Mind of a Killer
Page 6
Rubbing his eyes Rivers began to walk towards the station’s canteen. He felt exhausted and looked forward to a large black coffee to help keep him going. After walking only several feet Rivers found a large dressing mirror in the corridor identical to the one he had seen at his sister’s house. Puzzled he examined it closely before finding a familiar facing staring back at him. Looking closer he found the same crazy eyes looking back at him.
“I hope you will remember what I have done for you today Ian,” said Rivers’ reflection in the mirror.
“Done? By done I take it you mean framing my best friend as well as murdering my sister and aunt.”
“Don’t be so cynical Ian. I did you a favour!” replied The Hacker who sounded genuine. He actually believed that he had done so.
“Get out of my head you sick bastard!” shouted Rivers as he pounded his fists against his head in an attempt to remove the intruder.
“You know we are the same you and I. The sooner you realise it then the quicker you can reach your full potential!”
“I’m nothing like you. You will slip sooner or later and when you do you are going to pay for what you have done to my sister, to my aunt and to all those others you have murdered!”
The Hacker laughed manically in response to Rivers outburst before continuing.
“There is blood on your hands too Ian. You have had numerous chances to stop me yet your incompetence and stupidity allows me to continue. If you were half as competent as you think you are I would have been behind bars a long time ago and your sister and aunt would still be alive.”
“Get out of my fucking head!” shouted Rivers as he battled against The Hacker’s mind. It was clear he meant to torture Rivers, to confuse and mislead him, to slowly break him down so the case would collapse with him.
Rivers swung his arm back in frustration, to swing for the mirror. As he did so his mirror image which was occupied by The Hacker reached through the glass and grasped him tightly around the neck.
“You might want to watch your tongue Ian. I will only be nice to you to a point,” said The Hacker as he increased the pressure to Rivers’ throat.
Rivers began to choke at the force. He became light headed as the blood flow was restricted from his brain. He had no idea how, but The Hacker was now able to reach him through their psychic connection.
“You will see Ian. I will make you understand.”
As Rivers sat slumped on the floor with his face going purple in colour, Captain Reed departed his office. Stepping into the corridor after closing the door behind himself, he found Rivers propped up against the wall with his own hand wrapped tightly around his neck.
“Rivers, what the hell are you doing?” he shouted as he ran over to Rivers. Panic was clear across his face as he crashed to the floor next to Rivers. Reaching for Rivers’ hand he tried with all his might to free Rivers’ hand from his neck.
“Don’t think this is over Ian. I will be back and you will understand,” said The Hacker as he released his grip. As soon as he let go he faded into nothing, leaving only Rivers and the Captain.
“Are you alright Rivers?” asked Captain Reed concerned.
“What the hell are you doing to yourself.” Captain Reed rubbed the red marks that now littered Rivers neck. The force he had exerted on his own neck was shocking.
Rivers coughed loudly as he gasped for air. His head spun as blood was now free to rush back to his head again.
“It was The Hacker. Something has changed, he is able to reach me consciously now,” said Rivers as Captain Reed helped him up into a sitting position.
“What do you mean?”
“He was throttling me whilst demanding I understand. I have no idea what he is on about though? I do not understand what he means.” Regaining his breath Rivers looked serious as he looked the Captain directly in the eye.
“Sir, I am becoming a liability to the case and to my colleagues. He only wants me to remain on the case as I please him somehow. You need to seriously consider removing me from the case, permanently.”
“As it stands Ian I agree with you but my hands are tied. If I remove you again who knows what he will do next, who he would frame or worse who he would kill. As long as you are heading up the investigation he seems to remain relatively well behaved in a bizarre context. Of course I’m open to suggestions.”
“I don’t know how much longer I will be able to keep going like this Sir. He is destroying me piece by piece.”
“It sounds harsh but just keep going with it Rivers. We will get him! He’s getting desperate for attention now, why else would he be bothering you so much? I wish I could explain more but just have confidence that everything else is being done that can be and he will slip-up anytime now.”
Rivers sat back against the wall. He felt exhausted after the episode and a lack of sleep the previous night worrying about his partner Karl.
“Take the rest of the day off Rivers. Get home and get some sleep and take a fresh look in the morning. I’ll get things sorted out with Karl now so don’t worry about him.”
Disorientated after the experience Rivers tried to get up onto his feet but struggled. Helping his colleague and friend Captain Reed took a grip under Rivers’ arm and helped him to his feet.
“I’ll get a squad car to take you home Rivers and to keep watch outside for you. Perhaps a visible squad car will be enough to deter him from you for the night so you can rest up.”
“Thanks Captain, but if he wants me he will find me. My mind is nothing more than a playground for him now, to tease and taunt me. I feel he is trying to break me down, to completely ruin me to discredit the entire investigation. But one thing that does perplex me is that he continually asks me to understand. He has said several times now that I will understand or he will make me understand but I have no idea what he is referring to.”
“I would not read too much into the ramblings of a madman Rivers” said the Captain as he patted Rivers on the back almost fatherly with affection.
“He is going to try to confuse you and twist you, to make you doubt yourself. He clearly suffers from delusions of grandeur or even a god complex. I have no doubt psychologists will have a field day with him when he’s banged up behind bars or more likely at present carted off to the loony bin.”
Chapter 10
“Ian? IAN!”
A voice called out to him but it seemed so distant. Gradually it grew louder as it shouted his name.
“Ian, get up…”
Rivers felt himself sitting up in bed. It was through no effort himself. He felt as if he was forced into this position.
Slowly Rivers dropped his legs over the side of the bed before standing up. Again Rivers made no effort; it was as if he was being remote controlled from a distance. Plodding along Rivers’ body walked involuntary towards the bathroom. His feet landed awkwardly on the floor as he stumbled through the bathroom door. Finally he came to a stop adjacent to the bathroom mirror.
Still half asleep Rivers lifted his head and looked into the mirror. In front of him was his reflection. Although it was him in terms of facial features, the eyes clearly showed somebody else was behind them.
“Have you ever wondered what it feels like? To take a life I mean. Not in self defence or to protect the public but to just take one violently, because you can. That’s true power Ian; power over life and death its self!”
“That’s murder, not power. How could you justify taking an innocent life?”
“How can I justify allowing the innocent to live?”
“Listen to yourself, you’re completely insane!”
“Sanity is in the eye of the beholder my dear Ian. What appears insane to you is completely sane to me. What you see as sane I see the mirror opposite.”
“What do you want from me? Are you here again to taunt me, to point out my flaws and weaknesses? There is only so much longer I will play this game”
“Think of the possibilities Ian. You could be the perfect murderer. Who would
suspect a detective who regularly heads up homicide investigations as a serial killer? Surely you must see the potential right there. The fun you and I could have together.”
“Fun? You murdered my sister, my aunt, let alone countless others.”
“I have done more than that Ian. I have been around you longer than you could possibly imagine.”
“What the hell do you mean? You speak in riddles I don’t understand. Just speak straight for once, please!”
“I’m freeing you of your responsibilities Ian. You too can be like me. I have had to do things to free you, things you do not fully understand…”
“Why? Why are you doing this to me?”
“If you just faced your past you would understand. If you searched your mind you would know what I can see. What dark secrets lurk at the back of your mind…?”
“Dark secrets? I have had enough of this. Get out of my mind and leave me alone!”
“Getting close are you Ian. The memory is so tantalisingly close you know. I can feel it coming to the surface of your consciousness.”
“No! Shouted Ian as he collapsed to the floor. Don’t do this to me please for the love of God.”
“The love of God? Where was he the day your parents died?”
“My parents? Please don’t do this!” Rivers head hurt as a memory was forced into his mind.
“How much potential you showed that day…I could say I was almost proud of you. Shame you wasted such potential.”
“Ahh, yes. Can you see Ian? I can see you clearly, quietly following your Mother downstairs as she walked towards the kitchen. I can feel the rush of adrenaline as your hands itch with anticipation. You felt almost aroused by what was about to happen…”
Rivers, holding his head between his forearms rolled on the floor. The thoughts made him feel physically ill as The Hacker assaulted his mind.
“I’m watching you through the mirror. You can see me as you walk past, a sly grin across your face. After all we had discussed, all we had planned we were ready to strike together.”
“You’re making this up, it never happened like this!” screamed Rivers at the top of his lungs. The feelings and emotions were overwhelming him. They were clearly the twisted emotions of The Hacker.
“Unaware of your presence, your parents began to argue as you slipped quietly into the garage. The room remained dark as you entered your parent’s vehicle. Slowly and methodically you closed the door behind you then slipped to the floor of the large car. I was with you all the way Ian. I have always been there for you when you need me. We are the same you and I!”
“This is not real. This is some sick game to break me down, to cause me to crack! You have destroyed my life now you want to destroy my mind”
“I watched with you from the back seat as your parents entered the car. They suspected nothing as they both took a seat in the vehicle. Quietly feuding between themselves not a single word was exchanged as they closed the doors behind them. Quietly we both sat in the rear of the vehicle together. How I wished it could be me murdering them that day but no, you needed to learn. You needed to get your hands dirty.”
Taking deep breaths Rivers attempted to calm himself and to rid the voice from within his mind. He practised breathing techniques taught to him as a teenager to settle his mind, but the techniques were useless against the control The Hacker had on his mind. His claws were buried deep within his consciousness and refused to let go. The Hacker continued his assault, enjoying the torment he was inflicting.
“Lying low in the back of the car, your hand gripped tightly on the stubby old lead pipe that I had found for you. It was perfect for the task at hand; a short whack to the back of the head on each of them would be enough to render them unconscious.
The Hacker stood over Rivers as he began to vomit. The images he cast were so vivid as if Rivers was actually living the moment. Rivers tried in vain to fight against them as he gave in and collapsed to the floor. No longer did he have the energy to fight the onslaught.
“As you got into position behind your father, I explained the precise spot and force required to render him unconscious. Your parents, distracted by their conversation were oblivious to what was about to happen. Shaking his head at your mother, your father turned the key in the vehicles ignition. The noise of the vehicle starting was the perfect cover for the first assault. As the loud engine roared into life I gave you the signal to bring the lead pipe crashing down into the rear of his skull. With a crack he slumped forward unconscious. Your mother, unaware of the strike as the noise of the impact was covered by the starting engine no doubt considered her husband; your father was messing around. For whatever reason he had decided to slump forward in the car, perhaps in part, as a protest against their argument.”
The Hacker’s voice raised in pitch as it became familiar to Rivers of that of his deceased Mother. A large grin plastered his face as he enjoyed every moment.
“John, I know you’re upset but please grow up a little. Look, we can’t just leave Ian. I know it is hard on us both and it would be so much easier to leave and never come back but he is still our son, even if he is a freak!”
Rolling on to his back, Rivers looked The Hacker in the eye. The Hacker now appeared as a mirror image of himself. The Hacker’s face expressed shock almost mockingly before he grabbed Rivers by the scruff of his neck and brought their faces to within an inch of each other.
“A freak? How dare she refer to you as a freak! I could feel the anger building up inside of you. The smell of it was so sweet in the air as it grew and grew within you. As you looked to me for direction I gave you a silent nod as you leapt forward like an animal. Yet somehow, you managed to show restraint and as we discussed you hit her once in a precise spot rendering her unconscious.”
As he finished his sentence, The Hacker let go of Rivers allowing him to drop back onto the floor. With a thud Rivers lay motionless as The Hacker continued.
“As they both lay slumped in their car seats, now oblivious to the outside world it was a simple procedure to make it look like a suicide. The car engine was already running and oh so conveniently there was a length of hosepipe behind the vehicle ready to be attached to the exhaust pipe.”
Concluding his recount of what happened that day, The Hacker took a seat on the toilet opposite Rivers. Calmly he continued.
“You see Ian; you killed your parents that day. It was not an accident or a suicide, you were responsible.”
Rivers remained motionless on the floor. He was unsure what to say or think. Could it be true? Could he have suppressed what had happened that day or was The Hacker merely playing with his mind as he had done previously. Trying to break him down piece by piece.
Without moving, Rivers addressed his mirror opposite from the floor.
“If I killed my parents, why did the coroner report no evidence of a suspicious death? I myself know as a homicide detective that a blow to the head, regardless of the position or strength of impact would still be evident in an autopsy.”
“Why would the coroner have suspected foul play? It was public knowledge your parents were under pressure with your constant nightmares and media attempting to get access to you. I bet he was not surprised in the slightest!”
Rivers swallowed hard before continuing. He had a bad feeling about what he was about to ask but knew The Hacker would mislead or attempt to confuse him anyway.
“Who are you; I mean really who are you?”
“I would have thought that was blindingly obvious by now Ian!” laughed The Hacker loudly. The noise echoed off the surrounding walls assaulting Rivers’ ear drums. The noise grew louder and louder as it reverberated through his brain. The pain became excruciating before Rivers fell unconscious. The Hacker’s laughter drifted away as Rivers sank into oblivion.
Chapter 11
Karl Peterson sat quietly in the small interrogation room. On the table in front of him stood a solitary cold cup of coffee which he had refused to touch.
l hated coffee. Troy and Steve knew he hated coffee. Yet, predictably they brought it for him, as they had done so the day before.
Karl yawned loudly as he waited patiently. He had been awoken early this morning. He had found it a struggle to sleep in the small holding cells especially with no mattress and a thinner than thin blanket.
According to Jake who had brought him from the cells to the interrogation room, new evidence had been found which they needed to question him about. Karl had no idea what the time was as they had refused to tell him. Troy and Steve seemed to be following the classic police formula of good cop, bad cop.
Karl looked closely at the cooling cup of coffee. The disgusting contents of the white polystyrene cup almost yanked at his nostrils.
Karl had been reassured by Captain Reed that the charges against him would be dropped. The Hacker had delivered evidence confirming he had in fact been framed. Due to the volatile nature of the case with the media attention, let alone that Karl’s name had been leaked to them as being charged, Captain Reed had to clear him by the book. This unfortunately meant a little bit more messing around with Troy and Steve.
A noise from the interrogation room’s door disturbed Karl from his thoughts as he lifted his head to look at what it was. As the door opened Troy and Steve entered the room.
“How did we sleep Karl?” asked Troy mockingly as Steve took a seat directly in front of Karl. Taking the chair he turned it around before sitting down with the back of the chair between his legs. Leaning forward his face was within inches of Karl’s as he chewed loudly on gum. Troy stood to the side of the table looking directly at Karl in an attempt to intimidate him.
Karl found Troy quite comical. The way he dressed, the stupid moustache slapped across his face, wearing sunglasses inside; Troy belonged in a 70’s cop drama.
“Terrifically thank you! I take it you are ready to release me?”
“Release you? Why would we do that?”