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Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors

Page 45

by Barone, Cenz

  Angrily Nancy said “This is not good” she then typed in another address in the URL bar as she said “Maybe the civilian one will work” but it was the same message. Baxter asked her “I don’t understand why you are looking, are you planning on going there?” Nancy shook her head and kept typing other addresses “No, I want to know, I want to have an idea what the level of security is out there”. Melissa sighed and walked from the computer and said “I don’t think there is anything secure out there”. Nancy was scrolling through websites at this point and went onto various news sites which had more details about what was happening, the reports were dated from official sites from a few days previously, so she tried video websites and used the filter for most recent events, and it was the same scale, with some people uploading videos of what they were experiencing, she sighed in dismay “There is no sign anything is getting better” she then went onto websites of official sites to get updates but it was horrific and made her more depressed.

  Baxter who was near her, observing her typing commands said helplessly “What happens now?” Nancy sat back in the chair and replied still staring at the computer monitor “We stick to the same plan, head for the woods, further up or down as long as it’s deep and remote and just go into the country, as isolated as possible. I don’t like it here though in this hospital. Despite what the doctor says about the food and the fact we are by his accounts the only people he has seen for what, almost two weeks and almost 7 days since this happened. I don’t like it, it is way too close to the nearest town and that road block we barely came through. Who is to say those things aren’t roaming around here, they could be attracted to the noise we made and we don’t know how they find people, is it sight or sound or maybe scent of where the vehicle we drove went to”.

  Sitting on the desk Baxter said “I think we should move off to Nancy, none of our group has said anything about staying. It makes sense to go”. Cherie now walked inside and they all turned to see her, they were amazed she was there, as despite her saying she would not go seeking Kenny, she was amongst them. Cherie having herself resigned to the fact he was dead and now she had to look out for herself, but they were taken aback by her facial expression, she looked concerned as she said “There are some weird noises coming from woodlands, it sounds like it is getting closer but I am unsure”. Baxter curiously asked “What kind of weird noises?” as Cherie replied “It is hard to say, it sounds like howling but that might be because of the wind, it is probably those people moaning. Those fucking things I just know are getting closer”.

  Then desperately Cherie asked “How long are we going to stay here for?” Nancy informed her “I have already been seen, the doctor is now looking at Laura and Elise, when he is done we are going”. Baxter held his weapon and nodded in agreement as he said “Yes, we should go as soon as possible, we are going further into the heart of the countryside. The area near the boroughs will be lesser populated”. The doctor now walked into the study room, and Cherie turned to hold her weapon at him, Melissa said “It is okay Cherie!” as the doctor remained unsure as he had not seen Cherie before.

  Cherie lowered her weapon as the doctor said nervously “Another one of you. You people just keep turning up don’t you” he said trying to joke but then added seriously to Nancy who he identified as the leader “Your friends are okay, nothing too serious. It didn’t take me long to take out the bullets out, you were all very fortunate, mainly grazes you have all had. This disease or virus as you describe it is very interesting. You say it is carried by bites and not wounding unless it is by their mouths. It doesn’t seem like an air agent, if it were everyone would be infected. But regardless they are fine. I will go and get their medication. I expect you are all leaving, right?”

  Nancy just nodded as he said “Okay, as you decide” Nancy now stood up and said graciously “Thank you for your help Doctor” the doctor smiled at her and replied “It is okay, but in return for payment. I would really appreciate a weapon and some bullets you might have. I notice you people are carrying quite a lot of firepower so I would really like some for my own safety, I trust you can understand why?” Nancy now asked him eagerly hoping he would go with her suggestion “Why don’t you come with us. This place cannot be safe for much longer, those things will inevitably find their way here and we can hear weird noises out in the woods. If you join up with us will, you will be useful for us all and we can be useful to you” the doctor though shook his head and replied “No, I will be staying. With all you have said to me, I don’t think I should go. Maybe others will come here like you people did for medical support and I can help them. I feel pretty confident up here, if this has been going on for almost one week then considering you are the first people I have seen. I am sure I will be okay” he now paused, all were aware he would not leave, as he then asked again “So weapons, can you leave me some?”

  Nancy nodded and said “Okay doctor, I will make sure you have weapons to protect yourself with, that’s more than okay and more than I can give to you to thank you for your help” the doctor smiled and then replied “It is you people I am concerned about. After what you all said you went through, I am amazed you want to go back out there. I though can feel others will come here for help, so I want to stay, and don’t fancy going out there, what with how you describe it as being”. Nancy exhausted told him “Don’t worry about us” the doctor smiled again and said “Let me go and get your medication, you go and join your friends in the foyer. They are waiting for you there. I will be with you shortly”. The doctor left the room as the group spoke amongst themselves and eventually went to the foyer where Elise and Laura were waiting, in the entrance area from the location they originally entered the building at.

  Within 20 minutes the doctor returned and went into the foyer area and handed each of the injured, that is Laura, Elise and Nancy some medication, the group made their way to the camper van. Nancy did not bother asking him to come anymore, they could only just move off and the doctor seemed stubborn, like his mind was his own and made up and nothing could change it. The doctor watched as they climbed into the camper van and made their way out of the car park. He even waved them off, near him a significant trove of weapons and bullets. Now they were all back on the road once more, heading further into the rural area of what the signs indicated was a place called the downs.

  It was a quite ride, Nancy felt fitter and better now her leg had been treated, she also knew she could not rest as she should, she needed to get some ability back into her body, which meant walking around on her legs to be able to move fast, so she was pacing on occasion trying to get use to walking, she felt so much better now the bullet was dislodged. Laura and Elise were also conscious, now their arms had been respectively treated they needed to fight through the awkwardness and rely on their own bodies to see them through whatever more was to come.

  Everyone was wide eyed and desperate to get back on track. Baxter could not believe how fortunate he was, not only was he still alive but he was surrounded by these attractive girls and felt secretly pleased in some sick twisted way. Still he would have preferred to have had more survivors alongside him, he knew when the going got tough the more people around him who could be relied upon, could make the difference between survival and death. But the situation was growing worse and worse as the radio was showing no signs of the situation being controlled. The group became weary of listening to the ramblings of radio hosts on numerous channels who had somehow managed to still be live on air and broadcast to the masses, it was all incoherent and illogical from them, and many of the radio hosts sounded like they were drunk, so they had switched off from it. All everybody knew was that their situation no longer depended upon the wider fight back against the dead things but by what they did in regards to what was in front of them.

  All were just relieved to have found temporary sanctuary and rest, especially for the injured. As Baxter drove, he was slow in his approach, at around 40mph and was cautious still, no longer sure where he was going and it
was only to head into the rural areas being his directive. They had all settled on a vast forest area called the downs but through the silence, through the caution something strange happened, because up ahead was a car smashed into a tree, the back of the car was on the small country road, but there was enough of a gap for the camper van to bypass. Baxter brought the camper van to a stop. In the back Melissa asked “Why have you stopped now?” Nancy was resting on the railings at the rear and looked ahead, she went towards it. Laura was in the passenger side and Cherie was near the front seats. Nancy looked out and they all observed the small fire near the car on the darkened road. Nancy whispered to Baxter “You should just go by it Baxter”.

  Baxter was about to go on by when Cherie noticed movement from behind the car, there was a person waving at the camper van ahead. He stood there in the shadows, and Laura noticed the figure of the person and said “Is that who I think it is?” and Cherie smiled with hope as she said “It is him”. Cherie opened the side door of the camper van from the rear as Nancy turned to see her leave, Nancy shouted “Cherie get back here”. But Cherie was long gone as she got out of the camper van and the person ahead of them had already walked towards it and all within saw. Baxter smiled and said “It is Kenny”. Cherie had reached him and she saw how badly injured he was. Kenny when he saw her held his pistol at her but lowered it upon seeing her, he then fell on his knees as though overcome with a sense of relief, the sight was too much for him. Cherie went to him and said “It is okay, come with me” she helped lift him up, Kenny was dirty with mud and looked like he had been lost in the midst of hell since they last saw him, Cherie carried him back to the camper van. Kenny felt Cherie drag him and he was dazed and confused, Laura had left the passenger side and went out to assist Cherie.

  Nancy had sent out Melissa and Elise to provide cover for them and they all saw Kenny being dragged forth with Cherie towards the rear of the camper van, he looked awful and scared, finally they put him inside the back of the camper van and once he was inside Baxter had driven off. Baxter could not engage in the relief and joy at finding Kenny once more but he was overjoyed. As Kenny was brought inside to the camper van, those in the back looked upon him, he was on his knees and Cherie wrapped her arms around him and hugged him, she was emotional and held him steady, Kenny was taken aback by her embrace but held her tightly, he was thankful to have found someone friendly to him. The rest of the group watched on bar Baxter who was driving, they were all pleased.

  “I don’t believe you’re alive” Cherie said enthused. “Neither do I” an honest Kenny replied. Kenny was then helped up to the seat of the camper van by Melissa and Cherie. Kenny then began to cough up violently some blood, his eyes closed as he looked at the group. He could see their pensiveness at his physical state. Kenny said “I have not been bitten if you think that. I was running in the woods and I have lost my way, I only found the road a few hours ago, after I found a car. I cannot believe the first people I have signalled down are you guys. I lost track of the direction I was going in, I have seen no signs for so long”. Kenny was cut up mentally as he said “What are the chances” he then coughed once more, and he then looked at them all, he noticed Elise with a bandage on her and then saw Nancy who was standing with crutches near her, and he remarked “I see you got to the hospital then?”.

  Nancy answered “We did Kenny. How did you manage to survive out there for the last few hours?” Kenny dazed said in response “What does it matter” but Elise told him bluntly “Try, and tell us” she wanted to know and he stared at her, he felt like they were questioning him, whether or not he had been bitten. All except Cherie who was just sincerely grateful he was back. Kenny though understood as he said to them, in a calm voice “Trust me. I have not been bitten” he leaned back on the seat, as Baxter drove on. Laura was leaning over the passenger side watching Kenny’s interaction with the group in the back and Baxter was whispering to her “Tell me what’s going on” Laura replied to him as she kept her eyes on Kenny and the others in the back “Just keep driving”.

  Kenny then said to Elise, Cherie, Melissa and Nancy “I ran. I ran as fast as I could, I lost track of the direction I was going in, it took me so long to find the road, most of the time I was hiding in the woods for God knows how long. Luckily I found that car, the one smashed up, the one I smashed into the tree, some deer made me swerve, it’s crazy isn’t, smashing into the tree for a deer when venison is my favourite meat but I could not go through an animal”.

  “You’re here now, that’s the most important thing” said Cherie as she looked at Elise, Nancy and Melissa angrily and said standing up “That’s the most important thing” she then looked back on Kenny who nodded and said “I can’t believe we meet again”. Kenny asked “Is there any water here?” Elise went for a back pack and took a bottle of water and handed it to him, Kenny opened the bottle and drank it, he was salivating it, desperate to consume it and so thankful to receive it. As Kenny brought it from his mouth he said to them all “Are we still heading for the country?” as Nancy nodded and told him “We are Kenny”. Kenny coughed once more and replied “What is the plan exactly?” Nancy now told him “We have an idea of going to a small village and just to hold up there, see this through, as for food we have to take a chance, there will be supermarkets with stores, and we can get some food and live off the land when we get to the rural areas”. Kenny shook his head at this and responded “I don’t know about you people but I think we should stay in the forest, in the sticks, in the woods for as long as possible”.

  “What do you mean” Melissa asked to which Kenny said “I did not come across one of those things in there, when I was in the woods, not one of them for all those hours. It’s easy to raid the shops right, ideally an outdoor type of shop, get some tents and some cooking materials and live off the land, get some food obviously from supermarkets and use that as our base when we are running low. We have to think about this being a long term thing not short term” Kenny seemed incoherent as he then told those around him “Staying close to a village is all well and good but we should be far from it, as deep into the woods as possible”. Nancy now looked upon him and said “We will talk about this when we get deeper into the downs”. Nancy turned from Kenny and went towards Baxter, she spoke to him telling him to keep going deeper into the downs, which he did and then to find a spot to lay low. Cherie was near Kenny and was speaking to him, and both spoke amongst themselves.

  Baxter had driven the camper van to a sideway of the rural road and they were parked up. Now the group within the darkness of the camper van spoke, all concentrated amongst themselves as they realised they were all that mattered at this point, they had to think about their own well-being. Kenny gave off his suggestions, Baxter asked “If you mean this, you are thinking this will last a long time, so we will be out there for a really long time” as Kenny replied “As long as it takes Baxter, it’s good to see you again mate” Baxter nodded to Kenny with a smile because he felt the same.

  Nancy was thinking hard about the scope of the discussion and she turned to the group to scour their faces, they hid it well, what were they thinking she wondered. Nancy now said “It’s a good idea Kenny. Perhaps it’s the best idea for us right now. Think about it, the entire country is overrun, from what the TV, the internet and radio is saying. It is clear there isn’t any law or order, no justice and no government anymore. We are left by ourselves. We have to assume the worst and the worst situation is the situation will remain as it is indefinitely. So we should be thinking about surviving now, without any expectation of anything else but our own well-being”.

  Melissa asked through the silence “But why in the woods, why out there, surely it will be more dangerous” as Kenny said to her and the rest of the group “Not really, think about it like this, those things are attracted to where people go, the cities and towns, so if we find a farm house that will be good enough but not as a safeguard as it will have roads leading to it, but also the prospect of those things coming b
y us somehow. But tents in the woods, deep in the woods, it’s perfect. We have enough weapons don’t we, that is the only bonus I can think about because when we were stranded in the university with all those guns. Look at how many of us there are, just about 7 of us. It’s a small group and so less noise. Fuck it people, look how far we have come. All we need is a means to make camp in the woods and we can protect ourselves”.

  Kenny was making sense as they all listened to him. Kenny surveyed the group and added “We don’t need any more friction between us about what to do, so if anyone has any other suggestions, say it now because I am open to anything”. Nobody could really think of anything, they had tried hiding in houses, tried rescue centres, tried every avenue of waiting for the emergency services and the army and it was clear no help was going to come to them through all their experiences. Cherie said “If we keep on seeking shelter and relying on help from someone else then one of us will get killed or maybe all of us”. Everyone looked at Cherie as she pressed her point in support of Kenny “I mean, look at what happened to Gage to...” she noticed Elise looking at her and was about to say Grant but Elise said for Cherie’s sake “To Grant, it is okay. He died I know” and Cherie lowered her head before her and then spoke up from Elise being in the moment and added “All I am saying is, Kenny is right. Deeper in the woods is better and if we can use and get materials from nearby towns then so be it. Do you understand?” nobody replied to her as Cherie then said with her voice raised “It is time to make a decision”


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