Book Read Free

Stealing Starlight

Page 5

by Disney Book Group

  As Sage, Leona, and Scarlet careened through space, bright stars whooshed past them. The pure beauty of this particular sky caught all three Star Darlings by surprise. The Starlings had each traveled to Wishworld before, but they hadn’t remembered the trip being as magnificent as this one. Perhaps it had something to do with three Starlings traveling together. Up until then, it had only been one Star Darling at a time journeying to Wishworld on each Wish Mission. That must explain the triple-powered glow of lavenders, golds, and bright pinks that painted the sky.

  The Star Darlings passed unfamiliar celestial constellations and extraordinary star formations that they had never seen before, and soon it was time for them to chant the transformational words before entering Wishworld’s atmosphere. They spread their arms out wide and reached for each other’s hands, then held them tightly against the rushing and swirling wind.

  Together, they recited, “Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight: I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.”

  As they entered Wishworld’s atmosphere, each transformed from a sparkling and vibrant-colored Starling to an adorable Wishling teenager. They looked like themselves, minus the visible shine and sparkle, although they all still glowed from the inside. Leona’s golden mane turned into wavy chestnut-brown locks. The Wishworld Outfit Selector provided the washed bell-bottom jeans and flowery peasant blouse Leona had pre-selected, plus the sweetest pair of tan suede fringed ankle boots. Scarlet was a brunette, and her outfit suited her perfectly: a pair of dark pink skinny jeans with black leather chunky boots and a graphic skater T-shirt. Sage’s hair was light brown and wavy, and she wore a flowy spaghetti-strapped dress with a white shirt underneath, and a pair of platform sneakers. The Star Darlings were ready to make their entrance.

  Any sign of glimmer on the Starlings’ hair or skin had completely vanished, with only a colorful streak remaining in each of their new hairstyles: lavender for Sage, gold for Leona, and fuchsia for Scarlet. Their skin dulled and their auras disappeared temporarily. They each watched in awe as the others became Wishlings before their eyes. They knew the Wish Mission that lay ahead would be challenging, and so much depended on all three of them for its success, but they couldn’t stop themselves from enjoying the sheer thrill of returning to Wishworld.

  Now they were almost there. With their backpacks on and their Wish Pendants and Power Crystals in place, they prepared to arrive on Wishworld.

  The three Star Darlings’ Star-Zaps lit up all at once. In a chorus of light, they flashed: PREPARE FOR LANDING.

  It was time!

  The Starlings tumbled onto the soft, grassy Wishworld ground. They had landed in a small coastal city named Port Harbor, but they didn’t have a clue where Vivica or the Wisher would be found.

  Sage covered her head from the rain with her backpack. “I see something over there,” she said, pointing to a modern building with a cement roof tilted at an angle. It almost looked like it was a sculpture.

  Leona twirled dramatically, sniffing the damp, cool Wishworld air. “We’re not on Starland anymore, that’s for sure.”

  She and Sage ran across the squishy grass toward the building, but Scarlet preferred to take her time. She breathed in the fresh air, relishing the smell of the tall pine trees that reached high into the sky and lined the hillside. She glanced toward the horizon and saw an endless body of water with a quaint small town bordering the shore. “That must be the ocean!” she gasped, finding it hard to contain her excitement.

  Sage and Leona made it to the side entrance of the modern building. Leona shivered. “I’m soaked. We need to find a place to stay before we start looking for Vivica and the Wisher.”

  Sage spotted a door with a sign made of corrugated metal hanging over it that read NORTH COAST PERFORMING ARTS CENTER. “It’s the arts center that the Wisher attends, the one Lady Stella briefed us about,” Sage said. Her eyes sparkled.

  Thrilled that the Star Darlings were on track, Leona exclaimed, “We’re here!”

  Scarlet joined Sage and Leona, and the girls cautiously stepped inside the building. Drenched down to their new Wishling boots, they sloshed down the main hallway.

  “Wherever Vivica is, the Wisher cannot be far behind,” Sage said. She adjusted her backpack and checked her Star-Zap. With a look of concern, she told Leona and Scarlet, “Our wish energy is already starting to drain.”

  Leona ran her hands through her curly Wishling hair, still getting used to it. “I’ve got to get to a mirror pronto and fix myself up before I make my re-debut into Wishworld.”

  Sage scouted the hallway. “Where do you think we can find a good place to stay while we’re on our mission?”

  Scarlet had broken away from the other Star Darlings, veering off down a side hallway. She used her special Wishworld power, which was gravitational pull, to unlock a bolted door to a storage room. With a clear mind and pure focus, Scarlet could unlock doors by mentally manipulating the locks. She could also make heavy things suddenly feel light as a feather. Scarlet called the other Star Darlings over to her. “Come quick!” She waved to them, then led the way inside the dusty room. “How about here?” Scarlet asked casually.

  Sage and Leona entered the small, crowded room. Sage looked around, checking out every corner. It was a mess of old costumes, props, and broken stage furniture, but there were a couple of big soft couches, and they could tidy it up a bit. She hugged Scarlet enthusiastically. “It looks like nobody ever comes in here. It’s perfect!”

  Scarlet shied away from Sage, uncomfortable with her exuberant hug. She folded her arms in front of her chest. “Okay, cool. This will be home base.”

  “This place is a Wishworld fashion gold mine!” Leona squealed. She scoured the room that overflowed with a seemingly endless supply of wardrobe pieces and accessories, all from past theatrical productions. She had set her sights on finding a mirror. Instead, she found an old bejeweled king’s robe. She wrapped it around herself and danced around the cluttered storage room.

  Scarlet just shook her head. It’s always a show for Leona, she thought. “We’re on a mission, remember?” she reminded her fellow Starling. “This time it’s not about you.”

  “Just getting myself used to Wishworld again,” Leona said, ignoring Scarlet’s criticism. She spotted a small-framed mirror hanging at the far end of the storage room. “Super!” Posing with the royal robe, she playfully admired herself from every angle. “I really am fabulous wherever I go!”

  Scarlet rolled her eyes and found a corner of an old torn red velvet couch to rest on; she was a little tired after the long trip from Starland.

  Sage immediately thought about the Star Darlings’ next step. She knew that, for this Wish Mission, each Starling had to be at her very best, inside and out. It had been an exhilarating light-filled journey, and the Star Darlings needed time to recharge before taking their next step, but Sage wasn’t going to let Scarlet and Leona’s squabbling get in the way.

  Scarlet leaned back on the vintage couch, relieved to be back on Wishworld. “Nice to breathe Wishworld air again, even if we are stuck in this stuffy old closet!” she mused.

  Leona ignored Scarlet and babbled on. “So many new wardrobe options. Loving it here already…” When she discovered an emerald taffeta gown and a feather boa, she threw off the king’s robe and wrapped the boa around her neck. “I could make this work, too!” she exclaimed.

  Scarlet covered her eyes with her hands, bemoaning the fact that out of all the other Star Darlings Lady Stella could have chosen for this Wish Mission, the headmistress had selected her roommate, Leona. She knew she’d have to tolerate her in the name of Starland, but still. It seemed as though fate was playing a little trick on her.

  Sage was too busy pacing around the room and zeroing in on their mission to even notice what Leona was doing. “We’ve got to get started like right now! Our combined wish energy will only take us so far.” She scanned the walls for a clue as to where to begin. Sage noticed an asso
rtment of posters with affirmations: DREAM BIG; ART CHANGES EVERYTHING; OKAY, NOW DANCE! Next to those, almost hidden by a rack of hats, something else caught her eye. A map of the building!

  “Found something!” Sage exclaimed as she pulled the map from the wall and started studying it. “Leona, Scarlet, come check this out.” Sage’s acute mental powers meant she could absorb information with great speed, which allowed her to memorize the layout of the arts center in a single glance. The center’s layout was a branching web of hallways all leading to a prominent main theater. “Vivica and the Wisher could be anywhere in the building,” she said to the other two Star Darlings. “It would be best for us to split up.”

  Leona squinted as she took a closer look at the map. She sprang up. “I’ll cover the dance studio. Need to do some stretching and warm-ups anyway after that shooting star ride.”

  “I didn’t know dancing was on the agenda for saving Starland,” Scarlet said bitingly to Leona.

  Leona was used to Scarlet’s sarcasm, so she just ignored it. “The Wisher might be in the dance studio! Plus, I totally need to stay on top of my game to overpower Vivica, and dance keeps me on my toes!” She smiled.

  Scarlet raised her eyebrows. “Whatever, Leona.” She glanced down at the map. “I’ll check out the rehearsal rooms. I’m pretty decent at unlocking doors, so if Vivica or the Wisher is in one of the rooms, I’ll find her.” Just for fun, she moved the chaise in the corner of the room that Leona was about to sit on clear across the room. Leona almost fell to the floor, but caught herself in time.

  “Scarlet!” Leona shrieked, straightening out her new Wishling clothes and hair. “So unnecessary.”

  “Just fine-tuning my skills for the mission. I totally need to stay on top of my game to overpower Vivica,” Scarlet replied, mocking Leona.

  Trying to contain her exasperation, Sage wondered just how long Leona and Scarlet’s quibbling would last. Did she have to remind them they were on a mission, not hanging out in their dorm room arguing over who took longer sparkle showers or whose side of the room was messier? Sage knew Lady Stella was counting on her to lead the mission and make sure the bad wish wasn’t granted. She wanted more than anything to prove that her headmistress was right to trust her.

  She pointed to the center’s map. “There! That’s where I’m going. To the main theater!”

  “Well, I’m ready,” Leona sang out.

  Scarlet stood up from the couch. “I am, too.”

  “Then we’ve got a plan!” Sage said. “Since we’re splitting up, we’ll need to stay on our Star-Zaps at all times. And, really important—no matter what happens, absolutely no Wishworld distractions!”

  Leona nodded in agreement and repeated, “No Wishworld distractions!”

  Sage looked over to Scarlet, who seemed to be in her own world. “Scarlet, are you there?”

  “No Wishworld distractions. Check,” Scarlet said slowly.

  All three Star Darlings stepped out into the hallway with a single purpose. Sage looked at Leona and Scarlet with determination and focus. “Mission to save Starland commencing right now.” The Star Darlings put their hands in together, then brought them apart and into the air like a starburst. “To Starland!”

  Did someone say “fabulous Wishling in the house”? Leona thought as she strutted down the arts center main hallway with Scarlet and Sage. I feel so entirely Wishling, I might even fool myself!

  Whitney, Nelle, and the rest of their girl crew instantly took notice of Leona’s dramatic entrance. They sashayed toward the Star Darlings in one tightly knit group, almost as if they were stuck to one another.

  Whitney pointed to the streak in Leona’s hair and called out, “What’s that, new girl?”

  “Hi, I’m Leona. What’s what?” Leona asked, trying to figure out a way to somehow avoid the question.

  Scarlet bowed her head, hoping to make herself disappear, which on Wishworld was impossible. She knew that, of course, but she tried anyway. “Did you really have to call that much attention to yourself?” Scarlet whispered to Leona.

  Sage agreed with Scarlet. Lady Stella had made it very clear that maintaining the Star Darlings’ secret identity was of utmost importance to the success of the Wish Mission. Sage was about to remind Leona about the sensitive nature of their visit, when the group of girls moved in even closer and surrounded the three Star Darlings.

  “You need to tell us who did your hair, like right now,” Nelle demanded.

  Pointing to Sage, Whitney gushed, “That shade of lavender in your streak is something I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. It’s amaze!”

  Sage felt her face warming. She must have been “blushing.” That’s what Wishlings called it, anyway. On Starland, whenever a Starling was overcome by feelings of embarrassment and didn’t know what to say, she simply glowed brighter than usual. On Wishworld, Wishlings apparently turned a bright shade of red and their faces heated up!

  Racking her brain, Sage tried to figure out if amaze was a good thing or a bad thing. She quickly went through all the slang words she had pulled up on her Star-Zap when she’d been studying Wishworld vocabulary words, but she didn’t remember seeing that one. From the looks on the faces of the enthusiastic group of girls, Sage guessed it was a good thing.

  “Amaze to you, too,” she told the girls.

  Whitney enjoyed Sage’s awkward attempt at fitting in. “You’re so cute, you just don’t seem real!”

  Another girl in the group eyed Sage, Leona, and Scarlet standing together. “Hold up.” She backed away from them to get a better view of all three Star Darlings. She noticed Scarlet’s fuchsia streak now. “All three of you have streaks in your hair. What’s going on with that?”

  Sage covered her face with her hands. She couldn’t believe they had aroused so much suspicion so soon into the mission.

  Then Whitney shouted, “I love it!” The rest of the Wishling girls all laughed together. The Star Darlings didn’t understand the Wishling humor, but they were relieved and laughed along with them. It was their attempt to blend in with the students.

  It turned out Wishlings were more trusting than Professor Margaret Dumarre had led them to believe in their Wishworld Relations class. Not only did the Wishlings believe that the colorful streaks in the Starlings’ hair were fashion statements, they also couldn’t wait to get theirs colored exactly the same way.

  Leona turned to her friends and whispered, “We’re trendsetters! How cool is that?” Sage breathed a huge sigh of relief. Their identities were still safe.

  After-school performance workshops of all creative disciplines were fully under way at the bustling arts center. Dancing, singing, acting, drumming, piano-playing, chorus. It was all happening. Creativity burst from every direction and from behind every rehearsal room door. The Star Darlings agreed they would stay in touch on their Star-Zaps, and made a plan to split up and then meet back at the storage room in one hour.

  “Deep breaths, Starlings,” Sage told Leona and Scarlet. “Deep breaths.”

  Scarlet glided down a long hallway of practice rooms. From behind the closed doors, she heard the muffled sounds of young musicians practicing their instruments. There were the low tones of a French horn and trombone flowing from one room, and the high-pitched notes of a pair of flutes from another room. The beautiful cacophony of sounds made Scarlet miss playing her own music with the Star Darlings band. She felt most content—most Scarlet—when she was sitting at her drums, lost in a song. Music helped her feel less of an outsider and more connected to herself and her bandmates. She reached into her backpack to check that her favorite drumsticks were safely tucked inside. She had brought the drumsticks all the way to Wishworld with her as good luck charms.

  Scarlet breezed by a practice room that appeared to be empty. She used her special powers to unlock it and slipped inside. Savoring the quiet of the room, Scarlet inhaled deeply. When she turned on the lights, standing before her was a drum set, as if it was just waiting for her!

She peeked out the door and down the hall to check if any students were coming. All the student musicians were busy practicing in their own rooms. The hall was empty. Confident she was alone, Scarlet sat down at the drums, pulled out her hot-pink drumsticks that had traveled so far, and started to play.

  Soon she got lost in the rhythms. She felt overwhelmed by the thoughts rushing through her head. She was on a crucial Wish Mission, yet she couldn’t help having the feeling of wanting to escape it all. If only she could really take time to explore the wonders of Wishworld and what this special place had to offer her. The training at Starling Academy had prepared her for this mission, but it hadn’t prepared her for the restless feelings inside.

  She soon let those thoughts pass and got lost in her drumming. All of a sudden, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She leaped off the drum throne, pointing her drumsticks at the intruder and prepared to use them as weapons. “What is going on?” Scarlet asked, trying to assess the situation, channeling all of the education that had led her to this Wish Mission.

  A cute Wishling boy had his hands up, in an exaggerated gesture meant to convey innocence. “I was going to ask you the same thing.” He smiled, then took a closer look at Scarlet and the drumsticks she was pointing at him. “Please don’t hurt me, I’m just a trumpet player.”

  Are his eyes especially green? Scarlet wondered as she looked at him. Then, shaking off the thought, she quickly found the words to answer him. “I, uh, was just leaving. Sorry about that.” She put the sticks in her backpack and made a beeline for the door. Something about this Wishling threw her off her game, but she knew better than to overreact. You belong here, Scarlet. You’re a “Wishling,” too, remember? She was trained for situations just like this one. Why had this boy frazzled her?

  “Wait,” he said. “I didn’t catch your name.”

  “That’s because I didn’t throw it to you.”

  He laughed. “Okay, so…?”


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