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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

Page 26

by Remy Marie

  “Boy, I’ve been hiding since the day I’ve attacked you. I’ve been living in Meekins Forest, and not once has anyone found me. I watched as Greg sent out that hunting party for me. They are still over there you know, in West Alocenia looking for me. They must have looked all over the damn state. They should have known when they hit Texas that I wasn’t there. But low and behold, they are still searching.”

  Jason spread his stance and clenched his fists as he looked at Jasper, “I could stop you right now as well.” Jasper laughed as he looked at Jason.

  “Surely you’re not talking about yourself. I’ve watched you train from afar, Jason. You are weak, you are unfit to call yourself a warrior. Even your bitch is stronger than you.” Jason winched when Jasper referred to Trini.

  “You leave her out of this,” Jason growled, he could feel his wolf inside him rage. It wanted out; it wanted to kill Jasper at this moment. Jasper smiled at Jason as if he could sense his wolf wanting to spring out.

  “Why? I mean Trini is my blood since I was the one who turned her. But with that sweet ass, who could resist. After I kill you, I’ll visit her. I’ll force my tongue down her throat, rip off her clothes, and show her what a real wolf feels like.”

  “I’ll kill you!” Jason shouted as he transformed into his wolf. There was no more logic, no more talk. Jason felt rage as his wolf charged towards Jasper. Jasper stood still, unchanged and smiled at Jason.

  “That’s more like it, yes Jason. Use that rage!” Jason ran on all fours, and then leaped attacking Jasper’s head. Jasper unchanged, swiftly dodged the attack. As he moved away, he performed an uppercut to Jason’s snout. Jason cried in pain as the punch landed. Jason shook off the punch and charged at Jasper once more. Jasper sidestepped and grabbed Jason’s torso. Jasper drove his knee into Jason’s gut. Jason’s wolf howled as he felt his ribs break. Jason felt as if he couldn’t breathe as he transformed back into his human shape.

  Naked, Jason gasped for air as his broken ribs dug into his side. Jason tried to transform back into his wolf, but the pain of this broken ribs was too much. Jasper moaned and shook his head as he stood over Jason.

  “Jason, I’m disappointed. I would have thought that match would have lasted longer. I didn’t even get to wolf up. Like I said, you are weak. Trini and I are going to have a hell of a time.” Jasper laughed as his eyes turned ruby red and his fingers grew claws. Jasper raised his hand for the final blow before a gunshot rang out. Jason watched as the bullet penetrated Jasper’s shoulder. Jasper screamed in pain as he turned to look for the shooter.

  Walker stood with the smoking six-shooter with his eyes narrowed at Jasper.

  “Jason, get out here. Run and tell the others!” Walker shouted as he pulled back the trigger once more for another shot.

  “Walker stop, you need to get out of here!” Jason shouted as he watched Walker with horror. Jasper roared in anger as he transformed into his wolf. Walker fired two more shots, but each shot missed as Jasper transformed. Jasper’s white werewolf howled as it charged towards Walker like a freight train. The teacher stood his ground and fired another shot, the shot was not effective as Jasper charge straight through Walker, knocking him off his feet and sending him flying across the parking lot. Before Walker could stand back up, Jasper was already over his body. Walker screamed in pain as Jasper tore through his skin. Jasper ripped the flesh from Walker’s bones as he chewed through Walker like a dog’s chew toy. Walker screamed the entire time until he lay limp in the parking lot.

  Jason stood up, holding his ribs. His body shook uncontrollably as he looked at Walker’s dead body. Tears began to fill his eyes as he looked at the man he called a friend. His violent glare reached Jasper’s red eyes. His white werewolf fur was covered with Walker’s blood.

  “You bastard, I swear I’m going to kill you!” Jason shouted. Jasper’s wolf howled and spread its stance as if he was taunting Jason. Jason took his hand off his ribs and focused. The transformation was painful as Jason morphed back into his wolf. It took all off his strength to transform back into his wolf. His screams evolved into a deep howl as he stood on all fours. Jason growled as his red eyes looked at Jasper’s. Jason was blinded by rage as he charged at Jasper. He wasn’t thinking, he just allowed his wolf to control his actions. Jasper charged towards Jason as well, and the two collided. Jasper recovered quicker from the collision and slapped Jason’s snout hard across the face. Jason regrouped and lunged towards Jasper’s front right paw. He clenched down hard until he tasted blood. Jasper whelped in pain and snarled at Jason’s neck. Jasper managed to get a hold of Jason’s long neck and clenched down with his jaws. Jason screeched at the agony. Jason felt as if his lower body went numb as he let go of Jasper’s paw.

  Jason felt the blood drip from his neck from his injury. His body felt weak and struggled to stand as he retreated away from Jasper. His ribs ached with every breath. Jason knew this was the end for him as he collapsed in the parking lot. Jason looked back at Walker’s limp body and felt regret. He should have protected Walker better. Jason looked up at the three-quarter moon and wished it was full. As he looked at the moon, he thought about Trini and wish she was here as well.

  I’m not ready to die. Trini and I had some much life to live. I shouldn’t have lied to her. Trini, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me, Jason thought as he looked at Jasper who managed to hover over him. Jasper lifted his paw for the final blow until he stopped midway. His wolf looked up and growled. Within seconds, another wolf leaped over Jason. The wolf had auburn hair as it tackled Jasper away from Jason.

  Trini regrouped and charged once more into Jasper, knocking him off his feet once more. As she attempted to go for his throat, Jasper managed to block Trini’s attacks. With a quick movement, he backhanded Trini, and she went flying backward. She landed on the ground hard but regrouped within seconds. She stood on all fours and emitted a roar that shook the pavement. She circled back to Jason’s wolf, and stood in front of him, growling and protecting him from harm. Her red eyes never left Jasper’s, as her long white canine fangs snapped towards him. Jasper paused and then charged towards Trini. She stood her ground as she waited for Jasper’s attack. Before Jasper could get close, Allison’s wolf arrived, she was followed by Greg, Isabella, and Mohinder. All four howled as they protected Jason beside Trini. Jasper realized that he was outmatched and turned and ran away. Allison, Greg, Isabella, and Mohinder sprinted off after him, leaving Jason and Trini in the parking lot.

  Sensing that the danger was over, Jason changed back into his human form, panting, full of sweat and blood. He gave a weak smile at Trini, who had also transformed back into a human. Before Jason could collapse to the pavement, Trini caught him and brought him down slowly towards her lap. She softly rubbed his short coarse hair as she looked into his brown eyes.

  “You saved me,” Jason managed to say, as wound on his neck grew. Jason’s crimson blood inched down his neck as the wound spread.

  “Shhh, don’t speak, save your energy,” Trini whispered in Jason’s ear as she held him.

  “I’m so sorry for everything Trini. I love you Trini,” Jason managed to say before passing out.

  “I love you too, Jason,” Trini cried as she kissed him deeply and held his body in her arms.

  Chapter 36

  Trini squeezed the wet towel and then gently rubbed Jason’s body down with it. She smiled gently as she watched Jason’s body slowly breathe in and out. Jason was lying in Trini’s bed naked, with a blanket wrapped around his lower body. He had a large bandage wrapped around his throat, along with several bandages on his arms and legs and a large bandaged wrapped around his ribcage. Greg mentioned that Jason’s fight with Jasper took a lot out of him. The reasoning behind his body in this comatose state is due to itself trying to heal without the moon. If he does wake up, Greg said he would be in pain too. Not to mention, he would need to be on bed rest until the moon comes next week. I wish the lunar cycle would hurry the fuck up. Even with our healing abilities, it worri
es the shit out of me to see Jason in this state. God, I miss him. I just want to wake him up right now and kiss him. She gently bent down and gave Jason a light kiss. She rubbed his coarse hair, and whispered in his ear, “I forgive you, Jason Barton. You hear me. I forgive you. Now wake the fuck up.” Trini was in a deep trance as she continued to rub Jason’s hair, that she didn’t notice a knock at the door. Trini looked up and saw Greg with a cigar in his mouth.

  “How is he?”

  “He’s doing better. He’s been in and out since Friday though.”

  “Well, if you want, you can take a break perhaps; let me or Mohinder watch over Jason. I think you need the rest.”

  “I’m fine,” Trini replied as her focus was only on Jason.

  “Okay, well he’s going to pull through, Trini. He is a fighter.” Greg turned and as if he began to leave, but stopped his movements and looked at Trini. “There is something I wanted to ask you though. How did you see that Jason was in trouble?”

  “I’m not sure. I just felt it in my stomach you know. When we were eating at dinner, I just knew something was off. Someone I loved needed me. I thought of Jason, and ran to him.”

  “You ran directly to him, Isabella didn’t even need to point you in his direction. How did you know he was at the high school?”

  “I’m not sure. I sensed Jason was in trouble, and my senses felt like they were in overdrive. I could smell Jason farther than I could ever smell him before. Not to mention, I’ve moved faster than I ever have as well.”

  Greg nodded. “That’s very interesting.”

  “How so?” Trini asked

  “Because that trait is usually reserved for paired mates.” Trini looked at Greg confused.

  “How is that possible? Jason’s mate is Rose, and Rose’s mate is Jason. Allison says wolves mates are only connected to each other.”

  “True, but you are an outlier. Never before have I seen such love for a wolf break outside the mold of a traditional mating ritual. Trini, Jason is your true love. You two were meant to be together.”

  “How? Jason isn’t mated with me,” Trini responded.

  “At this point, Trini. I think Jason would jump off a skyscraper, run through fire, and take on a herd of rabid werewolves for your love. You’re mated with him, that’s all that matters. In my book, you are both mated for life. I’m going to go and say hello to our honored guest. Let me know when he wakes, okay?” Trini nodded at Greg’s command and looked back at Jason, whose puffy eyes were still shut.

  Trini knew the honored guest Greg was referring to was Jasper. After the rumble Jasper had, the group chased Jasper all throughout Meekins. Isabella used her senses to find him, while Allison with her speed managed to slow down Jasper, and Greg and Mohinder added the muscle. That son of a bitch had no chance. Greg said that he had a chance to end Jasper’s life in the woods, but Allison stopped him. According to Greg, she claimed that he needed to face the king’s justice for his crime. I would have killed him on the spot if I was there. Jasper should be thankful that Allison has a lighter head. The only reason why Greg keeps checking on Jasper is to make sure Dennis doesn’t kill him. I felt so bad for Dennis when he arrived back from his hunt. His sobs of pain shook the very Earth as he cried over Walker’s dead body. The funeral for Walker is being held tomorrow. Hopefully, Jason would be awake for it. Greg is allowing Dennis to carry out the death sentence for Jasper, one Dennis did not disagree to take. I’m just glad it’s over, we can finally move on with our lives knowing the threat of Jasper is over. I know I’m ready to move on with my life with the man sleeping in front of me.

  Trini hummed a soft tune as she played with his coarse hair. She looked at his plump lips as they breathed deeply. His stone carved abs took in the air as he slept. She wanted nothing more than for him to wake up at that moment. Trini felt her eyes grow heavy and weak. She gently laid her head on top of Jason’s stomach as she fell asleep cuddling his body.

  Jason awoke a few hours later; his body was stiff as he moved in the bed.

  “Trini?” Jason whispered. Trini rose her head from Jason’s chest and smiled at him. Their eyes connected, like two long lost lovers.

  “You saved me,” Jason whispered.

  “If I recall, I owed you.” Trini grinned.

  “Listen, I wanted to tell you-” Trini did not let Jason finish as she gave a deep kiss to Jason. She grabbed his face and slipped her tongue in. She moved her tongue around and, it felt familiar but foreign at the same time. She missed the feeling. Trini gave Jason one last kiss before breaking her embrace.

  “I’ve been waiting to do that for some time now,” Trini said breathless. Jason gave Trini a weak smile, but his smile turned into a frown as she could tell he remembered the night before.

  “Walker?” Jason asked.

  Trini shook her head with empathy. “He didn’t make it. He died that night.” Trini watched as the tears began to build on Jason’s face.

  “It’s my entire fault. I should have fought harder. I never should have put him in that situation.”

  “No, it’s not your fault. You listen here. Don’t you blame yourself. Jasper is one tough son of a bitch. He nearly killed me.”

  “Did you-“

  “No, I didn’t kill him. Greg and Allison managed to capture him.”

  “Does Dennis know about Walker and Jasper?” Jason asked with a worried expression.

  “He does, he arrived late last night from his hunt. He was devastated. Greg gave him the order to serve the king’s justice, once King Bidziil arrives tomorrow.”

  “I need to speak to him,” Jason said as he flipped the covers off his body and began to sit up in the bed. Trini could tell he was in immense pain as he moved.

  “No, you need rest. He already came to visit you. He told me to tell you that he doesn’t hold you responsible for Walker’s death. It’s not your fault, Jason. It’s Jasper’s. Do not confuse that fact.” Jason stared at Trini.

  Trini could tell, Jason’s mind was calculating a million miles per minute like he usually does. He often gives his blank stare when he is thinking of his options. Jason relaxed and laid back down on the mattress.

  “I take it if Dennis is back, David is back as well? How did he take it to see his daughter pregnant?”

  “Not so well, he nearly killed Mohinder after punching him so many times. It took three wolves to drag him away. It’s tough learning that your daughter has a death sentence.”

  “Well not so much, I think I solved Jennifer’s problem. I didn’t get a chance to review it, but according to Mohinder’s program. There is a strong chance that the vaccine we created would keep the baby and the mother alive.” Trini’s expression brightened as she looked at Jason. In the distance, Jason could hear footsteps, and a few seconds later, Mohinder busted into Trini’s room. He had a swollen eye and cheek, but his smile on his face was huge.

  “Sorry to eavesdrop, but did I hear that you found a cure?” Mohinder asked.

  “You did, Mohinder. Your model said there was a 67% rate of success. I know its low, but we should be able to move to phase two of testing. I want to review it first before we tell Jennifer.”

  “Oh mate, I could snog you right now if your girlfriend wasn’t sitting there. This is great news. Oh and I’m happy you’re alive as well,” Mohinder said with a smile.

  “Thanks, Mohinder, same here.”

  “Alright, well there’s no time to waste. Once you are on your feet, we can start working again. In the meantime, I might keep Isabella around in case David becomes mental again. Like I said mate, it’s good to see you up and about. See you soon.” Mohinder looked at Trini and smiled then turned and left the room.

  “He seems to be in good spirits.”

  “His best friend is alive and talking. How would you feel?”

  “I’ll tell you how I feel,” Jason said as he leaned closer to Trini. Trini accepted his kiss, and she felt like she was transported back to a magical place once more as she kissed him. As his moist
lips danced over hers, she felt her flower blossom. She felt emotions that she thought were lost to her since their departure four months ago. They kissed for ten minutes before Jason broke away from their embrace.

  “Trini, I did have another question for you?”

  “What is it, Jason?”

  “When you saved me, how did you know where I was?”

  Trini looked down, her face blushing as she smiled. “That’s the thing, Greg wondered the same thing. Based on what I told him, he said that I’m your paired mate.” Jason’s eyes grew wide as he was surprised by Trini’s comments.

  “How is that possible, I thought paired mates were only between two wolves? I didn’t think a third could share the link?”

  “I thought that too, but apparently, I managed to break the trend. You know me I’m always a trendsetter.”

  “For starters, I’m happy that you’re my mate, and Trini?” Jason asked as he pushed back Trini’s dark hair. He grasped the back of her head and looked into her eyes. “I want to be your soulmate as well,” Jason whispered as he leaned in and kissed Trini once more.

  Trini stood in a black dress leaning on the wheelchair that Jason sat in. The two were both quiet as they watched the priest give the final rites to Walker. The small plot the group stood in had dozens of tombstones. Some looked fresh, while others looked to be from the 18th century. In the distance, Greg’s wooden mansion could be seen. Trini looked behind the priest and smiled at the large picture of Walker. He had a classic grin on his face as he stood looking at the crowd of hundred people. Many humans and werewolves alike showed up for Walker’s funeral. Dennis stood to the right of the priest. His eyes were red from crying as he sobbed.

  The priest cleared his throat and spoke deeply, “Walker Murphy was a great citizen of the town of Meekins. While he wasn’t born here like many of us here, he adapted the local lifestyle very quickly. Through his time on this Earth, he had always been selfless, either by teaching our children, loving our fair deputy, Dennis, or even laying his life down for someone he cares about.” Trini noticed Jason’s shoulder tense when the priest recognized Walker’s final moments. She gently rubbed his shoulder, letting him know that she was there for him.


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