Rapture and Lace (Lace #3) (Lace Series)

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Rapture and Lace (Lace #3) (Lace Series) Page 2

by Leigh, Adriane

  Finally the car slowed and turned into a driveway sheltered by evergreens. The car stopped for a moment as the driver entered the security code, and then we made our way up the driveway to a secluded house nestled among thick evergreens and aspens. The car pulled up to the large entrance and Carter looked down at me tenderly.

  "You ready?"

  I smiled and yawned, nodding my head. He gave a small chuckle, pulling me to him and placing a chaste kiss on my lips, before we both stepped out of the car.

  The soft glow of the outdoor lights bounced off the house’s wooden and stone pillars. The home was top to bottom river rock, in every color of gray and beige. The copper-colored stones of the driveway added an inviting warmth, making the home look like it had grown out of the mountainside. Large, reclaimed wooden pillars sat on either side of an oversized wooden door that looked like it belonged on a medieval castle. The estate was, quite simply, breathtaking.

  "Welcome home." Carter squeezed his hand in mine and watched me thoughtfully for my reaction. The driver set our few bags just inside the door; Carter nodded to him in thanks and we stepped inside.

  The entryway, which opened into the living room, was an expansive space with a warm, mountain feel. Grey slate floors spread throughout the house, and the river rock walls and dark wooden beams carried in from the rustic outside décor.

  "Do you want anything? Something to drink? Or eat?" Carter had yet to let go of my hand. I shook my head and yawned. He chuckled again.

  "Let's get you to bed, my beautiful girl." He grabbed our few bags in one hand and then pulled me up the sweeping staircase. We paused at the open landing that looked out over the entryway and great room, with hallways to either side leading to bedrooms.

  He guided me to a room at the end of a long hallway and, opening the door, we stepped into the master suite. It had a stone accent wall with a built-in fireplace, while the rest of the walls were a neutral cream color. The slate floors from the downstairs continued on the second floor, but a plush cream-colored rug stretched across most of this room. A large king bed, with a thick white duvet and mountains of pillows, faced French doors that opened onto a terrace. I had no doubt there was a killer view out there.

  "Bathroom." Carter gestured with one hand. "Closet." He angled his head behind us to indicate the generous walk-in. I squeezed his hand affectionately and then hopped onto the bed and snuggled into the fetal position. I couldn’t even be bothered to undress; I wanted only to sleep for days.

  Carter set our bags down by the closet door then came to me.

  "Here." He sat me up on the bed and pulled my sweatshirt over my head gently. He kissed me on the nose once he'd gotten it off. His fingers got to work on the button of my jeans and then the zipper. Despite how exhausted I was, Carter still had the ability to make my heart flutter. I traced my fingertips up his forearm. I held onto him as he pushed the denim down my hips. He sat me back on the bed, then kneeled in front of me, untying and slipping off my shoes and sliding the jeans off of my legs. He slid his hands slowly back up my legs and thighs until they stopped at my hips, giving me a soft squeeze. He pressed a soft kiss on my belly above my panties and then hugged me for a minute.

  My body was begging for his touch, especially since I'd been left hanging on the flight, but after his chivalrous promise of abstinence until we were married, I knew it was a lost cause. He stood and pulled the duvet back on the bed and moved a few pillows aside. I crawled up to the head of the bed and dug in, taking a deep breath of the fresh, soft cotton. I snuggled and curled my body into itself. Carter rubbed his hand down my spine and I wondered how he could touch me so sensually without taking it further. My body was humming with arousal from his soft and gentle touch.

  "I’ll be in in a few minutes." He gave my hip a soft squeeze. I nodded. Carter walked to the bathroom with one of our bags and I heard the shower start. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep instantly.

  A short while later I felt the bed shift and Carter cuddled into my body. I could smell his fresh soap scent and I curled my head into the nook at his shoulder. His hair was wet against the pillow, and I ran my hand down his damp body, from his chest, to his abs, and over the waistband of his pajama bottoms. A small part of me that was just barely awake registered a slice of disappointment that he was dressed. I tucked into him tighter as his arm wrapped around my shoulders. He pressed a quick kiss to my head.

  "I love you," he whispered.

  "Mmm," I acknowledged him before drifting off again.

  Chapter Three

  "Up and at 'em, sleepyhead." Carter kissed me on the forehead. I groaned in protest.

  "We've got a lot to do today. We're getting married tomorrow."

  I shot straight up in bed. Carter's eyes widened for a moment before the corners of his mouth ticked up in a smile. He pressed a hot mug of coffee into my hands. I held the warmth between my palms and inhaled the rich aroma. It helped perk me up, and then instantly I handed the coffee back to him. His eyes narrowed in confusion.

  "Bathroom," I squeaked and jumped out of bed. I heard a throaty laugh behind me.

  I tossed the bathroom door closed behind me and searched for the toilet. My eyes shifted over the room once, twice, back a third time. How on earth could I not find the toilet in a bathroom?

  The room was a huge, open space, with a large Jacuzzi sitting in the center. Vaulted ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows showcased a view of the mountains beyond. A large glass-tiled corner shower was off to the side of the windows, and a vanity stretched the length of one wall.

  And yet still no toilet.

  I started tapping my foot in exasperation with the urge to go. And then I noticed a small, tiled half-wall tucked away in the corner from the vanity. I rushed over and instantly heaved a sigh of relief as I quickly pulled down my underwear.

  Finished, I stepped in front of the mirrors. My hair was rumpled and tangled, and not in the sexy bed-head sort of way. My eyes were bloodshot from our late night and I could see a faint hint of dark circles beneath my eyes. I quite simply looked exhausted.

  There was a large part of me wanted to postpone getting married, no second thoughts, just so I wouldn’t look like hell on my wedding day. I found Carter's shirt from last night draped over the vanity and pulled it on over my bra and panties. I had a flashback of the first time I’d worn Carter's shirt and my heart swelled with love. It had only been a few short weeks ago. I snuggled into his scent at the neck of the shirt and my heart skipped a few times in my chest. I loved him so much. I loved everything about him. Our good times far outweighed the bad times. I closed my eyes as a shiver of excitement ran through me. I would get to go to bed with Carter every single night of my life and wake up with him each morning.

  A small tap sounded at the bathroom door and I turned to find Carter peeking in.

  "Everything okay in here?"

  He looked deliciously sexy leaning against the doorjamb in a pair of jeans and a plain white shirt. I wanted to wrap my body around his and never let go.

  "Yes." I walked to him, placing a kiss on his lips and then taking my coffee cup from him. "I love you." I dusted my nose along his affectionately. He wrapped a heavy arm around my waist and placed his hand on my lower back, pulling me in for a warm hug.

  "Drink up, lady. We've got so much to do today. And number one on your list is finding a dress."

  I coughed on the hot liquid.

  "Where am I supposed to find a dress? I thought we would just go to the Justice of the Peace or something." My eyes searched his for answers.

  "Justice of the Peace? Not nearly good enough for my girl." He grinned. "A dress designer from Denver will be here at ten. They're bringing everything they have in your size. I've got to take care of a few things in town, but I won't be long." He led me out of the room by one hand and we went downstairs.

  We stepped into the beautiful kitchen with vaulted ceilings and a large rich wooden island surrounded by plush stools. There was a small breakfast nook w
ith views of the mountains. I was beginning to think this house boasted a view from every room. The dark granite counter tops contrasted beautifully with the rich wooden cabinets, limestone backsplash and cream walls.

  "Eggs…pancakes…? I think that's about the extent of my culinary offerings in the morning." He gave me a smile.

  "I remember your talent in the kitchen, all right." I set my coffee cup down on the counter and wrapped my arms around his waist tightly. "And it has nothing to do with food." I squeezed his behind playfully. He rolled his eyes at me and then scooped his head down to brush my lips with his own. I slid my hands up his chest and pulled on the fabric of his shirt to bring him closer to me. A small moan escaped my throat as he deepened the kiss and ground his hips into mine suggestively.

  I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck and pulled his lips tighter to mine, grinding my hips against his in a rhythmic motion. I pulled away to take a quick breath as I tickled along the soft skin under his ear with my lips. I closed my eyes and inhaled his luscious scent, leaving me intoxicated with lust.

  He tightened his grip on my hips and pushed me back gently. "Not happening, Evangeline."

  I pouted and looked up at him through my eyelashes in the hopes of changing his mind.

  "Are you sure about that, Mr. Morgan?" I purred and slid my hand across his arousal hidden beneath the denim of his jeans. He sucked in a quick breath and his eyes darkened. I bit my lip and my heart rate sped up to see the look of lust in his eyes.

  He closed his eyes and ran a hand through his messy hair. "Breakfast, Evangeline." He flicked his eyes open to meet mine with a new look of determination.

  I huffed with sexual frustration. "Stubborn heel," I mumbled under my breath.

  His eyes shot up with surprised amusement.

  "What was that, Miss Austin?" He dug his fingers into my hips and tickled. I tried to squirm away but he was having none of it.

  "Carter," I pleaded through giggles.

  "Did you say something, Evangeline?" I tried to squirm out of his grasp. He arched an eyebrow in challenge.

  "I said, you Mr. Morgan, are a stubborn heel," I pushed back on his chest still trying to escape. His mouth spread into a wide smile. He spun me around and lifted me up on the island, nudging himself between my legs. One hand ran up my back, fisting my long hair in his hand as he tugged softly.

  "Watch your mouth, Evangeline. I don't take well to teasing." He pushed his hips into my core firmly.

  "Neither do I." I wrapped my arms around his neck and shimmied closer to him seeking more friction. He ran one finger down the curve of my neck, his other hand still holding tightly to my hair and arching my head to the side. He skimmed his lips along my throat and continued to grind his arousal into my core. A soft moan escaped my lips.

  "I know you don't." His lips pressed soft kisses underneath the sensitive flesh beneath my ear. "What do you want for breakfast?" He breathed softly into my ear and then pulled away from me with a devilish smile.

  My eyes shot open and I heaved a disappointed sigh. I pressed my lips together and regarded him for a moment before hopping off the island.

  "Well, since I’ll very nearly starve if I’m to rely on your skills, I think I’ll fend for myself." I opened the door to the pantry and my eyes widened for a moment when I realized it was a walk-in. Practically the size of my bedroom at home. The shelves were stacked floor to ceiling with boxed and canned goods, bottles of water, and more.

  "Ready for the apocalypse?" I frowned and then my eyes lit on what I was looking for.

  "Pop-Tarts, Evangeline?" Carter frowned.

  "They're in your house. Toaster?"

  "I would imagine they were left by my brother. He's got an affinity for junk food." He grinned.

  I scoffed at him in mock offense. "Shut it and point me to the toaster."

  He laughed and pointed to a cabinet under the counter. I pulled out the toaster and threw the Pop-Tarts in. I leaned my upper body on the counter top and crossed my legs at the ankle, swaying my hips back and forth waiting for my breakfast to pop up. I could feel the fabric of Carter's shirt riding up my thighs and the huff from across the room told me he had noticed too. Just then strong hands circled around my waist and I felt his hips press into my bottom. He held my hips still with one hand and with the other ran it up the curve of my spine underneath the shirt. He stroked softly as he pressed his hardened arousal into me. I pressed back against him and closed my eyes. My breathing became ragged and I willed him to break his promise of abstinence.

  He stroked back down my back and then slid his palm up on top of the shirt to reach into my hair. He brushed his fingers through it tenderly, and then tightened his grip and gave a soft tug.

  "You. Drive. Me. Insane," he leaned over my body and said in my ear in a throaty whisper. A smile played across my lips as I pushed back into his arousal eagerly wanting to take the next step.

  "Oh no, Evangeline. Not until after you marry me." And just like that Carter's body pulled away from mine, breaking all contact. I whimpered in disappointment just as my Pop-Tarts popped up. Carter set a plate down on the counter next to me and I flopped my breakfast on the plate and turned to him with a huff and a glare. He smiled, downed the rest of his coffee and then walked out of the room.

  "Thirty minutes, Evangeline," he tossed out behind him. God help me but I love that infuriating, sexy man.

  Thirty minutes later the dress designer, who introduced herself as Nanette, arrived with an entourage of assistants pulling in racks of white dresses. I raised my eyebrows and chewed on my bottom lip, hating that I had such a short amount of time to make such a monumental wedding-dress decision. In fact, Carter had said very little about what he was planning, so I had no idea what to expect. Not that I was terribly disappointed, I was notoriously indecisive; in fact, my feelings about our relationship the past few weeks had proven that, so I was happy to leave the details of our wedding in Carter's very capable hands.

  Carter noticed my unease and rubbed my shoulders reassuringly. "You're going to be beautiful no matter what, Evangeline."

  I rolled my head back and closed my eyes, trying to relax.

  "Take your time, beautiful girl. I'll be back in a few hours." He kissed me softly on the lips and then left me with a mountain of white dresses.

  I stepped into the spare bedroom Nanette and an assistant had set up in. She was eager and friendly, no doubt Carter had offered her ungodly amounts of money to make a house call. She was pleasant, asking me questions and making conversation. One of the assistants on the other hand was standoffish and even bordered on rude.

  My heart thudded in my chest as the realization hit me that I was getting married tomorrow, to a man that I hardly knew, and who sometimes drove me insane. Maybe I was the insane one to be doing this. But I also knew that I’d never felt like this with anyone else. Carter and I had some irresistible connection—a pull to be together, something that couldn’t keep us apart. While butterflies were fluttering in my stomach, I knew now, more than I had yesterday; I had a feeling, stronger than ever, that this was right.

  Nanette had me sift through the racks of dresses and pull any that I wanted to try. I pulled the first few away from the rest of the bunch and shook my head immediately. They were beautiful and elegant, but too simple. I knew I was looking for something a little more romantic. A big princess gown was certainly out, so there went nearly half of the dresses they'd brought. I began to worry that I wouldn't find something that I loved after all. I fingered through a few more dresses and separated them from the bunch tentatively. I found myself drawn to the simple A-line dresses with small and beautiful details like beading and lace. I smirked to myself when I pulled out a few lace dresses that Carter would love.

  I picked a few more out of the bunch and then nodded that I was ready to try on a few. The associate helped me into the first dress and it was an immediate no. The drop waist wasn't flattering. The second dress was strapless, which I didn't love either; it wasn't
the most flattering cut for my slightly curvy figure. I skipped over a few dresses that were strapless and landed on an intricate lace and beaded A-line with a halter neck. The assistant zipped me into it. It was beautiful, but it felt too fussy in some ways, and I said so. I turned in the mirror with a frown.

  "Well, when you get yourself into a situation that requires buying off the rack, options are limited." The assistant looked pointedly at my tummy. Realization dawned that she was insinuating that I was pregnant and this was a shotgun wedding. I glared at her.

  "That is not the situation, actually. If you aren't willing to be helpful I'd be happy to take my business elsewhere." I held her gaze in the reflection of the mirror. Her eyes flickered for a moment before an apologetic smile crossed her face.

  "Of course, I’m sorry."

  Nanette shot the assistant a warning glance then proceeded to unzip the dress.

  "We'll find something you love," she said with a genuine smile. She pulled another dress I'd picked off of the hanger and helped me step into it. She pulled the soft white fabric over my body and then turned to fasten the buttons on the back. I turned in the mirror to look at myself, catching my breath. Tears sprang to my eyes as I ran my hands over the white lace of the dress. It was intricate and stunning. Lace covered the dress from top to bottom, extending over a sweetheart neckline and up to my collarbone where it was sheer and romantic. The dress fell in a slight A-line with delicate lace cap sleeves giving it a vintage feel.

  I turned in the mirror to see the back. While the front was covered fully, the back was almost entirely open. The fabric dipped down to my lower back, that favorite place that Carter liked to interlock his hands when he hugged me close to him. The curve of my back was on display up until the lace met the cap sleeves and connected at the top of my shoulder blades with a few delicate buttons. The dress had a small lace train that drifted behind my feet. It was stunning and intricate and sexy and simple; it was everything I was looking for.


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