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His Eternal Flame

Page 14

by Layla Valentine

  Although it was tempting to pull off his clothes when we got home, the smell of the Chinese food had brought with it visions of savory chicken. Dustin must’ve had the same thought, because he went straight for the fridge and pulled out some wine for me and a beer for him.

  I set the bag on the table and pulled out the square paper boxes that held our dinner. Once everything was served, we set to eating with gusto, I realized I hadn’t really eaten since earlier that morning.

  In no time, we were done and clearing away the food.

  “I think we were pretty hungry,” I observed.

  Dustin turned to face me. “Happy five months, honey.”

  “Happy five months,” I replied softly.

  Now, I was free to slide my hands across his chest and unbutton his shirt. He remained still, letting me take my fill as I grazed my nails lightly across his chest.

  “How’s that feel?” I asked.

  “Like you shouldn’t stop,” he answered with a grin.

  So, I didn’t.

  Chapter 27


  Samantha had blossomed so much in the last five months that I wasn’t surprised in the least when she confidently undid my belt buckle and yanked it off my waist. It only made me want her more.

  “Let’s stay on the couch,” she suggested.

  “I’ve always liked it,” I agreed.

  She popped open my waistband and pulled my zipper down. My manhood strained against the cotton fabric of my blue briefs, but she quickly grabbed them and off they went, too.


  My voice cut off in a strangled gasp as she pulled me into her mouth. She rolled my throbbing member around on her tongue, licking it, teasing me. My knees nearly buckled and she pushed me back onto the couch with a grin.

  Then, she settled her head between my legs as if she was never moving again. She gripped my thighs harder before placing her tongue at the base of my cock and slowly moving it up.

  “Oh…my God… Samantha…”

  My hips bucked and my body strained towards her as she took my manhood firmly in her hand, placing her lips back around the tip. She began moving her wrist up and down in a slow motion that started to drive me mad.

  In no time at all, I could feel my climax building. But I wasn’t ready to finish, not without bringing the same amount of pleasure to Samantha. So, somewhat reluctantly, I pulled her head up and swung her across the couch.

  “My turn,” I murmured as I yanked off her dress and pulled down her undies.

  She wrapped her legs around my thighs and urged me towards her. I moved to caress her with my mouth but she shook her head like an insatiable vixen, reaching out to grasp my cock.

  Needing no further encouragement to give in to my insatiable need, I plunged myself inside her waiting sheath. Samantha moaned softly in pleasure as I began to push into her.

  I captured her lips, thrusting my tongue into her eager mouth, lost in my desire to be inside her in every way. She kissed me back wildly, her hands gripping my hair, holding me close to her.

  “Dustin!” she cried, before shuddering underneath me with the force of her climax.

  My own followed soon after, and I buried my face in her neck, inhaling the crisp apple scent of the woman I’d come to need more than life itself.

  Our breathing evened out, and I lifted myself up and shifted to one side of her so she wouldn’t stay crushed under my body, not that she seemed to mind.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  I pressed a kiss on the top of her head.

  “And I love you, my Samantha.”

  Silence fell, but I could practically hear her mind turning.

  “What you thinking about?” I asked.

  “Are we really going to Hawaii?”

  “Yeah, honey. We really are.”

  “Is a month enough time to buy tickets?”

  I stroked her back as I answered.

  “Well, I know a guy. I can get us tickets tomorrow.”

  “Wow. That fast? That’s crazy.”

  I shrugged. “Why not?”

  She smiled up at me, her eyes shining.

  “Why not indeed?”

  With that lovely thought, we got up and headed to bed.

  Chapter 28


  The following month passed in a blur. Soon enough, Samantha and I were boarding the plane to Honolulu.

  I’d always dreamed of visiting Hawaii. It had been one of my life goals to visit as many places as I could, a dream I hadn’t really done much to pursue over the past few years. But with Samantha around, I couldn’t wait to go more places, and explore all the beauty there was in the world.

  Not that I didn’t already have the best sight sleeping next to me every night.

  Still, it was with a certain level of satisfaction that I stepped off the plane holding Samantha’s hand. This trip was going to be special. Not only was it our first one together, but I had planned a surprise for Samantha and I couldn’t wait to spring it.

  But, as it turned out, Samantha had a surprise of her own.

  After checking in to our room, we spent a few hours at the beach, me making sure that Samantha was completely slathered in sunblock. That night, we took it easy and ate at the hotel. We were exhausted, so retired soon after. There would be plenty of time to explore the island over the next few days.

  The next day, Samantha disappeared for an hour—a massage, I thought she said—while I lazed about in bed. When she got back, we headed out for another bout on the beach, returning to our room a little later to get ready to attend a traditional luau. I threw on a Hawaiian shirt Samantha had gotten me while she draped herself in a flowered dress that hung across one shoulder.

  “You look gorgeous,” I told her. “Elegant and exotic.”

  She flashed me a mischievous grin. “And I’m just getting started.”

  I laughed, thinking, oh, so am I.

  But I kept that thought to myself as we strolled out, arm in arm, and headed to the caravan provided by the hotel. We hopped in and enjoyed the view as we drove to the luau. Sunset was about an hour away, turning the island into all sorts of shades of red.

  I glanced at Samantha, and she smiled serenely and squeezed my hand.

  “It’s a beautiful evening.”

  “And I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a gorgeous night,” I said, thinking of what was coming.

  A secretive twinkle lit her eyes. “It sure is.”

  We arrived to pounding drums and hula dancing. Greeters placed leis around our necks and led us inside. From what I remembered, there would be a dancing presentation, dinner, and then some more entertainment followed by group dancing. I wasn’t sure exactly what was being presented, but I was looking forward to the fire swallowers.

  “Hungry?” I asked as we took our spots on a long table.

  “Starving,” Samantha answered as she looked at the array of fruits piled along the table.

  But after we both ladled food on our plates, she only picked at the fruit and savory roast.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” I finally asked when a waiter took her mostly-untouched plate while clearing the table.

  She nodded. “I am. Really. I just…” She kissed me. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I told her instantly.

  “Okay, I’m going to head to the bathroom. Make sure you get a spot in front,” she directed, pointing behind me.

  I looked and saw a group of men setting something up on one side of the lawn.

  “Okay, got it.”

  She kissed me again before heading off to the main building.

  Which was perfect timing for me, especially as I’d already reserved a special spot just for us in the front.

  A few minutes later, the crowd had gathered, but Samantha still hadn’t returned. Hoping she wasn’t feeling sick, I was a bit distracted from what the announcer was saying until a fragment caught my attention.

  “…from the great city of
Los Angeles.”

  Surprised, I whipped my head around to see Samantha standing on the opposite side of the pathway that had just opened up. What was going on?

  “When you walk this path, you learn to defeat your fears,” the announcer continued.

  “What…” I breathed.

  There was Samantha, smiling tremulously at me as she slid off her shoes.

  “Today, this woman will walk on hot coals in a symbolic defeat of her fear of fire.”

  He stepped aside and a low drum beat began. Samantha took her gaze away from me to focus on the fire.

  I found myself stepping forward until I stood on the opposite end of the coals. I had no idea she’d been planning this, but I found myself full of pride that she would push herself to move past a fear that had defined half of her life.

  She took a deep breath and took a step forward. Her face remained calm, focused, as she pressed her weight down and took another step. Slowly, methodically, and in complete control, Samantha walked towards me across the burning hot coals.

  “That’s it, honey,” I whispered, moved by her determination.

  That’s when I knew the perfect moment had arrived.

  Chapter 29


  Keeping a secret from Dustin was proving harder than I expected, and I found myself preoccupied during dinner. Dustin thought I was upset, I could tell, but I was really trying to stay focused while not letting him in on my secret. I’d been working on it for months, since just after I completed my move to LA

  I’d meant what I’d said to Dustin when he’d woken up from the coma. I wasn’t ever going to put him in a life-threatening situation because I was too scared to move. Which was why, as soon as I’d settled into Dustin’s condo, I had hopped online and begun looking for some type of therapy to get me past my fear.

  I didn’t tell Dustin, primarily because I wanted to surprise him with my progress. Fortunately, we were both busy enough that I never felt like I was lying to him. He respected my need for space, even if I told him every other single thing going on in my life.

  I’d found a lovely therapist, Dr. Jones, who’d made me feel immediately welcome and empowered. After I’d told her my story, she’d suggested a symbolic ceremony that required mastery of mind over body. She hadn’t exactly suggested coals, but it was one of the methods I’d looked at and had tentatively been working on.

  So when Dustin had suggested we go to Hawaii a month before, I’d kicked up my practice. I’d found a place that taught the physical exercises necessary for walking across hot coals, while Dr. Jones helped me consider them as symbols of the fire that took my parents.

  I wasn’t sure I’d be ready in time, but I didn’t let that keep me from working on it every single day.

  When we sat down for dinner, though, my hunger faded. I wasn’t afraid, but I knew I needed to be focused if I was to succeed.

  When the event organizer signaled, I told Dustin I was going to the lady’s room, then found a quiet corner and took a moment to center myself. After that, I emerged to find the crowd starting to gather across the lawn, so I hurried to take my place on the opposite side of the guests.

  The organizer greeted me, and I nodded my thanks.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “I believe I am.”

  He smiled and patted my shoulder.

  “Belief is the final step.”

  Soon enough, he was announcing me. I stepped forward, onto the beginning of the path, and immediately spotted Dustin. He saw me at the same time, and his mouth nearly dropped open.

  His eyes widened in understanding as he realized what I was going to do, and his nod of approval heartened me. After that, I pushed him far enough from my thoughts to focus on the length of glowing coals spreading before me.

  It was time. I would not let the fire take anything more from me.

  Heat pushed against my legs, but as I’d practiced, I focused inward, on the beating of my heart and the feel of my lungs expanding and contracting.

  A stray thought passed through my mind—what if it burns—but I pushed it away. Believe, I told myself.

  Then, I lifted my leg and set my foot down.

  No burning. No fire. I was in charge. This was a rite of healing, closing the hole that existed in the place in my heart where my parents used to live. I used to blame myself, wonder why I hadn’t screamed and called out, wondered if it had already been too late by the time the fire reached me, all the way across the house.

  But I couldn’t blame myself anymore. The fire had been a tragic accident, and I had to let go of my fear if I ever wanted to become a daughter who would have made her parents proud.

  As I walked, I felt my fears falling away, taking with them the endless emptiness from being orphaned for half of my life. I was free, strong, and capable. I was not afraid.

  Fire would no longer be my enemy.

  Instead, as I stepped off the coals and looked at Dustin, I knew fire would be intimately entwined into my future.

  And now, I wanted to share this final piece of myself with Dustin.

  “Surprise,” I told him.

  In reply, he sank to one knee.

  My heart stopped. Tears that had been threatening to fall began streaming down my cheeks.

  “Honey, I’m so proud of you. And I’ve never loved you more than I have at this moment.”

  He lifted the ring towards me—a simple but stunning sapphire set within a circle of diamonds.

  “Will you, Samantha Blissett, do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Yes,” I whispered. “Yes!” I repeated, nearly shouting.

  He rose to his feet in a single fluid motion and kissed me. I clung to him, joy crashing through me in one continual wave.

  When he pulled back, he presented the ring. After sliding it on my hand—it fit perfectly—he kissed me again.

  “I guess we both managed to surprise each other,” I told him.

  “I could get used to surprises like this,” he teased.

  I kissed his nose. “Me, too.”

  Around us, the audience clapped. We broke apart and smiled at the strangers who’d become a part of the biggest moment of our lives together thus far.

  “What say we head back to our room soon?” Dustin whispered in my ear.

  “A most excellent suggestion.”

  Later that night, we made love. This time, it wasn’t fiery passion consuming us, but the tender, slow-burning fire of glowing coals, Dustin touching me as if I was the most precious artifact on earth.

  Afterwards, we snuck out to the beach, and Dustin spread out a blanket for us to recline on. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked at the stars.

  “I’m so happy, Dustin.”

  He tightened his arms around me. “See now? This is truly living.”

  And I knew then that he was right.


  One Year Later


  Living without fear has many benefits, I learned. It’s like going from life in black and white to one in full Technicolor. Or, maybe it’s like discovering chocolate after a life with no taste buds. Either way, I was sure I was never going allow myself to go backwards again.

  Life with Dustin was, well, blissful. It was strange to realize the word, bliss, had been a part of my name since I was born. Yet I didn’t truly discover its meaning until Dustin and I began sharing our lives together.

  Every day was a revelation. Even when we discovered a sort of routine, there were still plenty of surprises and laughter and joy. We rarely disagreed on anything, and when we did, it was usually minor.

  Perhaps most surprisingly, even though I loved Dustin’s condo, he told me he wanted us to get a house.

  “But you love this place,” I told him. “I love this place. There’s no need to move, especially not when we’re saving for the wedding.”

  Dustin kissed me lightly.

  “I want us to have a place with room to grow. Besides, don’t you want to
finally bring home that dog you always dreamed about?”

  I volunteered once a week at the nearest shelter, and he knew I was already attached to several of the dogs there.

  “So, what do you think?” he asked. “I mean, we don’t have to move right away, but we could start looking. Maybe start figuring out what we want.”

  I looked around at the place I’d come to consider home. It was spacious yet snug, and I looked forward to coming back to it every day. But then I considered what it might be like to have a dog—or two—and saw just how much Dustin loved me to give up his home for my dreams.

  I walked over to the couch and sat on his lap.

  “You’re too good to me, you know that?” I told him, kissing his forehead.

  “Oh, why? Because I know how much you love dogs? You ever consider that I might love them, too?”

  I thought back to the night we met.

  “Aren’t cats your thing?”

  His eyes grew wide as he grabbed my arms and swung me onto my back.

  “Stop!” I shrieked as he started tickling me all over.

  A minute later, we were making out, completely turned on. Yet again, a nascent tickle fight turned into yet another bout of red hot sex.

  That was something that I loved: having amazing and consistent sex for the first time in my life. I told Zoe and Maria as much—not that they couldn’t already tell from my constant glow whenever we spoke on video chats.

  Not only was Dustin an amazing lover, he couldn’t get enough of me. For my part, it took all my self-control to get out of bed every morning. Perhaps it was the five years we spent apart after that first scorching night together, but neither one of us ever seemed to get our fill of the other.

  Not that I would have it any other way.

  Exactly one year after our trip to Hawaii and my walk across the coals, I found myself facing yet another, life-transforming path in front of me.


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