by Susan Firtik
“Okay...we know both our mothers died before our twenty-first birthdays. Tashi’s mom died about the same time in Tashi's life and before her twenty-first birthday. So, something or someone is causing that, don’t you agree? I wonder if we have other sisters." At Netta’s surprise, she continued.
“Mom was always distant, sometimes more than others. She was lost, in a way and toward the end she was even more distracted by memories of him. I now know that had to be our dear-old-dad. Don’t know if he bewitched them or if he loved them. I’d like to think he cared… a little anyway. But we are the result and there is a reason we’re here. I think the traveling man from years and years ago, saw our father. He was doing something with the colored gems, which means there are more to find. I can only assume—no… I can say with certainty that the other gems match our middle names.”
Netta almost interrupted until Lina reminded her.
“Write it down. Now...the infamous mirror? I haven’t seen anything remotely similar in all the moving and tearing down of this place. If you may speak now...” she grinned.
Netta never looked up, just shook her head while continuing to write items or questions on her tablet.
"Let’s see...oh yeah...the tablet that has what I wrote down. My mom’s words. You want to copy it down or shall I just read it?”
Netta grabbed for the paper and began copying.
"You have to find them, Evangelina Green. Listen! Listen!
They’re out there—together is best.
You have two, you need the rest.
Fill the spaces, defend our races.
Hearts will tell— Keep evil in hell."
"I think she was trying to say find you and Tashi. That’s two, and then she said “the rest”. So that's where my assumption comes in. That there are more of us but I have no idea how to find them. If you can think of anything, please, write it down."
She took a deep breath.
"Lastly, we need to help you find your gem which just has to be red and see if between the two of those, we can find the mirror. I think it’s important. Will you speak with Tomas also and see if he remembers the mirror being here?"
She paused, waited for Netta to finish writing. Netta put her pencil down and heaved a big sigh. She seemed to be re-organizing her thoughts, notes, and all the info Lina had just spouted.
"Here goes. Your mom was spooky! Even when she wasn’t spouting riddles. She was just weird. Anyway, I think the mirror is here, but hidden very well, since it seems to be important and everybody seems to know about it or they want it...or...something. I also think the bad guy has to be the voice we’ve now heard two times, but who or what is he? What does he want and how do we stop him? The witch Martiss is a clue but if we can’t find Tashi and Victor...we won’t find her. I think you’re right about finding my gem, but I’ve had no dreams about it nor have I seen anything with a red glow, like you did with your gem. Now that we know—or assume we know—that’s our mission for now.
"I can be more aware of my surroundings now and search for anything red and any glow I might have just ignored before. I think Keaton, Tomas, and Victor are going to be some of our biggest help. Victor because, this is only an assumption, well wouldn't an old vampire know all or some of the others? He might also have a longer memory of the mansion. Keaton because of his contacts, his strengths and his love for you. Tomas for his connection to the mansion and his, uhhh...concern for me and of course, my family. I’m not sure we should but we could ask around about any witches that might help us either find Tashi or help with our gems or what the legend of the mansion is. I think that’s it for now, although I reserve the right to re-address."
She ducked her head when Lina would’ve given her a head-slap, and laughed with her as they grabbed the one-eyed Teddy and went to the kitchen guessed it...tea.
Keaton was exhausted. He had just spent the last three days and nights tracking the rogues. He'd caught up with them south of Little Rock and they had a discussion that ended with them cutting their loses and running. He managed to kill one and he’d found another pack member they'd left behind. He’d been near-death from the beating and slicing he sustained, compliments of his so-called friends. They didn't want to leave him alive but he was tougher than they'd thought. He lived long enough to talk but Keaton hadn’t gotten much out of him. The only reason he felt it might be enough was because he now knew their destination with a hint to their general direction.
They’d left their "friend" for dead. Now Keaton might actually have an advantage. They didn’t know he had the intel and if he hurried, he might be able to cut them off.
So far they’d killed or maimed at least a dozen humans and now with this last death, they’d killed four shifters. Much to Keaton’s surprise, one had been a were-bear, and they were rare. Until the day he found it they were thought of as extinct. This one was a female and by the looks of her, she’d given birth only a month or so before they killed her.
He only hoped her cubs were safe and taken care of. He had no way to check on them and felt helpless for the umpteenth time since he started this trek. It was so unnecessary to waste a life that way. To prove a point? What point is worth sixteen or more lives? The cubs could be dead. He shuddered at that thought. A whole species could be wiped out with one thoughtless act!
Keaton had a soft spot for kids of any species and thought back to his last basket full of patients and their adorable owner, Kim. He wondered how she was doing with her kitten. What was the name she picked out? Oh yeah...Patches. Cute kid. He sure hoped Lina wanted kids because he wanted a house full. His thoughts drifted to Lina and how soft she was, her skin and her heart. She was kind and thoughtful to everyone. Maybe a little too kind...reminding himself he needed to speak to Jason about his late night trips to the mansion. He didn’t want his cousin taking advantage of the sisters. And he especially didn’t want that good-looking wolf anywhere near his mate!
The rouges were still in central Arkansas but headed south, straight for the mansion. The dying wolf had even mentioned the mansion by name. He headed straight back home. Home? Yeah... Lina was home wherever they ended up.
Keaton rushed through the dark streets on his Harley, at speeds he shouldn’t be driving but he wanted to get as far ahead of the Outers as possible and ensure the sisters, Jason and his pack were all safe. Yeah, he was in a hurry to see his Angel, truth be told. He slowed some, no sense getting killed on the way. He’d be glad he did, later.
He began daydreaming—at night—about their reunion.
He sees her running down the front steps when she hears his bike on the drive. She jumps into his open arms and he kisses her—as she wraps herself around him. She clings to his shoulders, pulling her warm, soft body against his. When she breaks for air, “I love you wolfman. Thank God you’re home and safe!” She kisses his face and starts on his neck. “Whoa Angel.” He gently sets her away. “I’ve missed you so much more, I don’t think I can wait to feel you naked in my arms...but not out here.” Lina giggles, grabs his hand and tugs him up the front steps into the house.
Before his “dream” can finish, a huge truck drove around him, and honked loudly. He looked up to see the driver, mostly to make sure the driver saw him and how close he was to the bike. He swore the guy looked familiar but the red eyes changed his appearance, so his initial thought might be wrong. The eyes told him this was an attack and it was demonic or magical in composition. Yet he did favor someone he’d seen...somewhere.
The driver grinned an evil smile at him and swerved into Keaton’s lane and almost sideswiped him. The back draft from the racing semi pushed Keaton to the side of the road. He couldn’t control the bike at that speed on gravel. He slid in the emergency lane, gravel crunching, wind blowing. He viewed it all in slow motion. He knew he wasn’t going to stay upright for long but he had to try.
The Harley actually flipped twice but he held tight. Surprised he hadn’t been flattened by the b
ike, he lost his hold on the next flip and flew over the handlebars, skidded and rolled several feet, gravel imbedding into his face, arms and upper chest, before he rolled into the fetal position. The bike followed him, spitting up dust and making noise that made the accident sound worse that it was, before both went down a steep embankment. Then with his final word, he lost consciousness. Lina!
Lina jerked awake, and screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Keaton!" Scrambling to loosen herself from the tangle of her sheets she fell to the floor but was up and running for the door in one breath.
"Netta!” Pulling the door open she ran smack into her sister. They tumbled in a mix of arms and legs before Lina jumped up and was dressing while running down the stairs.
"Keaton’s hurt! I feel it...but I don’t know where he is!" Netta was dressing on the fly also and right behind her.
"Lina, wait! Maybe your Wait!” Lina stopped dead in her tracks and Netta ran into her backside.
"We’ve got to slow down before one of us breaks a bone or we get clown costumes. We need a plan.”
Lina crumbled into a heap at the bottom stair and blubbered. "I have to find him. He’s hurt! He...he could be...dying!" She wailed.
Netta knelt to hold her and rocked with her, murmuring words of comfort. They eventually both calmed down. Lina took a deep, wobbly breath and stood.
“Okay. I’m better now. But I still feel him. He’s badly hurt. I know it."
She paced with her arms wrapped around herself. Netta watched her with worried eyes.
"Have you tried to see anything with your gem? Or maybe it could be used like a GPS type thingy? We have no idea what that thing can do...but what have we got to lose? Try something with it." Lina continued pacing but looked thoughtful.
“Okay... let’s see what it can do, or rather what I can do with it.”
She pointed her arm at the wall—palm out and squinted. Nothing. Damn.
"Maybe you need to say something? Like...find Keaton?" Lina pointed again, concentrated.
"Find Keaton.” Nothing. She felt nothing but a faint tingle up her arm and into her shoulder. "I feel something, but...”
She stopped short when they heard a moan. It might have been Keaton but Lina didn’t feel him. They walked toward the sound coming from the living room. She paused here and there—holding her palm out parallel to the walls—letting her hand lead her. She stopped at the fireplace and felt the tingle again but stronger. She aimed in the direction of the fireplace and repeated.
"Find Keaton!” The house shook. Actually it vibrated and another moan sounded from above the mantle, which suddenly began shaking and crumbling. The plaster fell and wallpaper peeled until a small cabinet started to appear.
"Netta?" She sounded wobbly.
"I’m right here, hon. You’re doin’ great.”
Lina focused and kept her palm aimed at the wall. "Find Keaton.”
The following roar pushed them both out of the room with its force.
"Noooo!" They recognized it as the same bodiless voice they’d heard twice before.
"Find Keaton!” She commanded, in her loudest voice, and then they saw a mirror inside the cabinet. The same mirror she’d almost seen in her dream. Slowly an image appeared. Then they saw her love, reflected in the glass, lying on the ground, bloody and lying in an unnatural position. He looked...Lina sobbed...he looked dead! Her knees wobbled and Netta had to hold her up grabbing her around the waist.
"He’s not dead! You’d know it! You’d feel it! Ask where he is and let’s go get your man!”
Lina took a fresh lung full of air. "Where is Keaton?”
The mirror vibrated and a new vision appeared. The image was of woods, dissected by a dark, paved road and a crumpled Harley on the hillside. They both gasped at the pile of mangled metal. The view pulled back and they spied in the abandoned gasoline station.
"I know where he is!” Netta whispered excitedly. "We passed there on the way here. We even had to stop there to re-arrange our load. Something was rattling and Tashi was goin’ nuts. You know how she is, she won’t rest until she fixes the noise...”
She babbled as she pulled Lina to the door.
"Let’s go get your wolfee!"
The drive was taking for-everrrrr. The sisters had put together a first aid kit and Lina even remembered to contact Jason. She’d left a voice-mail message but she figured he’d get it and be there. The closed station was only about 30 miles from the mansion but that could have been a thousand miles to Lina. She had nothing to do but sit in the passenger seat and twitch. She felt she should do something! She tried Jason again and got him on the first ring.
"I’m on the way and should be there about the same time as you. Don’t worry, boss lady. Wolves are really hard to kill.”
She could hear by the background he wasn’t driving...maybe running? If he was in wolf form, how could he talk? Then she heard the beep! It was his greeting! What a sweet thing to do. He’d figured out a way to comfort her and get there really fast. She just thanked him as her message and hung up. She felt better knowing they’d have him helping.
"Maybe you can try to contact Keaton? Ya know…the mate-to-mate stuff?"
Netta sounded doubtful, but the idea has some merit.
"Keaton? My love? Can you hear me? Please…sweetheart...try!" Lina held her breath and listened in silence. She could hear the engine of the Tashi’s car straining against Netta’s lead-foot. The wind blowing outside the window was as loud as her own heartbeat thumping hard in her chest.
"Angel?" A weak reply.
"Oh my God! Keaton!”
Netta swerved the car in surprise when Lina shouted.
"It worked! Netta! He called me Angel! Hurry please!”
Netta pushed the auto harder, knowing Tashi would understand if she blew the engine—but also knowing Tashi...she’d pay for it...forever. Tashi sure loved her little hatchback.
"Thank you God!” She uttered and took the next turn on two wheels, squealing onto the long straightaway where they could the see the station ahead.
"Where is he? I don’t see the Harley yet...oh God. Keaton baby...hold on, please!”
They saw a flash of tan fur pass them and followed it or rather him—it was Jason in wolf form. They found the bike, screeched to a halt and Lina flew out the door, leaving the car in the middle of the road. She was down the embankment and out of sight before Netta could grab the first aid kit and follow.
Jason was already kneeling beside Keaton in human form and naked, of course but this time nobody cared. Keaton was alive! Jason had cut most of the clothing off with a very large and very sharp knife. "I never leave home without it." He grinned.
They had him rolled over onto his back, oh God there was a lot of blood! Keaton's face was a mass of raw meat, having been thrown into gravel, sliding on his face and upper body, then into the brambles in the woods. He had several gashes on his head and head wounds always bled a lot. Right?
Lina was trying to think logically and not panic. She helped Jason get Keaton’s pants off, trying to stay calm. She was trying not to barf or start bawling or worse, hurt her wolfman. Keaton moaned but he didn’t open his eyes.
"Let me see, Lina...please? I need to clean some of these wounds and see if they’re serious or not."
Netta gently moved a ghost-white Lina towards Keaton’s feet.
"See if you can gently get his boots off." They were giving her something to do while she and Jason worked on the damage done to their friend.
Netta was cleaning his neck and arms. There were the expected cuts and abrasions but nothing serious. His chest was worse with some larger cuts and probably needed stitches but even as she mopped blood and dirt away, she could see healing had begun. She marveled at the magic of the wolves, but didn’t linger.
His legs had been protected, because of his riding chaps. He apparently went commando under his jeans and Netta grinned.
Lina would freak out if she thought Netta was ogling her wolf-man’s private parts. She had to admit though...he was fiiiiine. She'd rate him an eleven or twelve on the scale of one to tem. Well-muscled arms, chest, legs…and ahem...well endowed.
“Like what you see little sister?” groaned Keaton. Everyone stilled. “Hey...Angel. Whatcha doin’ way down there? Get up here and give me a kiss.”
He grinned but it was obviously through a lot of pain. Lina moved like lightning and was cradling his head in her lap tenderly touching her lips to his.
“I love you, Keaton, but I am so gonna make you pay for making me think you were dead! Oh God, Keaton, what were you thinking? Shit! Shit! Shit! What would I do without you?”
Lina was trembling and tears were running down her downy cheeks but she held onto him, gently, kissing his lips, face and stroking the top of his head. It was just about the only place on his body that was uninjured.
"Angel, I am not leaving you that easily. You’re stuck with me, forever and ever."
He pulled himself up to capture her lips in one hot kiss. Netta rolled her eyes and began dressing his wounds.
"He doesn’t look too bad, except for a few gashes here and there. They’ll heal quickly with our physiology but with stitches and bandages and some TLC, he’ll heal faster." Jason summed it up and went to dress.
The drive back seemed to go faster, mostly because Keaton wouldn't let loose and kept touching her, kissing her face, neck, ears, and basically making her feel loved, wanted and hot! Jason turned from the front and groused.
"Hey! You two! You are not alone here, so cool it! You can wait just a little while. We’re almost home”
Over the next week Keaton healed and Lina hovered. At first he thought it was sweet, however now he was about to come out of his skin.
"I’m completely healed, Angel, I don’t need to be spoon fed, and although I really enjoyed the sponge baths, I can shower on my own, unless..." He waggled his eyebrows at her as he sat to tie his shoes.