Last Night

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Last Night Page 1

by Jade Winters

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  ‘Tell me something, Jess.’ An alcohol-fuelled smirk curved David’s lips. ‘Is munching minge OK for vegetarians?’ he said loudly from the bar stool.

  Jess had lost count of how many digs David had made at her once he’d had too many beers and lost any sense of decency and decorum, but none had been as personal as that or as attention grabbing. She could feel four sets of eyes burning into her as her friends waited for her response. The rest of the bar had fallen silent.

  Thanks for the backup girls.

  Not one to be rushed, Jess took a long sip of beer and deliberately took her time, swirling the bitter liquid around her mouth before placing her glass dead centre on its mat. She fixed a hard gaze on David’s slightly swimming eyes and said matter-of-factly, ‘It’s fine.’ She paused for a second or two. ‘Much better than nibbling on some dried up old nuts.’

  Muffled laughter sounded around the room as David glared angrily at her, his face turning beetroot. He stood, doing his impression of a Weeble, took a final swallow of beer, and slammed the empty glass down on the bar. ‘Brainwashed is all I can say. You lot and the fucking media trying to make—’

  ‘Enough, Dad!’ Angel, the bartender, yelled, reaching over the bar to grab his sleeve. Even though it was a woman-only club, Angel made allowances for her widowed dad when it was less busy. ‘People are trying to chill, they don’t need your crap.’

  Especially on a Sunday, Jess wanted to add. It was the last drinking day before they got back on the dreaded work treadmill for God’s sake, and her friends wanted to make the most of it.

  Fortunately for Jess, she had no reason to hate Mondays, let alone the rest of the week. Unlike her friends, she had no deadlines, no contracts and most importantly, no boss. They envied her lifestyle of course, but she always reminded them that their exuberant wages more than made up for her personal freedom in spades. Normally that consoled them somewhat. Jess made a living as a personal trainer and although she knew she could make more by increasing her workload or pitching for fancy, loaded clients, she was more than happy to just be getting by.

  Possessions and material stuff had no interest for her.

  The talk resumed once David made a hasty retreat to Angel’s flat above the bar.

  Kristin, the eldest of her friends at thirty-five, was complaining about the lack of talent on Tinder for women her age.

  ‘I’m old enough to be their bloody mother.’ Kirstin drained the last dregs of her Jack Daniels and Coke and signalled for Angel to bring another round of drinks.

  ‘So what? Surely experience counts for something in the sack?’ Maxine was the group’s most optimistic member. She always turned a negative into a positive. Even when she found out her girlfriend of two years had been cheating on her consistently, Maxine had put it down to Mel having a free spirit and the need to spread her love to the many. No one else in their group shared her sentiment but if that’s what got her through the day, what right did Jess have to say any different?

  Kristin looked over at her with a puzzled expression. It was obvious she wasn’t buying Maxine’s twist on things. ‘And what about the fact that my body has gone to pot? You think some hot young chick is gonna find my “experience” a turn on when they have to literally lift my tits up to have a suck—’

  ‘Whoa! Too much information there,’ Dash said, covering her ears with her hands. ‘That is so gross. How the hell am I going to get that image out of my mind?’

  Jess laughed. Dash was one of the sweetest, kindest women she had ever met. And they agreed on just about everything. Apart from sex. Dash hated the thought of it with a passion. Not that there was any reason. There were no bad experiences. She hadn’t had a string of unsatisfactory lovers. The fact was, Dash had never had sex with a woman before. Or a man. Or anyone in between for that matter. It was just the thought of sharing bodily fluids that repulsed her to the core. Jess on the other hand loved it! Nothing turned her on more than the sticky evidence of another woman’s excitement.

  ‘Oh, get over yourself, Dash,’ Kristin scoffed. ‘If you’d actually had experience of having sex—’

  ‘Oh, gawd, not that old chestnut again.’ Dash shook her head. ‘I don’t need to have sex to know I’m not missing anything. Look at you lot. If it’s that great, why don’t you ever do anything but moan?’

  Kristin visibly cringed and Maxine stepped in as peacemaker. ‘Kris isn’t moaning about sex, Dash, she’s merely talking about the lack of it. Which I can attest to I’m afraid.’

  ‘I think I need to find some new friends to hang out with,’ Dash muttered to herself. ‘Or at least women whose brains aren’t fixated on getting a shag.’

  Jess nudged Dash with her shoulder and grinned. ‘Where would the fun be in that?’

  Angel brought the drinks over to the table and there was silence as she handed them out.

  ‘Cheers,’ Jess said, nodding in thanks for the beer.

  ‘No worries, these are on the house for my dad’s behaviour,’ Angel said as she turned away to serve the customer that had just walked in.

  ‘Guys, I think Dash has a valid point,’ Maxine said thoughtfully. ‘I mean to be fair, it is quite excluding to talk about a topic Dash has zero interest in.’

  Dash flashed Maxine an appreciative grin. ‘At least someone gets it.’

  ‘OK,’ Jess said. ‘What do you suggest we talk about? Work?’

  Kristin groaned. ‘That is one subject I don’t even want to think about until I have to. I have enough of that six days a week.’


  ‘Boring,’ Maxine said pulling her face.

  ‘OK, does anyone know any gossip?’ Jess said, clutching at straws. Apart from work and sex there really wasn’t much else going on in her life.

  ‘What about lesbian films?’ Dash said with enthusiasm.

  ‘OK, cool,’ Jess said lifting her glass to toast that idea. Films were interesting. Not that she had been to the cinema in an age but if it meant Dash felt included, films it was. ‘So which films have you seen lately?’

  Dash fidgeted in her seat. ‘Me? I… I.’

  Kristin let out a frustrated sigh. ‘This is bloody ridiculous. Movies have sod all to do with my life or the problem I’m facing now. I want to get laid goddammit!’

  ‘And you will,’ Jess said. She sympathised. There had been many times when she had felt the same, especially considering her penchant for sex.

  ‘Oh yeah of course you’d say that. You don’t have any problems when it comes to women.’

  ‘You’re so wholesome, even vegans can eat you,’ Maxine said to Jess in a voice so loud everyone around them turned to look.

  ‘I’d eat her any time.’ A woman with a mop of frizzy red hair from the next table winked at Jess, getting a resounding cheer of approval from her friends, but Jess just laughed.

  She had no intention of being eaten by anyone today. After leaving the bar, she would head home. Sometimes, especially on Sundays, she just liked having her space to herself. And that included her bed.

  Across from her, the large mirror on the wall attested to her good looks. Her tousled, dark blonde hair was pinned up in a messy ponytail. With tresses down to her shoulders, it was her usual method of keeping it out of her face. The added bonus was that it made her glacial blue eyes even more prominent and appealing to so many women who loved nothing more than to gaze into them.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Jess spotted a regular taking a sip of beer before turning away from the bar. It was a well-known fact that Lefty’s scrawny frame couldn’
t handle a lot of alcohol. On her way to the table adjacent to Jess’, Lefty’s foot caught on a bar stool leg and she staggered ahead with great velocity, almost spilling her drink over Jess and losing the glass which shattered on the floor.

  ‘Oh God, I am so sorry, Jess,’ Lefty muttered as she tried to find her footing. ‘I tr-tri… I fell over that chair, I think.’

  Jess helped her up, waving her hand at Kristin who looked like she was about to give Lefty a piece of her mind for being so clumsy. Jess mouthed, ‘Leave it’ and helped Lefty out of the way of the glass shards.

  ‘Angel! Can I get a mop and bucket, please?’ Jess called over her shoulder. ‘Don’t worry. I’ll take care of this, Lefty.’

  ‘I am so sorry. Must have lost my… m-my footing, my balance,’ Lefty rambled on as Jess propped her up on her arm and led her to an empty seat.

  ‘Are you for real, gorgeous?’ The redhead was by Jess’ side in an instant.

  She was clearly well off. The expensive trainers she wore and the gold watch on her wrist attested to that. Jess would have acknowledged the brands if she could, but that sort of crass flaunting of money was one of her biggest turn-offs. To her they were trainers and a watch, and her cheaper ones might not scream ‘I’m rich’ but they did the job for her.

  ‘How can you be so laid back after someone almost spills a pint on you? Look at you. Sweet as honey and sexy as fuck even if you are on your knees mopping up beer,’ she said. Jess couldn’t help but notice the woman’s rapt attention on her erect nipples caused by the scare of the near miss.

  Jess enjoyed the crudely expressed compliments as much as any woman would, but she’d had more forgettable one-night stands than she cared to remember. What she craved now was a woman who could make her insides melt.

  She looked beyond the woman trying to clumsily pick her up and spotted another woman, dressed in a skimpy dress, sitting alone at a table.

  Someone like her!


  Hannah watched the scene playing out a few feet away with interest.

  Cat and mouse games in bars always amused her. What was so intriguing about this situation was the relentless way the red-headed woman seemed intent on claiming her prize, despite it being quite obvious the admittedly cute blonde had no interest in her. Would the blonde relent in the end? Or would the other woman simply give up? Hannah absent-mindedly lifted her drink to her lips and it took her a few seconds to realise the glass was empty. Damn. She quickly flicked her eyes around the room to see if anyone had noticed her faux pas. Luckily it seemed as though no one had. Now she had a dilemma. If she went to the bar she would miss out on the outcome, but what was the alternative? Sit there stone cold sober on her birthday? No way. She needed the Dutch courage if she was going to go through with her plan: To have a one-night stand so she could tick it off her bucket list, and what better night to do that than on her birthday?

  She rose from her chair at the corner table beyond the reach of the pub lights, and strode towards the bar, stepping lightly over the patch of wet floor the blonde was still mopping up. The blonde woman paused for a moment to let her pass, and their gazes locked. The jolt of excitement that coursed through her veins took Hannah by complete surprise, so much so that she found it difficult to tear her gaze away from her stunningly blue eyes.

  ‘Another wine, please,’ Hannah said, forcing the look of pure lust off her face with a smile. She was dumbstruck by the blonde woman’s good looks. From afar she had looked attractive but close up… she was breathtaking and her eyes… Oh my God her eyes. Her mind’s eye pictured the woman naked, entwined between her legs, breathy and sweaty... oh, shit!

  Hannah knew instinctively she was the one.

  ‘Coming right up,’ the bartender said, interrupting Hannah’s thoughts, dragging her back to the present. She hadn’t noticed Hannah’s perturbed state and had turned away to fetch her drink. Hannah felt the prickle of excited heat on the back of her neck, beneath her auburn locks.

  ‘Thank you.’ Hannah glanced sideways and caught the blonde woman staring at her. Biting her lip, Hannah reluctantly turned away wondering if the woman had felt the same explosive spark inside that she did.

  ‘All done, Angel,’ the blonde said. A moment later she stood beside Hannah.

  ‘Thanks, Jess,’ Angel replied, taking the mop from her over the bar after depositing Hannah’s drink.

  Jess! Her name’s Jess.

  ‘All part of the service.’ Jess turned to Hannah and flashed her a killer smile that made her legs feel weak. Something about Jess was intimidating yet sensual at the same time. Like she knew what she wanted and was homing in on her prey right then. Hannah felt like a small furry creature being eyed greedily by a predator, caught, not knowing whether to run or hide.

  ‘While I’m at it, is there anything I can do for you?’ Jess said confidently, although Hannah thought she caught a slight tremor in her voice.

  Is she as nervous as I am but trying to hide it?

  For the first time in a long while, Hannah felt timid.

  Can I really go through with this?

  All of her friends had said a one-night stand was easy.

  Find someone attractive.

  If they’re a good kisser they’ll be great in bed.

  Go back to their place.

  Have multiple, mind-blowing orgasms.

  And the number one ‘protocol’? Leave before the sleeping partner awoke.

  Not to do so would be, well awkward.

  She had never had a one-night stand in her life, having to find other ways to satisfy her seemingly endless appetite for sex in other, more creative ways when she wasn’t in a relationship. Like now.

  Hannah sucked in a heavy breath to steady her voice. ‘Um, no, I don’t think so but thanks for asking.’

  ‘Ah, you don’t think?’ Jess said, scanning Hannah’s face. ‘Which means you’re not a hundred percent sure.’

  When she felt backed into a corner Hannah did what came naturally. She pushed back. ‘OK, no there isn’t anything you can do for me. Is that simple enough?’ It’s what she did at work and what made her so successful. She had never felt that way in a situation like this though. And why was she trying to push this gorgeous woman away?

  ‘Yeah, clear as daylight. Pity though.’

  ‘For who?’

  ‘Me, obviously.’ Jess took a step closer and looked directly into Hannah’s eyes. ‘And you too. I don’t take knock-backs too well.’ She allowed the corners of her mouth to rise.

  ‘Well it’s a good thing it doesn’t happen to you too often then isn’t it?’

  Jess’s eyebrows darted up at her response. ‘And how would you know that? Were you listening to our conversation?’

  ‘I… I…’ Hannah panicked, trying, and failing, not to look at the low-cut neck of Jess’ white vest. There was enough cleavage to suggest a perfect pair of breasts lay hidden beneath the flimsy material. ‘I don’t… it’s just…’

  ‘You are so busted,’ Jess said, a smile teasing the corner of her lips. ‘I’m just kidding. Look, do you mind if I join you for a drink? My friends are leaving in a minute and I don’t fancy going home yet.’ Jess glanced over at her friends who, Hannah saw, were all watching the situation intently, broad grins on their faces, and full glasses in front of them.

  ‘But they’ve still got their drinks,’ Hannah said innocently as she followed Jess’s gaze to her group of friends. Jess wasn’t as subtle as she thought she was being. Hannah knew exactly what was going down. The game was on!

  ‘Their drinks? Oh yeah, but um—’

  Angel placed a fresh drink in front of Jess at the bar and she nodded her thanks.

  Hannah’s confidence started to return in spades. She had this one in the bag. ‘If you want to join me that badly—’

  ‘I do.’

  Their last words hung in the air between them as they walked back to Hannah’s table. Reaching it, Jess pulled out a chair for her.

  ‘Thank you. I’m Ha
nnah by the way. So, what would you like to do … or talk about?’ Hannah said with a tilt of her head.

  ‘I’m Jess—’

  ‘I know,’ interrupted Hannah, ‘and before you ask, I heard the woman at the bar talking to you. Sorry you were going to say…’

  ‘I was going to say, that depends.’ Jess took a seat opposite.


  ‘You,’ Jess murmured, nervously peeling the label off the bottle with her slender fingers.

  When her tongue unexpectedly darted out to skim her bottom lip, Hannah’s stomach flipped. She wanted nothing more than to loosen the band from Jess’ hair and watch it slowly cascade down her shoulders.

  ‘Me?’ Hannah could barely get the word out as her heart was hammering hard against her chest. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to bunch Jess’ hair in her fists while Jess’ head was between her legs. Then bury her face in her soft tresses and inhale her scent. To feel it flit across her naked breasts…

  ‘Yes, you.’ Jess’s voice was thick and raw.

  There was no point in holding back as Hannah could no longer ignore the growing throb between her legs.

  Besides, it would be midnight in an hour. If Cinderella was going to the birthday ball it was almost too late for her not to jump at the chance to sleep with Jess. Especially when Jess was blatantly offering sex on a plate. What made the whole thought more exciting was that Jess would have been the one she chose. She was no last-minute substitute. But time was getting on.

  ‘Why don’t we stop talking in riddles, Jess.’ Hannah propped her elbows on the table, rested her chin on her open palm and said in the most seductive voice she could conjure. ‘You want to fuck me. I want to be fucked. The only question is: Your place or mine?’ Several glasses of wine had loosened Hannah’s tongue. She would never be that to-the-point normally.

  Jess’s chest heaved visibly at her words, the mounds of her breasts begging to be released from the confinement of the top she wore.

  Hannah was determined to be the one to do it.



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