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Page 4

by Shanna Handel

  The puzzle pieces started to click in Jacob’s head, forming a picture of how Ruby’s mind worked. He decided to go out on a limb. “So, when you said that I couldn't tell you what to do, you were testing me?” he said gently.

  “I guess. Yes. Elizabeth calls it ‘bratting.”

  “Oh. I see.” He would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.

  Ruby took a deep breath, pulling something out of her bag. She quickly twisted her hair up into a magnificent bun with two flicks of her wrist, then pinned it in place. “Yes,” she said, looking at him pointedly. “Bratting. It’s what she used to do with Cole, you know, to get his attention? She would act out, and he would get angry and ignore her, but what she wanted was for him to be firm with her— not take her crap kind of thing.” Her voice got quiet, “I like that.”

  Jacob felt like his heart had skipped a whole beat in his chest, his breath caught in his throat. Ruby wanted what he wanted.

  “Without the spanking part, of course,” she added.

  His neck felt hot. His face felt hot. Jacob was too close to what he wanted to give up now.

  He had always wanted to be the Head of his Household, but now that he had met Ruby and was in love with her, all of her from the sweet to the scorching, he knew he had to have more than just that. He wanted to be in control of the relationship physically, and her, as well. It was as if she had awoken a dragon inside of him.

  As they pulled into Ruby’s driveway, he again thought very carefully before he spoke, turning the engine and headlights off before he did.

  “You want a relationship where I am in charge, right?” he asked. She nodded.

  “And where I cherish and protect you, and give you guidance when necessary, right?” She nodded again.

  “But no spanking?”


  “Then how would I ensure that you listened to me and did what I ask?”

  “I would just do what you said; you saw that tonight when we had dessert,” she replied in a serious manner.

  It was now or never, time to be true to himself and the relationship he desired. He just hoped Ruby would still want him. He turned his body towards her, placing his hand on her thigh, as high as he dared to go while maintaining control of himself. Jacob wrapped his fingers and thumb around her thigh, then squeezed tightly. She gave a little gasp.

  “Can I tell you about the relationship I want?” he asked, his voice a borderline growl.

  Her response was a timid nod, her eyes wide.

  “The relationship I picture,” he started, slowly placing his finger under her chin and gently turning her face up towards his, “is one where if you had said what you said in Cole’s living room tonight, you would have known that I was going to take you straight home…” she was hanging onto his every word, her brown eyes staring into his, cheeks blushing. He stiffened again and continued, “Put you over my knee, and given you a good, hard, spanking.” She bit her pouty bottom lip hard, her eyes shining.

  He tightened his grip on her thigh until she gave a little gasp. “And a relationship that when you said what you said to me last week— calling me that name,” she looked down in shame, her teeth sinking further into the delicate skin below her lip, “I would have punished you severely, right here in this very driveway. You wouldn’t have been able to sit comfortably for a week.”

  He awaited her response, the tension hanging almost visibly in the air. She looked up, her eyes looking almost feverish, her bottom lip dark red from where she had abused it. “Okay,” she said, with a small nod. “Okay.”

  “Okay?” Jacob was taken by surprise at her response and tried to hide it from his voice.


  Jacob thought fast. He had no plan ready for her agreeing to this lifestyle right away. He had envisioned her reacting a thousand different ways to his confession, but never this. It was time to take what he wanted.

  “Ruby. I’m going to spank you. Tonight.” He watched as a shudder ran through her. Her doe-like eyes looked up at him expectantly, nervously. He could see she wanted this as much as he did.

  Jacob slowly clicked the buckle that held his seatbelt. It smoothly retracted. Leaning over her, he pushed the release button on her safety belt, never losing eye contact as he did. Ruby’s body tensed, but her eyes yielded. Opening his door, he made his way over to the passenger side.

  Gently opening the door, he reached in the car and took her hand. There was a trust between them that could be felt in their touch. He raised her body to meet his, wrapping his strong arms around her. Kissing the top of her head, he inhaled the strawberry scent that was hers and hers alone. Releasing the embrace, he grabbed her hand tightly and led her to the front porch.

  They sat down side by side on the porch swing, a gentle breeze caressing them as they barely moved back and forth together. His arm wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her body tight against him.

  “I love you, Ruby.”

  “I love you, too, Jacob.”

  “The greatest honor in my life is being your man. When you disrespect me, that takes away from my ability to be your man. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was barely audible.

  “There is a consequence for that little habit of yours. I will not allow you to behave in a way that could hurt our relationship.” He removed his arm from her shoulder and said, “Stand, for me.” Without hesitation, she lightly jumped to her feet. Expertly, he guided her taut body so she was lying over his lap, her upper body resting partly on his legs, her bottom perched over them, her outstretched legs balancing on the tips of her toes. He lightly rubbed her bottom through the thin material of her skirt, her body betraying her desire as it melted into him.

  “Why are you in this position, Ms. Ruby?” he asked, his voice amused.

  “I spoke disrespectfully.”

  “That’s right. I believe we can add lying to your transgressions as well.”

  “I didn’t lie.” She quickly turned her head, trying to face him but not succeeding in her precarious position.

  “Oh, but you did. I believe your exact words were, ‘He can’t tell me what to do.’” With that, Jacob landed a loud, stinging slap to her rear end.

  “Ouch!” She jumped a bit but settled herself back over his lap, to which he responded, “Good girl.”

  “It looks as if I can very well tell you what to do, doesn’t it, young lady?” Several more slaps were administered to her full seat. She began to dance a bit from foot to foot.

  “Yes, sir, it is beginning to look that way.”

  A steady stream of smacks continued to rain down on her as he continued his lecture. “You have been asking for a good spanking ever since you tried to pull that drag racing stunt, little girl.”

  “Oh my, I’m sorry, Jacob.” Her body was squirming all over the place now, but he continued to light a fire to her rear end.

  “You will be a very sorry little girl if you ever say a word like that again. Am I making myself clear?”

  “Yes, yes, coming in loud and clear. I totally understand. It won’t happen again. Owie.”

  With a few more slaps of his hand, Jacob rounded out the thorough punishment. He then left her over his lap as he gently stroked her bottom, ending the session as he had begun it.

  Helping her up, he placed her on his lap where she snuggled in deep and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. He kissed her cheek softly. “You did a good job taking your spanking.” She wordlessly nuzzled into his neck in response.

  They sat for a long time content in one another’s arms. After such an intimate act, Jacob couldn’t believe how natural he felt. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

  Ruby sighed, “I’d invite you in but the house is a mess. And Mama is sleeping.”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize anyone was home. I hope I didn’t wake her,” he said with a wink. “I should be going.” Jacob went to stand, but Ruby gripped tightly to him.

  “Don’t go,” she
said, a hint of desperation creeping into her voice. He longed to scoop her up into his arms and run away to the cabin with her.

  “Are you okay?” He turned towards her, concern lighting his eyes.

  Ruby looked down at her lap, fiddling with her fingers. “Yes, I’m fine. I just get a little lonely sometimes after you leave.” Her chocolate eyes met his, and her weak smile melted him. He hated to leave her.

  “I know, I miss you like crazy when I leave you.” He tucked a rogue curl back behind her ear. “Are you okay with everything that happened here, tonight?” He tightened his arm around her and gently stroked the back of her arm with his hand.

  “Yes. It made me feel safe and cared for,” she said shyly. “I guess I’ve always been wanting this kind of bond.” She thought about it for a while, placing both of her hands on top of his. “It’s very intimate, though, isn’t it?”

  “It is. More so than I had imagined.”

  “Oh, so you’ve been imagining spanking me, huh?” she teased.

  A devilish grin crossed his face. “Haven’t you imagined the same thing.”

  Guiltily she blushed. “But I don’t think I would want you to spank me again unless we were— you know.”


  She looked him right in the eye, mustering up her courage. “Married.”

  Jacob’s heart skipped another beat. Tonight was quickly becoming the best night of his life. “You mean I haven’t proposed to you yet?” He flashed her a wide grin.

  She looked down at the bare ring finger on her left hand. “Not that I can see,” she said, holding the finger up and waggling it at him.

  “Well, that’s coming,” he said. “Get ready.”

  Jacob was a planner, and now with a proposal and marriage hanging in the balance, he went into planning overdrive. The first step he mapped out was applying for jobs and making contacts for careers through David’s business partners. There was no way he could marry Ruby without a full-time job and steady income to support her.

  Also, he needed to meet her family. It was a delicate subject, and Ruby never invited him in if anyone was home, always giving an excuse and hurrying to close the door. Though most nights, the place was dark and seemed empty. Jacob longed for the day he could bring her home with him.

  And they would need somewhere to live. The cabin felt like home to him, but Jacob wanted to buy a house that would be his, and Ruby’s. He didn’t like the idea of their first home being a rental. He had to see what his income would be like first, to see if he could qualify for a loan, but he knew he had a pretty good down payment saved up.

  But first things first, the ring. And that was the focus of this day. Jacob smiled as Heather closed the door to her little white sports car, practically flying towards him. He loved her energy.

  “Oh, honey! This is just the happiest day. I can’t believe you asked me to come with you, though I have great taste if I do say so myself. Well, I declare,” she paused to take a breath and look at the calligraphy lettered sign stating, “Biondi Jewelers” hanging above the store, “isn’t this the cutest shop! I am going to have to ask them where they got those green and white awnings. We need some teal and pink ones for our shop.”

  Heather, Elizabeth, and Lila owned a joint venture children’s boutique, called Three Sisters, in a historic building downtown that David had bought, and Cole and Luke had renovated. Elizabeth ran her cooking classes out of the space above the boutique. The entire family had thrown themselves into the success of the venture, and Heather took much pride in the appearance of the Three Sisters.

  They stepped into the shop, and Heather gasped aloud at the sight of the sparkling jewels. “My, my you could ice skate on some of these,” she said, looking at a ring three times more than Jacob was prepared to spend. He was using the money he had made on the last car that Luke and he had sold, combined with some of his savings. He had a substantial inheritance but refused to touch it, instead choosing to live off his modest income. The cash felt heavy in his pocket.

  Jacob scanned the counters, hoping he would know the perfect ring when he saw it. They all looked the same to him, diamonds with silver or gold bands. Nothing caught his eye. Ruby was a unique woman and she deserved a ring fitting of her.

  He was losing hope when a red glint caught his eye. There sat a vintage piece that held a large, oval ruby in its prongs. The jewel was stunning, much like the girl who held its namesake. Shining silver formed delicate swirls around the crimson gem, making it look as if it were floating. It was the perfect ring, fiery and surprising, yet beautiful and classic.

  “Mom?” Jacob said, tentatively, pointing out the ring, reverently.

  Heather walked over to where Jacob was standing. “A ruby,” she said, awe in her voice. “She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her,” Heather said, quoting a familiar passage from Proverbs. She turned to Jacob. “It’s perfect. And Ruby will make an excellent wife.” Heather hugged her long-lost son, tears in her eyes.

  Emotions washed over Jacob as well. He quickly composed himself and politely asked the woman behind the counter to bring the ring out.

  “No, I will not.” Ruby rose to her full height of five feet and some change, hands on her hips, looking at Jacob defiantly, daring him to disagree with her.

  Jacob held in a sigh. Weeks had gone by without a fight, Ruby had been true to her word and followed his lead. He didn’t want to spoil the evening that he had planned, but this topic had to be put to rest tonight. “Ruby, you are going to get hurt walking these dogs. Some of them even outweigh you. And walking alone at night? It just isn’t safe. You have to find a new job.”

  She swirled around, long pink lacy skirt swishing around her. She bent over the couch and shuffled around in her purse. Turning around, she proudly displayed a small black can attached to a keychain with no keys. “See?” she said. “I have pepper spray.”

  He walked over to her and carefully took the weapon from her hands. “This was in your purse, which I know you don’t take with you,” he raised his eyebrows at her adorable face before continuing, “and you were holding it pointed directly at your face. I’ll bet you didn’t even read the directions. Did you?”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “I know how to use it,” she said, exasperated. The barefoot beauty had on a tight, form-fitting white tank top, showing off her slender but toned little arms. She was too darn cute for her good, and he couldn’t stand this close to her without touching her any longer.

  “I love you, and I won’t have you putting yourself in danger.” He stepped closer to her and wrapped his arms around her tightly, one hand embracing the bunch of curls pinned to the back of her neck. He leaned down. “Roll your eyes at me when we are married and it’s a spanking,” he growled lowly in her ear, his hand pressing her closer.

  She let out a little moan and pressed herself into him, nuzzling her mouth on his neck. Her reaction to his threat was pushing him to the edge of his self-control. Was he crazy to save his first kiss for his wedding day? He knew if he started to kiss that pink, pouty mouth, he wasn’t going to stop there.

  Growling again, he held her at arm’s length, instantly missing the warmth of her body.

  He walked to the other side of the room, away from her charms.

  “Elizabeth wants you to cover her shifts at Three Sisters. She thinks you would be great and the customers would love you. With her cooking classes becoming so popular at night, she could use the daytime help at the shop. Have you checked that place out? It’s right up your ally. Very girly, and frilly,” he said, pointing at her skirt.

  Ruby thought for a moment. “Elizabeth said that?”

  He smiled. “Yes. Elizabeth loves you. And trust me, my mom and Lila are very picky about who works at Three Sisters. Up till now, it’s been just family.”

  She wrinkled her nose when he said the last word. “I’m not family, though.”

  “Not yet.” He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it sof
tly. “Come with me. I want to show you something.”

  They walked hand in hand through the living room, into the kitchen, and out of the back door, to the workshop.

  Jacob took a deep breath, then carefully opened the large, barn-style doors one at a time, to reveal an aquamarine Fiat Spider convertible with a tan cloth top.

  “Oh, my! That car is as cute as a button! Is this yours and Luke’s latest project?” Ruby walked around the car inspecting it from its little round headlights to its tiny trunk. After a few minutes of oohing and aahing over the car, Ruby realized that Jacob hadn’t answered her.

  Jacob stood back by the barn doors. He had been picturing this moment for months. As usual, what he pictured never matched the greatness of reality. How could your imagination do you justice in a moment like this?

  He could barely speak, the love he felt for her seemed to spill from his chest. “It’s yours,” he said, his voice catching in his throat.

  She cocked her head to the side, creasing her brow. “Mine?”

  He said nothing. Just watched as the beautiful face lit up, tears filling her eyes. Ruby pressed her hands to her chest. “Mine?” she asked again.

  Jacob handed her a fuzzy pink key chain. He had attached the mace to it, and a single car key dangled from it. “Open it, take a look.”

  She stared at him, still in disbelief, taking the key from his hand. She carefully turned the lock, opened the door and slid into the tan leather seat without a sound. She put her hands on the steering wheel and looked up at him, beaming. “And look,” she said, pointing up, “it has a rearview mirror.”

  The grin that came from seeing the itty bitty thing behind the wheel of the car was so wide it was hurting his face. Driver and rider were a perfect match, and he was proud that he had been able to put her there. “There’s one more present in the glovebox.”

  Ruby looked up at him puzzled, but used her key once more and unlocked the glove box. Inside was a small box, wrapped in white paper with a red velvet bow. She carefully reached in and took the box out, holding it in her hand like a delicate flower. She looked up at him, her eyes wide.


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