Family Matters

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Family Matters Page 4

by Aiden Vaughan

  The young victim crouched under the covers, shaking with fear and silently crying after the attack. Eventually she nodded off to sleep. In the morning when she woke up, she noticed one of her toy animals in the middle of her bedroom floor. Its head had been twisted off, and some of the stuffing knocked out. Pinned to the destroyed toy was a one-word note. “Remember” it said. Terrified by the warning, Amy got dressed and tried to get through the school day and week. But she was listless and depressed, very unlike her normal cheerful demeanor. Eventually her mother was able to coax Amy into revealing what happened. The girl was unable to give any description of the man other than he was wearing a ski mask and had an ominous threatening voice.

  Extra patrols were sent on Amy’s block over the next two months but the masked man never returned.

  From the San Matthias Observer

  April 2, three years ago

  Young Girl Missing

  A young San Matthias girl has been reported missing by her parents. Amy Rathgeld, age 11, never returned home from school last Monday. A search of the area between her school and home has revealed no clues or signs of foul play. The girl normally walked home with a young friend and neighbor, but that afternoon her friend had a doctor’s appointment so Amy apparently left school on her own.

  Police investigators do not believe that young Amy was unhappy with her current home situation. If Amy was the victim of a kidnapping, it was not for financial gain, as there has been no ransom note to date. Police are asking anyone with information about this case to call their 24 hour hot line.

  From the Silicon Valley Californian

  October 23, two years ago

  Young Boy Who Reported Animal Cruelty Goes Missing

  Juan Melindo, 13, was reported missing by his parents last week and police have released many new details today. Juan was in the news last month after he reported inhumane treatment of dogs and livestock on a small ranch southwest of San Matthias. Last Thursday, Juan never arrived home from his work as a volunteer at the San Matthias Animal Shelter. Normally Juan would ride his bicycle home between 6:00 and 6:30 PM after the shelter closed. But the tires on his bike had sustained severe damage that day, forcing Juan to travel on foot. Co-workers at the animal shelter say that Juan seemed in a normal mood that day, although the last month had been particularly stressful for the boy. After his report of their animal cruelty, the owners of the farm apparently retaliated by leaving the body of a dead dog on Juan’s doorstep.

  However, police do not believe that the farm owners are directly involved because they are in county jail serving one year sentences for animal cruelty and several other misdemeanors associated with the poor condition of their property. Since their arrest and conviction, all of the animals on the property have been removed.

  Police investigators have searched the entire area from the animal shelter to Juan’s home, but so far no clues have turned up. Workers at the animal shelter said that there was no unusual activity there that day and they didn’t see any strangers lurking around the area. Juan was last seen wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt, a white tee shirt, blue jeans, and black and white adidas running shoes. Police are asking anyone with information about this case to call their 24 hour hotline.

  New Clue in Missing Boy Case

  From the Silicon Valley Californian

  October 29, two years ago

  San Matthias police released to the media today a report that 13 year old Juan Melindo, the young boy reported missing a week ago was seen getting into an older model Ford pickup truck on the day he disappeared. The truck was described as tan or off white in color, with some of the paint chipped off. Witnesses couldn’t provide the police with very many specifics, but believe the driver was a male in his twenties. Police are asking anyone in the community with information about the truck or its owner to contact them immediately.

  Neighborhood Watch Up In Arms Over Attacks On Young Girl

  From the San Matthias Observer

  May 7, one year ago

  Families in the Avalon district of San Matthias are very upset over some recent threats against children in their neighborhood. A number of young teenagers have received hateful telephone calls in which they were called cruel or hurtful names by an anonymous caller. The caller then went on to threaten them with physical harm before suddenly hanging up.

  One girl in the neighborhood reported that she saw a masked man lurking outside of her house but police have been unable to corroborate her story.

  Men in the neighborhood have organized a watch to look out for strangers or possible intruders. “We have to take these threats seriously,” Don Weigart, a spokesman for the neighborhood watch group stated in a recent interview. “Whoever is doing this to our children is the worst kind of slimy criminal, picking on innocent children. We plan to be vigilant in watching out for the safety of our families.”

  Police do not have any new leads in the case, but have stepped up patrols in the neighborhood. They are advising the neighborhood watch group to call them immediately if they see anything suspicious and let the police investigate.

  “We understand the deep concerns of the families whose children have been threatened, but we strongly feel that the police should do any investigating, not the neighborhood watch group.” Sergeant Donald Blake of the San Matthias police force commented after hearing about the meeting of the Avalon neighborhood watch group.

  Missing 14 Year Old Believed To Be A Runaway

  From the San Matthias Observer

  May 29, one year ago

  Sergeant Donald Blake, spokesman for the San Matthias police force, stated in a press conference today that police believe Angela Luna, who was reported missing from her foster home in the Avalon district last week, has most likely run away.

  Luna’s foster parents, Leon and Cynthia Loomis, told authorities that Angela had been acting depressed lately, but was not forthcoming about what was bothering her. Mrs. Loomis stated that she could see no signs of any physical harm on Angela and hadn’t heard of any run-ins or fights with other students at her school. Mrs. Loomis went on to say that Angela often spoke of going back east to live with her older brother who Angela said lived in St. Louis, Missouri. Neither of the other three foster kids in the Loomis home had any knowledge of Angela’s intentions but did back up Mrs. Loomis’ account that Angela often spoke about going back to be with her older brother. All they knew about him was that his first name was Jim.

  Angela was last seen wearing a white peasant blouse, blue jeans, and white tennis shoes. Sergeant Blake is requesting that anyone with information about the whereabouts of Angela Luna either now or on the day she went missing contact the San Matthias police immediately.

  When asked if this case was linked to any of the other disappearances of children in recent years, Sergeant Blake said that the police had no current information linking any of those cases. The only similarity was that none of the children who disappeared were ever found again, dead or alive. “It was like they vanished into thin air!”

  Chapter 6

  Daniel Wins A Contest

  (Friday through Tuesday)

  The flight back from southern California was uneventful. Joe, Jason, and Daniel got on a shuttle bus that took them back to the long term parking lot. As they were driving back to their homes, Joe again mentioned how happy he was about the way things turned out.

  “Getting your family into a bigger place sounds like a great solution to the visitation problem. The whole point of visiting someone is to stay with them, not just huddle nearby in a motel!” Jason said.

  “Yes, that was an important piece of the puzzle, and once we started working on it, everything fell into place.”

  “Yeah, that sounds like a great plan, Joe, but somehow I think there was a lot more to your reconciliation than just a new housing arrangement,” Daniel added.

  “You boys don’t miss a trick, do you?” Joe said with a laugh. “Here I have spent a lot of time giving out advice and counsel, and I guess a
ll along I could have used some myself!”

  “And it was very good advice and counsel! Just ask Eric about how you helped him through the most difficult day of his life. We don’t mean to pry if it is something real personal,” Jason continued, “but we are curious as to what the big conflict or stumbling block was between you and your daughter.”

  “I don’t mind telling you at all. The way you connected with my grandchildren makes me feel like you two are extended family anyway. I think a lot of our conflict had to do with two things, separation and pride. When Colleen was growing up, we had very little time together because of my work, and she grew to rely on others for support. When my wife Estelle passed away, the one person who was our common link, and kept us in communication, was now gone. Her death affected us a lot more than either of us wanted to admit. Rather than having it make us become closer, it had the opposite effect. And I think the other issue was pride. We both are very independent people, wanting to live life and do things our own way. Neither of us wanted to give into the other.”

  “How were you able to turn things around, then?” Daniel asked.

  “Actually sitting down face-to-face and one-on-one really helped to break the ice. At that moment I think Colleen realized that I was the only real family she had left. Part of the problem was that she became isolated after the divorce. Since Everett left, he has remarried and pretty much stayed away from her and the kids, leaving Colleen to cope with everything, the finances, raising three kids now going into their teens, and holding down a demanding full time job as a nurse. At the time of the divorce, she never saw me as someone who could help her out. Now after five or six years of trying to manage things on her own, she is willing to rethink things and accept my help. It’s not so much the financial support she needs, but emotional and physical support. Sure the money I have will help get a new place for her and my grandchildren, but now she understands that I am willing to be a sounding board for family issues, and am more than willing to help her with the raising of Paul, Desiree, and Steven.”

  “That is so cool that you are working things out,” Daniel said. “I know what a relief that can be from personal experience!”

  “One of the things that Colleen needs is just a break, a vacation from everything,” Joe continued. “She hasn’t had a day off since the divorce, and became super protective of the kids because they were the only thing she felt that represented stability in her life. Now that she trusts me again, she is willing to send the kids up here for part of the summer which will give her that opportunity.”

  Joe pulled up into the driveway of Jason’s house. As they were saying their goodbyes, Daniel told Jason that tomorrow they should just have an afternoon for themselves. Jason agreed and they decided to meet at Daniel’s house Saturday at 1:00. Joe then brought Daniel to his house.

  “Thanks again for bringing us to Disneyland,” Daniel said as he gathered up his backpack. “I had a great time, and enjoyed meeting your family. I will look forward to seeing your grandchildren again when they come up to visit you.”

  “You can be sure that I will arrange something fun for all of us to do while they are here. I really appreciate how you guys stepped in, helped smooth things over, and showed them a good time. What on earth did you tell them for Paul to think I am some sort of super hero?”

  “I told him that your ‘fresh pair of eyes’ were actually hidden behind your hair in the back of your head!” Daniel said with a big grin on his face.

  * * * * *

  Saturday morning was a normal routine day. Daniel did his workout at the Y and spent time practicing songs, while Jason did some yard work and cleaning at home. After lunch, Jason biked over to Daniel’s house. They decided to play some video games in Daniel’s room and then take a break and play some one-on-one at the basketball hoop down the street.

  After their basketball game, the boys got cold drinks from the kitchen and then returned to Daniel’s room for some more video games. Looking at his computer, Daniel noticed that a new email had arrived.

  “Look at this!” Daniel exclaimed. “This email says that I have won a first prize in an online game giveaway from AJ Games. The prize is an overnight stay in San Francisco on Monday, with a tour of the game maker facilities, and then on the second day a shopping spree that includes a new game console and a bunch of free games.”

  “Wow, that sounds awesome, Daniel! How did you become so lucky?” Jason responded.

  “I can’t believe I actually won something!” Daniel continued with excitement in his voice. “All I did was respond to one of their ads inviting gamers to sign up for their online games giveaway. The AJ Games company makes really good action and shooter games. On their website the company says that they have been working on new versions of the popular players to include more of a three dimensional look.”

  “Yeah, I heard about that,” Jason replied. “Wouldn’t it be great if your prize includes one of those new 3-D players!”

  Daniel’s band was supposed to rehearse on Monday, but when he called and told Eric and Tim about the prize he had won, they agreed to rehearse a day earlier on Sunday. Daniel’s parents said it was okay for him to go, so Daniel emailed the company back, saying that he was available to accept his prizes on Monday. Late Monday morning a sleek black Cadillac limousine came to pick Daniel up. While the driver packed away Daniel’s overnight bag in the trunk, he said goodbye to his parents. The driver then opened the back door for Daniel and he was driven away in style to San Francisco.

  That evening Jason received a text message from Daniel’s cell phone. “Good news! Part of the prize I won up here is a friend gets to participate in the prizes, and select games. Since you are my best friend, you are in! A limousine will pick you up tomorrow morning and bring you up here to San Francisco. You will get to spend the day with me, play games, get some prizes, and then the limousine will bring both of us back tomorrow afternoon.”

  The next day the black Cadillac limousine came and picked up Jason. He had a great ride up to San Francisco. Once they arrived in the city, the limousine took an exit off the freeway and headed into a warehouse district. “Why are we getting off here?” Jason asked the driver. “I thought we were going to the AJ Games company headquarters.”

  “The prize center is set up in a different place. There isn’t enough room in the main building,” the driver replied.

  Shortly the limousine pulled up to a warehouse door, which was opened, and the limousine drove inside. The passenger door was opened, and when Jason got out, there were two men standing there who grabbed him, handcuffed his hands behind his back, blindfolded him, and gagged him with duct tape before he could even resist or protest his treatment.

  “Don’t struggle, kid, and you won’t be hurt,” one of the men told Jason. “We have no intention of hurting you unless you resist us!”

  The two men then each took one of Jason’s arms and started to lead him away from the limousine. “Just go with the flow. We are going to go for a little ride. Walk along with us and you will be fine.”

  Jason was led to a flight of stairs and made to walk up them. Next they got into an elevator. The doors closed, the car ascended, and eventually ended up on the roof of the building. Jason was briefly covered with a tarp while he was put into a helicopter and strapped into a seat. About five minutes later, the doors were shut, and the helicopter quickly ascended into the air. The helicopter landed about twenty minutes later. Jason was un-strapped from his seat in the helicopter, lifted out, and led away from the heliport. Jason tried to protest through his gag but to no avail.

  “Relax, kid. We are almost at your destination. Just continue to cooperate and soon you will be released!”

  Jason’s captors walked him down a long corridor. Eventually he was taken into a building, led down several hallways, then into a room, and seated in a chair.

  Chapter 7

  An Unusual Luncheon


  Once Jason was seated, there was a rustle of act
ivity. His gag and blindfold were removed and the handcuffs were taken off his wrists. As his sight came back to him, he found himself seated at a large table in an elegantly furnished room. Across from him was a gray haired man in his sixties.

  “Mr. Jason Hunter, I presume. My name is Enrico Feraducci. Welcome to my home! I apologize for the way that you were brought here, and especially for the gag and handcuffs. That is not the way I would normally treat an honored guest, and you are that today. The reason that you were restrained was because I needed you to be lucid for our conversation. Drugging you or making you unconscious in some way would only delay our conversation until you recovered and we do not have a lot of time. Holding a pistol at your head while you were brought here by helicopter was not an option either. Please help yourself to a glass of water,” he said pointing to a large pitcher of ice water on a tray, “or would you like anything else to drink? Are you hungry? I have an excellent chef who will make anything you would like to eat. Just name it.”

  Jason was furious. “I don’t know who you are or why you decided to kidnap me, but I don’t like being forced to do things against my will. And now you tell me I am your honored guest, and ask me what I want for lunch! I think that I would like to leave here as the next course!”

  Feraducci laughed heartily at Jason’s outburst. “You are everything I expected, my spirited young friend! Again I apologize for your treatment but it was probably the only way this meeting could happen, and a lot of it had to do with the way that your friend Daniel acted yesterday.”


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