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Ducking Ugly: a Menage Ugly Duckling Story (Stud Ranch Standalone)

Page 21

by Stasia Black

  Liam roared into Mack’s mouth with the rush of his climax. Mack swallowed it all and drew even more out of him.

  Liam pulled out and pushed in again, and then again. No. He wasn’t ready to let it go. Just a little longer. A little bit more—

  Calla clenched around him and he broke away from Mack so he could kiss her. After the roughness of Mack’s mouth, her soft lips felt even more sensuous. He could spend a lifetime comparing and contrasting the different ways their mouths felt and tasted.

  He brushed his thumb over Calla’s breasts and her body gave another shudder. Liam moved his hand beneath her and traced down from Mack’s collar bone to his nipple. So much smaller and tighter. He plucked at it and got a slap to the arse for it.

  Liam yelped and glared at Mack. Calla laughed at them and rolled with Liam to the side. Mack was spooned behind her and she snuggled her head on his bicep. She wrapped her arm around Liam’s waist and pulled him close.

  Liam felt the moment Mack went to pull away. To leave like he always did. Liam’s stomach swooped with disappointment.

  But then, instead of pulling away from Calla, he shifted to wrap his arm more firmly around her waist.

  “Roll over,” he ordered gruffly.

  Liam was confused for a second. Then he realized Mack was talking to him. He blinked a couple times and rolled over.

  Calla scooted up against his back, notching her knees behind his. And then Liam felt the weight of Mack’s arm settling over both their waists.

  Liam’s breath caught.

  What did all this mean? And why had tonight felt less like fucking and more like making lo—

  He shut down the thought before he could finish it and squeezed his eyes shut. Why the hell was he suddenly looking for meaning in shite? A shag was a shag. That was all there was to it.

  But when he finally fell asleep, it was to a restless dream of charging into a burning castle to rescue a princess. Only to get trapped by the flames himself.

  Until a certain brawny, tattooed fireman came in and rescued them both.

  Chapter 26


  “A toast to our three soon-to-be champions!” Mel stood up from the table and clanged the side of her glass with her spoon. It was the night before the Extreme Horse Makeover competition and they’d all come out to a nearby bar and grill on the outskirts of Denver for dinner and drinks. It was no Bubba’s, but it would do in a pinch.

  Almost everyone from the ranch sat around the two tables that had been pushed together. They’d all done their normal chores before coming down today and Nicholas was holding down the fort until they got home tomorrow. Mel and Xavier had even brought the kids. Reece was occupying them at the furthest end of the table, the baby in his lap.

  Calla leaned into Liam’s side, smiling at Mel.

  “Tomorrow Mackenzie, Liam, and Calla will take their mustangs to the Extreme Horse Makeover competition.”

  Mel grinned at each one of them in turn. “No matter how much each one sells for at auction, you’re already winners. By training these horses, you’ve made it so they can find forever homes instead of spending another winter starving out there or locked up in the BLM holding facilities. A round of applause to our trainers!”

  The table erupted with clapping.

  “And a round for the bar, on Mel’s Horse Ranch!” she yelled even louder. A roar of approval came from the crowd around them, along with clapping and a few wolf whistles.

  “Alright now,” Xavier said, pulling Mel down into his lap. “Don’t anybody be getting any ideas. This here’s my woman.”

  “Oh I am, am I?” Mel arched an eyebrow at Xavier.

  “You bet your ass, babe.”

  She grinned and kissed him. Long enough that the table started making a racket and Mel pulled away with an embarrassed blush.

  Xavier just laughed and smacked her ass before letting her go.

  Calla watched it all with a smile on her face but an ache in her chest. The last few weeks had been nothing short of perfect. Things with Liam and Mackenzie couldn’t be better. Painter was a dream. She’d never been happier in her whole life.

  Which was the problem, wasn’t it?

  Because for every second of happiness, she heard a ticking clock in the background. Ticking down to the competition. Mack hadn’t said anything about changing his mind about leaving afterwards. There were things he kept from her and Liam, she was sure of it. Important things.

  Ha. She was one to talk. Every week that passed, she felt her body changing more and more. The nausea had been mild, thank God for that. But there was a little being growing inside her. One that was part her and part Liam or Mack. Twelve weeks. It was the size of a lime. That was what the website said.

  Calla cursed herself for ever looking it up. Now she had to imagine the little lime in there opening and closing their fingers and curling their toes. That was what happened at this stage in development.

  How the hell was she supposed to do what she might need to do, knowing that?

  The appointment to get the results of her Huntington’s test was next week. Four days and she’d know. Four days and she might have to make the hardest decision of her life.

  Under the table, her hand went to her lower stomach. It had just started stretching and protruding slightly. She’d been begging off going to Liam’s room the past week, saying she needed to rest up for the competition. Mel had let her pick through her closet for tonight’s shindig and she’d chosen a dark plum colored peasant top. At least that was what Mel had called it. It had a plunging neckline but was loose everywhere else.

  From the way Liam kept not so subtly checking out her cleavage, she’d say it was a good choice all around.

  The smile died on her lips, though.

  She was lying to him. To both of them. They’d never forgive her if they found out. And if she had to—

  “You okay?”

  “Huh?” Calla looked up to find Mack scrutinizing her.

  “Is everything okay?” His eyebrows were furrowed.

  “Fine,” she said, aiming for breezy. She wasn’t sure she succeeded from the way Mack glanced over her head. No doubt sharing a look with Liam. She both loved and sometimes hated it when they did that. Watching the barriers come down between them in the bedroom was beautiful to watch. But she couldn’t say she relished having two times the observational power turned her way, especially lately.

  “If we’re talking about things to celebrate,” Hunter said, standing up, “Isobel and I have some news.”

  Calla looked up, glad to be distracted from her own thoughts. Hunter volunteered each year at the Makeover as an extra on-site veterinarian. Calla had known him forever since they’d both grown up around here, though he was a few years ahead of her in school. She only gotten to know him on a more personal level when he took over for Dr. Roberts at the only large animal veterinarian clinic in two counties. She’d gotten to know his wife Isobel a little over the past year too. She was good for him, had brought the life back into him after everything that happened with his first wife.

  “We’re pregnant,” Isobel said, beaming as she stood up and hugged Hunter’s side.

  Calla’s smile went brittle.

  Pregnant. And they were obviously so happy about it. Of course they were. Everyone around the table congratulated them. Because pregnancies were usually something to celebrate.

  “How far along are you?” Mel asked, hand going to her own extended stomach.

  “Six months now,” Isobel said. “We find out if it’s a boy or girl at our next appointment in a few weeks.”

  Mel clapped. “Our babies are going to be twinsies. Ours is due in five and a half.”

  Calla took a drink of her sparkling soda to swallow down her jealousy.

  Mel’s face went sour. “We tried to find out if they were a boy or a girl but they wouldn’t give the nurse a clear shot during the ultrasound. I swear,” she glared at Xavier, “if you give me another boy—”

just grinned and held a forkful of potato salad toward his wife’s lips.

  Mel shoved the fork out of her face. “Which do you want?”

  “I want a daughter but Hunter wants a boy.”

  “Just think about when they’re a teenager,” Hunter broke in. “If you have a boy you only have to worry about one dick. With a girl you have to worry about all the dicks.”

  Calla almost spit out her soda at that. Isobel smacked Hunter on the arm as everybody laughed.

  Calla smiled. Good. She could be happy for Isobel and Hunter. It would be okay. She could keep her emotions in check.

  “You’re a smart man.” Liam fist-bumped Hunter. Then he shook his head, “Jaysus, you’re both braver than me. I never want kids.”

  Calla’s chest clenched and she clutched her glass of soda. He never wanted kids?

  “Never?” Mel echoed her thoughts, one eyebrow arched.

  “It would cut into his time staring at himself in the mirror,” Mack muttered.

  Liam smirked at Mack. “Oh let me guess, you think you’ll be father of the year whenever you have kids? All your tattoos on display when you pick them up from preschool?”

  Mack held up his hands. “No kids for me either.”

  Oh don’t hold back now. Anyone else want to shove a knife in her guts while they were at it?

  Calla’s lips pursed and she took another long sip of soda.

  “Well I’m having a passel of them,” Reece said from the end of the table, leaning in so they could hear him over the noisy restaurant.

  “Oh yeah?” Jeremiah looked at his twin. “And how exactly are you going to support them?”

  Reece rolled his eyes. “Don’t go getting all high and mighty on me just because you’re Mr. College now. The rest of us get by just fine. I’ve got a fool-proof plan, if you must know.”

  “And that is?” Jeremiah asked.

  Reece bounced the baby on his knee and grinned. “I’m gonna marry a rich woman, obviously. Well,” he bobbed his head, “that’s Plan B anyway. Just in case I don’t win the lottery.”

  Jeremiah’s eyebrows lifted. “What concerns me is I can’t tell if you’re serious or not.”

  “What?” Reece sounded offended. “I’m a catch.”

  Jeremiah snorted but Reece ignored him and went on, “I’ll be the perfect stay-at-home dad while wify goes off and earns the bacon. And twins run in the family. So we’ll have a few pairs of them. And Liam,” Reece turned toward him, “Don’t think I buy it for one second.”

  “What?” Liam popped a handful of beer nuts in his mouth.

  “You say you don’t want kids now,” Reece shook his head. “But you’ll feel it one day. Just look at this adorable little guy.” He grinned down at the baby while he spooned some sort of mushy orange goop in his mouth. The baby shook his head back and forth and the spoonful went all down his front.

  Then he started wailing while Reece dipped the spoon back into the small jar on the table and made choo choo noises as he lifted it back to the baby’s mouth. “Train’s coming. Yummy train is coming!”

  Liam just stared on, shaking his head. “Sorry, don’t see meself suddenly deciding I need me eardrums shattered on a regular basis. Or that I really hate getting a good night’s sleep every night.”

  Isobel smacked Liam on the back of his head.

  “Thank you,” Mel smiled at her. “I couldn’t have reached him from all the way over here.”

  But Liam just held up his hands. “Hey, I just know me own limitations, that’s all.”

  Calla tipped her glass up and drank more. About now she was really wishing there was some actual vodka in her vodka soda, instead of just soda. Soon the cup was empty but she kept it tipped up, not ready to deal with the conversation or anyone at the table yet.

  She stood up abruptly. “I’m gonna go get a refill.”

  She didn’t wait to hear anyone’s response. She made a beeline for the restroom. She had to get her shit together before she could face anyone or she was gonna freakin’ lose it.

  She went straight for the sinks, turned on the tap, and splashed cold water on her cheeks. Then she looked at herself in the mirror.

  She barely recognized herself. Mel had helped her put on some mascara and lipstick before they came out, and to style her hair in loose waves. She backed up from the mirror and ran her hands down her body, breasts to hips. In the purple top and sleek black skirt she’d borrowed from Mel, the illusion was almost complete.

  She looked nothing like the Calla who’d walked into Liam leaving Bethany from a bathroom very much like this one.

  In a few more months, no one would be mistaking her for a man, that was for sure. She let out a humorless laugh and then leaned her hands on the sink and dropped her head. What the hell was she doing? Better yet, what was she going to do?

  She turned away from the mirror in disgust and slammed out of the bathroom door.

  And right into Liam’s arms.

  “Hey beautiful,” he laughed, catching her when she stumbled in surprise.

  “Way to scare the shit out of her, asshole,” Mack said from where he stood behind Liam.

  “No, I’m fine,” Calla said. She slipped her arms around Liam and pressed her head against his chest. God, he felt so good. Forget about burying her head in the sand. She wanted to bury herself in him and Mack.

  “Hey, what’s all this about?” Liam asked, putting his arms around her and hugging her back. “Are you okay, love?”

  Love. If only he meant that the way she wanted him to. No, that was stupid. What was she thinking? She squeezed her eyes shut and then pulled away from him, forcing a smile. “I’m fine.”

  “You sure?” Mack asked, eyebrows furrowed like he could smell her bullshit from a mile away.

  “God,” Calla rolled her eyes, putting on a façade of bravado. “I just had to use the bathroom. No crisis here. Chill out.”

  Liam smirked. “What? Chicks aren’t angelic creatures who never piss or shit? Your blowin’ me mind here, baby.”

  “Ha,” Calla said. She made to leave the back hallway but Liam put a hand on her elbow to stop her.

  “Wait, there’s something I been wanting to give you.”

  Calla stopped, surprised. “Give me?”

  Liam just grinned and pulled a small oblong box out of his jacket pocket. What—?

  He lifted off the lid and there was a silver necklace inside with a small oval pendant on it. Calla reached and ran the tip of her index finger down the thin chain to the delicate filigree tree engraved on the outside of the pendant.

  “It’s beautiful,” Calla said, her voice high and tight. God, she felt like she was about to start crying. Fucking hormones.

  “Let me put it on you.” Liam smiled, obviously pleased with her reaction.

  Mack watched on from beside them, arms crossed over his chest, a slight frown on his face. Was he feeling left out?

  “Would you mind if Mack put it on?” Calla searched Liam’s eyes.

  Liam looked over at Mack in surprise. “Not at all. Go ahead.” He waved Mack close.

  Mack looked uncertain for a second. “It’s his gift. I don’t want to—”

  “We share everything, don’t we?” Calla asked.

  At least for now.

  Chills ran down her body when Mack’s calloused hands brushed her neck as he draped the necklace around her. She lifted her hair off her neck as he fumbled with the clasp.

  “This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever worn,” she whispered to Liam. No need for him to know it was the only jewelry she’d worn in a long time—since her mother had left anyway. She used to play at trying on her mother’s things but had thrown away the few pieces her mom left behind and never looked back.

  Mack finally managed the clasp and stepped back. Calla lowered her hair and Liam came forward, centering the pendent right over the dip of her cleavage.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Liam said.

  “Perfect,” Mack whispered.

sp; Calla’s cheeks burned and she was glad that she’d nixed the blush when Mel offered it earlier. She was pretty sure her cheeks were plenty pink all on their own.

  “Wanna dance?” Liam held out his arm to her. There was a small dance floor off to the left of the main seating area and it was filled with people.

  Calla smiled and it was genuine this time. God, it was always like this when she was with them. All her worries and fears disappeared. Even when it was them and the future she was worried about.

  She grabbed Mack’s hand with the arm Liam wasn’t holding and dragged him along behind them.

  The atmosphere and energy of the small crowd on the dance floor was hard not to get caught up in. Mack pulled Calla into his arms as that Florida-Georgia line song, HOLY, came on over the speakers. Liam stepped up right behind her.

  Just like the first night they’d all danced together.

  Liam moved her hair behind her ear and whisper sung the lyrics in her ear, “You’re holy, holy, holy, holy, I’m high on loving you.”

  Loving? Did he just—

  She swung her head around to look at Liam but he’d dipped his face into her hair. She blinked in the dim light of the dance floor, heart and mind racing a mile a minute as she swayed back and forth in their arms.

  It was just a song lyric. It didn’t mean anything.

  Did it? What if it did?

  No. God. If he loved her, why would he say it for the first time off-handed in a song like that. She was a neurotic mess. Fucking hormones!!

  She squeezed her eyes shut. Turn off brain. Please, just for tonight. She clutched Mack with one arm and then lifted the other behind her to hold the back of Liam’s neck.

  Which reminded her of that night she’d held them close as they’d both taken her. Her panties went damp.

  And for the first time all night, all her worries quieted. It was just them. Mack and Liam’s bodies warm on either side of her. The music surrounding them. Perfection.

  The next song was a little faster but neither Mack or Liam moved. Calla moved her hips back and forth, grinning when she felt Liam’s hard on against her ass. When she slid forward and ground against the front of Mack’s jeans, she smiled even wider feeling he was hard too. It was such a rush to be able to drive both of them so crazy.


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