Family Matters

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Family Matters Page 24

by Aiden Vaughan

  By the time Angelo arrived at the police station, the media became aware of the discovery of Ben Kessler and work of the police task force. Captain Garcia decided to return to the Silicon Valley Police headquarters to give a press conference announcing the successful resolution of the case and the arrest of the two men accused of serial kidnappings and murders. The case quickly became a media sensation when Captain Garcia told the reporters that most likely many victims were involved and that a number of missing persons cases from the past six years would probably be resolved.

  Garcia went on to praise the work of his task force, and told the media that it would take many additional days of work to complete this investigation. During the question and answer session, Captain Garcia was asked by Jaime Orlando if he had outside help with the investigation. When he replied in the affirmative, Jaime’s follow up question asked if that help was from Jason Hunter or Daniel Holmes. Garcia declined to give any specifics at this time, citing the ages of the victims and some of the participants. “At this time you should focus your reporting on the successful rescue of Ben Kessler, and the fact that we believe two horrible predators are now behind bars. Our community is now a lot safer due to their capture and arrest.”

  Shortly after the press conference, Jason received a call from Jaime Orlando. He did confirm his participation in the undercover operation, but declined to be interviewed on television for now. “This has been quite a gut wrenching experience for me, Jaime. I am not ready to deal with it in public just yet.”

  “Are you all right, Jason?” Jaime asked. “Is there anything I can do to help you?”

  “Nothing in particular, Jaime, but I would appreciate it if the media would back off from me for a while. I think you will discover that the two criminals arrested, Sal Butera and Angelo Ciurro, have committed a horrendous series of crimes. I’m sure the details of these crimes will keep you occupied for many days and weeks! Right now I really need some recovery time!”

  With Jaime Orlando leading the way, the media focused first on Ben Kessler’s story. Because Nick’s kidnapping didn’t receive any media coverage and Jason wasn’t talking, details of Nick’s ordeal were not revealed at this time. Nick was also fortunate due to the magnitude of the case. As the forensics team went through the cave of horrors over the next few days, they began to find the bodies of many missing children. The media stayed focused on each grim discovery.

  * * * * *

  Jason’s parents came home on Saturday and were joyfully reunited with Jason. After Edith updated Jason on his grandmother’s condition, they talked in detail about the undercover operation, which was receiving extensive coverage on the news. “Tell me the truth, Jason,” Edith said. “Were you more involved in this so-called undercover operation than just that of an observer?”

  Jason looked at both of his parents a little sheepishly. “I won’t lie to you, Mom and Dad. I was very involved in the operation. Let me tell you why!” Jason explained about Nick’s kidnapping and how they needed to engineer a break in the case. “I was so scared for Nick, I had to act. I know I took a terrible gamble, and I learned the hard way that even the best laid plans can go very wrong! But even though it was a tight situation for a while, eventually I was able to get the upper hand, and rescue Nick. When I finally got to him, that predator Angelo had him strapped to a metal table where he was preparing to kill him and cut up his body!”

  Jason continued telling the story about how Nick was then grabbed by Salvatore Butera. “Luckily I was able to give Nick the tracking device, so as soon as he surfaced from the cavern, Captain Garcia’s task force was able to zero in on him, catch Butera and rescue Nick for a second time, poor kid! He really was hammered by those criminals!”

  “Is Nick all right?” Edith asked.

  “Yes, through my foundation I arranged for treatment for him and myself at Dr. Cartwright’s clinic. I wanted him (and myself) to have some privacy. He is there right now with his mother recovering from some very serious bruises and welts from all of the beatings he took. I hope you will come with me to see him tonight. He has been through so much in the last few days!”

  “Jason, you know what I must say to you!” Edith said raising her voice. “Sure you are incredibly brave and resourceful. But you keep putting your life in danger, without letting us, your parents and guardians, in on the decision! And the worst part is that you weren’t truthful with us about what you were planning to do! It sounds like you tricked your father into giving you permission to go on the undercover operation, without letting him know about what you were really planning to do!”

  “I understand why you are angry with me, and I feel terrible that you think that I have let you down! If it is your wish, you can ground me for the rest of the summer! But you were in New York, I was here, and my friend Nick was about to be molested, tortured, and killed by his kidnappers. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try to help in some way! So I took the chance and manipulated things to allow it to happen. I am truly sorry for having to lie to you about it! So I have no objection to whatever punishment you think is fitting, Mom and Dad.”

  “Jason, it was just a year ago that you were kidnapped, and we all experienced one of the most horrible weeks of our collective lives,” Bill responded. “What surprises me more than anything is that you were willing to put yourself through a similar horror again! Why?”

  “It’s exactly because I was kidnapped and went through that entire experience!” Jason said with strong emotion in his voice. “Of all the people involved in that task force and investigation into Nick’s kidnapping and those of the other kids, I was the only one capable of penetrating the kidnapper’s lair who also knew what to expect and how to deal with it! I had to try and save my friend, Dad. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try, because I knew I was capable of rescuing him, if I was lucky enough to locate him! I don’t know what else to say, Dad. What would you have done if you were me?”

  “Jason, stop right now!” Edith said sharply. “If we had your skills and ability to fight back, you know we would do the same thing! Saving someone’s life, especially at the risk of losing your own is a noble act! You saved the lives of two fine young boys, and helped bring to justice two horrible criminals! What we are objecting to is that you seem to be able to discuss this and be honest about it with everyone else! Why weren’t you able to be up front about it with us?”

  Jason hung his head ashamed. “You’re right, Mom, I wasn’t fair to you or Dad. I was afraid that you would say no, and I guess I didn’t want to openly defy you. I realize now that I was wrong not to trust you or rely on your judgment. I am very sorry for that! Can you forgive me?”

  Edith came up to Jason and held him in an embrace. There were tears in her eyes. “Jason, your father and I love you so much! If we were to lose you, we couldn’t bear it! We see that you are growing up way ahead of your time! What you have been through and experienced in the past year is downright incredible when you think about it! We are your family, Jason. If you can’t trust us to do the right thing when it comes to life and death decisions, who can you trust?”

  “Mom and Dad, the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt you in any way. I know I have had all of these extraordinary experiences in the last year, but still through all of the acclaim and attention I have had, I have tried to stay connected to my friends and family. Without your support, my life is nothing! The one thing that drives me to succeed on my adventures is the thought that I have such a wonderful home to return to! I promise that I will not lie about my activities in the future! Is there anything else I can do to make things right?”

  “Just keep the communication open at all times, Jason,” Bill replied. “If you can trust us, I think that we can trust you!”

  With the air cleared, the Hunter family had a pleasant time together, talking, relaxing, and enjoying a meal together. After dinner, they went over to the clinic to visit with Nick.

  “We are so happy that you are safe and recovering
from your ordeal,” Edith said to Nick.

  “It’s all because of your son, Jason!” Nick replied. “You must be very proud of him!”

  “Oh, yeah,” said Bill Hunter. “He is one special kid!”

  Chapter 32

  The Beach House

  (Monday through Friday)

  After all the events leading up to Nick and Ben’s rescue had unfolded, Jason was ready to move on with his life, but for some unknown reason, he was not able to get back to being his normal happy and carefree self. Dominic was right about the operation — Jason had been to war although he didn’t realize it at the time. Now he was suffering from a kind of post-traumatic stress. He had an emotional dead weight in his psyche that would not go away. He watched himself respond on the surface to things in the normal way that he was expected to respond, but deep inside Jason was not healing. The horrible images of what he had been through and the realization that he had been very close to a violent death would not go away! As his mind continually replayed those hours that he was in Angelo’s cavern, he came to the conclusion that he was nearly responsible for Nick’s death! Angelo was so eager to start “training” Jason that he decided to kill Nick so that he could fully concentrate on Jason!

  Obviously, thoughts like this were emotionally and mentally exhausting to Jason. The evil that Angelo and Sal had done to so many young kids somehow permeated Jason’s subconscious mind. He knew he had to get free of it somehow, and as the song lyrics said “only love can conquer hate!” Jason knew that only extended time in a loving environment would bring him out of his gloomy state of mind. Jason had rescued Nick and Ben. Now he needed to be rescued himself!

  That was where Nick’s mother Caterina came in. His request to her was to arrange an immediate week’s stay at a house right on the beach for himself, Laura, Daniel, and Diana. He literally needed to go there by Monday! Caterina was a very good realtor with a lot of connections and favors to pull in, and after a few hours on the telephone, and the promise of triple the normal rental fees to rearrange someone else’s vacation, she was able to get into a house right on the beach just south of Carmel. The second part of the bargain was that Caterina would call everyone’s parents to get permission for their sons and daughters to stay at her beach house, her reward to them for helping Nick out through his recent ordeal. Caterina was a great salesperson and soon everything was arranged. The week of rest and recuperation was on!

  Monday morning Caterina picked up Laura, Diana, and Jason and drove them to the beach house. Daniel followed in his mini-SUV so that they would have additional transportation during the week. Jason was very quiet and reserved during the drive down, mostly resting in the back seat, holding hands with Laura. When they arrived, everyone brought in their luggage and Caterina had Jason and Daniel bring in several bags of groceries that she brought along for the week. The house was fabulous, with beautiful decks all around the outside, well appointed master suites and living areas within, and great views of the Pacific Ocean. After everything was brought inside, and Caterina could see that the four teenagers were starting to get settled in, she told them that she had a number of errands to run, and that she needed to spend her time with Nick, making sure that he continued his healing process. “I hope you will be okay. If you need anything call me on my cell phone.” She placed her business card on the table by the front door and left.

  Daniel and Diana were somewhat surprised by this, but not Jason. This was all part of Jason’s plan and as it turned out, a key moment in his relationship with Laura. He desperately needed Laura’s love to help him heal from the mental and physical strain of being kidnapped again and forced to observe what Angelo had been doing to Nick and his other victims in that cavern of horrors. Now that they were together in this fabulous coastal paradise, the healing of his wounded psyche could begin. Within a few minutes after Caterina left, Jason and Laura walked hand in hand into the suite they picked out for themselves, leaving Daniel and Diana to put the food away and explore the house and its facilities.

  For the next three days Jason and Laura were totally inseparable, their love for each other so intense and passionate that they completely shut out the rest of the world. Daniel and Diana ended up being the caretakers, preparing meals and keeping the house in order. They never saw Jason wearing more than a pair of trunks or Laura in more than a bikini with a tee shirt for the first three days while they passionately made love to each other, walked on the beach hand in hand, suntanned on the deck snuggled in each other’s arms, or went for quick swims in the ocean. They would join Diana and Daniel briefly at mealtimes, although they didn’t ever eat much. Usually after about fifteen minutes, they would gaze into each other’s eyes with a dreamy look, then excuse themselves and go back into their suite for more love making.

  At first, Daniel and Diana were somewhat shocked by Jason and Laura’s behavior, but as the days went by they too got to know each other a lot better. They realized that something special was going on with Jason and Laura for them to act this way. Diana got into doing the cooking and running the place, with Daniel her loving and willing assistant. They went into the small town nearby to pick up items for recipes that she wanted to try. They enjoyed the beach and the house together. They made out together by the fireplace, went for walks together, and marveled at the intense infatuation of Jason and Laura. It was a very pleasant and relaxing time, and all of the cares and concerns of the past few weeks were literally and figuratively washed away.

  On Thursday, Jason and Laura emerged dressed normally and wanted to do something with Daniel and Diana. “We didn’t mean to neglect you guys!” Laura said with a smile. “Today let’s do things together like we normally do.” The four had a fun day together exploring the area where their beach house was located and later visiting Fisherman’s Wharf in Monterey.

  On Friday, Jason was like his old self, with his familiar happy disposition. He told Daniel that he wanted to go off with him and play some basketball. Daniel said that there was a basketball hoop they could use at a nearby recreation center. After a vigorous game, Jason sat Daniel down and really leveled with him for the first time since he escaped from Angelo and Sal.

  He told Daniel the horrors of what he saw and endured in Angelo’s cavern. “The most telling and upsetting image still in my head was this large cardboard box filled with the used shoes of kids. Apparently Angelo had collected the shoes or sandals from every kid he had kidnapped, tortured, and killed. The way he looked me up and down, I knew he was looking forward to adding my beat up old red high top chucks to the collection!”

  Jason told Daniel how he felt an obligation to all of the weaker and poor kids who had no support structure. He was willing to undergo the torture and captivity he experienced just to avenge what was done to them, and to prevent Angelo from ever harming another kid. He told Daniel the complete horror story of his encounter with the man and how he and Nick were treated during their captivity. Jason had tears in his eyes by the end of his account. “I was touched by his evil in a way that I had never experienced before, Daniel! The things he did to Nick were even more frightening, especially knowing that I was next in line for the treatment! Ironically, by going in to save Nick, I nearly got him killed, because that pervert was so anxious to get to me!”

  Daniel was at first speechless. He had never seen Jason this vulnerable before. He went over to Jason, gave him a long embrace, and told him, “You are the bravest and most selfless person I have ever met! You have everything in the world that any teenager would ever want, yet you continue to sacrifice yourself to help others! Is this what your destiny is all about, Jason? Tell me why you do this? I don’t want to lose you, Jason! I don’t think that I am strong enough to handle it, if something ever happened to you! I want to remain your best friend but I don’t know if I am able to pay the price!”

  Jason regained his composure and replied, “Daniel, you are the best friend anyone ever could have! You are so loyal and dedicated to me, even when I do crazy things. But th
at’s the way I am, Daniel. You know that. You helped to start it, when you persuaded me to go after my kidnappers. I know I take chances, but isn’t that what life is all about? Not just surviving, but living for what is right. So maybe one day I will take a chance and lose! I sure hope not, and I rely on your advice and support, along with that of Joe Connor and others to prevent that from happening. But we have the power to do something positive in this world. Yes, you and me — the two of us —Hunter & Holmes, the unlikely teenaged detective team —we have to do it! You know I am right. So get over your doubts. Our purpose in life is to make a difference, Daniel!”

  “Well I understand what you are saying, Jason, but I wanted to make a difference through my music, not being a crusader. I help you with these cases because you are my best friend even though I am scared shitless about it most of the time!”

  “Come on, Daniel, that is a sell out. Are you going to move people by being safe and wishy-washy or by taking a chance and rallying for the weak and underserved?”

  “Everyone hates a pervert or a predator, Jason. But fighting criminals shouldn’t be the rationale for a musical career!”

  “Well, you may be right, Daniel, but remember what our friend Robert Fischer said about musicians of the past like Beethoven who used their talents to make political and social statements. If you have true talent, you should be using it for the greater good!”

  “You are so intense and sincere, Jason. Do you really think that people still want that in their music? Don’t most people just want escape from reality?”


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