Evangelina Green

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Evangelina Green Page 20

by Susan Firtik

  Lina was making up the bed and straightened up. "Keaton, you were severely injured and although you’ve recovered enough to show me what a man you are..."

  "Several times." Keaton interrupted.

  "Yes, love. You are amazing and you know it. You’re my manly wolf...or wait...is that backwards...my wolfee man?”

  She grinned an impish grin, knowing he’d taken the bait.

  "Wolfee? Did you really just call me Wolfee again?" He was separated from her by the king-sized bed so he crawled across slowly, in her direction with his own evil grin. "You know, we never really finished the mating?”

  She backed up a step. "What? How?"

  "There’s the small matter of uhhhh...well, an exchange of blood...through biting.”

  Shit. He realized he'd made a huge mistake, because he had forgotten to tell her. Yeah, right. Forgot. Uh huh. The friendly kidding mood was gone. Damnit. He really needed to think before speaking.

  "What! Biting? You've got to be kidding me?”

  He shook his head, stopped half way across the bed, sat back, looked deep into her eyes and asked her an important question.

  "How many kids do you want, Lina?”

  Lina hadn’t thought about a family, other than her sisters and was blind-sided by his question.

  “I...we never...can I even have your children? I mean, I want your children. But is it possible with me being a human?”

  He bowed his head. "No, we cannot have children unless we complete the mating. I should have told you before, but unil the mating bites, we can’t…well…we won’t be fully mated.”

  Lina jumped onto the bed beside him and threw her arms around his neck. "Does this biting involve sex?”

  He put her away at arm’s length and again, looking deeply into her eyes. "Lina my heart, if I bite you and you accept my bite, you’ll change into… what I am… and you’ll want to bite me back."

  She leaned back looking him in the eye.


  He pushed his meaty hand through his thick mane of hair. Oh yeah. Sexy! She grinned and remembered their first grin-fest. That had only been a few weeks ago? Yet she couldn’t deny she loved him deeply, truly, down deep in her bones. But he was hiding something from her.

  "Just tell me Keaton. I trust you.” With that admission, he drew her to him and held her tightly.

  "I can't tell you how much that means to me. How much you mean to me. I would die for you, but I would truly die without you. You are my heart. "

  She drew back from his iron hold to see one tear gently falling down his face. She leaned in and kissed his eyes, totally feeling sappy and emotional and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  "Tell me love." She faced him bravely even though she was quivering inside.

  "You will change, Lina! You will become wolf like me! I love you, Angel, and I want to be with you forever but I cannot, and will not, ask you to change for me."

  He buried his head in her shoulder and lightly kissed her neck. Lina shivered at his touch as always but more so at the thought of truly being Keaton’s mate in all the wild and wooly connotations.

  "Will it hurt? The bite? And when I change, does that hurt?”

  "What are you saying, Angel? You can’t be serious?"

  He held his breath.

  "Well...we can’t make babies just talking about it! I love you more than life, Keaton. I want you and all that comes with it, and that means a house full of little wolves. You’ll make a wonderful father.”

  He gave his heart to her with his kiss and she knew she’d made the right decision.

  Like there was any other? This time she agreed with her inner voice.

  They held each other for what seemed like hours. It turned to love making without a thought, long, slow, and tender love. But as their passion rose to a fever pitch, Keaton nuzzled her neck where it meets her shoulder, one of her favorite spots. She tasted of sweat and her special taste of sugared lemon.

  "Are you sure, love?” He licked her neck. She was writhing.

  "Oh God, Keaton! Yes. Make me like you. Make me your mate. Make me completely and totally…yours."

  He continued kissing her neck as he turned her over onto her knees. She was so aroused she never noticed. He had two free hands to tease her until she screamed. One plucking her nipples hard as berries making her arch her back. The other hand was stroking through her wet flesh, teasing her clit, stoking her hot channel while he rocked against her, his hard, tasty cock skimming over her...just not quite there...not what she was begging for.

  Sweet torture! She was so wet, she felt warmth running down her thighs. He entered her with one powerful thrust making them both moan. He began his slow punishment by dragging himself almost completely out of her then pounding fully back in. She loved the way he made her feel as if he couldn’t wait to have her and when he finally entered her, he made it seem as if was the first time and he’d died and gone to heaven.

  He licked and nipped his way up her back to her shoulder again, where he bit into her soft skin and tasted her blood on his lips. He had gone to heaven! His growl and groan accented her pleasure. Lina’s back bowed with his bite. O.M.G.! She thought her other orgasms were special? This was the big "O" …times a thousand! She could feel what he felt. Amazing! His stroking was becoming more thrusting, and it became faster, turning into pounding, as his breathing shortened. She felt his love all over her. She could hear faint whispers of his voice in her head.

  I love her so much! She’s all mine! How can I ever repay her for this love and her trust, and oh my God, her body! I am her first and she gave herself to me? I don't deserve her.

  She inhaled his essence and gave his hand a warm, wet lick. He stiffened and moaned his delight. She loved how the simplest gesture of tenderness caused his moans and oh those growls… Sexy! She concentrated, trying to think so he could hear her thoughts. Which was very difficult to do with his pumping so hard and deep.

  I love this man so much, it almost hurts. I don’t deserve this gorgeous, thoughtful, sexy, sweet man. But, 'momma didn’t raise no fool.' I will take him, mate him and love him. I will give him babies and stand beside him and behind him, no matter what.

  She turned to his hand again, kissed her way up to his shoulder. This man was hers, all hers. So she bit him! Keaton howled and pumped harder and faster just three more times, enough for both of them. Then he poured his seed into her throbbing womb. They lay together touching and talking and loving the rest of the night. It was the best eight hours of Lina’s life. She was in love with an amazing man...and he loved her! Amazing.


  Another month went by before they had any major mishaps or problems. Thank God, because they all needed the peace. Victor checked in with Lina but the visits weren’t as often as they would have liked. Apparently, he was beginning to weaken and that could be a major problem. They had counted on his skills and magic to help him and Tashi escape.

  Keaton had leads and felt he was closing-in to their location, but the rogues were causing trouble and he had to deal with them more and more often. Lina could see the stress he was under—being pulled in so many directions at once. He stayed for her. He needed to focus on the rogues. He wanted to help find Tashi. She made a difficult decision.

  "Keaton love, I need to talk with you. You have to leave.”

  He’d been painting the completed clinic and with her words, stopped in mid-stroke, turned slowly.


  "I said you have to leave.” She stood stock still, waiting for his response.

  "Why?" He crossed his muscled arms across his naked, hairy chest. She walked to him, open armed. He opened his and surrounded her in his scent and cloaked her in his love.

  "Because you’re dying here. This isn’t what you should be doing? Painting? For God’s sake! I need you to be you, not what you think I want you to be. You need to leave and keep your vow, as Alpha to the pack, our pack and maybe somehow that will help us find Tashi. And Vict
or, of course."

  He grinned. "Of course."

  "I’m serious wolfboy! This domestic crap ain’t your style!” She used her best Jason imitation.

  "You are my mate...” was his only response.

  "Yes, love. And you are my mate, my soul mate, and more. But as your mate, I must also think of your well-being and this is not good for you."

  "You're everything to me. Anything I do is for you, and is what's best for me.”

  "Bullshit! Oh, Keaton, you wonderful, loving man, don’t you see? I’m miserable and very unhappy. You are causing me pain and I’m asking you to let me, help you, make me happy...I think...oh hell…I’m not sure what I mean. And before you say a word, let me finish with, I love you too much to let you stay."

  He stood rooted to the floor. No emotion showing on his face. Even though now fully mated, they could usually hear each other’s thoughts but his were blocked. Lina began to worry. Had she gone too far? No. He loved her. But maybe he was having second thoughts? Was she being selfish? God as her witness, she loved him so deeply, she’d die for him right this moment if it gave him the freedom he so desperately needed. Her heart almost beat out of her chest as she anxiously waited for him to say something...anything!

  "I love you more than my own life, Angel. You're right and yet you're wrong. Yes, I do need to stop the rogues. Yes, we need to find your sister. Oh yeah, and Victor.” He grinned.

  "But you’re way off track and totally wrong if you think I don’t want to be here, doing just this and watching your face as you think of ways to set me free."

  "Will you leave?”

  "Yes." It was that simple.

  Lina sighed with relief and sank further into his arms.

  "Thank you." Then she laughed against his warm chest. “I never thought I’d thank the love of my life for leaving me.”


  Keaton filled his backpack that night. It was more of a saddlebag, specially made for the wolves. When he had to shift, it would fit him and not be lost. Watching him pack was difficult. He would be leaving in less than twelve hours. As much as Lina wanted him to stay, she needed him to leave.

  It was bittersweet. As was the love they shared that night. Slow, romantic, candle lit, romance was called for this evening. Chilled champagne sat by for them, when they could let go of each other long enough to drink.

  Lina was enjoying a back rub with scented oil, when he began teasing her using his magic fingers. He pulled her up to her knees and entered her easily.

  "Lina!" His trusts were hard and deep and the sound of his pounding, slapping against her soft behind was almost musical. She couldn’t stop herself from pushing back with each stroke into her. Her orgasm built to a fever pitch and just before she wrapped him the hot vice of her inner muscles, he bit her. As he growled his delight at her taste, her blood filling his mouth with pure Lina, she exploded and pulled him deeper.

  He howled—yes—just like her wolf and gave her his gift. The one thing only he could give her and the one thing she’d asked him for earlier that night. A baby.


  For now....

  A tiny, itsy bitsy, little bit about the author.

  Susan lives in rural central Arkansas, north of the state capital, Little Rock. She and her husband are hobby farmers and love the clean country air. She loves gardening, crocheting, reading PNR Erotica, writing PNR Erotica, photography, sketching, painting, working with wood and wood-inlays, “crafty” things. She swears she will NEVER EVER start scrap-booking. Hmmmm, we shall see.

  She raises pygmy goats, to clear the ten acres she lives on and to sell as pets when their numbers grow too high. She has chickens for their eggs. Recently they adopted an abandoned burro, renaming him “Homer”.

  Dogs and cats, inside and outside, a couple of roaming pet roosters and various wild animals wandering through on occasion, make their farm life all the more exciting.

  Susan works as an executive assistant to President of a company, in “the City”. So she types all day just to come home and type some more. Life is good.




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