quietly in hiding, all of the villages scattered across the globe. Haven Brook was one of these villages. I considered myself lucky to be in one surrounded by natural beauty. This village had been a mountain village in the state once known as Colorado. It was the perfect village to build a wall around, and it was self-sufficient with several clean water brooks running through it and lots of farmland with crops. It wasn’t exactly an abundance of food, but we weren’t starving.

  I had heard that some of the other isolated protected villages had been built around ruined city blocks. I could only imagine how ugly that environment would be to live in. I counted myself fortunate. Sometimes you could forget about the Clenok cyborgs outside the walls and think you were just living a normal life, the way that we used to before the Clenok cyborgs took over. But then you would remember that there were armies of Clenok cyborgs roaming the Earth with one mission: kill all the humans. It was a complex situation to live in, and we had very little hope. Jus
t one look at the massive wall forced you to remember just how much danger we were in.

  I kept walking. I needed a good. I wanted to figure out a way to take out the cyborgs, but I was a doctor. Machines were not my expertise. But I had a lot of time on my hands in a town where there was nothing to do but survive. At least I was thinking in those terms. Most were only concerned with keeping the cyborgs out and defending and fighting against them. I felt like I was the only one trying to find a solution to the entire source of the problem, whatever that may be.

  The Clenok cyborgs were hard to fight. Our only defense was electricity in order to fry their circuits, but that did not always work. If they were ever to crawl over the high cement walls, we would be doomed.

  “Dr. Lopez… Vanessa…” I heard Dr. Bradley Douglas say. I turned around to face him.

  “I must apologize. Sometimes I just grow frustrated. I should not have said those things,” he said.


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