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Stealing Starlight

Page 2

by Disney Book Group

  Leona spoke up. “As long as it’s in my key, we’ll soar higher than the moon! Lady Stella will love it!”

  Vega, who was one of the more serious girls in the group, tried to illuminate the others. “We all know that Light Giving Day is about celebrating a new season. Why don’t we create a song about the seasonal changes at the Time of New Beginnings, like the first blooms of the druderwomps and featherjabbers?”

  Libby giggled animatedly. “Don’t forget that it’s also about exchanging gifts. And gift-giving is one of my all-time favorite things to do in the galaxy! Any time of the staryear or any season. For sure, we should write about that. You know, how it feels when you give someone the perfect present!”

  “Although we do exchange gifts,” Vega added, “technically speaking, Light Giving Day is really about the cosmological alignment of all the gleaming stars on Starland linking together to produce an electric array of pure positive energy, the purest of any starlight on Starland.” Vega enjoyed sharing her stellar knowledge of starology whenever she saw the opportunity. Band practice on this starry afternoon was no exception.

  “Highly informative, Vega,” Scarlet said sarcastically as she tapped her drums, testing the pitch.

  Sage’s Star-Zap blinked madly, overloaded from recording the Star Darlings’ flood of creative suggestions.

  “Whatever we decide,” Leona insisted, “the lyrics have to flow so my voice will stand out. If I don’t feel it, it’s just not going to glow.”

  Sage sighed, taking into account all her friends’ input. “Let’s see what we’ve got so far.” She looked down at her Star-Zap. Suddenly, it flickered. All the ideas and music that she’d been recording during rehearsal disappeared into nothingness. “Oh, no! There must be some kind of glitch!”

  She quickly turned to Leona. “Hey, can I borrow your Star-Zap? I’ve got to holo-text Mojay for techno help!”

  “My stars, yes!” Leona quickly handed Sage her golden glitter-covered Star-Zap, and Sage holo-texted her favorite Bot-Bot.

  Scarlet was unaware that the entire collaborative songwriting session had just vaporized. Continuing to tap at her drums, she found a backbeat she liked for the song. “How’s this?” she asked.

  “Oh, yeah, Scarlet. Nice!” Leona began to sing a random assortment of lyrics that came into her head. Then she pretended she was receiving an award in front of hydrongs of Starlings. “Really? A contract to sing for Voices of the Stars? Me?”

  The Star Darlings giggled at Leona’s antics.

  Scarlet smirked. “Really, Leona? That’s all you could come up with for the new song?”

  Vega and Libby played along and attempted to add to the musical experiment, but soon it was clear that the song was woefully off-key and seriously not coming together on all accounts.

  “Rehearsal is officially over due to, uh, a technical glitch!” Sage announced, handing Leona back her Star-Zap. She had just learned that MO-J4 was in the Bot-shop getting his wires checked, so he wouldn’t be around to help with her much-needed Star-Zap until the following morning. She was Star-Zapless for the time being, and the band wasn’t even close to creating a new song for Light Giving Day. For the first time since Lady Stella had offered the Star Darlings center stage at the celebration, Sage wondered if writing a new song with the Star Darlings band was going to be as easy as she had imagined.

  Alone, far above the band shell, Vivica studied the Star Darlings’ practice from behind a glorange blossom tree. She had long straight silvery-blue hair with bangs, and steely blue eyes, which were currently fixed on Leona. As Vivica watched from afar, she stung with jealousy as she imagined the Star Darlings band playing effortlessly, shining brighter than all the other Starlings at the academy. As she fumed, she pursed her lips and muttered angrily, “Star Dippers!”

  It seemed like only a starmin ago that Vivica had been just another naive student at Starling Academy. Talented and beautiful, yet fiercely competitive, Vivica craved popularity and longed to be included in the Star Darlings’ inner circle. Though, at the time, she hadn’t known they were called the Star Darlings. She only knew they were a special group she had been excluded from. When she first learned of their special class at the end of each day, she sensed that there was more to the story. And, as she paid more attention, it seemed unlikely that these twelve Starlings needed additional help with their studies. They were some of the most powerful and talented girls in school. She poked fun at their group name, calling them “Star Dippers,” but she was really trying to uncover the true purpose of those secret classes.

  Now that Vivica knew the truth—that the Star Darlings were handpicked by Lady Stella and sent on secret Wish Missions to collect positive wish energy for Starland—everything had changed. Vivica’s throat tightened. A chill ran down her spine every time she thought about being left out from this select group of Starlings. She could not understand why she hadn’t been chosen to be a Star Darling. She felt sure her wish granting and wish energy manipulation skills were just as advanced as any of those girls’.

  Vivica was intently watching the Star Darlings band rehearse when, suddenly, something startled her. She turned to see what it was, but saw nothing there. She felt something, though. A cool breeze circled her, giving her the chills. As the breeze increased in strength, a handful of glorange blossom leaves fluttered around her.

  “What’s going on?” Vivica whispered softly. She looked around, not sure what she was searching for. Then she spotted a necklace, floating through the air as if carried by the wind. It was made of a thin dark rope, with a pendant shaped like a droplet. It was the most unique and lovely necklace that she’d ever seen. Vivica reached for it and began to examine it more closely. The pendant felt heavy and seemed important somehow. It swirled with beautiful dark hues of purple and black. She looked around to make sure nobody was watching and moved to put it on, but then she heard a voice.

  “Here, let me help you with that,” a woman said. “There’s a trick to tightening the clasp.”

  Vivica quickly looked up. There, standing before her, was Rancora, Starland’s fiercest enemy. She was the Starling who had tried to destroy Starland by draining it of all positive energy. Rancora was a terrifying figure, with her sharp angled features and piercing eyes that blazed with anger. Vivica stepped back, inhaling sharply.

  Rancora tried to reassure Vivica. “Relax, my sparkling Starling. No need to be frightened.”

  Vivica froze in her tracks. The last thing she wanted to do was upset Rancora. Vivica clutched the necklace in her hand. “You’re not supposed to be…”

  “Here? On Starland?” Rancora smiled. “Do you really think Lady Stella could stop me from my destiny?” She caught herself as she started to raise her voice. It certainly wasn’t her intention to scare Vivica. Quite the opposite, actually. She needed Vivica’s trust. She had plans for the young girl. Softening her tone, she reached out her hand for the necklace, which Vivica willingly gave her. With the other hand, Rancora lifted her finger to her lips. “Hush and listen, my Starling.”

  Vivica stood perfectly still. The breeze that had been stirring was now calm, and the silence in the air made Vivica uneasy. What does Rancora want from me? And why is she here on Starland?

  Rancora held the necklace high against the starry sky. Its surface was like a dark iridescent mirror. Vivica was entranced by it.

  Rancora studied Vivica as she admired the teardrop necklace. “Vivica, you know that I was just like you when I was a student here at the academy, many years ago. Beautiful, young, and talented. Then it happened. She happened!” Rancora trembled. “Lady Stella betrayed me so she could climb her way up the constellations. And I was left with…nothing!”

  Vivica watched Rancora swing the necklace back and forth in front of her eyes, following it as it swung from left to right.

  “Now I have an opportunity for you. I think you’re the perfect Starling. I’d like you to go on a Wish Mission for me.”

  “A Wish Mission?” Vivica asked,
her eyes still transfixed on the swinging necklace.

  “Yes! You see, just before I found you here, I was able to sneak into Starling Academy without Lady Stella or her impeccable staff or any Bot-Bots taking notice. Fueled by the remaining droozle of negatites I had left in this pendant, I landed undetected. My timing couldn’t have been more perfect, for just as my heels touched Starland, a Bad Wish Orb flew overhead on its way to the Negative Energy Facility. I intercepted it, steadied it, and then went inside the orb to learn the nature of the wish burning inside.”

  Vivica listened with great anticipation. She was entranced. “And what did you see?”

  “A glimpse into a wonderful negative wish on Wishworld, of course!”

  “Oh, how interesting!” Vivica exclaimed.

  “It was indeed. You will see in time, the more missions you embark on, the more thrilling each one becomes.”

  Vivica listened, fully captivated by Rancora. “What happens next is all part of my plan for you, my Starling,” Rancora promised.

  Vivica smiled broadly, feeling more comfortable around Rancora now. “You have a plan for me?”

  Rancora rolled the teardrop pendant between her palms lovingly. “What I saw inside the Bad Wish Orb was a young girl who stood just outside the doors of a theater. She appeared to be very upset about something.”

  Rancora began to cough. Her hands shook. Vivica watched, concerned, as Rancora physically weakened before her eyes. “Are you feeling okay, Rancora?” she asked.

  Unwilling to admit her weakness, Rancora snapped, “I’m fine.” Then, catching herself losing her temper, she softened again. “You see, I learned that our Wisher’s name is Clara, and she’s a singer. She wants to step out of the shadows and be center stage. She is sick of her best friend, Holly, stealing the starlight.” Rancora paused, looking into Vivica’s eyes.

  “Does this feeling of living in the shadows mean anything to you, Vivica?” she asked pointedly.

  Vivica’s body instantly tensed and she replied, “Of course, it does! I wonder every day, why wasn’t I chosen to be a Star Darling? Why wasn’t I picked to lead the Star Darlings band? Why have I been overlooked here on Starland time and time again, when I am just as talented as Leona or any of the other Star Darlings?”

  Vivica paused as the teardrop necklace crackled.

  “Are you asking me to help grant this wish?” she asked Rancora. Vivica had dreamed of taking the shooting star journey to Wishworld. So far, the twelve Star Darlings at Starling Academy had been the only students who were allowed to travel to Wishworld. And here was an opportunity for her to grant a Wisher’s wish, just like the Star Darlings had done under the watchful eye of Lady Stella.

  “Yes, my Starling. And you will be greatly rewarded.” Rancora lifted the teardrop necklace and clasped it around Vivica’s neck. A jolt of negative energy coursed through Vivica’s body. The necklace crackled again. Vivica jumped back, surprised by the new feeling inside her. She touched the finely shaped teardrop, and a wicked smile appeared on her face. “I’ve never received an important gift like this before, not from anyone.” She shivered with excitement. She couldn’t believe her good fortune.

  Rancora caught her breath, then spoke in a hushed tone, playing on Vivica’s insecurities. “Vivica, time to wake up and smell the Zing. The Star Darlings, under Lady Stella’s guidance, are stealing your starlight. As long as Lady Stella serves as headmistress,” she hissed, “you will never shine!” Rancora started to cough again. This time her cough was more intense. Her energy was visibly fading. She needed to retreat back to the Isle of Misera, but she knew that this angry young Starling was her way to control the balance of energy on Starland. She needed to recruit Vivica to her side. And now that Vivica was being infused with negative energy from the teardrop pendant around her neck, the girl would be happy to help her.

  Vivica looked around, checking to see if anyone else was nearby. Her heart beat faster with each thought that raced through her mind. She couldn’t tell if she was afraid or thrilled. Perhaps it was a little of both. “I’ll do it! I’ll help grant the bad wish on Wishworld!” she blurted out.

  Rancora took a deep breath. “Lovely. Time for me to retreat. More rest is needed for me to regain my strength, but mostly what I need is more negative wish energy.” She paused. “That’s why your mission is so urgent. I must return now to the Isle of Misera.” She stared into Vivica’s eyes. “Store all the negative energy you collect from the bad wish in this teardrop pendant and bring the necklace back to me as soon as it has been granted. It will help restore me back to full power. If you can do that, I will make you my one and only apprentice! A shooting star will be waiting to take you to Wishworld this evening.”

  As Rancora had guessed she would be, Vivica was eager to grant the wish and prove that she was as capable as any Star Darling! She was excited to become Rancora’s apprentice.

  She had played right into Rancora’s plan. Of course, Rancora had a plan! She always did. She had found the third part of an ancient oracle that foretold the fate of Starland, and it involved Vivica.

  But what about the first two parts of the oracle? The first one had been discovered years ago, and told of Rancora’s—then Cora’s—unlawful trip to Starland, the one that caused negative energy to be released on Starland for the first time ever. The second part of the oracle had been discovered by Lady Stella, and it prophesied that twelve Star-Charmed Starlings would save Starland from a massive energy crisis. It was how Lady Stella had come to select the Star Darlings, who would defeat Rancora in her plot to turn Starland dark. But the third part of the oracle…Oh, that was the part Stella knew nothing about! The thought of it made Rancora tremble with delight. She, not Stella, had discovered that piece, and it was perhaps the most important part! And what it said, well, that was where Vivica came in. The third part of the oracle prophesied that a dark Starling would determine the ultimate fate of Starland. And Rancora knew that dark Starling was young Vivica. If Rancora could control her, that meant she would control the fate of all of Starland! It was everything she had ever wanted.

  In a flash, Rancora disappeared, right in front of Vivica’s eyes. She left a burning, sour scent in her wake. For a moment, Vivica’s eyes stung. A cool breeze washed over her, but this time it didn’t give her chills. She touched the teardrop necklace, just to make sure this opportunity of a Cycle of Life wasn’t merely a dream.

  Before she had time to fully register what was happening, she felt a powerful new surge of negativity overtake her. Even the small amount of negative energy contained inside the necklace had begun to work. Vivica found herself overwhelmed with a sense of clarity and purpose, with a darker heart filled with envy and revenge.

  Vivica turned back to the band shell, where the Star Darlings had been practicing, but they were gone. She wondered just how long she’d been standing there under the glorange blossom tree with the forbidden visitor.

  Vivica knew that she could not waste even one starmin in preparing for her Wish Mission. She headed straight to her Little Dipper Dorm room to collect her things…then she would journey down to Wishworld on her very first Wish Mission!

  “Ohm. Light the stars. Clear the way,” Lady Stella chanted. She inhaled deeply, then bowed and exhaled. The headmistress of Starling Academy sat in the Serenity Gardens, deep in meditation. She whispered in a calm tone, “Salutations to the stars.” Lifting her head with her eyes still closed, she inhaled and exhaled once more before opening her eyes again. She looked around the hidden peaceful surroundings she had first discovered when she was a student at the academy. She retreated there whenever she needed time on her own to reflect. Lady Stella was well-known as one of the most powerful Wish-Granters on Starland, but Rancora’s plot to drain Starland of positive energy had thrown her for a loop. She knew that calm inner reflection was important for her to be at her best, so she had been coming to the gardens a lot recently to ponder Starland’s future.

  Even though the Star Darlings had collected
enough positive energy to stop Rancora in her attempt to turn Starland dark, Lady Stella knew that more must be done to protect Starland from this worthy enemy. She could tell from the flutter in her heart that even though Rancora was weakened in body, in spirit she was as determined as ever to see Starland destroyed, taken over with negative energy.

  Lady Stella’s Star-Zap flashed with a new message from Professor Eugenia Bright about a Starling who had not reported to Wish Fulfillment class, and she realized it was time to get back to her office. She saw a blast of Star-Zap messages she had missed while she had been meditating, and she wanted to review them so she could finish academy business for the day. She stood up and stretched her arms toward the sky. There was something about the stillness of the air that early evening that invited her to take the more scenic route back to her office, through the orchard and past the Celestial Café. On that particular evening, the stars shone extra bright.

  As Lady Stella strolled through campus, the Wishworld Surveillance Deck was just ahead of her. What a perfect night to take a glimpse of Wishworld and see how our Wishling friends are faring, she thought. I’ll stop for only a moment, then get back to work.

  Her long, flowing white skirt shimmered in the evening light as she ascended the stairs to the Wishworld Surveillance Deck to enjoy the colorful sky and see what she might observe on Wishworld. Those who had ever spent even a starmin at the academy knew that from up high on the deck, you were granted the most glorious view on all of Starland.

  Lady Stella looked out on the deck. She breathed in the crisp, clear evening air. The moment she closed her eyes, a rush of thoughts from the recent revelation about Rancora’s deception took over. She reflected back to when Rancora was still just Cora, a young Starling student at the academy many staryears ago. Lady Stella caught herself speaking aloud. “What has happened to you, Cora? Will you ever find your way back to yourself again?”


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