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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

Page 4

by Remy Marie

  “Shit,” Trini continued to drive and searched to see if there were any police in the area. She took a breath of relief as she didn’t spot any officers. One block later, the sound of a police siren and blue lights appeared in her rear view. “Shit,” Trini repeated as her eyes opened wide and she began to produce a cold sweat. She looked down at her console, realized that she had drugs in the car. Her heartbeat quickened as if it was trying to escape her ribcage. It must have known the punishment for carrying a large portion of drugs in her car, and it wanted to bail out. Trini casually pulled over to the side of the road and waited for the police officer to question her.

  The officer, with his flashlight in tow, shined his bright light behind Trini’s four-door sedan. He searched in the backseat of Trini’s car and then smiled once he arrived at Trini’s front door window. He was a well-built man and looked to be in his upper thirties. He had a scruffy brunette beard, and his brown eyes shined in city lights. “Good evening, ma’am. I’m Officer Henry McClain. Can I have your license and registration please?”

  Shit, it’s in the center console. Please don’t see the drugs. “Sure, my license is in my purse, and my registration is in my center console. Can I grab them?”

  “Sure, go ahead,” Officer Henry replied. His eyes diligently studied Trini’s movements. He never broke his concentration on her hands as she moved around in her car. She slowly pulled out her license first and then moved to her console. Trini made sure to use her body to cover the console as she searched for her registration. Her body shivered with fear as she searched for the registration. She found the small piece of paper above the drugs and snatched it in one swift movement. She slowly closed the console and handed them both to the officer.

  “Here you go,” Trini said.

  “Thank you; do you know why I pulled you over?” Officer Henry asked as he reviewed her driving papers.

  Because you’re an asshole? “No, I don’t. “ Trini responded.

  “I caught you driving through a red light. It looked like you were looking down when you drove past me. What were you doing?”

  “I was trying to charge my phone. It died on me. I’m sorry. I’m typically a great driver.” Officer Henry nodded and visually searched Trini’s car once more. Thank god I cleaned it out yesterday, Trini thought as she watched his eyes.

  “Okay, well I’m going back to my cruiser, to put in your information. I’ll be right back.” Officer Henry turned and hopped back into his police car. Trini took a deep sigh of relief and was glad that he didn’t ask to search her vehicle.

  Five minutes later, the officer left his car and returned back to Trini. “Ma’am, here is your license and registration back. This is a traffic violation ticket as well. The court date is written at the top, your record is clean, so if you get a good lawyer, you may be able to get it forgiven. Have a nice day, and keep your eyes on the road for now on.”

  “Will do, officer,” Trini replied with a smile. She grabbed the three items from the officer and lethargically tossed them onto her passenger seat. The officer got back into his car, turned his blue lights off, and then drove away. Trini watched as his taillights disappeared before taking a deep breath and driving away.

  The one emotion Trini felt was rage, and she was going to let Kyle feel her wrath when she got home. How dare he leave fucking drugs in my car. He didn’t even have the fucking courtesy of telling me either, asshole.

  Kyle and I are officially over.

  Chapter 5

  Trini drove down her neighborhood street and cursed underneath her breath when she noticed Drew’s black SUV in her two-lane driveway. She parked beside Drew’s vehicle and opened her console to grab Kyle’s drugs.

  “I’m seriously done with his shit,” Trini shouted as she shut the console hatch closed. She slammed her car door and walked into their small ranch house.

  Trini and Kyle were not the cleanest of couples. Their one-story house was in disarray, with clothes laying around in the living room, and dirty dishes stacked in the sink. The TV and the stereo were both set on high volume, causing Trini’s eardrums to vibrate in an uncomfortable way. Trini threw her keys onto the breakfast bar and walked towards Kyle and Drew who were on the couch. Drew was watching the game on their flat screen, while Kyle was snorting a line of cocaine. Once he finished he wiped his nose, he smiled at Trini.

  “Trini! It’s good to see you. How did your dinner with Jason go?” Kyle asked with a smile.

  “It went fine, what is he doing here?” Trini asked as she pointed towards Drew who took his attention off the TV. He looked towards Trini and stared her figure. Trini made a face of disgust.

  “Kyle, can I speak to you in the bedroom?” Trini asked as she indicated towards their room.

  “I see where this is going. Did you want me to join as well Trini?” Drew probed in an impolite manner. Trini shook her head in anger. Her body trembled with rage as she looked at Drew and Kyle.

  “No, but you can get the fuck out. I mean right now. Either get the fuck out, or I’m calling the cops and telling them to look out for your license plate. Perhaps hint to look into the center console.” Trini growled. Her eyes narrowed as she looked into Drew’s brown eyes. Part of Trini was frightened; however, she was done with Drew’s attitude. Drew gave Trini a death stare and stood up. He lifted up his shirt and brandished his pistol from his waistband.

  “Bitch, I’m about tired of your mouth. I would hate to ruin that pretty face,” Drew roared as he lifted up his gun towards Trini’s face. Trini stood her ground and looked directly into Drew’s eyes. Her outside appearance was as tough as a stone; however, inside she was a complete mess.

  “Leave now,” Trini repeated fearlessly.

  “You bitch,” Drew lifted his gun to pistol whip Trini, but Kyle caught Drew’s hand. Drew’s eyes opened wide. “Get off me Kyle,” Drew growled.

  “No, I think Trini is right. You need to leave now.”

  “Do not forget, you owe me. You still haven’t paid up yet.”

  “Here, take this,” Kyle said as he pulled off his silver chain around his neck and gave it to Drew. Trini stared at the chain Kyle gave to Drew. She knew the inexpensive jewelry had value to Kyle. It was the last thing his little sister gave him before passing away with cancer. That necklace was priceless to him, so for him to give it up now; he must be in serious debt. However, he’s sacrificing this for me. This is the Kyle I knew before the drugs, Trini concluded. Drew inspected it and frowned.

  “This is still not enough. As I said before, I’m open for ass,” Drew mentioned as his stare devoured Trini’s body. A dark smile appeared on Drew’s face as he ogled Trini’s chest, “I would be happy to forcefully take it as well.”

  “If you fucking touch her, you die, “Kyle said as he gripped Drew’s arm tighter. Drew’s eyes narrowed and turned his attention and gun towards Kyle. Before he could fire, Kyle tackled Drew to the ground. The force from the impact knocked the gun in Drew’s hand away as it scattered on the floor towards Trini. Kyle's eyes were filled with rage as he sat on top of Drew, throwing multiple punches towards Drew’s face. Each punch landed with a hard smack, as both men grunted. Drew finally managed to recover and block his face. After two successful blocks, Drew deflected Kyle’s third punch and counter punched into Kyle’s jaw. Kyle was shocked by the punch as he released his hold on top of Drew. The drug dealer took this to his advantage, using his weight and shifted the fight to his favor. He pushed Kyle off of him and stood back up. He punched Kyle once in the face, knocking Kyle on the ground. Kyle began to get back up; however, Drew swiftly kicked Kyle in the ribs. Kyle fell flat on the ground once more. Drew followed with two more power kicks to Kyle’s ribs. Kyle groaned in pain as Drew’s steel toe boots connected to his ribs. Drew took his foot back for another kick but halted when he heard the familiar click of his gun.

  “Get the fuck off him,” Trini shouted as she pointed the gun towards Drew.

  Drew looked at Trini and smiled, “Bitch, you don’
t know how to use that gun. The safety is on, do you know where that is?” Without warning, Trini shot a bullet behind Drew. The drug dealer shrieked in shock as bullet hole was a few inches from his head.

  “Yeah, I found the safety just fine. I grew up with creeps like you. Now I’m not going to ask you again. Get the fuck out.” Drew placed his hands up in defense.

  “Okay, Okay, I’m leaving. Fucking cunt.” Trini fired once more, this time closer to Drew’s body.

  “What did you call me?”

  “I’m sorry, I’m gone, I’m gone. Tell Kyle he still owes me. After he pays me, we’re through doing business.” Trini made a face of disgust.

  “I’ll be sure to tell him. Now leave.” Drew continued to walk backward, as he opened the front door and left the house. Trini still stood with the gun in her hands, as she heard the car ignition and Drew’s SUV leave the driveway. Trini waited a few more minutes until she dropped the gun and checked on Kyle.

  “Kyle, are you okay?” Kyle slowly opened his eyes and moaned in pain. He clutched his ribcage as he stood up.

  “I’ll live. Are you okay? Where’s Drew?”

  “Drew is gone.”

  “He didn’t-“

  “No, he didn’t do anything. I took his gun and fired a couple of warning shots. He is now dust in the wind. You still owe him by the way.”

  “I know,” Kyle replied depressed.

  “Well, did you ever think of selling some of your stash at this party we’re going to?” Kyle winched in pain, and then looked back at Trini.

  “I would, but I think Drew and I used all of it.”

  “Not all of it, Trini responded as she took out the two bags of drugs from her car. You left these in my car. I was going to curse you out for leaving them in there, but your bravery saved you.” Kyle gave a weak smile as he looked at Trini and softly touched her pointed chin.

  “Do I get a kiss too?” Trini paused and looked at Kyle. She knew that boat had sailed for their relationship.

  “How about I give you a hand on the couch, we need to talk.” Kyle nodded, as he extended his hand to Trini. She gripped it tightly as she helped Kyle up from the carpet. Trini assisted him to the brown couch and sat him down. On top of the coffee table, next to the scattered residue of cocaine, was a few premade blunts. Trini grabbed one and lit it. She inhaled the smoke, and then placed the blunt in Kyle’s mouth.

  “Kyle, shit, how do I put this,” Trini said as she pushed her hair back behind her pierced ears. “I think we’ve run our course in the relationship. Since we’ve been dating, we have both evolved wanting different things. Your drug addiction hasn’t been getting better. We almost died a few minutes ago for it.” Trini paused and looked at Kyle’s reaction. His face was blank with no emotion as he stared across the room. He exhaled the blunt and passed it to Trini. Trini took the marijuana and smoked it once more. She exhaled the smoke and placed the drug in the ashtray. She grabbed Kyle’s hand and looked him in the eyes. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Shit, Trini, we had a hell of a ride right?”

  Trini couldn’t help her emotions, as the tears started to roll down her face. She sniffed and wiped the falling tears from her cheeks. “We had a hell of a ride? You’re not going to say anything else? I swear you’re like fucking ICYHOT. Hot one minute, cold the next,” Trini growled upset as she stood up. She wiped her tears once more and looked at Kyle. “I’m going to go get ready for tonight. I’m also going to pack a bag. I’m going to sleep over at Jason and Mohinder’s tonight. We’re officially over. I’ll get the rest of my shit later.” Trini cried as she stormed away. She entered her bedroom and slammed the door shut.

  Chapter 6

  Jason’s 2002 coupe sputtered to a stop in front of Kyle and Trini’s small ranch home. Jason honked the horn letting them know he was outside. Jason wore a green graphic t-shirt, shorts, and basketball sneakers. Jason wasn’t a big fan of dressing up. He figured he only had one person to impress tonight. Mohinder wore the opposite of Jason’s lax clothing style. His hair was freshly slicked back. He wore tan boat shoes along with white shorts that were a size too small. He finished his outfit with a salmon color dress shirt opened to his chest, allowing his chest hair to be visible. Mohinder was in the backseat as he crept forward and grabbed Jason’s shoulders.

  “Mate, you’re a real gentleman.”

  “Sure,” Jason said rolling his eyes. He was still upset he had to be the designated driver for the night.

  “You still never told me how your date with Trini went.”

  “I told you, it wasn’t a date. We just hung out. We went shopping, and we had dinner.” Jason withheld the information about their adventure in the dressing room. If I told him, he would want to know the most disgusting details. Mohinder was always more of a horn dog, Jason thought.

  “Let’s see, did you buy her meal during dinner?”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “Then it’s a date.”

  Jason rolled his eyes at Mohinder’s comments. It wasn’t a date, or was it? I don’t know.

  “What did you two do in the car? You seemed pretty close to her before you came in the flat. Did you snog her? A tit grab? You have to tell me something, I gave you a twenty.”

  “Nothing happened. We just talked, and I left. Let’s talk about your eavesdropping habit.”

  “We fuckin live in a shitty neighborhood, pardon me for being safe and caring for my mate’s well-being.” Jason shook his head at his friend’s comment and honked his horn once more.

  “Do you see that moon? Have you ever seen anything like that? It seems so close. It’s almost like the bloody sun is still out.” Jason looked at the sky and nodded.

  “Yeah, I’ve read some scientific articles about this. They say it’s a rare phenomenon; it only happens once every one hundred years. “

  “Do you remember what the old nuns used to say about the yellow moon?”

  “Yeah, they said it’s when all of the evil creatures come out from hell,” Jason said as he started to play with the radio dial in his car.

  “Crazy to think, what if those old hag tales were true?” Mohinder added as he checked his case of beer in the back. “Ugh, I hate this American beer, tastes like warm piss. American women love it, so I must endure. The things I do to get shagged.” Mohinder turned his attention back outside impatiently and placed his head on the car glass. “Where are they? We are going to miss the party. Press the horn again.”

  Jason honked the horn twice, but the couple still did not leave the house.

  A few moments later, Kyle and Trini walked out of the house. Trini wore a black corset top with black jeans and black slip-on sneakers. Next to Trini, Kyle was wearing a sleeveless shirt with a metal band logo, along with ripped jeans and boots. As they walked, Jason noticed Trini’s face. Her face looked red and puffy like she had been crying earlier. Jason wanted to ask what was going on with her, but he knew now wasn’t the best place. Perhaps he could get her alone at the party and ask.

  Trini saw the worried expression Jason gave and changed her facial expressions immediately. A large smile broke on Trini’s black colored lips as she waved to Jason and Mohinder.

  “Hey, guys. Are you ready for the party tonight?!” she asked excitedly.

  “You know it! I’ve saved you a spot in the back. It’s nice and warm.” Mohinder said patting the bucket seat beside him.

  “That’s so gross,” she said. Trini moved the front seat back to get into the car. Kyle was the last one to get in the car as he finished the cigarette he was smoking. Once he was done, he flicked the butt onto the street and hopped in Jason’s car.

  “I hate your ‘no smoking in the car’ rule, Jason,” Kyle said as he put on his seatbelt.

  “It stinks out my car. The resale value decreases by half when you smoke in your car,” Jason complained as he pulled away from the driveway.

  “Who the hell would want to buy this piece of shit? It’s falling apart. Hell, the bumper is held up by
duct tape.” Everyone laughed at his comment, even Jason chuckled.

  “It’s all I could afford,” Jason muttered as he pressed his foot on the accelerator zooming through the green light.

  “So where is this party?” Mohinder asked.

  “It’s going to be at the old sawmill down in Meekins. Do you know where that town is, Jason?” Kyle replied.

  “Yeah, I do. Hold on, I am going to make a U-turn,” Jason said as he whipped the car around to turn onto the highway ramp to head towards Meekins.

  “Meekins?” Mohinder repeated. “Why there? It’s such a small town.”

  “Correct, small town equals fewer cops. It is a perfect spot for a party. I heard the cops in Meekins are chill too. The party is going to be in the deep woods, where no one would bother us. Some friends of mine said there would be a couple of kegs and a bonfire. Not to mention a few fun goodies.” Kyle proceeded to open his book bag to show a few blunts made of weed and a small bag of cocaine.

  “Sounds like fun. Do you think there would be women there?” Mohinder asked.

  “Plenty for you and Jason, plus the forest in Meekins is the perfect place to hook up. It’s quiet, and no one would bother you.”

  Jason looked in his rearview mirror and noticed Trini shifted uncomfortably at the mention of Jason being with other women. Worrying about Trini’s well-being, Jason decided to change the subject.

  “Meekins Forest, that sounds familiar,” Jason said as he clicked his blinker to exit off the highway. Trini broke her concentration from the window and looked at the group.

  “That’s because a couple of college kids were killed there fifty years ago. They had bite marks all over their bodies. Cops in the town said it was an animal attack. The media couldn’t identify what type of animal that could do that amount of damage. The media reports say that out of the thirty students, only three survived the attack. The newspapers call it the ‘bloody moon massacre’. The massacre got its name because of how the blood shined in the moonlight. After the three kids were patched up at the local hospital, they were never heard from again. Newspapers tried contacting their folks, but they could never get a straight answer on their current whereabouts,” Trini added to the conversation. After she spoke, there was a brief silence in the car, until Jason spoke up.


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