Family Matters

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Family Matters Page 25

by Aiden Vaughan

  “Daniel, I think that most people don’t have any idea what they really want! Those who have the ability to innovate and lead have the power to set the agenda. So where do you stand?”

  “I stand with you, Jason! You know that. But you really test our friendship at times, and often that is very hard for me to deal with!”

  “One of the strongest elements of our friendship is our ability to tell each other the truth, no matter how difficult it may be to listen to. This is what you have always done with me, and I truly value that! It is very tough to do the brave thing, and you wouldn’t be honest with me if you always agreed with whatever I said, or proposed to do. But sometimes after weighing all the options, you have to take the difficult path, to go in pursuit of justice, regardless of how troublesome that road is. You know that was true after I was kidnapped, Daniel! You were the one who persuaded me!”

  “Very true, Jason. I did that to bring back my best friend, the carefree and kickback Jason Hunter! Whatever happened to him? Now you have become an avenging angel, taking risks and putting your life in danger again and again. Are you sure this is the road you want to take?”

  “Daniel, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and wonder how I have survived all of the adventures we have had. But with you, Laura, Eric, and our other friends at my side, I feel I have the strength to go on and the will to succeed! Please don’t deny me that. Without your support, I couldn’t go on any more!”

  “You are an amazing person, Jason. Everyone says that, and I sure know firsthand how true that is! But damn it, Jason, cut us some slack for a while. You scared the shit out of me with this last undercover adventure!”

  “Forgive me, my friend. I know I have tested you sorely, and pushed you to the limit at times. But look into your heart before you judge what we have done. Together we are an awesome team. And we will continue to be that team as long as we are needed. If we never do anything else, at least we can continue doing the good work of the Whatever Foundation. Will you stand with me at least that far?”

  “Of course I will, Jason. You know that, don’t you?”

  Jason put his arm around Daniel’s shoulder. “You are the brother that I never had, Daniel. Don’t ever forget that, and how much that means to me!”

  Daniel turned, shook his head and looked at Jason with a quizzical smile. “You are unbelievable, Jason! You just don’t fight fair! How could I ever say ‘no’ to you when you put things like that. Your friendship has been one of the best things of my entire life! But it does come at a price! Now what about Laura? For the first three days of our stay here, it was like the two of you were on your honeymoon! You two were blowing Diana’s and my minds with your passion and intensity. Where do you two go from there? How much more serious can any two people be about each other?”

  “Again, you are so perceptive and cut right to the main point of things, Daniel. Before we came on this trip I talked with Laura openly and truly about our feelings for each other. I told her that I was in real need of emotional and physical healing, and only she could provide that for me. I reminded her that we are only young teens with a lot more growing up to do, and that this experience would probably never be duplicated again. Laura said that she didn’t care! She told me that she has loved me for quite a long time now, and was more than willing to live for now. She said it would be the biggest thrill in her life up to now if she could help me heal. Daniel, how do you say no to that?”

  “Well obviously you don’t say no to that! Especially when you asked for it! But how do you deal with the consequences? You two were on such a high together, what happens when everything comes crashing down again in the cold light of reality? How do you return to normal everyday activities like going to high school?”

  “You know, Daniel, Laura brought that up with me, also. So I said, ‘why don’t we just tell everyone that we are going steady now?’ And she absolutely jumped with joy. I’m afraid that is why we were still in our own world on Wednesday!”

  “You dog, Jason! I can’t believe how you have everything so well covered in your life. But it just points out what a person of destiny you are!”

  “Come on, Daniel, you quickly forget about the day you had with Ethan Savage. If that wasn’t a day of destiny I sure don’t know what that is!”

  “Touché, my friend. You got me again! That’s why I am your best lifelong supporter, Jason. I just can’t win against you!”

  “Daniel, I wish you wouldn’t try to categorize the events of our lives as a win-loss situation. That’s not what our friendship is about, and that is not what our exploits are about! We have the power to really help people. So far it has been everyone from celebrities to an abused kid abandoned by his friends in a small town. Together we are a powerful team against injustice and those who would harm kids. Is there anything better in life that we could be doing, my friend?”

  “No, Jason, you are right again.”

  Jason put up the knuckles of his right hand, “Hunter & Holmes forever!” he said as they touched knuckles together. Jason then stood up and gave his best friend a long hug. “Daniel, you don’t understand how important you are to me! You are my brother! I couldn’t do what I do without you! Please forgive me if I have hurt or offended you in any way!”

  “You are forgiven, Jason! But can we at least have some quality time off for a while?”

  “That’s the number one thing on my agenda! Now let’s go and take care of a few shopping needs that we have.”

  “Shopping needs?” Daniel asked with a puzzled look on his face.

  “Yes, shopping needs. We need to get the girls something special for what they have done for us this week. Now you can’t tell me that Diana didn’t have a few things to say about the week’s events!”

  “Well, yes, she was quite blown away by what you and Laura were doing. I had to spend some time calming her down.”

  “Calming her down?” Jason replied. “Did you seize the opportunity that was presented to you, or are you two still unsure about each other? I even left you some protection!”

  “Thanks for thinking of me, Romeo! As far as Diana goes, a couple of weeks ago we realized that we were in love with each other. Since then we have been taking our time getting used to that idea, and deciding about our commitment to each other. Then we ended up being your caretakers for those days, and everything was contagious. So yes, we ended up making love to each other, and loving every minute of it!”

  “All right, Daniel!” Jason gave him a high-five. “I am so happy for you and Diana! So now it is even more important that we have our shopping trip. Let’s get in the car and go to town.”

  The two drove into Carmel and found a jewelry store. Jason bought a golden heart pendant for Laura and had a special message engraved inside. He also bought a beautiful necklace for Daniel to give Diana. “I owe you so much for helping me out, Daniel. Let me do this for you and Diana!”

  They then went into a gift store that sold tee shirts with local themes and slogans. Jason found a couple of print tee shirts that had an ocean scene on them, and bought them, one for him and one for Daniel. “Here Daniel, I want you to have this, and when you wear it, think of this special time in our lives. I know will do the same when I wear mine.”

  As they were driving home, purchases in tow, and basking in the thoughts of how the girls would react to their gifts, Daniel glanced over at Jason and said, “You know, in all of the heat of our conversation earlier, you said something very special to me, something that was very cool!”

  “What was that, Daniel?” Jason asked.

  “You said that I was your brother that you never had! I just realized what a sincere declaration of friendship that was! Thank you, Jason! Ever since our family moved out here, knowing you and having you for a friend has changed my life in so many ways! Sure you have put me through all kinds of highs and lows, but until I met you, Jason, I don’t think I really lived life! Now because of all the adventures we have had together, and the wonderful friends
I have made because of you, my life has never been more fulfilled! Even more important, we both have loving girl friends to complete our lives! Can things get any better than this, Jason?”

  “Who knows what the future will bring, my friend! Together we are an awesome team! And you are just starting to develop your true talents, as a leader and creator of exciting music for our generation! All I can say is, I think that things will continue to get higher and better in our lives! This week has done wonders for me, Daniel! I feel healed again, and I feel like the true Jason, your carefree and fun-loving friend, has now returned!”

  “That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time, Jason. Let’s take Dominic’s advice and have a fun-filled summer full of days at the beach, playing sports and games together, and no agenda other than a good time!”

  Chapter 33

  Going Steady

  (Friday and Saturday)

  Back at the beach house, Laura and Diana were relaxing in the living room, staring out at the beautiful ocean view, and planning what they were going to do this morning since Jason and Daniel had taken off to play basketball. They started by deciding to work on their appearance, hair, nails, and makeup. After four days of doing virtually nothing about it, they wanted to look their best for this evening. Earlier Jason had told them that they would be going out for a special dinner tonight to celebrate before the end of their vacation together.

  Laura and Diana had been close friends for many years now. With the events of the week fresh in their minds, they began to have a conversation about the changes in their lives and their love for Jason and Daniel, as they did their makeover.

  “For the first three days since we came here, you and Jason were in a world of your own!” Diana said. “Daniel and I were bystanders to this amazing display of love by the two of you!

  Laura was positively glowing as she talked about how her relationship with Jason had suddenly blossomed. “For the first time, Jason really confided to me about what goes through his head. For the first time, he expressed his love for me in a total commitment! He told me that he needed me to help him heal from the horrible mental scars and memories that he had from going undercover to rescue Nick. He told me that the circumstances of his life had forced him to grow up early. Now he needed to become a man to combat all of the evil that he experienced! I couldn’t believe how intense his passion was, Diana! His need for my love was so great, I was overwhelmed at first! I am sorry for neglecting you during those days, but we were in a special world and our love continued to go higher and higher. I felt at times like I was about to explode!

  “Gradually over those days, Jason told me about the horrors he saw and experienced in that cavern. He said he felt like a turkey the week before Thanksgiving, as that predator Angelo looked him over like he was a piece of meat. He told me how scared he was when that man had him tied up and gagged, how he had to act like a subservient little boy to just get the privilege of a drink of water or to go to the bathroom. He told me about how worried he was about Nick when he witnessed how that man would beat him on a regular basis and do everything he could to break down Nick’s will to survive! It made him sick to his stomach when he found Nick strapped down on a metal table, surrounded by saws and knives. And poor Nick! Jason said that his whole body was trembling with fear!

  “When Jason was finally able to escape his captivity by spraying the man in the eyes with some pepper spray, he then took a metal bar and beat him unconscious! He told me how shocked he was to discover that he was capable of such violence! Sure it was justified, but my carefree, kick back Jason now realized that he was capable of killing somebody! He told me ‘That would definitely haunt me for the rest of my life, even if it was a predator I killed in self defense!’

  “Telling me all of these inner fears and thoughts was difficult at first for Jason. But as we continued to express our strong love for each other, they just kept tumbling out, one after another! Then he would tell me how much my love for him was a healing power! ‘Laura,’ he said, ‘my love for you has been building up steadily over the past year but I was afraid to get too close to you because of the cases I was working on. The last thing in the world I wanted was for you to be endangered by your association with me! But if we are to be true lovers, we have to be able to confide our innermost thoughts and fears to each other!’

  “Diana, Jason has everything I could possibly want in a boy friend. He is intelligent, athletic, sensitive to the needs of others, fun to be with, passionate about life, courageous, and very connected to his family and friends. I love him so much! But I fear that his crusades as a Hunter & Holmes detective are going to continue to be a wedge driving our relationship apart!”

  “Have you talked to him about your fears?” Diana asked.

  “Oh yes, on a number of occasions. But my concerns just seem to go in one ear and out the other! He will respond by loading me up with reasons why he has to continue to be a crusader. You know he has dedicated that whole foundation to these causes.”

  “Nobody’s perfect, Laura, and maybe you have to accept that part of Jason that makes you uncomfortable along with all of the good things you like so much. He sure seems committed to you, Laura! You know that there would be a lot of girls going after him if you left him.”

  “And now he has said that we should tell people we are going steady!”

  “That is wonderful news, Laura! By making this new obligation to you, don’t you think that Jason will be more careful about getting into danger, especially when he knows how it concerns you?”

  “I sure hope so! After hearing what he went through on this last case I don’t think I could stand to see him take a chance like that again! What about you and Daniel? Don’t you have the same concerns for his safety when he goes off with Jason on one of these cases?”

  “We have talked about it several times, but Daniel seems to be the more cautious one on their team. I think he has the same concerns about Jason risking his life that you do, Laura. You have to understand that the two of them are inseparable friends at this point, and you will have to take that into consideration. I told you already about our picnic lunch where Daniel finally came to the realization that our relationship needs to be about love for each other, not music or other activities. Daniel is not as outgoing as Jason is in personal relationships, so this was a big step forward for him and for me! At last he was able to declare his love for me and ever since we have continued to grow closer!”

  “I am so happy for you, Diana!” Laura said warmly. “I think you two make a great couple! How far have you gone in your relationship?”

  “Thanks to you and Jason, we have gone all the way! Love making was pretty contagious here this week, you must admit. Plus Jason, bless his heart, left out a couple of condoms for Daniel.”

  “Jason really did organize this week for love! I told him to be sure and bring protection. You know, ‘no glove, no love!’ And that was the right thing to do. Jason was totally supportive. ‘I don’t think that we should be making babies at our age,’ he told me.”

  “Daniel hasn’t told me this in so many words, but I get the feeling that he wants to go steady also! He has a lot on his mind with his new band, and of course what he does with Jason. He seemed almost relieved when I told him that I loved him, and that’s what our relationship needed to be based on from now on! I must admit I do have some worries about the future. Daniel is a very talented musician and singer. When he is performing, he no longer is the shy boy who used to huddle with me and discuss music for hours at a time. As the lead singer and guitarist in a good popular band, he is going to be the target of every single girl in the audience when he performs!”

  “Boys!” Laura exclaimed. “Nothing but trouble and aggravation! And we have two of the best!”

  “I guess we have to live for today, and take things one step at a time,” Diana replied. “All I know is I am very happy right now! Now let’s work on our hair! Do you have a curling iron?”

  * * * * *

>   That evening, Jason, Laura, Daniel and Diana went to a little seafood restaurant on Fisherman’s Wharf and had a simple meal of fish and chips. It really didn’t matter what they had to eat, the four friends had stars in their eyes, love for each other in their hearts, and that warm feeling of companionship that only true friends have for each other. Diana and Laura looked like fashion models after their day of working on their hair, makeup, and nails. Jason was the charming host this evening, insisting that this dinner was his treat. After they had enjoyed their fish and chips, he clinked on his glass for everyone’s attention.

  “This dinner tonight is to celebrate some milestones in our lives,” he began. “I am the luckiest person in the world, to have you for friends!” Jason exclaimed. “Daniel, you are my best friend, an ever loyal comrade when need be, and someone who I can totally trust! Not only do I have the gift of your friendship, but you bring to us the gift of your music. Let’s give a toast to Daniel!” The girls raised their glasses, and then each of them gave him a kiss. Daniel smiled and turned a little red in the face from the attention.

  “Laura,” Jason continued, “you are the love of my life! This week you have truly helped me to heal from a horrible ordeal that had been weighing me down. Thanks to your love and companionship, I now feel free from that burden, and can resume my normal life, if there is such a thing for me any more! You look beautiful tonight, Laura, more radiant than any gem in a jewelry store!” Jason then took out a small wrapped box which he handed her. “I want you to have this, Laura, as a memento of this special week together.”

  Laura quickly unwrapped the box and opened the lid. Inside was a gold heart-shaped pendant on a golden chain. There was a tiny latch on the side of the heart. When she opened it, she saw that there was an engraved inscription inside, which said, “Your love makes me free.”

  “Jason! This is so thoughtful and exquisite! Please help me put it around my neck!” After Jason clipped the necklace on her, Laura turned around, put both arms around him, and gave him a passionate kiss. Daniel and Diana applauded.


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