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Guardian: The Guardian Trilogy, Book 1

Page 26

by Robin Helm

  Niall and Xander flanked Elizabeth who stood behind her mother.

  “Excuse me? There must be some mistake. Your airline booked us on that flight,” Lynne said with exasperation.

  The ticket agent turned to her computer and typed in some information. “Mrs. Bennet, you are correct. I have no idea why they set it up this way in Greenville.”

  “You don’t understand. We have to be in Toronto tonight. My daughter is performing at Roy Thomson Hall tomorrow night and she has a rehearsal with the orchestra this evening. She has to be there.”

  The woman looked around Lynne at Elizabeth and recognition lit up her face. “Didn’t I see you on YouTube?”

  Elizabeth nodded shyly.

  “Have a seat over there, ladies, and let me see what I can find. It doesn’t look very promising, but I’ll do my best.”

  Lynne and Elizabeth trudged to the seats indicated by the agent and sat down heavily. Elizabeth bowed her head. Father, you know we need to be in Toronto in just a few hours, and it doesn’t seem that we have a way to get there. Please help us, dear Lord. In Jesus’ name.

  Elizabeth thought, Amen, and then opened her eyes to see a pair of feet in low heels directly in front of her. She lifted her head to see the lady from the ticket counter looking at her, smiling.

  “It’s not wonderful, but it’s the best I could do. I have booked you both on an Air Jamaica flight flying stand-by. They’re ready to board, so you need to get to that gate as quickly as possible.”

  “Thank you so much,” said Lynne, accepting the tickets from her. The woman quickly gave them directions, and the group of humans and angels jogged to the Air Jamaica terminal and found the correct gate. Lynne approached the agent there and presented their tickets. The last passengers had just finished boarding the plane.

  The agent smiled at them. “This is your lucky day. You are in the last row on the flight. We have room for three.”

  Xander glanced at Niall. Watch them both for a second. I will be back immediately.

  Niall raised an eyebrow at Xander, and then turned to follow Lynne and Elizabeth.

  Xander stepped into the men’s room beside the gate, changed to human form, and emerged carrying a small bag and wearing a long-sleeved charcoal Henley, a black sports coat, jeans, and boots. He walked up to the agent and handed her his ticket. She looked up at one of the tallest men she had ever seen, and briefly lost her ability to speak as she took in his angelic face and powerful physique in one up-and-down glance.

  “Did I make it in time? I am on stand-by for this flight,” he asked, flashing his most devastating smile at her, dimples on full display. He heard her heart accelerate and read her jumbled thoughts. If only I could be assured of this response from Elizabeth! But Elizabeth looks beyond outward appearance. She is more concerned with the heart. When the woman made no response, he cleared his throat. I need to get back to Elizabeth – today if possible. The sound jolted her back to coherence.

  “Uh, yes. There’s one more seat. In the back. In the last row.” I sound like a complete fool. I wonder if I could sneak a picture of him with my cell phone. No one will believe me when I describe this man.

  “Thank you. Have a wonderful day.” He smiled again, and she stared at him, dumbfounded.

  Xander boarded the plane and made his way to the very back of it, heads turning toward him in a wave as he walked. All chatter ceased as he walked down the aisle, and the men and women gave him their full attention. He could hear their thoughts – the men noticed his musculature and wondered about his work-out regimen, and the women absorbed his physical beauty while their minds turned to images of intimacy. Xander felt naked, and he was embarrassed as the sound of his boots tapping on the floor seemed to grow louder with each step. They are all looking at me. I am now a spectacle for humans instead of them being a spectacle for me. I Corinthians 4:9 now applies to me, ‘We have become a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men.’ He tried unsuccessfully to make less noise.

  Xander drew no less attention from the few other guardians onboard the flight. The entire angelic realm was aware of their chief’s dual nature and of his love for Elizabeth. To see him in his human form approaching the object of his interest raised their curiosity to unheard of heights.

  I am a spectacle for the angels, too. Maybe meeting her publicly on a plane was not the best idea, after all. If it goes badly, I will be trapped for the entire flight.

  It will be well. You can do this, thought Niall. You cannot back out now. The course is set.

  Lynne sat by the window, and Elizabeth was in the middle seat. They were probably the only two beings on the plane who had not noticed him. Perfect, thought Xander with great relief, smiling at Niall a little smugly.

  Niall smirked in response and nodded toward the seat by Elizabeth. Xander’s smile rapidly faded, and his muscles bulged as he lifted his bag to put it in the overhead compartment. His head nearly touched the roof of the cabin.

  Good thing I am in the aisle seat. Otherwise, there would no place to put my legs. He straightened his shoulders. This is the time. Now or never.

  He glanced at Niall once more before turning toward Elizabeth and Lynne. Leaning over slightly, he asked, “Do you ladies need for me to put anything up here for you before I take my seat?”

  Both Elizabeth and her mother had been looking out of the window. At the sound of a low, masculine voice, they turned their heads toward him. Immediately, Lynne went back in her memory to the time her four-year-old El was lost at Tabernacle. This young man looks like the same man who brought El back to me, though his hair is shorter. But, it’s not possible that they are the same. That was almost fourteen years ago, and this guy can’t be older than twenty or twenty-one. The man who found El would be between thirty-five and forty now. I guess it’s true that everyone has a doppelganger, even Hercules. Niall rolled his eyes again.

  Elizabeth stared, transfixed, into Xander’s eyes. I’ve seen those eyes before. There could not be another clear, blue pair like those in the world. Those wonderful, kind eyes reassured me when I was a lost child, and they comforted me when we were in the wreck with Janna. She looked down to her lap at her hands. It can’t be him. He’s not old enough.

  Xander cleared his throat. I seem to be doing this quite a bit today. He was pleased that they had come up with their own explanations for his reappearance. His effort to look a little younger by wearing his hair in a modern style and dressing in clothes that were popular with college students had been successful. He was twenty years old according to his identification papers.

  Lynne was the first to leave her reverie. “No, thank you. We’ve already put our things away.” She started reading her magazine.

  Xander sat down by Elizabeth, trying unsuccessfully not to crowd her. His frame was too big for the seat, even when he scooted as far as he could toward the aisle. Maybe meeting her on a plane was not the best idea.

  Elizabeth started giggling. He’s trying so hard not to touch me.

  She is laughing at me. I am dying here, Niall.

  Give her a moment, Xander. It is not every day that a giant appears, you know. It will be well. Relax.

  She turned her head to tell him not to be concerned about taking some of her space, but she was struck dumb by his perfect profile. She had been so caught up in his eyes, that she had completely missed seeing the rest of him. I thought Gregory was beautiful, but even he isn’t as gorgeous to me as this guy. There’s something . . . a little too smooth about Gregory that makes me uncomfortable sometimes, but I feel completely the opposite about this man. It’s almost like I know him, but surely I would remember meeting a guy who looks like this. Everything Gregory does, or says, or wears seems very studied, but this man appears to be genuine.

  Xander, reading her thoughts, could not help but smile. She already prefers me to Gregory. He also heard Niall’s response. Humph!

  He slowly turned his face toward hers, and she forgot everything she was going to say. Xander decided t
hat helping her express what she had been thinking about telling him might be a good way to start a conversation. He had spent hours daydreaming of this moment, and the idea of talking to her made his palms sweaty. That has never happened before, he thought with surprise. He took a deep breath and forged ahead. It was easier to close the mouths of the lions in the den with Daniel.

  “I am sorry that I take up so much room. These seats are not made for someone like me.”

  She bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing. “You are rather, uh, large, but don’t worry about it. We were just glad to get on the plane. We were afraid that we’d be stuck in Philadelphia.” She smiled a little shyly at him. She had never been so aware of a man’s presence before. He seemed to fill the space around her. Even his scent was powerfully appealing to her. What cologne is he wearing?

  “Me, too. I am flying stand-by. Last minute trip on family business,” he said. It was difficult for Xander to think clearly as she leaned a little closer to him and breathed in, trying not to be obvious about it.

  He smells heavenly.

  Lord, please help me not to sound like a blithering idiot. Being human around her has heightened all my senses, and I cannot think well.

  The flight attendant’s voice came over the speakers instructing them to buckle their seat belts and prepare for take-off. They complied with her request automatically.

  His voice is musical. She struggled to think of a response. This is ridiculous. Stop thinking about the way he sounds, and looks, and smells. That’s three of my five senses he has overwhelmed in one shot.

  Xander could not suppress a small smile. The Acqua Di Gio was a good idea.

  Niall smirked behind him. You are welcome.

  After another moment’s pause, she answered, “So are we. Flying stand-by, I mean. We missed our flight in Greenville, and somehow we were booked onto a connecting flight on an airline that wasn’t flying today. It’s been crazy.”

  Xander looked out the window past Elizabeth and Lynne, spotting two demons riding the wing of the plane. Niall, do you see them? he asked with a small frown.

  Yes, they have been there a few seconds, observing you and Elizabeth.

  With an effort, Xander replaced his slight scowl with a more pleasant mien and returned his attention to his companion.

  “May I ask why you are going to Toronto?” he queried.

  “I’m giving a concert tomorrow night at Roy Thomson Hall,” she answered, lowering her eyes.

  She is so beautiful. I would love to touch her face. I remember how soft her skin was when I held her close and flew her to the hospital. Patience, Xander, patience. He forced himself to concentrate on making a sensible reply.

  “Really? How interesting. What sort of concert?”

  “I play the piano and sing.”

  “Have I heard of you? What is your name?”

  “Probably not. Elizabeth Bennet. Everyone calls me El.”

  “I have heard of you! I have just enrolled at Converse for the spring semester. I, too, am a pianist and a vocalist, though not of your caliber, I am sure.”

  “That’s amazing! What a small world. What’s your name?”

  “Alexander Darcy.”

  Niall looked heavenward. Nobody gives their full name, Xander.

  You are right. Xander cringed inwardly.

  Do not worry. It was a small error.

  Elizabeth chuckled, her brown eyes full of amusement. “That’s quite a mouthful. What should I call you?”

  Whatever you want to. Just call me, please.

  Focus, Xander! Niall thought, smiling behind his hand.

  Xander fought his way through his mental fog. “Most of my friends call me Xander. Do you like it better than Alexander?”

  “Yes, I do. It’s unusual, but it fits you. I’ll call you Xander, then.” Maybe I won’t be like everyone else to you.

  That would not be possible, Elizabeth.

  “May I call you Elizabeth? You seem more like an ‘Elizabeth’ to me than an ‘El.’” I do not think I could call you anything else. You have consumed my thoughts as ‘Elizabeth.’

  “You’ll be the only one that calls me that, but that’s okay.” Just call me whatever you want to.

  “I would like to come to your concert tomorrow night, if that is all right with you.”

  “I wish I could invite you, but it’s been sold out for a while now. I can’t get a ticket for you.” What if I never see him again?

  He smiled widely, showing his dimples. “I am not entirely without connections. I may be able to get a ticket myself. If I can come, would you and your mother like to go to dinner afterwards?”

  Dimples! How is it possible that he could be even more breathtaking? Elizabeth tore her eyes away from his face and looked at her mother, a question in her eyes.

  Lynne had been following the conversation carefully, though she had not looked up from her magazine. She caught Elizabeth’s glance in her peripheral vision and raised her head to see El’s eyes pleading with her. Niall whispered to her, This is a good man. You can trust him.

  Lynne reflected a moment. She hasn’t shown any interest in a boy since Richard broke her heart last year. Perhaps we should get to know this young man a little better.

  “What did you have in mind, Xander?” she asked, directing her gaze toward him.

  Niall remembered Lynne’s telephone conversations with the booking agent. They are staying at the InterContinental Toronto Centre which is within walking distance of the Roy Thomson Hall. The Azure Restaurant there has a reputation for being classy and romantic.

  Xander smiled at Lynne. “The Azure Restaurant is located in the InterContinental Toronto Centre near Roy Thomson Hall, and it is very good. I would love to treat you, ladies.”

  “I think it might be good for you two to be friends, since you’ll be going to school together in a couple of weeks, and the location is perfect. We are actually staying in the hotel,” Lynne replied.

  Thanks for the help, Niall.

  Actually, you are doing quite well on your own. I am pleasantly shocked.

  “Excellent. I will meet you backstage after the concert.”

  “But what if you can’t get a ticket?” asked Elizabeth.

  “I promise you that I will be there. You can trust me on this. I would not miss it for anything,” said Xander, looking rather seriously at her.

  He is very self-possessed for such a young man. Very mature, Lynne mused.

  You have no idea, thought Niall.

  Xander, quite pleased with his progress, continued to chat with Elizabeth and Lynne until they landed in Toronto.

  After they retrieved their items from the overhead compartment and exited the plane, he joined them as they walked to the baggage claim area. They waited until all the passengers had retrieved their luggage, but there was no sign of theirs. Together they approached the customer service area.

  Lynne explained the entire ordeal to the agent, and he checked his computer. “Ah!” he exclaimed. “Air Jamaica passengers are already in Canada when they leave the plane. The flight from Pittsburgh was on a different airline and left your bags in their area. Your bags have not yet cleared customs, and you can’t go get them because you are already through. Let me see what I can do.”

  “But we’re in a hurry,” Lynne said.

  From behind them, Xander had scanned the large area and had seen their luggage, actually sitting some distance away at the other airline’s baggage area. He stepped outside the small office. Niall, get their luggage. I will stay with them.

  Niall flew at flash speed to the men’s room on the other side of the customs area. After he had morphed into human form, he walked to the other baggage area and picked up the luggage. Niall telepathed with the guardian standing by a customs agent, and the agent’s protector stepped into an office and came back out in human form, dressed as an agent. Niall approached him, produced a passport, and was quickly cleared through customs. Then he casually walked by Xander, left the luggage b
ehind him, and walked rapidly away, returning seconds later in angelic form.

  “Mrs. Bennet, Elizabeth,” Xander called from the door. “Look what I found.”

  Lynne was delighted. “How did you do that?”

  “I told you that I had a few connections,” he replied, winking saucily at Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth blinked. Is he flirting with me?

  Lynne turned back to the office and called to the young man who was still busily typing away at his computer. “Never mind. Everything’s fine.”

  He looked surprised as he glanced up to see the Bennet ladies walking away with a towering man carrying several large pieces of luggage, along with his own small bag, as if they were of no weight at all. Is there an American pro basketball team in town?

  Xander waited with Lynne and Elizabeth at the curb while Lynne hailed a cab. While the cabbie stowed their bags in the trunk, Xander had a chance to say a few words privately to Elizabeth.

  “I will look forward to your performance tomorrow night, Elizabeth. Do not forget our dinner engagement,” he said, smiling into her deep brown eyes.

  She looked up at him in wonder. There are very few boys my age who treat me this way. He’s huge, but I like it. Rather than feeling threatened, I feel protected and safe.

  “There is absolutely no chance that I will forget it.” She turned from him and slid into the cab with her mother.

  He stood watching as the car drove away. Look back at me. Please, Elizabeth, my love. I want to see your face looking at me.

  As if she had heard him, she turned to look out the rear window at him, and lifted her hand to wave goodbye.

  Xander smiled widely and waved back. Then he quickly stepped into a crowd of people and changed into angelic form. In less than a second, he had caught up to the cab and flew over it with Niall.

  You are grinning like a lovesick teenager.

  Xander could not find it in himself to care whether or not he looked foolish. His heart was light and filled with hope. This may not be as difficult as I thought it would be.

  Then he remembered the demons on the wing. There will be complications.

  We will deal with them, answered Niall with confidence.


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