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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

Page 13

by Remy Marie

  “You’re safe in my arms. If I am breathing and you’re in my arms, you are safe,” Jason said as he kissed her shoulder. Trini gripped Jason’s hand that was draped over her shoulder and lightly kissed it.

  “Awe babe. You make me so happy. I love you.”

  “You make me happy too. I love you too, Trini. Goodnight,” Jason whispered as he fell asleep once more.

  Trini rubbed Jason’s hand as she took Jason’s words to heart. She closed her eyes and did not see images of Kyle or her parents; instead, she saw Jason’s smiling face. With Jason’s soft words, Trini was able to relax her body, and drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 16

  The morning sun slowly peered through Jason’s room as it shined on the two lying in their bed. Jason awoke with Trini’s arm around him. Her arm felt soft and warm as it laid across his bare chest. Jason stared at her arm tattoos that swirled up her arm towards her upper chest near her breast. He could not believe that they had made love last night.

  All of this time, and it finally happened, Jason reminded himself. Last night will forever be special to me. Jason hoped she enjoyed their love session as much as he did. Jason bent down and then kissed her pale lips to not wake her.

  Jason whispered in her ear, “I love you.” As if Trini heard him, a smile appeared on her face as she gently opened her eyes. Her smile grew as she awoke.

  “Hey stranger,” Trini grinned.

  “Hey you, last night was amazing. Thank you for being my first,” Jason said.

  “Awe babe,” Trini said with a smile as she leaned forward in the bed and gave Jason a quick peck. “I was happy to take your virginity. That night would be with us forever. I had a good time last night too, not so bad for your first time. Plus your soldier down there is an amazing size. You felt good inside me,” Trini mentioned as she turned her body allowing her backside to rest on Jason’s pelvis. As she got comfortable, she took Jason’s arm and brought it over her body to be closer to Jason. As she wiggled her rear on Jason’s pelvis, Jason felt the sexual arousal once more as Trini created the skin on skin contact.

  I love cuddling with her, this is the reason why I wanted a relationship with Trini.

  “Jason, listen, now that we had sex, our relationship is going to grow even more. I feel myself falling for you. Did you remember what I said to you in the forest?”

  “How you don’t like liars?” Jason replied.

  “Yeah, just don’t break my heart, okay? I’ve had too many relationships that start off like this but end in heartbreak. I feel like you are the one, don’t let me question that feeling, okay?”

  “I won’t. I promise.” Trini turned back around and kissed Jason once more.

  “Thank you, Jason. I love you. I’m going to go back to sleep.”

  “Okay, I’m going to get up and start moving around. I can’t sleep anymore. Love you too,” Jason commented as he bent down and gently kissed Trini’s forehead.

  In the distance, Jason could smell the soft scent of coffee being brewed and knew someone else must be up as well. Jason slowly turned, in an attempt to not wake up Trini from her sleep, and got out of bed. Jason put on his baggy jeans and crumpled red shirt and walked down the stairs. As he slowly walked down, he stopped midway on the steps and stood as he recognized Greg’s scent.

  With his back turned, Greg was sipping coffee and had a lit cigar between his fingers. Without lifting his head, Greg said “Jason, it is rude to stare. Come downstairs, I want to talk to you.”

  Jason’s heart started to beat quicker. Jason hoped he hasn’t upset Greg by his comments last night. In order to deter the situation, Jason decided it was best to speak up first about last night.

  “Greg about last—”

  “I’m going to stop you right there,” Greg said as he turned. He had a slight frown on his face as he took another puff from his cigar. “Sit down at the breakfast bar. There’s fresh coffee if you want it. Did you want anything else?”

  “Coffee is fine with me sir,” Jason replied.

  “You’re a coffee for breakfast guy? You’re just like me,” Greg replied as he watched Jason walk into the kitchen to get a mug. Jason grabbed a green mug and poured the warm dark liquid inside the mug. He took a sip, then sat down at the breakfast bar with Greg.

  In front of him was the map of the Lycan States of America. Greg was studying the map as if he was studying for a midterm.

  “What’s on your mind, Greg?” Jason asked as he took another sip of his coffee.

  “I’m sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have run from you and Trini last night. It’s just those memories of my wife were still fresh in my mind, even if it has been fifty years. Anyways as I was running as my wolf, I thought more about my wife and how the events that happened in 1967 were eerily similar to now. Almost down to a T, the party at the sawmill, the attack, a few survivors. It was crazy how similar the attacks were. I blame myself for not seeing the bigger picture soon enough. I guess what happened during that damn war left scars on everyone, including me. No one likes to talk about it, not until you brought it up,” Greg said as he took a puff from his cigar once more, then exhaled the smoke.

  “I was studying this map, trying to piece together that war. It was the first time since our kingdoms separated, that the states allied with each other to win a war. It wasn’t until that attack that sparked an all-out war between the kingdoms. Each kingdom joined a side; there was so much bloodshed in our race. It was werewolf killing werewolf,” Greg said as he shook his head in disbelief.

  “Over twenty-five thousand wolfs died in that war. That was nearly a quarter of our population during that time,” Greg pointed out.

  “Wow, that many people dying. Why wasn’t that covered in the news?” Jason asked as he stared at the map.

  “For one, in the sixties, there wasn’t any internet, so our race was able to control the papers. Not to mention, the entire county was going through the Vietnam Conflict, Soviets, and racial tensions, so the news reporters had other priorities. Anyways, the war was ended after one of the bloodiest battles, the Battle of Hidden Ridge. During the battle, over two thousand wolves died that day. After that battle, I think every survivor regretted something they did that day. I know I sure did,” Greg said as he took pause.

  “Afterwards, the seven alpha kings and queens met and decided for peace. They created the Mantra Treaty, an act that would avoid any great wars to come. The Mantra Treaty included an act in which they have agreed that the wolves would have no contact with another state unless it was under peaceful terms. The West Alocenians broke that treaty six months ago when they attacked y’all. There should have been no contact with humans unless they were provoked. Based on your accounts and everyone else’s, the wolves attacked unprovoked. With a full moon out, they were indestructible. They were unable to be stopped, even by us. You said that there was a white werewolf among the group correct?”

  Jason nodded with curiosity. Greg frowned and stared at his coffee.

  “That white wolf was Jasper. He was the right hand of the king of West Alocenia until he got discharged. They say his methods were too violent and outdated. I would agree with them, he was a fucking butcher in the past. He kills for sport, human and wolf alike. I am sure he was the one behind it. There is only one wolf that I am aware of that has pure white fur and red eyes. I am surprised Trini got a good smack on him. However, it does fit her profile; your girlfriend is one tough cookie.”

  Jason’s heart sank, as he remembered the night. Now that Trini and I are together, I couldn’t bear the thought of losing her now.

  “Anyways as I figure that attack was just the beginning. An appetizer if you will. In the next week, I am going to have Allison train y’all for hand to hand combat. It’s for protection only. I don’t want y’all going out starting fights or anything, but it worries me that Jasper would break the truce so easily. Afterwards, I plan on going to Korywen and meeting with the King of East Alocenia. This attack cannot be allowed, and West Alo
cenia should be punished, based on treaty rules. The four of you will accompany Allison and me to see the king. There, you will give your first-hand account of what happened. We need to get ahead of this before more innocents die.” Greg paused as he listened to a noise in the distance; he smiled as he lit a new cigar. “Sounds like we woke everyone up with our talk, let’s break the news to them and then you guys will start your combat training today.”

  Chapter 17

  Trini slowly woke up in the bed with a smile on her face. She moved her right arm to clutch Jason but realized that he wasn’t there.

  Where is he? After sifting through the pungent smell of smoke, she found Jason’s scent. He was downstairs, and it sounds like he is talking to Greg. Shit, after the night those two had, I hope Jason isn't too awkward and blunt. I love him, but he can’t take a hint that he’s gone too far. Trini hopped out of bed and didn’t bother putting a bra on. She simply placed on one of Jason’s t-shirts she found in his room, along with a baggy pair of sweats. She had to roll up the waistband twice to fit in them properly.

  Trini cautiously walked down the stairs and looked at the duo. She gave a worried and confused look when she saw Greg and Jason sitting next to each other. Before Trini’s foot hit the last step, Jason got up and kissed her. Trini opened her eyes wide at the sudden kiss. She returned his affection and then rubbed his cheek, concerned.

  I’m worried about you, Trini thought as she looked into his eyes.

  As if Jason could read her thoughts, he spoke up, “Greg is going to explain everything, come and sit by me on the sofa,” Jason said as he led Trini to the green sofa in the living room. Isabella and Allison were the next to come down the stairs. They both were giggling loudly as they held each other up. They were both wearing the same clothes they had on during the party.

  Were they still drunk? Trini wondered as she watched the duo stumble down the stairs. However, their attitudes changed once Allison caught a serious glance from Greg. Allison straightened up her posture and stopped laughing. In silence, she walked and stood by Greg. Isabella’s face showed confusion as her sudden lover became serious. She shook her head, as she sat near Jason and Trini.

  Mohinder was the last to walk down. He walked down with Jennifer. Mohinder looked stunned and embarrassed that there was a group watching he and Jennifer walk down the stairs. He slowly walked Jennifer to the door and held the door open.

  “I had a great time talking with you,” Mohinder said as he played with one of Jennifer’s ebony silk curls in her hair. Jennifer smiled back at Mohinder and rubbed his square chin.

  “I had a good time with you as well,” Jennifer said as she leaned forward and gave Mohinder a hug. Mohinder returned the hug and lifted her off the ground and spun her around. Jennifer laughed as Mohinder twirled her around the living room.

  Mohinder has gotten super strong since he’s turned, Trini thought as she watched her friend swing Jennifer with ease. I’ve seen this guy lift weights before we changed. He would make a grandpa look strong but now look at him. Not to mention, the two defiantly have chemistry. After Greg speaks, Jason and I should try to figure out how their night went. I know my Jason is going to brag about our night. I strangely I want to be there when he does. I love to see Mohinder’s mouth drop to the floor as he hears the news.

  Jennifer’s laughter stopped when Greg cleared his throat. As if Mohinder forgot that others were in the room, he placed Jennifer back down and gave a slight smile.

  “Sorry about that, I’ll see you again, Jennifer.”

  “I’ll hold you to it,” Jennifer replied as she left the cabin. Greg watched in silence as Mohinder slowly made his way to the sofa to sit down. Once Mohinder sat down, Greg spoke up once more.

  “Alright, now that everyone is here. I can tell you why I’m so stern. The party is officially over, and things will be serious from here on out. Last night, I realized that the attacks that happened to you were not a simple random attack. That attack was a planned attack just like the events in 1967.”

  Allison’s eyes grew wide the moment Greg mentioned the year 1967.

  That was the year that Allison turned.

  “Greg, you don’t think?” Allison began to say. “I don’t think, I know that attack was coordinated by Jasper Doxie and that means we could be facing another war.”

  Allison’s face narrowed when Greg mentioned war. She knew the consequences of that word, having lived through the first civil war between factions. Before Greg discussed his next thought, the young wolf was already ahead of his actions.

  “We need to train these pups, don’t we?”

  Greg nodded, “Just in self-defense, I don’t y’all running off starting fights. Handling an experienced, trained wolf takes time. Jasper and his bastard wolves train all day for combat for over fifty years. You just turned yesterday. I don’t expect y’all to get your hands dirty,” Greg said as he stared at the group on the sofa.

  “Wait a moment, Jason shot one and Trini bludgeoned Jasper with a torch. I think we should be good, eh?” Mohinder added.

  “True, but that was all luck. Jason, you were a few seconds close to getting mauled if you didn’t fire when you did. As for Trini, you had the element of surprise against Jasper. I’m sure he would surely not allow that to happen twice if he ever sees you,” Greg replied to Mohinder. Greg then looked at Allison and smiled.

  “I’ll train them well,” Allison smirked as she stood up. She then turned to the group, “Alright you pups! Outside!”

  Chapter 18

  The group of five walked outside. The air was colder than it was yesterday. There were dark and heavy clouds blanketing the sky.

  It could snow today, I miss being connected to the world. I haven’t had a chance to feel normal since I’ve been scratched, Jason concluded as he looked at the grey sky.

  “It’s bloody freezing out here,” Mohinder said as he began to remove his clothes. Mohinder walked back towards the house and stuffed them into a small cubby without folding them.

  “Just transform into your wolf. He’ll warm you up,” Allison said as she removed her clothes. She folded each article and then placed it in a small cubby next to Mohinder’s clothes. Allison turned and then moved at a dead sprint towards the open plain in front of the cabin. In mid-stride, Allison turned into her werewolf. A loud howl followed suit as Allison disappeared in the gray horizon.

  Even though Jason could not speak to her, he was able to translate that he needed to follow Allison. It’s strange how I am able to translate a simple howl or growl. It’s not descriptive at all, but based on her movements and the tone, I know that she wants me to follow her, Jason thought as he finished putting his clothes away. Jason took off at a running pace and transformed into his grey wolf and chased after Allison.

  Allison’s wolf continued to run towards the tree line where the group went yesterday. Before she entered the forest, she stopped and turned into her human form as she waited for the remainder of the group. Trini was the first to arrive at Allison’s spot as she transformed back into a human. Allison showed a large smile as she watched Trini transform.

  “You’re getting faster,” Allison grinned.

  Trini grinned back, “Thanks. I haven’t noticed until now how fast I’ve gotten. I know that I have speed because I passed everyone else here, but it’s weird being talented. Unlike Jason and Mohinder, I never went to college. Hell, I barely passed high school. For once, it feels good to be naturally gifted at something.”

  “Damn straight. I was the fastest out of my group when I first changed as well.” Trini looked at Allison with a worried expression.

  “You don’t talk about them much. Did they die in the war in 1967?” Trini asked. Allison nodded in response.

  “Harry and I were the only two survivors, the others passed. However, your group reminds me of traits that my group had. We were all pups being thrust into a war we didn’t understand. Hopefully, I can train y’all to not face what we saw in the war. Here comes Isabella.�

  Isabella’s wolf was swiftly moving through the grassy plain. Isabella leaped high and transformed back into a human. She slid on the grass once she landed.

  “God I love that!” Isabella grinned. Mohinder and Jason were the last to arrive as Jason guided Mohinder to the location. Once they arrived, the two transformed and smiled at the group of women.

  “And we’re last, what a surprise. At least we made it,” Jason commented as he looked at Mohinder.

  Mohinder may be strong, but his senses are not as strong as the rest of the group. He’s lucky that I stayed behind with him.

  “Allison, you were right. It’s not as cold now,” Mohinder commented.

  “Not from where I’m standing,” Isabella stated as she looked at Mohinder’s manhood. She then proceeded to bend her pinky finger towards him.

  “Fuck off!” Mohinder said angrily.

  “Alright, now that everyone is here, partner up,” Allison commanded as she ignored Mohinder and Isabella’s conversation. Jason stepped near Mohinder while Trini took her place near Isabella.

  “Naturally, once we transform into our wolves, we will have an aggressive trait,” Allison said as she placed her hands on her hips and looked firmly at the group in front of her. “You can let the wolf take over you in combat, and it would protect you. However, it’s sloppy. A sloppy wolf is a dead wolf. You see, it’s not aimed at anything and there is no coordination. For instance, it’s like firing a sniper rifle from fifty yards without looking through the scope. Would you hit your target? Probably, but you have a great chance of missing as well. If you learn to control that aggressive nature and work as a team, it’s like looking into that sniper scope. A perfect shot. Our clan trains to work in pairs and teams. While one wolf could be attacking, the other could be defending. We always fight in packs, never alone. A one-two punch sort of speaks. One attacks,” Allison demonstrated as she extended her fist. “Then another attacks,” Allison said as she extended her opposite fist. “Two fists are better than one. That is why when we fight, we fight with a partner. That will keep you alive. The person you’re standing by is your partner for sparing. Across from you is your opponent.”


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