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Page 9

by Shanna Handel


  “That’s… that’s a perfect score. How many people score that?”

  “About 300 in a year.”


  She waited for it. Ruby watched as Jacob’s brow creased. She waited for more to happen; the disappointment, the lack of confidence, his masculinity to melt away in front of her face. Him to no longer want her.

  To her surprise, his face illuminated, a huge grin covering it. “Ruby, that’s great. I mean, that’s amazing. You could go to any college you want, full scholarship. It’s not too late, you’ll be one of the older people in the class, but you could go nights, that’s mostly adults, and then, wait, why didn’t you go out of high school?”

  “I had to take care of Mama, or at least I thought I did. You coming around and pulling me out of that hell hole made me realize I don’t. Then I just got into a groove with pet-sitting, and then I met you… it just didn’t seem like the right thing for me.”

  Ruby watched her husband’s thoughtful face as he looked down at his lap, taking this all in, or more likely deciding if he would keep her. Feeling anxious, she started counting the buttons on his shirt; there were 8 (not including the two they hide away underneath in case you lose the first two she discovered those when she had tried to iron said shirt before packing it and almost burned it because she was distracted by an adorable squirrel over the fence) and multiplying and dividing the number until she could get it to equal 100. Because that was the number of candles she had counted on the altar the day they had wed.

  “Ruby, do you want to go to college?”



  More thinking which just gave her more time to work the numbers. Anything to push away the thoughts of him leaving her for being… strange.

  “Ruby,” Jacob looked up at her, his eyes serious. “What else do you need to tell me?”

  Shoot. 135,472,664,748,485 divide that by…

  “Ruby.” The gentle touch of his hand firmly tilting her chin up to face him was her undoing.

  “I count things.”

  His face stayed steady. “Hmm, could you tell me more about that?” His fingers found their way into her hair. She wanted to lie but his touch felt so good, so reassuring. The truth spilled from her lips.

  “I count everything, always. I manipulate the numbers to get them to where I want them to be.” She wanted to stop talking, she needed to stop before she scared him, but his fingers twirled in her hair, and that feeling was so good, and confessing was just so freeing. “I just count and count and figure and figure all day long. While all of you people are talking, I just do that. I’ve had evaluations done on me. I was diagnosed with mild OCD, or boredom. They couldn’t decide if the counting was a product of a troubled childhood or the extra brain power.”

  “What else?”

  “Hmm. Let’s see. Being smart doesn’t stop me from being scatterbrained. I’ve almost gotten myself killed three times, the one you know about involved that missing rearview mirror, it was much more than a bump and the reason I didn’t have a car when you met me. I am as carefree and loving and fun as you think I am, but I am also equal parts anxiety and mean thoughts, my mama’s voice never leaves my head, ever.” She stopped rambling just long enough to be sure he was still in the room and wasn’t running to the distant hills. There was a look on his face she couldn’t read.

  He leaned in, a comforting hand firmly placed on her thigh, “And, what else?”

  “Before you came along I had found a way to cope, the pets. They made me feel calm. No counting needed unless I wanted to. And then, you. When I am with you, Jacob, I still count but the anxiety, fear, even my mama’s voice, they all melt away unless something big comes up.”

  “Like a wedding?” he gently asked.

  “Yes, like a wedding. I still count sometimes but to be honest, it’s something I’ve always done, I enjoy it, and I won’t stop. What’s that funny look on your face?”

  Jacob was grinning. How could he be smiling when she just told him what a total weirdo she had duped him into marrying?

  “Do I have a funny look on my face? I think it’s a look of utter adoration. I love you, Ruby. I just do. Exactly how you are, counting and all, anxiety and all, perfect score and all.”

  “But don’t you want me to change? Go to college, make us a ton of money, stop counting, go to therapy?”

  “Nope. I want you just the way you are. Though I would love for you to see someone to help work through what living with your mother did to you, someone to help you understand that it was her and not you, but…”

  “Not happening.” Her childhood experiences were better left in her distant memory. They were not to be brought back into the present to be rehashed.

  He nodded before continuing, “and I want you to do what you want to do with your time- I just want you to be safe while you are doing it. We need to get one thing straight, though.”

  She waited anxiously.

  “No matter how smart you might be, young lady, I’m still going to spank you when you need it because you are so darn unsafe and sassy at times.”

  She felt shy but couldn’t hide the smile that crossed her face. Yes, she loved that aspect of their relationship. It helped with the anxiety, made her feel safe somehow, and loved. And it was helping when she felt scatterbrained. Just yesterday, leaving the honeymoon suite with a sore bottom, she had remembered to lock the door for the first time in her life.

  Jacob leaned towards her. He took her face in his hands; his lips met hers. She melted at his touch, his kiss. He pulled away too soon.

  “Ruby, is there anything else I should know?”

  “Yes,” she murmured, her eyes closed, not wanting him to stop the kissing but wanting the total freedom that being honest was bringing her.

  “What?” he asked softly.

  “I am always afraid you are going to leave me.”

  “I will never leave you. I vowed that to you before our wedding day and eternally on our wedding day. And every day I will do my best to show you that and earn your trust. I know that you didn’t have love that you could count on growing up and I am going to give that to you now.”

  Ruby breathed a sigh of relief. “It might be a long road though, Jacob.”

  “I know. But it’s okay, we have our whole lives.” He resumed kissing her. His lips trailed over the sweet spot on her neck that he knew drove her crazy. They made their way up to her ear. He nibbled on her lobe, then whispered, “I’m going to spank you, now.”

  Her eyes popped open, wide. “What? Why?” She pulled away and scurried to the other side of the bed, far from his strong arms. This is not where she envisioned his sweet kisses leading to.

  “We don’t keep secrets from each other.”

  “Oh. Well, this one doesn’t count.”

  “It does.”

  “No, I don’t think so.” She quickly stood up ready to make her escape. Why was it that she loved thinking about being spanked, loved when Jacob talked about punishing her, loved the feelings that spanking gave her, but when it came down to the actual spanking part she always tried to get out of it?

  Jacob also stood, stepping towards her, blocking the door that served as the only exit for the bedroom. His size reminded her of why she always tried to run. His hands were huge.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “What if I say, no?”

  He walked around the bed, towards her. “You won't.”

  “Yes, I will.” She stepped backward, tripping over the carpet and almost falling before Jacob leaned over and caught her by the arm.

  “You need it.” He tightened his grip on her arm, pulling her towards him as she righted herself.

  “No, I don’t.” She couldn’t help the foolish behavior, but she stomped her foot for good measure.

  He looked down at the foot she had just childishly planted on the ground, then back up at her.

  “But you do.” He sat on the edge of the bed taking her with

  She thought she could hear the sound of a little chuckle as she found her tiny frame flipping up through the air and landing on his hard lap. Her hands planted into the carpet and she felt her nightie flip up and over her back. The cold air hit her bare rear and legs. Jacob’s hand rested on her bottom, his skin hot against hers. His hand was so huge compared to hers; it almost covered her entire posterior. She couldn’t help but wriggle a bit, though she knew she wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Ruby, the biggest rule in this marriage is honesty. If you are holding back information, that is considered dishonesty. There will be no secrets.” He lazily traced patterns on her skin, making her shiver in anticipation. “Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  His hand was up in the air, then came crashing down on her.

  “Yikes!” She jumped a bit on impact, and he placed her back over his knee, centered and right where he wanted her. The sting spread, and he waited, letting her fully feel the blow, before spanking her again in the same exact spot. She yelped and jumped again; then he started to spank her hard and fast, each slap of his hand left a burning sting. He kept spanking and she kept yelping, him repositioning her each time she tried to wiggle away from his burning smacks.

  “Jacob, I’m sorry.”

  “I know, sweetie.” He stopped spanking her and lightly rubbed the tender skin on her bottom. Ruby laid over his lap feeling the sensitive skin and gentle strokes. As the stinging wore away, the stroking was ecstasy. She started to wiggle her bottom.

  Jacob chuckled loudly. “Naughty minx, we aren’t done yet.”

  “What?” Ruby sat straight up, kneeling on the floor next to him. Jacob grabbed her at the waist and stood her up, pulling her in front of him, facing him. Still sitting, he said, “Go and get your ‘naughty spoon.”

  His knees were pressed into her thighs, his hands still tight on either side of her waist. She looked nervously side to side as her legs turned to jelly.

  “The spoon?” she whispered.

  “Yes. Now, please.”

  Ruby scurried over to the closet, digging around in the bottom of the suitcase until she found the spoon, her spoon. Quietly, she tested it on her palm. Even the little smack she gave her hand stung. She wandered over to Jacob, holding the dreaded weapon behind her back.

  He was waiting on the bed, a small smile on his face. Man, he was enjoying this, wasn’t he? Her bottom still stung, but she had a feeling it was about to get worse. She approached him but stayed a few feet from his grasp.

  Jacob silently motioned for her to come to him with the crook of his finger. Was she going to let this man take a wooden spoon to her bare bottom, with just the motion of his finger? Ruby sighed. Yes, she was.

  Ruby obediently gave Jacob the spoon and laid back across his lap.

  “Good girl,” he murmured, flipping up her nightgown to bare her bottom again.

  “I want you to remember this spanking anytime you have even a doubt of my eternal devotion to you.” Whack. The spoon came down on her sit spot, and she would have flown up into the air if Jacob hadn’t wrapped his massive arm around her waist.


  “Yes. I want this to hurt, Ruby. I am very, very serious about this.”

  Whack, whack, whack, the spoon kept coming down, each spot stinging worse than the last. She started to cry. Surely, he would stop when he heard her tears, but he didn’t.

  “There,” whack, “will,” whack, “be,” whack, “no,” whack, “secrets,” whack, whack, whack, whack, “between us. Whatsoever.” Her bottom was absolutely on fire, and her body racked with sobs. “Do you understand, young lady?”

  “Yes, Jacob. Oh, yes,” she answered between sobs.

  Gently, he replaced her gown, then helped her up into his lap. He stroked her hair as she calmed down.

  Sitting in his arms, Ruby felt a deep peace that she had never before experienced. She knew society would tell her it was ludicrous that she would allow her husband to spank some sense into her. But she was a smart woman, a strong woman, and if being disciplined by her husband was wrong, she didn’t want to be right.

  Wiping away her tears, she said, “Kiss me.”

  Jacob obliged her. He pinned her to the bed, kissing her hard. Then he leaned down and crooned into her ear, “Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. Do ya know what you’re doin’ to me?”

  Ruby laughed, then kissed him back, eager to make love. But she needed to settle one very important matter first.



  “Can I still have my goat?”

  Chuckling, Jacob kissed the top of her head. “Of course, baby. I’ve already arranged pick up. But first things first.”

  Chapter 8

  The skirt of her dress opened up to a full circle as Ruby spun and spun on the dance floor. Giggling, she swayed as Jacob pulled her tight into his arms. He leaned down, his breath cool against her flushed face, “This is the happiest moment of my life.” She looked up into his shining eyes and the look of love he held for her rocked her to her core. This was real, Jacob was her husband, and he loved her as much as she loved him. And he would never leave her. Standing on tiptoe, she stretched up and kissed him full on the lips, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him in as close as possible to her taut body.

  “Woohooo!” The crowd cheered, causing Ruby’s face to blush furiously over her already warm cheeks. For a moment, she had forgotten they were not the only two people in the world. Jacob’s family, her new family, gathered around them, teasing the newlyweds.

  “May I?” Cole stepped in, playfully pushing Jacob out of reach and holding his other hand out towards Ruby. “I haven’t had the honor of dancing with the bride, yet. You’ve been hogging her all to yourself.” Jacob laughed and partnered with Elizabeth.

  The music slowed down, and the song was a quiet ballad. Jacob twirled Elizabeth effortlessly across the floor, a debonair smile on his face as he chatted and joked with her. He winked at Ruby when he caught her eye.

  Cole was also a good dancer and led her across the floor. She was nervous to dance with him at first, but his friendly manner quickly put her at ease. “Man, Heather went all out for you guys. The place looks amazing.” Ruby looked around, taking in and memorizing every detail of the elegant decor. Heather, with the support of Lila and Elizabeth (support meaning Lila and Elizabeth did exactly as Heather told them), had transformed the hall above the Three Sisters Boutique. Playing on Ruby’s unique taste, they had created a feel of a fairy woodland wonderland. More tiny white lights were twinkling above their heads than even Ruby could count. Soft pink tulle hung from every inch of the ceiling. Twinkling candles floating in clear vases sat on cut pieces of wood, a pale green moss surrounding them, on every table.

  Delicate fairy cakes painted in pastel colors covered the dessert table. Ruby’s favorite, cream filled macaroons in pale pink and green, were on every table. The cake was a three-tiered confection, every inch covered in tiny pink roses that Elizabeth had lovingly and carefully planted with her icing bag. The meal was catered by Chubby’s. The Mexican food was totally out of place and not on theme, but Jacob had overridden his mother and insisted that the food be Ruby’s favorite. A gift table was spilling over with large boxes, small bags, and a hand-woven basket filled to the brim with envelopes.

  “Yes, it’s lovely.” Ruby had tears in her eyes, overwhelmed by the outpouring of love that had gone into the day. Jacob’s family had quickly become her own, and though she didn’t want her mother there, it was on her mind that she truly had no one until Jacob, and now his love for her had multiplied through the many people that he knew and loved.

  Cole made all of the classic jokes one is required to make to ensure a newlywed bride blushed, and soon had Ruby’s eyes filled with tears from laughing.

  The song ended, and Cole gave Ruby a hug. She watched as Jacob tried to make his way over to her, but Lila grabbed his arm before he could get near her. Jacob shot Ruby an apologetic
look, then gracefully swept Lila into his arms and made his way across the floor. As Ruby turned, she ran into what felt like a steel wall.

  “Whoa, not so fast.” Luke grabbed her in his arms to steady her. His crooked smile spread across his handsome face. “I haven’t gotten the chance to dance with my lil’ sis, yet. May I?”

  “Of course,” Ruby tried to acclimate her arms to his tall frame. He seemed huge next to her small stature.

  “I should warn you, though; I am a terrible dancer.”

  “That’s okay, I’m getting tired anyway. Let’s just stand in place.” Ruby was relieved to take a break from gliding. The pair stood and swayed casually from side to side.

  “How are you holding up, kid? I know this is a lot to take in,” Luke asked, showing genuine concern.

  Ruby smiled. “It’s more than I could have ever hoped for.”

  Luke’s usual confident demeanor faded away and his brow furrowed as if working on a problem. “I just… we just, Lila and I that is, we wanted to let you know that if you newlyweds ever need help navigating this whole marriage thing, especially our style,” he gave her a wink that she thought must melt his wife’s heart, “well, we are here for you.”

  The acknowledgment that Luke was more than aware of Jacob’s discipline of her should have been uncomfortable and embarrassing, but somehow coming from Luke, it seemed more like he was wrapping her in the protective cocoon of a big brother.

  “Thank you, Luke.” She sighed dramatically and put a worried look on her face. “We are having trouble and we can’t figure out the problem and we really, really, need your help.” She gave him what she hoped looked like a cute, desperate look and not an immature grimace. Luke’s face opened with genuine care and concern.

  “Anything.” He waited expectantly.

  Ruby tried not to giggle as she looked down, shaking her head. “It’s just that… this is so hard to talk about,” she dramatically put a hand on her forehead, “but the Spider needs a new carburetor.”

  A look of confusion momentarily crossed Luke’s face before the joke registered. “You are a naughty little minx, aren’t you?” His face broke out into a huge grin. “Anything for you, lil sis. I’ll show Jacob the ropes, and your little Spider will run like new. Only, there is one condition,” he raised an eyebrow at her.


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