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Guardian: The Guardian Trilogy, Book 1

Page 13

by Robin Helm

  Mrs. Williams’s guardian, Raymond, successfully kept his mouth from gaping open. The small space was becoming quite crowded, and Xander loomed large above them all. His expression was fierce, and if Xander’s sharp glares had been daggers, Caroline Bingley would have been on her way to the morgue to have her pedicured toe tagged. The other guardians tried to back away from him, but there was insufficient room to do so.

  “But she hit me! My nose is bleeding! It may be broken! I’m going to have a black eye!” shouted Caroline, grabbing paper towels as she bent over the sink.

  “I think you’ll survive,” replied the older woman drily, handing her more towels.

  Mrs. Williams had known both girls from the time they were babies, and she knew that if Elizabeth had struck the girl, she must have had a very good reason for doing so. She also was very well acquainted with Caroline Bingley, and was extremely tired of her constant phone calls to their house asking for Richard. Against her better judgment, she had finally told her son to give Caroline his cell number so that she would stop tying up their land line. It did not take much imagination to deduce that Caroline had probably pulled some stunt to humiliate Elizabeth in front of her son since Caroline was well-known at Peniel for her cattiness and manipulative ways.

  Mrs. Williams pulled the sniffling Elizabeth to her shoulder and hugged her, stroking her hair. Xander continued his ministrations and whispered to her, Peace, Elizabeth. Be calm, precious one.

  “I didn’t mean to hit her. I really didn’t. It just sort of . . . happened. I’m really sorry, Caro,” Elizabeth choked out.

  I am not, thought Xander privately, still holding Caroline with his stare.

  “Let’s get you some ice for those knuckles, Sweetie,” murmured Mrs. Williams to Elizabeth, releasing her and taking her hand, looking at it with concern. “Can you open and close your fist without pain?” Elizabeth gave a slight nod. “Maybe you’re just bruised,” finished Mrs. Williams.

  She socks me in the nose and you’re worried about her? Caroline huffed. She thought several choice profanities and stalked out the door holding the bloody towels to her nose. The entire crowd of teens and adults was waiting outside the bathroom, listening to the brouhaha, and trying to figure out what in the world was going on. The sight of the regal, snobbish Caroline looking so ridiculous was a little too much for some of them, and a slight titter ran through the crowd. Incensed, she turned to leave, only to be met by Lynne Bennet coming through the door. Can this night get any better? Now the mother? Could her father and Janna be coming, too? Do I have to put up with every Bennet in the country?

  “Caroline, dear, what happened? Did you run into something? Let me help you,” Lynne said with genuine concern, reaching for the girl’s shoulder. Niall was right behind her, looking at Caroline speculatively. He had “seen” the entire incident through Xander’s thoughts.

  “Maybe you should ask your freak daughter! The only thing I ran into was her fist,” snapped Caroline angrily, jerking back from Lynne’s hand as if it would burn her. Stomping through the door and out to her car, she slammed her door and spun out of the parking lot. Lynne stood rooted to the spot, stunned by her vitriol.

  I need patience, and I need it now, Xander mused, listening to Caroline’s hateful comments through Niall.

  After a moment, Lynne turned and looked questioningly at Richard who shrugged and bit his lip. He could not believe El had punched Caro in the nose, but he would not deny that she had brought it on herself.

  Ha! Even he agrees with me. Richard had just gone up a notch or two in Xander’s estimation, and he disliked the young man a little less.

  I’ll get even with her. She’ll be sorry she ever touched me. Nobody makes me look stupid, Caroline promised herself venomously as she sped home.

  Ros, flying overhead, frowned as he listened to her thoughts. He knew that Xander was listening as well, and he hoped that Caroline would not do anything foolish.


  Monday at school, Caroline acted toward Elizabeth as if nothing had happened, though the slight bruise under her eye proved that it had. As the days passed, they continued to work on homework at lunch, and Caroline smiled and spoke when they met in classes or in the hallways. She also kept attending Tabernacle, holding her head high and ignoring the knowing smirks. Slowly, she built back Richard’s trust in her. He really believed that Caroline had forgiven Elizabeth, and he wanted them to be friends again.

  Elizabeth was wary, but she intensely disliked conflict and was ashamed of the way she had acted. Her guilt gnawed at her and eroded her distrust of Caroline. She convinced herself that Caroline had not mistreated her purposely and concluded that it had all been a big misunderstanding.


  Lucifer and his entourage took form in the Wickham residence, black robes settling around their feet. Cathy and George immediately knelt before him. They had been expecting the Dark Lord and were ready with their reports.

  “You may stand. Where is my son?” Lucifer intoned, looking toward the couple.

  “He is with his music instructors, my lord. His progress is nothing short of phenomenal, and his performance is brilliant,” answered George, getting to his feet with his wife. Standing or kneeling was of no significance. Lucifer still towered at least a full head over them and dominated any space he occupied.

  “Ah, yes. I can hear him singing now. Who accompanies him?”

  “He usually accompanies himself, my prince, as he has surpassed the skills of his teachers. He plays to perfection every instrument that he handles, and his vocal technique is beyond compare.”

  “Certainly. I would expect no less of Gregory. Bring him to me.” His voice was deep and commanding, exuding confidence that any request would be instantly obeyed.

  Cathy quickly climbed the stairs and went to the music room, motioning for Gregory to follow her. At his questioning look, she inclined her head. “Your father is here to see you.”

  “You may go now. Use the back entrance,” Gregory addressed his music masters in a clipped voice. He and his guards then quickly preceded Cathy down the stairs to the room in which his father waited.

  Satan smiled when he saw his son. Gregory, at fourteen, was nearly as tall as he was, strapping and muscular, with the perfect body of an Adonis. He could have been the model for the multitudes of statues and paintings of the Greek god, the archetype of youthful male beauty. The Dark Lord clasped Gregory by his shoulders in greeting while dismissing Cathy and George with a nod of his head. Lucifer then released Gregory and stood back to look at his face.

  “Are you doing well, Gregory?”

  “Yes, Father. I think I have made rather exceptional progress.” Gregory lifted his chin with pride as he answered.

  “Excellent, my son. I hear good reports of you from all of your instructors. Music has always held a certain fascination for me, and I am very interested in your musical tastes. What is your favorite kind of music, Gregory?”

  “I can play anything I attempt, Father, but I think the modern forms will be the most useful. I have observed from watching television and spending time on the internet that young human females are very impressed with those who play and sing in bands. I am proficient on the drums, all types of guitars, and all keyboards. Singing in that style is not a challenge. My guards and I have flown over the arenas when popular artists are playing concerts, and it seems that humans lose their inhibitions under the influence of that style of music more than any other. It has a raw power, an anger, a sensuality. I can use it.”

  “I am certain that you can; however, do not neglect the classical forms. Elizabeth Bennet is an aficionado of Debussy in particular, though she is well-versed in all types of music. She is also a composer and arranger. Have you been working on any original compositions?”

  Gregory’s amber eyes darkened. “I have, but she would not care for my work in that area, I am sure. My guards and I daily fly over her home, her school, and that college she attends. I have spent many
hours observing the girl, being careful to remain undetected. My style is too avant garde for her. I can compose music she would like, but there would be little pleasure in it for me.”

  Lucifer spoke softly but convincingly. “Composing her kind of music may not give you pleasure, Gregory, but destroying her with what she loves will bring you, and me, great satisfaction.” He looked into his son’s eyes with a calculating expression and put a hand on his shoulder. “You are very young, but I think it is time that I took some of your training into my own hands. There are many routes to pleasure, and you are old enough now to appreciate them.”

  Gregory smiled broadly, and his eyes held a wicked sparkle. “Indeed, Father. I am very eager to start that part of my education.”

  “I have human servants who specialize in all the sensual arts, Gregory, and they can teach you how to pleasure a human woman. They can also teach you other ways that you will not share with Elizabeth. These servants will be willing to do anything you want, my son, and you are free to learn it all. Only remember that some pleasures are best kept secret. There is nothing wrong for you, Gregory. Whatever the world can provide is yours for the taking, for it is mine to give. You have only to express your desire. We were meant to be worshipped, and others were meant to serve us in all things. The earth is your footstool; if you can imagine what you want, you can have it. We can share these experiences. I have long looked forward to this time. Are you ready, this very night?” At that moment, Lucifer was the essence of perversion, the very Devil, and he smiled lasciviously at his beautiful son. He clapped the younger version of himself on the back in camaraderie.

  “I have been ready for several years, Father.” Gregory laughed, but it was a chilling sound.

  Lucifer with the combined guard forces joined Gregory in his laughter as they abandoned human form and become one with the night, flying toward their assignation with evil like a dark cloud.

  Chapter 13

  “For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways. They will bear you up in their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone.”

  Psalm 91:11-12

  Spring, 2005

  Xander stood rigidly with his back toward Elizabeth. She was singing as she showered, and he was unaccountably discomfited. He closed his eyes tightly so that he could not see her reflection in the mirror that was before him. Never in all the years he had been a guardian had he ever felt uncomfortable watching over his charge in private. He tracked her thoughts carefully, listening to make certain that she was safe, but he studiously avoided “seeing” what she saw in her mind. Every few seconds he opened his eyes to scan the ceiling for dark ones. Am I losing my mind? What is wrong with me?

  He needed to be in the room with her to keep her from harm, but he was feeling more embarrassed with each passing second. In the past few weeks, he had considered standing in the hallway by the door, but he realized that it was imperative to prevent Niall and Roark from seeing him there. They would wonder why he had left her unguarded. It simply was not done. Even though his fellow guardians were gone with their charges at the moment, he felt the weight of his responsibilities toward Elizabeth and could not leave her. Besides, either of the guardians could return home at any time. Why do I feel like a voyeur when in ten millennia it has never bothered me before? What is happening to me?

  He was relieved to hear the water stop followed by the sounds of Elizabeth toweling herself dry and dressing. His daily torture session was drawing to a close at last. Xander moved behind her as she stopped before the mirror to comb her hair. I’ll put on my makeup after I get back from getting my hair done, she thought to herself.

  She really does not need that paint. I am glad that she wears very little of it, was Xander’s reaction.

  She would be going to the Peniel prom with Richard in a few hours, and her mother would soon return from her errands to take Elizabeth to have her hair done professionally. Lynne had accompanied her to get a manicure and a pedicure the previous evening.

  Xander had never before been to a prom. Janna, of course, had gone the four years she had been in high school, but Elizabeth, and, therefore Xander, had always stayed with Aunt Grace on those nights. Queen Victoria had not attended proms; nor had any of his other charges done so. He had observed balls and state occasions, but “prom” seemed to be a modern concept.

  Elizabeth’s thoughts were happy. I can’t wait for tonight! It’s going to be the best night ever. I absolutely love the dress we found! Doubling with Char and Billy will be so much fun, and my date is going to be the hottest guy there. I hope Richard is going to like the dancing, even though it’s kind of corny. I really don’t want to make a fool of myself dancing in front of everyone, so it’s a good thing I’ve been practicing in front of the mirror. I think it’s paid off, though, if I do say so myself. And Laser Tag afterwards is going to be awesome! She hummed a cheerful tune.

  Because the school had only about fifty juniors and seniors, freshmen and sophomores were also allowed to go to their annual prom. It was innocent enough. It was very well chaperoned, as there were always nearly as many adults in attendance as there were students. Lynne and David had agreed to allow Elizabeth to invite Richard only because they would be there themselves as chaperones. Elizabeth was ecstatic that her parents had agreed to let Richard pick her up for the prom; they would be double-dating with Charlotte Lucas and Billy Collins.

  Charlotte was a senior at Peniel, and she and Elizabeth had become fast friends in the past few months. Both Charlotte and Billy were in the Tabernacle youth group, and Elizabeth’s parents fully approved of them. Billy was the son of Mary Collins, Lynne’s close friend in the ministry, and he attended Sunday morning services at the smaller church which his father pastored.

  Charlotte’s brother, Joshua, was Elizabeth’s age and was a freshman at Peniel. He was also one of Elizabeth’s closest friends, and she was glad that he would also be at the dance.

  Dance. Elizabeth chuckled at the misnomer. I wonder what Richard will think of it. Our music is vetted by the faculty, and our dancing is nothing like what the kids do at public school proms. Well, he can’t say he wasn’t warned.

  Lynne and Niall arrived. “El! Are you ready to go? I picked up Richard’s boutonniere. It’s in the ‘fridge.”

  A fresh-faced Elizabeth practically bounced into the kitchen to meet her mother. “Yep! Let’s go. I’m ready to be stunningly, breathtakingly beautiful,” she proclaimed, striking a model’s pose.

  You already are, Xander thought tenderly from behind her.

  “Well, I’m sure Rhonda will do all she can, but she can work only with the raw material provided for her. You poor little thing. We have to tie a pork chop around your neck to get the dog to play with you,” Lynne replied, deadpanning, and ruffling her daughter’s hair.

  They left the house laughing together at Lynne’s remark. Xander and Niall exchanged a smile at the horseplay.


  Richard, Charlotte, and Billy arrived promptly at six o’clock to pick up Elizabeth. Garnet and the other two guardians stood along the wall, watching the proceedings.

  The prom was actually a catered dinner at the local country club, followed by a DJ, karaoke, and dancing. Their pictures were scheduled with the photographer at six thirty, and they did not want to be late.

  Lynne greeted the teens and led them into the living room while she called for her daughter. Xander had waited in her bedroom, staring at the walls, while she finished dressing. When he heard Elizabeth mutter, “This is as good as it’s going to get,” he turned, and his stomach tightened. He was overwhelmed by her loveliness. She was fastening rhinestone earrings into her pierced ears, leaning close to her vanity mirror. His breath caught in his chest as he gazed at her.

  She wore a chiffon overlaid gown that was midnight blue at her bodice lightening to a turquoise just below her tiny waist. Rhinestones were set in a spray pattern across the front of the gown, continuing down one side, drawi
ng the eye to a short train. The dress fit her slender five foot six form perfectly, accenting the curve of her hips and narrowing at her knees only to flare out from there to the floor. Elizabeth’s glossy brown hair had been gathered up in the back to fall in a cloud of loose curls to her shoulders. Tendrils escaped at her ears and on her neck. She was a picture of innocence flowering into young womanhood.

  Neither Queen Esther nor King David’s Bathsheba could rival your beauty, Elizabeth. How will I bear to hear the thoughts of those teenage boys tonight?

  Elizabeth did one final turn in front of the full length mirror on the back of her door before she opened it and walked gracefully toward her date. Richard’s eyes widened as he saw her, and Xander had no cause to disapprove of his thoughts, for he was speechless, both audibly and mentally.

  There was silence, and then everyone seemed to speak at once.

  “Wow! . . . Just . . . wow! You look wonderful, El,” Richard finally stammered.

  Elizabeth’s face lit up with a breathtaking smile. “You are quite dashing yourself, sir. Definitely GQ material,” she joked, taking his boutonniere from her mother and pinning it to his lapel. In turn, he handed her a florist’s box with a wrist corsage that matched her dress. Obviously, their mothers had coordinated the effort. Richard’s vest complemented Elizabeth’s gown perfectly.

  “Oh, my. You two look like you just stepped out of a magazine,” said Lynne, admiring the handsome couple. “Char, you and Billy look great, too. Now you’d better get going so that you don’t miss your appointments with the photographer.” She kissed her daughter’s cheek. “We’ll be there right behind you. David should be home any minute. Drive carefully.”

  “I will, Mrs. Bennet. Don’t worry,” Richard assured her.

  Lynne handed Elizabeth a duffle bag containing her clothes for Laser Tag. Elizabeth had packed it earlier and left it by the door.

  Xander, where is your formal toga? asked Niall, speaking aloud. Xander was looking altogether formidable, but his expression changed from a scowl to a smile at Niall’s remark.


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