Family Matters

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Family Matters Page 3

by Aiden Vaughan

  Jason and Daniel shook hands all around and said hello. “Joe has told us about you and how cool you guys are so it is a pleasure to finally meet you!” Jason said enthusiastically.

  “Yeah, we like Joe so much, we are happy to meet members of his family our age. We are looking forward to hanging out with you guys while we are down here,” Daniel added.

  “Did all of that stuff really happen to you guys?” Steven asked in a shy voice.

  “Oh, yes,” Jason responded. “We’ll tell you about it when we get a chance.”

  Colleen directed everyone to go back into the living room. When everyone was seated, Joe said, “I have two-day passes for everyone to go to Disneyland. We rented a big van so we can all go together!”

  “I don’t know about that,” Colleen said in an unenthusiastic voice. “I’m pretty tired from work, and the kids have sports practices.”

  “Mom, those practices are optional, just to keep in shape during the summer. Why can’t we go to Disneyland?” Paul said. “Grandfather came all this way to take us!”

  “Yeah, Mom, can we go, please?” Steven said in a begging voice.

  “It’s not like you kids have never been to Disneyland!” Colleen replied with a little edge to her voice.

  “But it’s the summer, Mom, and that is a fun thing to do,” Desiree added. “Why should Jason and Daniel get all the fun, when Grandfather bought tickets for us too!”

  “Tell you what,” Joe said trying to prevent more arguing. “Why don’t we all go out to lunch, talk about it, and then make our plans. It’s time for lunch and we haven’t eaten. It will be my treat!”

  Joe’s three grandchildren roared their approval. “Colleen?” Joe asked looking at his daughter.

  “Okay, let’s go,” she said. “You kids need to get some shoes on.”

  The grandchildren got up to go to their rooms. Jason said to Paul in a low voice, “Be sure to put on sneakers so you guys will be ready to walk around Disneyland. Tell the others!”

  “Got it!” Paul said in reply. They quickly got ready to go. Soon everyone was loaded into the van and headed to a local coffee shop. The restaurant wasn’t very crowded so in a very short time, they were sitting in a large round booth that easily seated all seven of them.

  The waitress took their food and drink order. While they were waiting, the kids started to get to know each other. The boys started talking about sports and some of the activities they liked to do. Daniel talked about how he was just starting his first band, and how he liked performing music a lot. Desiree and Steven then talked about how they both played clarinet in their school’s concert band.

  A large cart was wheeled up to their table, and the waitress served everyone their orders. The food was good and everyone started to eat with hearty appetites. Then Jason asked Paul what he thought were the best things to do at Disneyland. Soon the kids were involved in a discussion of their favorite rides. As they were finishing their lunches, Paul asked his mother, “So can we go to Disneyland? I really want to go! We are due for a fun day!”

  “All right,” Colleen relented, “you kids can go, since you are making such a big deal of it.”

  “I have even a better idea,” Joe said decisively. “I think all of us should go. I have passes for everybody and I have a good plan for the afternoon. Since there are five kids, you can all go together in a group. You know the park and you know what rides you are willing to wait in line for. You should all be safe together inside Disneyland. While you are doing that, your mother and I can go have a visit at the main hotel. We have a number of things to discuss and we can do that while you kids have your fun. Then we can all meet at say 6:00 to get dinner and maybe do one or two more rides together.”

  “That sounds like a great idea!” Jason said. “I like it a lot! What do the rest of you say?”

  “Yeah, that sounds good to me.” Paul and Desiree said almost simultaneously.

  “I’m down for it,” Daniel added.

  “Are you going to come with us?” Steven asked as he looked into his mother’s eyes. “Please?”

  After thinking things over for a minute, Colleen finally agreed to Joe’s plan. “Okay, we all will go. It’s not fair for me to deny you kids some fun. I know we can’t afford to go to Disneyland very often even though it is nearby.”

  Joe called for the check, and in a few minutes they returned to the van and drove off to the magic kingdom.

  Chapter 4

  The Reconciliation

  (Thursday and Friday)

  Jason was aware of Joe’s desire to get Colleen off by herself so they could have a serious talk without her worrying about her children, or their activities being used as a distraction. Now that this seemed to be set up during their lunch at the restaurant, it was time to seal the deal. Jason had talked over this strategy with Daniel. Between the two of them they worked on softening Colleen’s attitude during the ride over to Disneyland. Things fell into place when Steven asked if he could sit up in the front with his grandfather. When Colleen agreed, Jason and Daniel arranged to sit on either side of Colleen in the back seat, while Paul and Desiree were in the middle seat.

  “It is so great to finally meet you,” Jason started the conversation. “Joe has told us so much about you and his grandchildren that we really wanted to have an opportunity to get to know more of his family.”

  “Yeah, even when we are involved in one of our cases, Joe is always thinking about you and his grandchildren,” Daniel continued. “I think he spends time with us because we remind him of Paul and Steven. He even told my father how lonely he is at times without you.”

  “He talks about you a lot, Mrs. Whittier,” Jason continued. “I think he misses having you around and wants to do something about it!”

  “Well, that remains to be seen,” Colleen replied. But her voice was a little warmer and she actually smiled at Jason.

  Joe drove the van into the parking lot and soon they were at the entrance to the park. Joe gave everyone their passes. Once inside, they split up. The five kids went off to enjoy the rides while Colleen and Joe took the monorail to the Disneyland Hotel to have a conversation and work out their differences. They agreed to meet at the entrance to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at 6:00 PM.

  Inside the park the five kids ended up having a great time. Jason and Paul paired off together while Daniel stayed with Desiree and Steven. They had decided which rides they wanted to go on first, and gradually worked their way over toward Frontier Land. Since it was the afternoon, the lines were sometimes long to the best rides. During their waits through the line, Jason and Daniel would take turns telling Joe’s grandchildren about some of the adventures that they had and how Joe helped them with each of their cases.

  Daniel told them how Joe was the “fresh pair of eyes” when they were trying to figure out the mystery of Jason’s kidnapping. Then Jason told them how important Joe was when they went to rescue Eric Acosta, not only driving them around but providing valuable advice and counseling to Eric when he was recovering from the abusive acts of his stepfather. Daniel talked about the many years that Joe had served as a special operative in Latin America, answering the call to service from his country, even though it meant spending many years away from home on covert missions. Jason told them how Joe and his secret service contacts made it possible for he and Daniel to search for and rescue Timothy Wilkinson and Cody Johnson from the horrible captivity they were subjected to in the Camp Chinquapin boot camp.

  “These stories you are telling us are amazing!” Paul exclaimed. “I never knew that Grandfather was involved in all of these daring adventures! You make him sound like a super hero!”

  “Joe would be the first person to laugh that description off,” Daniel said. “He just considers himself a friendly senior citizen who wants to spend his time enjoying life and helping others. That’s why I think he feels hurt that he can’t spend more time with the three of you!”

  “Really?” Desiree said. “Mom always told us that
he wasn’t that interested in seeing us and that he was busy with his own life. It sure sounds like he has an active life!”

  “One thing that you need to be aware of is that under the terms of his retirement from the secret service, Joe can never be actively involved with the actual rescues or any kind of police or detective work,” Daniel continued. “He gives us good advice and helps us from time to time, but you must keep to yourselves any stories we have told you about his involvement in our cases. We don’t want him to get into any trouble with the government!”

  “I don’t think that what you said is true about Joe not being interested in you,” Jason added. “He always talks very fondly about the three of you and how he wishes you could spend more time together.”

  “I would like to go and visit Grandfather sometime, but we always are too busy with our own things to do here,” Steven said. “And even when he comes to visit us at our home, we don’t see him that much because he has to stay in a motel.”

  “That just doesn’t seem right to me,” Jason responded. “When family comes to visit, they should stay with you somehow. Can’t you guys figure out a way for Joe to visit you and stay at your house?”

  “I’d be willing to let Grandfather use my bed,” Steven said determinedly.

  “I don’t think Grandfather would be comfortable in your little bed,” Paul replied. “But you are right, Jason. If we want him to visit, we need to make him feel more at home! This is something we need to talk to Mom about!”

  Around four o’clock, the five decided to take a break from the long lines for rides, and stop to have some soft drinks and snacks. They got their drinks, pretzels, and nachos and sat down in the eating area of the snack bar. Paul put his feet up on an extra chair, looked at his beat up white low cut sneakers and said, “I need to get some new shoes. These have had it.”

  “I’m surprised you haven’t taken Joe up on his offer of new pairs of chucks for you guys,” Daniel said. “I know he saved you boxes of Chuck Taylor All Stars when he sold off the surplus store business.”

  “What do you mean?” Paul asked.

  “When Joe knew that he was going to sell the business, he ordered an extra supply of the shoes so he could have some for you. At the time, Converse was facing bankruptcy and he wanted you to be able to experience wearing them, just like he does, and Jason and I do. He ended up giving Jason and I a pair from his supply because none of you ever indicated an interest. And these are some of the last made in USA pairs. They are classic chucks!”

  “Gee, I don’t even remember hearing about that offer,” Paul replied. “More bad communication, I guess.”

  “I vaguely remember something about his offer, now that you mention it,” Desiree said, “but Mom made it sound like a hassle, so I never even asked again.”

  “I would like to get a pair of chucks to wear,” Steven said. “They are cool looking shoes! I like the high tops like you and Jason are wearing.”

  “I think all you have to do is ask him,” Daniel continued. “I’m sure he would be happy to get all of you set up in a pair. That’s why he saved them — they are for you!”

  After finishing their food, the five decided to go over to Frontier Land and actually do the Pirates ride, since they were supposed to meet Joe and Colleen there at six. By the time they got through the lines and completed the ride, it was about ten minutes to six.

  “This is perfect timing,” Jason said. The five sat down on two benches in the large square and waited for the adults to arrive.

  About two minutes before six, Paul spotted his mother and grandfather walking toward them. When they got a little closer he began waving at them until they noticed him and waved back. Joe and Colleen were all smiles when they arrived at the benches where the kids were seated.

  “You two look all happy,” Desiree remarked when she saw her mother and grandfather with smiles on their faces. “It looks like you had a good conversation while we were enjoying the park.”

  “Yes, we did,” Colleen replied. “We have some exciting news to tell you!”

  “Really? What is it, Mom?”

  “Let go and get some dinner, and then we will tell you everything,” Joe said.

  They decided to go to the restaurant that overlooked the Pirates ride. Once they got their food and were seated at a large table, Steven said, “You have to tell us the news. We are too excited to eat!”

  “It is good news,” Joe said. “Your mother and I had a real good discussion of our differences and discovered that it wasn’t so much lack of desire to become a closer family but logistics that are keeping us apart.”

  “Do you mean that whole thing about you not able to stay at our house?” Paul asked.

  “That’s very perceptive of you, Paul. And you are right. Being able to spend significant amounts of time together is a large part of the problem.”

  “And now we have a solution!” Colleen said. “Your grandfather is going to help us get into a bigger house. We are going to look for a place that has enough bedrooms so everyone can have a place to stay, including a guest room for your grandfather whenever he wants to come and visit us. And you each will have your own rooms!”

  The kids all cheered upon hearing that. “That really sounds great,” Desiree said. “Does that mean you will visit us a lot more, Grandfather?”

  “Absolutely!” Joe exclaimed. “And your mother has agreed to let you come and spend some time with me up in the Silicon Valley this summer, also!”

  “Does that mean we will be able to get some Chuck Taylor shoes?” Steven asked.

  “It sounds like you have been talking to Jason and Daniel,” Joe said with a laugh.

  “Oh, yes, Grandfather. They told us all these great stories about you. Paul thinks you are a super hero!” Everybody laughed at Steven’s remarks.

  “I’m not a super hero, Steven, just a guy who likes to help people,” Joe responded. “But thanks for the nice thought!”

  “I do have one important question,” Paul said. “Does this mean that we will have to move away and change our schools?”

  “No, not at all,” Colleen said. “We decided that we would look extra hard to find a new house near where we are living now. That way the move will be a lot simpler and you won’t have to go through the hassle of changing schools and having to make new friends.”

  “This new plan sounds totally awesome! With all this extra room does that mean that we can have friends visit us and spend the night like other kids do?” Paul asked his mom.

  “Sure, I don’t see why not,” Colleen answered.

  “Then Jason and Daniel, you have to come down again some time and stay with us,” Paul exclaimed. “Ever since we met you, things have become so much better in our lives!”

  After eating, they decided to do a couple more rides and then wait for the nightly fireworks show. Everyone was in a celebratory mood and the fireworks show was definitely worth the wait.

  The next morning all the kids were up early so that they could take advantage of the pre-admission feature of their two day passes. Colleen stayed at home because she had to put in a shift at the hospital. When Joe, Daniel and Jason came by to pick up Paul, Desiree, and Steven that morning, Colleen was waiting for them at the front door. She gave Joe a big hug and a kiss. “I’m so glad that we were able to work out our differences. Maybe now we can start being a real family again!”

  “I sure hope so,” Joe answered. “That’s all I ever wanted in life. You and the kids mean so much to me. I want to participate in your lives as much as possible! Let’s start looking for a good realtor first thing next week.”

  Colleen then gave Jason and Daniel each a hug. “I am so glad that we had a chance to meet. Joe has told me about you two before, but now I realize what he meant when he said how accomplished and personable you both are. I will feel a lot better about my children going up to the Silicon Valley knowing that they will be able to visit with you while they are up there!”

  “Thanks for the kind words
, Mrs. Whittier,” Jason replied. “Joe is a very special person in our lives. His happiness is important to us because we often rely on him for help. Daniel and I are very pleased that you two were able to work things out between you.”

  Joe and all of the kids got into the van, drove to Disneyland, and had a great time in the park until around noon. Then they had to leave so that Joe and the boys could make their afternoon flight back to the Silicon Valley. As Joe was dropping off his grandchildren back at their home, Paul said, “I’m so glad you came to see us and brought along Jason and Daniel. I can’t wait to visit you up in the Silicon Valley and be able to hang out with these guys again.”

  Desiree and Steven said pretty much the same thing. Handshakes and hugs were exchanged all around. Joe had a big smile on his face as they were driving to the airport. “You two were definitely my good luck charm on this trip!” he told them.

  “You have done so much for us, we are more than happy to return the favor,” Jason said. “And it was great to finally meet your family after hearing so much about them.”

  Chapter 5

  Terror in San Mathias

  (From Various Reports)

  San Matthias Sheriffs Office

  Case File Report

  Status: Confidential. Not for release to any media due to the age of the victim.

  Amy Rathgeld, age 11, reported that she was molested by a masked intruder sometime during the night of March 2–3. The victim stated that she was asleep in her bed when she was awakened by a masked man. He pulled the covers off of her, placed his hand over her mouth, and in a low and threatening voice told her that she and her parents would be killed if she cried out or did anything to resist him. He then proceeded to touch her in inappropriate places. Later he placed her hand on his genitals. The man warned her again that if she said a word about this to anyone, she and her parents would be killed. Then as mysteriously as he appeared, the man disappeared.


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