Book Read Free

Family Matters

Page 28

by Aiden Vaughan

  “I was very lucky that Jason chose to be honorable about things,” Nicolo continued, “that he actually agreed to come to my recital and meet me.”

  “I did choose wisely, Nicolo. Those two boys helped save you from a horrible fate! But you were the one who made their friendship possible. Your talent as a musician and your open and engaging personality is what made them decide to get to know you and to help you out.”

  “Yes, Grandfather! I think that some of that Feraducci luck and bravado has been passed on to me. Despite your somewhat clumsy way of dealing with Jason and Daniel, you proved that you do care deeply for me. Our family ties continue to be strong despite our separation! By making it possible for me to meet Jason and Daniel, you have given me a very special gift that will live on for the rest of my life. Not a gift that represents power or money or the old way of doing things! But a gift that is one of the most precious of all gifts: true friendship. After I met Jason and Daniel, and we became friends, for the first time in my life I knew what it was like to be accepted by other people my age. For the first time I had friends who liked and respected me as a person, not just as a musical sideshow. For the first time I had friends who were willing to put their lives on the line for me! The fact that I am here today talking to you is testament to that! For that gift, Grandfather, I thank you with all my heart!”

  “Nicolo, I would rather die than allow one of our family members to be attacked or harmed! I no longer could live an honorable life if I allowed that to happen!”

  “Grandfather, I want you to know that the Feraducci family traditions of honor and respect will continue. Not in the way our family has done business these past generations, but in a new way that truly values the lives of others and does things for the greater good. I plan to spend my life sharing the gift of music that I have been blessed with! Just watching an audience of people enjoying the incredible power of music is worth more to me than all the treasures you have in the family vault! It is clear to me that this is my destiny in life!”

  Soon Enrico Feraducci got up to leave. “In many ways this has been a very happy occasion and in other ways a very sad occasion. I am happy to see that you have grown up to be an impressive young man with a brilliant future ahead for you. Your bravery and talents are indeed worthy of the Feraducci name. At the same time, I realize that the family traditions, honor, and ways of doing business that I have spent my entire life living by will die with me. Maybe that isn’t all bad.”

  “Grandfather, despite our different outlooks on life, we are still family! I will never forget that although our lives will travel on very different pathways, we are forever connected by blood and honor!”

  “Nicolo, I want you to know that I love you very much. The fact that you are safe and secure again makes me very happy. I can now live out my days in peace.” Enrico Feraducci then embraced his grandson in the traditional European manner and took his leave.

  * * * * *

  Later that day, Nick and Caterina hosted a birthday party at their San Matthias home. This was a coming out party for Nick: a celebration of his birthday, and a thank you to all of his friends for their support over the past month. Caterina went all out on the food for the occasion, serving barbequed chicken and ribs along with salads, chips and dips, and trays of chilled vegetables and fruits. Nick made a big deal about making sure that Daniel and his other bandmates, Tim and Eric were invited along with their girl friends. And of course Jason and Laura were guests of honor. A number of the adults who had assisted Nick during his times of trouble were invited. Not all of them could attend, but Nick was pleased that Jason’s parents Bill and Edith were there along with Dr. Agoura and his wife.

  As with all gatherings at Nick’s house, eventually there was entertainment. With this evening being such a special occasion, Nick did not disappoint. First he played Chopin’s Polonaise in A Major, the “Revolutionary”. He followed that with an abridged version of Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue. Everyone was enthralled with the performances. Despite his recent troubles and traumatic experiences, Nick’s talent was untouched and his music sounded better than ever. After the thunderous applause for his performance of the Gershwin, Nick stood up and addressed his audience.

  “Thank you for your warm applause, but more important thank you for coming tonight. Even though it has been only a month or so since I have met most of you, I feel that your friendship and support for me has been lifelong! You have warmly and graciously accepted me into your lives, but even more significant is how you have put your lives on the line for me. There is no greater gift that anyone could give me than that.

  “Becoming your friends has changed my life forever! Because of it I have been rescued from a near brush with death, discovered the meaning of true friendship, and examined my own personal direction in life. In the past week, I have had some serious discussions about this with my mother. I am pleased to announce some significant changes in my life.

  “In the near future, my mother and I will be moving to the Silicon Valley, and specifically to the neighborhood where most of you live! My mother, who is the best realtor I know, is working on purchasing a house there, and I plan to attend Merriam High School starting in the fall. You are all such wonderful friends that I want to spend as much time as possible with you while I can!

  “There are also important changes in my musical life. I am excited to tell Daniel, Eric, and Tim that I am now able to make a firm commitment to join your band and am looking forward to a long and productive musical collaboration together. Our very first performance as a band is coming up soon, and with all of the distractions of the past couple of weeks we haven’t been able to rehearse. I will continue to pursue my studies of piano literature, but at a more realistic pace for an active teenager. After all, what is the point of having good friends if you don’t have any time to spend enjoying their company!”

  With that, everyone broke into loud cheers and applause. “Now before I finish here, and we serve birthday cake and ice cream, I have a very special presentation for two extraordinary people! I am of course referring to Jason Hunter and Daniel Holmes. You put everything on the line for me, a gift that could never be repaid in materials things. Not only did you save my life, but you have inspired me to become a more outgoing and giving person. Now I have a very special gift for you, the gift of music! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the premiere of an exciting new composition dedicated to Jason and Daniel, the Hunter & Holmes Theme!”

  There was more excited applause as Nick seated himself back at the piano. The music started out with a pattern of accented syncopated chords that set a tone of drama and excitement. The harmony was minor and intense. A simple theme was introduced over the pattern, building to series of thunderous chords. Then a simple rock beat was established, repeating a basic riff four times. The soaring theme reappeared over the syncopated chord pattern again, this time building to a final fanfare ending with a rapidly ascending scale to an ending major chord. [Editor’s note: you can listen to the Hunter & Holmes Theme by going to any of the trailers for books in the series.]

  Again the crowd applauded enthusiastically. Jason and Daniel looked at each other and then gave each other knuckles. “Hunter & Holmes lives for another day!” Jason exclaimed. The two detectives went up to the piano to congratulate Nick. “That was awesome!” Jason said as he shook Nick’s hand. “I could really hear each of us represented in the music.”

  “I would really like to play this music on my guitar,” Daniel said. “If this is the kind of music you are going to come up with for our group, I can’t wait to hear more! Nick, you are a world class musician and a great friend. I am so happy that you are going to be part of the band!”

  With Nick back up to speed, and now a permanent part of the mix, Daniel’s band continued to make great musical strides as they prepared for their first performance and started to develop their own sound. The garden party performance was very successful. Everyone attending seemed pleased with the variety and selecti
on of music that Daniel had picked out for the performance.

  At their last rehearsal before their gig, Jason stopped by. He was carrying a cardboard box. “I have been happily watching and listening to the growth of this band. I think you guys are truly awesome performers! As your first publicist and promoter, I have been trying to think of an appropriate name for the band, and also trying to design a logo for you. I am pleased to show you my first effort in this regard! Check this out!”

  Jason opened the box and took out a set of tee shirts. “I thought long and hard about a formal name for the band. Daniel and I have a unique history with each of you. You are all very talented, stars in your own right, and you all like to wear All Stars! Of course I am referring to your chucks. You have all been through terrible ordeals in your lives, and you have all come through with flying colors! It is amazing when I think of how each of you has survived the most horrible adversity, were given another chance at a normal life, and became such loyal friends and productive members of our community! All of sudden it hit me! Tell me what you think, guys!”

  Jason opened up the box and took out a set of tee shirts that had been silk-screened with artwork that said “Daniel Holmes and the Second Chance All Stars”. Eric, Nick, Tim, and Daniel whistled and cheered when they saw the tee shirts. Eagerly they put them on.

  “Jason,” Daniel said with a big smile on his face, “I think we are going to keep you around!”

  Chapter 36

  The Gift


  The next morning, Jason had just gotten up, showered, dressed and gone to the kitchen for breakfast, when his father, Bill, told him that a package had arrived for him. When he opened it, inside was a beautiful jewel encrusted golden case, with a cover inlaid with gemstones depicting King Arthur pulling the sword from the stone. There was a card enclosed with the embossed initials “EF” that said: “Please accept this token of appreciation for the great service that you did for my family.” The card was unsigned but it was very clear that it was from Enrico Feraducci.

  “What was in the package?” Bill Hunter asked. Jason handed the jeweled case over to his father to examine. After examining the case, Bill told his son, “You must have really done something special to receive a gift like this. This case has to be worth at least $25,000! Would you like me to have it appraised for you?”

  “That won’t be necessary, Dad. I would prefer to put this to good use, rather than have it sit like a museum artifact in my room!”

  Later that morning, Jason called Eric on his cell phone and asked him if he could come over to Eric’s house. “Sure, Jason!” Eric said in an enthusiastic voice. “Come on over as soon as you can!”

  About fifteen minutes later, Jason rode his bike over to Eric’s house. After they exchanged greetings and some small talk about things, Eric said, “I can’t wait anymore to tell you the good news! Rebecca is not going to move away after all!”

  “That’s great, Eric!” Jason replied. “What exactly happened to change things?”

  “Rebecca’s father thought about all that he had put his family through, making them move around so many times. He talked to the chairman about his future with the company. It turned out that there was an even bigger position overseas that doesn’t come open for two more years. Rebecca’s father said that he would take on that position if he could stay in his current one for the next couple of years. Of course he will make trips out there to smooth over the transition, but it means that Rebecca will be able to stay here in the Silicon Valley through her high school graduation. I am so excited that she will be staying!”

  “That is great news, Eric! If I ever saw a case of love at first sight, it was you and Rebecca!”

  “Yeah, Jason, I don’t know what I would do without her! It’s funny, you and Daniel saved my life but Rebecca has made my life ever since. I know I would go crazy without her!”

  Jason asked Eric, “I know that this may seem totally unrelated, but weren’t you telling me that your church is trying to raise money to build a new sanctuary?”

  “Why yes, Jason. Ever since it was discovered that the church wouldn’t withstand a major earthquake, our parish has been trying to raise the money to pay for the retrofit. Every week now, Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Jorge have been contributing an extra amount in the weekly collection for the building fund. And I contributed money from the DCC check also.”

  “Let’s get on our bikes and ride over there, Eric. I would like to see the progress being made.”

  “Well sure, Jason. I didn’t know that you were interested in something like that, but I would be happy to show you!”

  The two boys got on their bikes and rode over to St. Cecilia’s church. The building had an interesting A frame type of outer structure and inside there were several cove-like areas where you could pray and light candles. One of the areas was devoted to the rebuilding project, and there was a poster showing what the church would look like when it was finished.

  “I really like St. Cecilia’s church because she is the patron saint of musicians,” Eric said. “Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Jorge have attended this church for years, and I like going with them because it makes me feel like family when we attend together.”

  “I think that is great, Eric. I’m so happy that you are part of our community now, and that you have adjusted so well to living here with your Aunt and Uncle. Do you think that your church’s building fund could benefit from the proceeds of selling this?” Jason took the jeweled case out of his backpack and showed it to Eric.

  Eric was a little stunned at the beauty and quality of the case. “Wow, Jason, this case must be worth a fortune! Where did you get it?”

  “It was a gift I received, Eric. But a gift that has some baggage and strings attached to it.”

  “What do you mean?” Eric asked.

  “Let’s just say that I would like to donate it to a worthy cause rather than keep it myself. Gifts like this can have a corrupting power. Instead I would like to see its value applied to something tangible that benefits the community. I think that this would be a perfect item to contribute to the church repair fund, Eric.” Jason then went up to the collection box, and placed the jeweled case inside with a note indicating that its sale should be used for the building fund.

  “That’s very generous of you, Jason. I know the building committee will appreciate any contribution that you can make.”

  “It’s my pleasure to help out. I would appreciate it if you would not tell anyone that it was me who gave the donation. I prefer to remain anonymous.”

  “Whatever you want, Jason. I can’t believe I saw you just give away thousands of dollars with no fanfare or presentation! This will give our fundraising drive a real boost!”

  “That was nothing, Eric. It makes me feel good to contribute that expensive bauble to a worthy cause. Now let me show you a true gift,” Jason continued. He got a plain white envelope out of his backpack. Inside it was a folded up piece of school notebook paper, white with blue lines on it, punched with three holes, and covered with writing on both sides. “This is a letter I just received from Ben Kessler, that kid from San Matthias who we found in Salvatore Butera’s basement when we were rescuing Nick.” He handed the letter to Eric.

  Eric opened up the folded piece of paper and read:

  Dear Jason,

  I have wanted to write you this letter ever since my rescue but it has been very hard for me to deal with even the simplest tasks. Dr. Agoura has been working with me nearly every day to help me recover from what was done to me. Today he sat down with me and helped me to focus my thoughts and write this down. He told me that you would understand.

  I still have nightmares about my captivity. Even now waves of fear shake through my body whenever I think of those awful days and what was done to me. By the time you found me, I had given up all hope of escape and was starting to pray for an easy death, anything to free me from the constant beatings and sexual abuse I received from my kidnappers. Sometimes I didn’t kn
ow what was worse, the pain and suffering they caused when they were with me or the boredom and loneliness of being left tied up and alone for long periods of time as a helpless prisoner.

  Then I heard your voice calling out, and the sounds of the rescue team. My prayers were answered, but not in the way I had expected. Suddenly I was free and I had my life back again! The happiness and joy I felt was overwhelming! I think I have to be one of the luckiest people on earth to have survived. I know that there were other kids who were not so lucky. I don’t know exactly why I was spared. Dr. Agoura says that I must have some special mission in life to fulfill, whatever that means.

  I do know that you are the bravest person I have ever met, Jason. To willingly allow yourself to be brought into that cave of hell was an act of incredible courage! You must have suffered a lot when that creep Angelo had you under his control! Even more amazing is how you were able to escape and fight back to catch him and the other kidnapper, Sal, who was so mean and abusive to me.

  Not only did you risk your life to save Nick, and then me, but your Whatever Foundation paid for all of my medical bills and is covering the cost of my meetings with Dr. Agoura. You have no idea what a relief that was for my parents. My mother cried tears of joy when that bill from the hospital came with a zero balance on it. Our family has been through so much lately, due to what happened to me, but now we are a whole family again, thanks to you!

  Jason, I hope we can meet face to face, when I am stronger and have had a chance to heal. I know that I would like to do something special to repay you for the sacrifice you made for Nick, myself, and the other kids those evil men had their eyes on. For now, it would be an honor for me to just spend some time with you and shake your hand.

  Your friend for life,


  Eric had tears in his eyes after reading the letter. “Boy, do I understand what Ben is going through! Please take me with you when you meet with this kid. We have so much in common! I would like to sit down with him for a while and tell him that he will make it through. I want him to know that his mind and body will heal, just like mine did!”


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