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Virgin Cowboy

Page 7

by Lacey Wolfe

  That definitely motivated her. They busied themselves cleaning up Long Necks. She tackled behind the counter, and he cleaned the area where everyone hung out. He mumbled several times about the mess. Peanuts were scattered on the floor and beer bottles had been left all over. She had to agree, not able to understand why folks just couldn’t place the bottles in the garbage bins.

  It took them about thirty minutes, but in that time, she caught him staring at her several times, which gave her butterflies. The man had no idea how sexy he was with his blue jeans and t-shirt. Tonight, he wore a ball cap instead of his usual cowboy hat. The cap looked good on him; she’d have to ask him to wear it once they were finally intimate.

  “So.” Braden set the mop against the wall. “On your day off this week, I’d like you and Anna to come over for dinner.”

  “Sure.” Sounded like a good idea to her. It wouldn’t be long before she’d tell Anna about her and Braden.

  “There is a catch.”

  She didn’t like the sound of his tone. “Okay...what is it?”

  “I’m going to invite my parents.”

  Parents? Were they even at that point yet? “Why?”

  He rubbed his forehead. “My family is a big part of my life, and I want my mom to see you’re good for me.”

  “Does she not like me?” Gail Carver was friendly with everyone. Courtney couldn’t believe there was a chance the woman disliked her.

  “It’s not that…”

  She crossed her arms. “Then what is it?”

  He groaned. “I don’t know how to explain it. She just isn’t sure you really like me.”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready to be at the ‘meet the parents’ stage.”

  “Please.” His gaze pleaded. “I’m not trying to push things, but if she can just see you’re wonderful and do like me, then she’ll get off my back.”

  It was hard for her to believe that Mrs. Carver had been giving Braden a hard time about her. What could she not like about me? She looked at Braden. This was important to him, so it was for her too. “Okay. But remember, I haven’t told Anna we’re seeing each other. I want to make sure we’re serious first.”

  “I understand.”

  “So make sure your mom understands that.”

  He took her in his arms. “She will be respectful. It’s just dinner among friends.”

  “So, can you cook?”

  He smirked. “I’m excellent at ordering take-out.”

  She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. This was already serious, even if she tried to pretend it wasn’t. Now that she’d taken the steps to being with Braden, she couldn’t see herself with anyone else.

  Chapter 11

  Braden trailed kisses down Courtney’s slender neck. She moaned and gripped his shoulder, pushing him back. He grinned, enjoying the fact she was on edge as much as he was. He yanked her back to him, pressing his mouth to hers again. She sighed, but melted into him.

  At first, he’d been upset that Courtney hadn’t brought Anna today for the meal with his parents, but now that he got some time alone with her, it had been a brilliant plan. Caressing her sides, he lifted her shirt.

  “Braden,” she whispered. “We can’t.”

  “Why not, sweetheart?”

  “Because your parents will be here very soon.”

  He groaned. “All right. You have a point.” He stepped back and adjusted his jeans. “Everything is ready.”

  She glanced around his half-clean place. He’d done the best he could to straighten it up. As long as no one went into his spare bedroom, he’d be okay.

  “I still wish you’d brought Anna.”

  She leaned against the wall, looking sexy as hell in the white blouse that was very conservative. He wanted to pop each button off then slide it off her creamy skin.

  “I wanted her to be here too, but I thought it was best she wasn’t since I haven’t told her yet that we’re seeing each other. And since your mother isn’t sure about me, I don’t want my daughter around that.”

  “I understand.” He stepped toward her.

  “Uh-uh. No more. You need to keep your distance.”

  “How come? Worried you’ll take me up on my offer to go to my bedroom?”

  She rolled her eyes just as the doorbell rang. “Saved by the bell.”

  “Saved?” He placed a hand over his heart.

  She winked then stood straight.

  He kissed her cheek. “They’re going to love you. Once my mom gets to know you, her doubts will fade away.”

  He let his parents in, his mom hugging him and his dad patting his shoulder.

  “It’s been a long time since we’ve been here.” His mom looked around with her inspector eyes.

  “I hope it’s okay.” Growing up, his mom complained that he and his dad were the messiest people she’d ever met.

  “It’s nice.” She put her hand out to Courtney. “I’m not sure we’ve ever really officially met. I’m Gail.”

  Courtney shook her hand. “Courtney Johnson.”

  His dad shook her hand as well. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  So far, this was going well. Braden rubbed his hands together. “Food is all ready if you’re hungry.”

  “I am.” His mom rubbed her belly. “What did you order?”

  “I got a bucket of chicken from the place you love, but won’t eat.”


  His mom hardly ever ate out. It was the way she’d been raised. You only dined out for special occasions. His parents didn’t understand this new generation that ate meals out several days a week, as well as lunch, and their coffee. To her, you made a pot of coffee and flavored it if you wanted.

  They took their seats at his small dining room table that was only big enough for four.

  “Where’s your daughter?” his mom asked.

  “I left her with the sitter. It’s a school night and I didn’t want her out late.”

  “I’m sure she’d want to be with you. How much time do the two of you get together?”

  “Mom.” Braden couldn’t believe his own mother was going to embarrass him. He was used to his siblings doing it, but this was new.

  “You’re right. She probably would rather me be home with her tonight, however, this was important to Braden. I felt it was important for me to be here and show you that I had time for your son.” Courtney placed a napkin on her lap.

  His mom smiled wide, which surprised him. “I’m still not sure about you, but you can certainly hold your own. If you stick around, I could see you fitting in just fine with this family.”

  Braden let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding and shared a glance with his father. He had no idea what direction this dinner was going to go, but his fiery redhead wasn’t going to be pushed around by his mother.

  * * * *

  “I’ll clean up. You sit and visit with your parents.” Courtney grabbed the plates they’d collected on the end of the table and escaped into the kitchen.

  She stood in front of the sink and closed her eyes. Gail Carver wasn’t the sweet woman the town claimed she was. She kept a smile on her face when she made comments like:

  Don’t you think it would have been good for your daughter had you tried to find the father?

  How long can you run a bar and raise a daughter? You need to be around for her, especially as she gets older. She’ll just get in trouble.

  Have you thought of another career choice?

  If you have a future with my son, are you going to be bringing babies to the bar? That isn’t a place for them.

  And Courtney had countered back several times wanting to know if Gail had issues with single mothers. That was the feeling she was getting. How could someone be so judgmental when they’d never known her?

  She turned the faucet on and filled the sink with hot, sudsy water.

  “Do you need help, dear?” Gail came up behind her.

  She turned the water off and turned around, no
t sure she had the strength to take any more from Braden’s mother. Thank God her father had raised her not to show emotion or really feel it. Because if she could admit how she really felt, she’d run out of this house with tears cascading down her cheeks.

  “No. I’m fine. I’m just going to let these soak a bit then load them in the dishwasher. I probably need to get home soon anyway to get Anna bathed and read her a bedtime story.”

  “They are only little for a while. In the blink of an eye she’ll be grown and you’ll regret this time away from her.”

  She took a deep breath. “Gail, I don’t choose to be away from her. I’d much rather spend my entire day with her. If life was perfect, I’d have a husband and I’d stay home and have several other children. But that isn’t the card I was dealt.” She paused, not sure she could handle much more of this woman who really seemed to have it out for her. “I had a lovely dinner with you and your husband. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be leaving now.”

  She brushed past the woman and found Braden sitting next to his father.

  “Mack, I’ve got to head home so I can see Anna before bed. It was nice meeting you. I hope we do this again soon.” Not.

  “It was a pleasure.” Mack’s expression told her he was embarrassed of his wife.

  Braden stood. “I’ll walk you out.”

  He took her hand and led her out the front door and down to her car. She leaned against the side, but before she could speak his mouth claimed hers. It wasn’t a gentle kiss at all as his tongue thrust in, almost in a claiming matter.

  It ended much too quickly. “I’m so sorry,” he said.

  She rubbed his shoulders. “Don’t be. She was just being a protective mama bear. I have no idea what it’s like to see your child date someone you don’t like.”

  He grunted. “I have no fucking clue why she doesn’t like you.”

  “I don’t either. It sounds to me like she isn’t pleased with me being a single mom. Or that I own a bar. I have no idea.”

  “Please don’t let her scare you away.” He took her hands into his and squeezed. “I’ve admired you a long time. I don’t want this to end because of her. I couldn’t care less if she likes you or not. I care about you and Anna. I’m here for you both.”

  Her eyes moistened. Tears? And they were happy. This man was taking away the years of training her father had given her. Maybe that was a good thing. She kind of enjoyed feeling things like this, because her heart was open and warmed by this sexy cowboy.

  “I know you are,” she said. “I have tomorrow night off too. How about you come over, I’ll cook you a meal, and we can tell Anna we’re seeing each other.”

  “Now I’m nervous. What if Anna rejects me?”

  “She won’t. She thinks you could walk on water.”

  “I have a secret.” He leaned close. “I can.”

  She playfully hit him. “Go enjoy your time with your parents. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  One last kiss and then she opened her vehicle door and climbed in. Braden stood on the porch as she backed out and turned around to head down the dirt road away from his place.

  Tears trailed down her cheeks. Only this time, she released the pain of his mother’s dislike for her. It was hard for her to believe that someone who’d never met her until tonight had such a dislike for her.

  Too bad for Gail Carver, Courtney wasn’t one to easily back down what she wanted someone. And she wanted Braden—the younger, sexy cowboy who’d admired her from afar for years. No longer, if she had her way. Tomorrow night she’d show Braden just how magical love could be between two people.

  Chapter 12

  Braden entered his house after he watched Courtney drive away. He found his mom carrying out three mugs and his coffee kettle.

  “I hope you don’t mind I brewed some coffee.”

  “You can take yours to go.” He crossed his arms and squared his shoulders.

  “How come?” His mom looked surprised. “I thought we’d chat for a bit.”

  “No. I don’t want to talk to you at all. You were rude to Courtney. It was uncalled for. I arranged this so you could get to know her and see how wonderful she is.”

  She poured coffee in her mug anyway. “I just want to see how serious she is. I like her, okay.”

  “If you like her, you have a funny way of showing it,” he snapped.

  “Watch your tone with your mother,” his father said and grabbed a mug his mom had poured. “Gail, I don’t agree with the way you spoke to that girl either.”

  She huffed. “If she’s serious about you, then I won’t scare her away.”

  “You didn’t do that to Lauren or Angie. Why Courtney?”

  She set her mug down. “Because you’ve been after her for years and she’s ignored you. If it was love, she would’ve loved you from the beginning.”

  “She’s been busy raising a daughter on her own.”

  “Are you prepared to have an instant family?”

  His eyes widened, and he looked at his dad for help.

  “She has a point. You can’t play around if you’re not willing to be a potential father for her daughter.”

  He clenched his fists. “When have I ever been one to run around this town and plant my seed all over?”

  “Braden.” His mom gave him a stern glance.

  “No, it’s true. I’ve hardly dated anyone. I finally like someone and she likes me, and you can’t be supportive.” He took a deep breath and when he released it, he said, “Now please, take your coffee to go. I’ll get my mugs Sunday—if I decide to come.”

  His mom stood with an expression he couldn’t read. “I hope this girl doesn’t tear this family apart.”

  “Gail,” his father said. “Drop it.”

  His mother hugged him, and he only halfway embraced her. “I’m sorry. One day you’ll have children and you’ll understand.”

  He bit his tongue, wanting to tell her if she was lucky she’d have a part of his life. “Excuse my manners, but you guys can show yourselves out.”

  Once they were gone, he slumped down in a chair at his dining room table. His brothers’ advice on this dinner had been shit. The whole situation was worse now. Courtney had left with her feelings hurt and his mom thought she’d done nothing wrong.

  Courtney thought his family was perfect. Ha. At this point, he was ready to find an apartment in town and say ‘screw the ranch’. Let his mother’s favorite son, Tucker, deal with the ranch.

  A light knock sounded through the eerily quiet house. He crossed the small home, hoping it was Courtney and she’d come back—hopefully not to break up with him.

  Melissa stood on the porch. As he swung the door open, she said, “What the hell happened? I’ve never seen Mom so upset.”

  “Come on in. There’s fresh coffee.”

  She entered and he led her back toward the dining room that still held leftovers from his dinner. Melissa reached in the chicken bucket and plopped down. “So… it didn’t go well, I take it.”

  He shook his head and grabbed another piece of chicken for himself and set it on a napkin. “No. Mom was wrong.”

  “What did she do?”

  “The real question is, what did she not do? She was rude. And she let her dislike for Courtney be known. Then afterward she had the nerve to tell me that she likes Courtney and just wants to make sure she’s in this for the long run.” He stabbed his fork into the meat. “Has she said anything to you?”

  “No. She was really upset tonight. She was crying.”

  Oh fuck, he’d made his mom cry. “You wouldn’t have recognized her tonight. She was condescending.”

  “I’m sorry.” His sister licked her fingers.

  “Do you eat like that in front of your dates?”

  “Damn straight.” She winked.

  “All I can say is, if Mom can’t get past her dislike for Courtney, then I won’t be around as much.”

  “Don’t be hasty. You don’t even know if things are going to work out w
ith her, don’t jeopardize your family relationship because of it.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I feel strongly for her. I just wish I had the support of my family. I sure as hell am not worried about jeopardizing anything.”

  She nodded and scrunched her nose. “Okay, I can see what you’re saying. I hate this.”

  “Me too.”

  “I wonder what Mom’s problem is.”

  “I have no idea.” He leaned back in his chair. “But if she doesn’t stop, I’ll be moving off the ranch.”

  Melissa grabbed his wrist. “Don’t you dare. We will fix this. In time, Mom will see Courtney is right for you.”

  “I hope. Even if I don’t marry her, she still shouldn’t have been so rude.” He ran a hand through his hair “Besides, Mom’s plan didn’t work. She might have been rude to Court, but now she’s having me over for dinner tomorrow night and she’s going to tell Anna we’re dating.”

  His sister grinned. “That’s big.”

  He agreed. If things went his way, he’d soon show Courtney just how much she meant to him.

  * * * *

  Braden would be there soon, and this was a big evening for them. They were going to tell Anna about their relationship. When Anna was fast asleep, Courtney planned to lure Braden back to her bedroom. She couldn’t wait much longer. She was ready to take things to the next level.

  Her cellphone rang in the living room. Crap, hopefully Braden wasn’t calling to cancel. She jogged across the house to find Anna on the phone.

  “Who is it?”

  “Papa.” Anna smiled wide as she walked around with a hand on her hip, gabbing.

  Courtney wasn’t so sure talking with her dad right now was a good thing. “Let mommy talk. We have company coming, remember?”

  “Oh, yeah. Papa, I need to go. Mommy has a boy coming over tonight for dinner with us.”

  She sighed. Her daughter would be a gossip queen for sure. Courtney took the phone from her. “Hey, Dad. How are you?”

  “Who is this boy my granddaughter is speaking of?”

  She resisted the urge to groan. “Braden Carver.” She left the room for some privacy. “We’ve just started to see one another. We’re telling Anna tonight.”


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