Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors

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Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors Page 46

by Barone, Cenz

  Again nobody answered because all were of the same mind set and Kenny stated “The woods it is then” he looked upon them all and Baxter muttered “I agree man” and then he overlooked at the rest of them did Kenny as they all nodded. Kenny stood up and went to the front of the vehicle and placed his hand on Baxter’s shoulder as he said to him “Mate, you have been driving for so long, can I drive. You take a rest” Baxter just placed out his hand to Kenny who took it, as Baxter said “I need to rest” and Kenny helped Baxter up from the driver’s seat. Kenny helped Baxter onto the other side and Baxter told him “Cheers man”. Kenny now looked at the others in the group and said to them all “We have to think like we are the only people left in the world. I swear in those woods is a place I cannot imagine they will go, at least not in any significant number”.

  Kenny now climbed into the driver’s side as Laura watched him sit into the driver’s seat and he turned at them all “We are all we can rely on now”. Nancy agreed in the heated moment as she said “Okay Kenny, do it” Nancy then went to the back seat of the driver’s side and there within was a map of Britain, she took it out and held it up as she placed it on the table in the back of the camper van. Kenny and Laura watched her as she said did so and Nancy said “You drive and I will use this map to lead you into the deepest part of the woodlands as possible”. Melissa added “Even though none of you know this area, really, I guess we will be fine” her tone rightfully sarcastic but Nancy ignored her and told Kenny “You just tell me the signs you see and I will tell you where it is on the map but stop when I say if I cannot locate where our position is”.

  The group all settled, knowing they had enough petrol from the university rescue station, enough medication from the hospital and enough weapons drawn from their escape from the university rescue station, all of which was in the back but now and primarily they were all alive and now thinking about themselves. Nancy said “Drive Kenny, the first sign you see let’s work together” and Kenny started up the camper van and they drove onwards. As they drove Laura sat in the passenger side near Kenny and called out signs seen. Nancy in the back with Cherie and Elise near her called out where it was on the map as they tried to roughly locate on the map where they were at, but the map was not a detailed localised map, but a general map yet it provided enough scope for them all to work out amongst themselves where they were heading. This went on as the group continued to drive deeper into the woodland of the downs which was where they headed towards.

  Baxter lied down and had his feet up and put his head on the couch, he was finding his first moment of proper rest since the breakout from the university rescue station. Laura and Melissa remained awake, with Melissa focused on the rear with Nancy, Cherie and Elise overlooking the map and Laura sitting up looking at the back from the passenger seat as Kenny drove. “You ever wondered what it will be like after this thing is over” Laura asked as she looked at those in the back of the camper van, as Nancy with her eyes opened and replied thoughtfully “Will it go back to normal you mean, I hope not, remember the stories of violence, the wars, the taxes, the mayhem on the streets. I hope it changes for the better. Sometimes I ask myself what is normal after this” Nancy then paused and added pensively “Whatever this is, I hope when it is over, it goes back to something better”.

  As Kenny kept driving he was using the map with Nancy near as a verbal guide and as time had passed, she and he were in further consultation. Whilst in the background of the camper van as the rest of the group settled, since Laura had moved to the back of the camper van and Nancy had sat near him in the passenger side they spoke together. “Cherie, are you Kenny’s boyfriend” Laura asked Cherie randomly to as Cherie stared at her taken aback “Why do you ask?” asked Cherie. As Laura replied “Because you, I don’t know. You are so close to him”. Cherie looked at the front then at Laura who had been with herself and Kenny since the house said “I have just lost a boyfriend. I am not looking for another one. So I am not his girlfriend. In fact I am no closer to him than you are to Baxter”. Baxter remained quiet sleeping so they thought as Laura looked at Baxter and said “No, he’s just a guy I went to university with”. Then Baxter sat up, none expected him to do so as he said to Laura “I thought I meant more to you than just a fellow student in class Laura, considering all that has happened. I thought I would now have the title of a significant face rather than a familiar acquaintance”. He said a grin on his face and Laura like the others who saw him laughed. The laughter went on and the camper van drove on through the thickets of darkness as they headed deeper into the rural countryside.

  Chapter 28 - Heading Towards The Downs

  The ride went on for almost an hour and everyone in the back was mostly keeping themselves either awake or resting. Melissa now said “I was dreaming the other night about being alone in the entire world, alone and free, do any of you feel that way sometimes? I did all the time before, even before this. You know before this I was on medication for depression, it’s funny isn’t, how things can just change, I have not felt depressed or anxiously worried for days, just terrified and its weird but I prefer being terrified than what I use to deal with”. Everyone listened to her in the background, Baxter adjusted himself from lying down, totally understanding what Melissa was saying, he having anxiety disorders. Laura listened to what her friend was saying, Laura being privy to Melissa and her depression.

  Kenny was just concentrating on driving but also overhearing this and he listened to, at least part of him to the conversations in the back. In the early hours of the next morning, after the camper van had been driving for such a long time, everyone on board was awake and they had arrived at Just Eve which was located in the Dales, a small village Nancy had located on the map. As the camper van was brought to a stop Kenny stepped outside. It was painfully quiet, with only 100 houses in the area, and one giant supermarket with half a dozen shops and even some pubs around it. The village was vague in the respect it was the most populated area for buildings that they had seen for a while yet devoid of any movement. Kenny turned to Cherie and Laura who were near him and looking outwards to him from the driver’s side as he stood on the ground outside the camper van, Kenny said to them “Remember, we will go get the food” referring to Elise and Melissa who were to join him.

  Nancy was going to remain at the camper van with Baxter because the injuries of her leg, and she still needed rest, although treated by the doctor it meant she had been forced to restrain herself from going outside the camper van. She had to be disciplined and trust the others around her. All knew their differing degrees of responsibility. The shopping district was for the small village area robust for materials. The group all fell into their roles which were allocated to each. Nancy could only remain within the camper van with Baxter on the outside holding his machine gun watching as the rest of the group bravely went on their way. A large supermarket was visible and all was quiet with hardly any cars outside, and the truth was they were working against time.

  Kenny took a trolley from the outskirts near the trolley area as Cherie and Laura were on either side of him, Elise and Melissa moved in front, they were conscious that despite the silence of the moment, it would be extremely dangerous and in one minute everything could change. Kenny pried open the doors of the large supermarket, one familiar to them all as Cherie and Laura squeezed in once opened enough for them to grip and squeeze inside. They then stood within the supermarket and went within. The smell of the rotting fruit, dairy products and fish was sickening, but there would be frozen food as well as some tinned canned food which they all went towards, they used their flashlights as they all rushed to the shelves and mowed down the cans of peaches, noodles, mushrooms and anything and everything which was in cans.

  After a while of tailing through the shelves, Kenny came to a camping stash, he put some tents in the basket and took a large hammock and even a cover sheet. With these things he located fishing rods, some axes and hacksaws from the DIY department which were also collected. The gro
up had altogether 8 trolleys which they had amassed, taking many of the baskets from inside the supermarket and building up as they went. All worked as a team, knowing how each person depended upon their actions in this moment. Baxter now drove the camper van as close to the entrance of the supermarket as he could and the group started to stack things inside with Nancy doing her best to assist in doing this.

  It became clear they had no more room for anymore as those within the supermarket had collected so much. “We need another car” said Elise who was aware of this. “We need one like this, something that can take rough terrain” Kenny replied to her and he looked around the car park as he saw no vehicle which matched their current camper van and Kenny did not want to wander around aimlessly looking for a vehicle which may not even be suitable. “Let’s just see how much we get inside” shouted Nancy. As they worked fast and hard Baxter was flinging the various items inside, all was a mess within the camper van but everyone worked fast, Nancy was overcome with how much the group had found from the supermarket.

  Laura realised they did need another vehicle so she said “That’s good enough for me, I am sure there was a car shop here, a showroom of some kind, if we can find one which matches what we look for, one that has a car that works, we have enough petrol inside for this camper so as long as we make sure the vehicle we find uses diesel, we will be fine, I can go look for it” Laura said, knowing what the fuel type was for the camper van.

  Baxter nodded and supported her “I will back you up Laura” he adjusted the weapon he held and looked upon her and said “It is fine”. Laura now turned to face Nancy and said to her “I will go and look, I saw one about 200 metres down that way” as Laura pointed to a long widening road near the supermarket. “Are you sure Laura” asked Melissa as Laura smirked at Melissa and said “I am very sure Melissa. I got Baxter to back me up” Laura turned to Baxter and smiled at him then kept her smile on as she looked at Melissa and said “If we find something, we will bring it back” Laura now turned to Baxter and told him “Let’s go Baxter”. Baxter listened to her and followed as he and Laura made their way down the road away from the supermarket, as the others were loading up the camper van. Kenny was rushing, he was inadvertently making the others extremely nervous by his manner but only because he was desperate to make sure it was going smoothly. It took around 10 minutes for the rest of the trolleys to be brought outside and Kenny, Elise, Cherie and Melissa were going back and forth, with Nancy outside holding her machine gun making sure they had cover and none of the dead things had appeared at this point, so they worked harder and faster.

  Melissa listened to the radio as Cherie made her own thoughts at ease by watching the flying morning birds because finally the skies were turning from darkness to a blue morning colour but it was slowly coming and it was still so dark. Melissa remarked how normal and everyday that scene was as she said “I thought morning would never come”. It was nice to just look up and see those tweeting birds and the darkness turning slowly into a dark blue colour, they all knew morning was finally coming. Nancy was putting the food into the front and the tents in the back, Nancy herself now trying to organise the items, she hated mess. There was so much stuff within, and a concern was would they be able to drive with so much due to the amount of items within, even though this was tongue in cheek by Nancy who broached the subject.

  “We will really need a car now. If worst comes to worse we will put five of us in a jeep or something” Kenny said laughing at Nancy’s concern but he was not serious. Nancy was still unsure on her feet but made steady progress to the front of the stall because she had pushed herself into the large supermarket, it was so eerie due to the darkness within and the flickering torches of those in the group she was with providing the only light. Elise was behind her and said to Nancy who was resting on a large stall of magazines at the front of the supermarket near the frontal check out stations “You should not be lowering your guard” Nancy jumped at the voice behind her from Elise. Nancy was unaware that Elise was still inside the store. Nancy asked her “Elise, what are you doing behind the counter”. “I am checking for alcohol, whisky, vodka, cherry, brandy, it’s all here, cigarettes and cigars to”. Elise said excited, falling into their situation of scavenging willingly.

  “Why are you taking that stuff” asked Nancy to Elise who placed it on the counter and then went around to the trolley to store it in, as Elise answered Nancy by saying “To store it in case we need it, for buying weapons or something. I am thinking this will help as currency, unless being a policewoman you disagree with it”. Nancy just shook her head staring around at the supermarket as she did her best to stand alone with her injured leg, and she was coping much better than before. Nancy said to Elise “No I don’t care. The amount of laws I have broken, I am no longer a police woman in theory”. Elise put the stuff in a rucksack rather than the trolley’s because she decided it would be better to use for these items, as she sat down facing Nancy from the counter of the supermarket at the entrance of the supermarket. Nancy eyed her with curiosity and then Elise asked Nancy “What did you hope to do in a couple of years, I hoped to finish my job in that drowsy office, maybe go back to college, change careers, change countries or even change personality” she laughed at herself as Elise remarked without giving Nancy an option to reply “It’s funny though because I never wanted to change husbands, but here I am widowed”.

  Nancy felt like Elise was willingly giving up on her old life with all that had happened so she said, trying to comfort her in a polite way “You don’t know that Elise, he might be alive don’t you think that he is waiting for..” Elise interrupted Nancy and stated “Nancy it’s obvious this is national, he’s dead, I have accepted that now, why would I punish myself even more by thinking he is alive or thinking he is alive to die like Grant has died or anyone else I have seen has died”. Nancy watched as Elise put into her back pack all the items she had taken from behind the counter of the supermarket as the others in their group moved back and forth with trolleys. Nancy did not know what to say to Elise. So Nancy once more trying to get through to Elise said “If you think maybe your husband is alive it is a...” but Elise once more interrupted her and stated “Stop it Nancy” Nancy went quiet looking at her as she said to her did Elise “If you had family, which you never talk about you would understand”. Elise then went to put more items into her bag as Nancy said “I am more fortunate more than you I think Elise. I have nobody to worry about, my sick ailing mother does not really care for me much, she is in a home but has her mental faculties intact, and as for my brothers, they are all up North somewhere with their families. We are not close as a family, but we are all in the police force, four of my brothers and myself as for my nearest and dearest, I don’t have one like you do”.

  Elise stopped hurrying with her items which she placed into the back pack and held a bottle in her hand. She recklessly said to Nancy did Elise “I want you to drink with me Nancy”. Nancy watched as Elise put a small bottle of Brandy onto the till. “Drink to what?” asked Nancy as Elise responded “To our new future, whatever that may be”. Nancy stood up and took the bottle, she drank it back as did Elise from the other bottle of brandy and they looked at each other and Elise broke down laughing which was followed by Nancy who laughed at their desperate situation, drinking in a supermarket after having broken into it and trying to scavenge for food. Nancy now said, having let herself go. Both Elise and Nancy continued to drink and be carefree, both of them no longer caring, as they seemed to lose themselves in the moment.

  Melissa walked inside the store and saw them both laughing and drinking, Melissa then said broodingly “There are some of those things outside, making their way down towards us”. Nancy and Elise turned to her, as they snapped out of their shared drinking moment. Nancy then asked Melissa “Have Laura and Baxter returned yet?” Melissa with worry on her face for Laura replied “No, they aren’t coming from the direction they went but I don’t know what it is like down where Laura has gone. Tho
se outside are heading to us, it is just three of them”.

  “Three, just three” Elise said without much acknowledgement that this was a bad thing as Elise took another shot of the brandy which was open on the shopping till area. Kenny took his weapon as he was inside the supermarket nearby and heard what Melissa had said as he spoke up in the backdrop, Kenny was surprised Elise and Nancy were drinking but he did not get bothered by it, so Kenny said as he charged out “We better shut them up, in case they attract more of those things. Finish off loading the stuff. I will deal with it”. Kenny made his way down as Elise saluted him and said sarcastically “Yes Master Kenny”.

  Elise was obviously a little drunk and too caught up in enjoying herself in this manic situation with Nancy who herself struggled to not let go. Cherie looked at both women from near Kenny where Nancy was and knowing she was drinking, as Cherie came to Kenny and whispered to him before he went out and said “Baxter and Laura better hurry up”. Kenny just nodded to her and headed outside to deal with the three dead things which were heading their way from the direction Melissa had said they were coming from, and Melissa went back on lookout.

  Kenny rushed out of the supermarket and walked the 50 metres towards the three dead things and fired his weapon at the three, making them fall on the floor, they were disabled on the floor and Kenny emptied more bullets into their head until they moved no more. The group behind him continued to load up the camper van. Meanwhile Baxter and Laura were around a jeep down near a car shop just where they had passed it coming towards the supermarket. Both heard the thugs from the gunfire near the supermarket. Laura said “We better hurry up”. Baxter was quiet though, he was just watching her carefully, and it was obvious he had a crush on her. Laura was not really with it recently, she knew Baxter liked her but was just so drained and so upset by the recent spate of murder and general homicide, how could she react, besides Baxter was not her usual type. In fact she tended to cling to guys who treated her badly and she sensed Baxter would not.


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