Last Night

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Last Night Page 2

by Jade Winters

  Jess didn’t seem too bothered about leaving her beer behind. She was on her feet in a flash, accepting Hannah’s hand to lead her out of the bar without as much as a wave goodbye to her friends.

  Hannah couldn’t help but wonder why each of them had such different looks on their faces, somewhere between jealousy and joy with a side order of disgust from one of them. Maybe she would ask Jess about that later, but it would have to wait.


  Even the pouring rain outside did not deter the two women as they hurried to flag down a taxi. The rain quickly soaked Hannah’s shirt, causing her nipples to harden and strain against the material. Jess felt her centre tingle as she imagined her mouth clamped over them. Sucking… licking… teasing. Unable to contain herself, she motioned for the slow-moving taxi to hurry.

  ‘Where we heading?’ The balding taxi driver asked as they settled onto the back seat.

  ‘129 Avery Road, please.’

  The sexual tension between them was thick in the air as Hannah pushed back her moist hair and moved closer to Jess’ side, brushing her lips over her ear. ‘Touch me.’ Hannah whispered hoarsely.

  Jess’ gaze dropped to Hannah’s exposed cleavage then back up to her perfectly shaped mouth.

  ‘What, now?’ Jess said in a hushed whisper.

  Hannah pressed her breasts hard against Jess’ chest. ‘You scared?’

  ‘I’m scared of nothing,’ Jess said, trying to ignore the heat creeping up her neck.

  Hannah’s lips parted slightly. ‘Prove it.’

  Every nerve ending in Jess’ body fired up as she pulled Hannah into an embrace. Her hand fell to Hannah’s lap and she inched her fingers along her leg to the top of her thighs. Jess had to fight the urge to let out the moan caught in her throat when she felt Hannah’s wet underwear.

  She had never felt so aroused just by touching someone before.

  Jess could see the driver watching them through his rear-view mirror as he manoeuvred the taxi in and out of traffic, but she didn’t care. As long as her hands were on Hannah, the world could be watching with a giant tub of popcorn. Their lips, still wet from the rain, only added to the succulence of their kisses as their mouths crashed together, driving Jess into a sexual frenzy.

  Jess only realised they’d reached her apartment when the taxi driver announced, ‘Eighteen quid please.’

  ‘Jesus Christ!’ Jess exclaimed in amazement as she reluctantly released Hannah. ‘Eighteen quid for a five-minute journey, and we put a show on for you?’

  The driver shrugged, but Hannah didn’t hesitate to toss him a fifty-pound note. ‘Keep the change.’

  Jess gawked at Hannah as she nonchalantly exited the taxi. She looked at the driver, baring a huge row of white teeth at the windfall. He grinned and flashed the note at Jess and said, ‘One bit of advice – take your time!’

  Jess rolled her eyes before she jumped from the open door into the downpour where Hannah waited for her. Hannah’s make-up was smudging, making her look even more wayward. Her auburn hair snaked over her shoulders to the middle of her back as she moved away from the sharp illumination of the street lamp.

  Jess wondered if her own makeup was in a similar state, but the memory of the clinch in the taxi soon took her mind off such mundanities.

  ‘So, this is where you live? Impressive,’ Hannah said, looking up at the glass-fronted building.

  ‘Thanks,’ Jess said, fumbling with her key like a nervous first-timer. ‘Up one flight to the lift.’

  Jess stared at Hannah’s shapely rear as she swung rhythmically, like a sexual pendulum hypnotising her, up the staircase, the back of her skirt folding under the bend of her buttocks.

  ‘Oh, God she’s soooo hot,’ Jess muttered to herself before she headed up after her.

  In the lift, any attempt at conversation was cut short as Hannah pressed up against Jess like she would never let her go, crushing her back against the cold metal of the lift’s wall. Her hand found Jess’ jaw and gently tilted her head back as Hannah locked her lips over hers while her free hand dragged across the small of her back, nails first, until Jess groaned. Hannah’s perfume enthralled Jess as she kissed her neck, pushing herself hard against her hip in an attempt to soothe the aching throb there.

  They wasted no time getting into Jess’ apartment. Barely waiting until the door closed behind them, Jess began to undress Hannah as they stumbled along the hallway. As thunder clapped in the sky above, Jess guided Hannah into her bedroom. Shoving her up against the wall, she pulled off her dress in one smooth peel and immediately sank her face into her wet cleavage.

  ‘Oh God, yes,’ Hannah whispered to the clatter of the rain, digging her nails into Jess’ back again, pulling her closer. Jess’ hands ran down the back of Hannah’s thighs to gently pull down her hold-up stockings. Hannah kicked off her heels, allowing Jess to remove her stockings, while she leant back against the wall, eyes closed and head tossed back, rocking gently from side to side. While on her knees Jess tore off her own shirt, eager to feel Hannah’s warm skin against her own.

  Jess ran her tongue over Hannah’s thighs, just close enough to her knickers to let her feel her warm breath on her centre. Hannah moaned aloud at this, her hands clasped at Jess’ head to guide her closer. Jess took the hint. Her mouth enveloped the triangle of red silk as she chewed lightly, sending her into a trance of ecstasy. Expertly, Hannah drew her left leg aside and Jess wasted no time at the invitation. Her hand slid up under Hannah’s camisole and found her breast and straining nipple as her other hand pulled her knickers to one side, revealing the pink, sodden cleft beyond.

  Hannah drew Jess’ head closer as she flicked the tip of her tongue against the soft skin of Hannah’s vulva, breathing her in. Jess knew it was time to drive Hannah crazy. Suddenly she pried the lips of her pussy apart and lapped her tongue hard on Hannah’s clit.

  ‘Oh my God, yes!’ Hannah wailed, her breaths gasping, hard and deep. ‘I want to feel you inside me. I w-want you… in-side me…’ she moaned.

  Jess obliged at once. Getting to her feet, she kept her gaze on Hannah’s face, distorted in desperate lust. She pulled Hannah’s camisole over her head and slung it carelessly on the floor. With one swift movement, she forced Hannah’s thighs apart as she kissed her passionately. Her nipples were rock hard against Jess’ skin.

  Jess’ fingers found their way inside, but Jess held her them at the entrance for a few seconds until Hannah hissed like a snake.

  ‘Fuck me,’ she grunted. ‘Fuck me now.’

  Her breathing quickened when Jess’ fingers entered just a little deeper.

  ‘Stop teasing! Do you want me to beg?’ Hannah’s voice was mere lust-filled whispers.

  Jess thrust her fingers forward until she filled her completely. Hannah cried out with pleasure, a little smile creeping across her face as she caught her breath. Jess’ lips locked over her nipple and she suckled hard as her fingers pounded her.

  Hannah clung to her, thrusting herself hard against Jess’ fingers. Jess felt Hannah’s body writhing with desire at every thrust.

  Hannah wailed at the sensation.

  ‘You like that?’ Jess said panting herself now.

  ‘Yes! Yes! Don’t stop. Don’t stop!’ Hannah begged as her legs buckled beneath her. Jess cried out from the delectable sensation of her hot wetness.

  Another close by clap of thunder shook the windows, almost drowning out the two women’s groans but Jess barely heard anything beyond their own whimpers of pleasure. Suddenly, as lightning flashed across the night sky through the window, Hannah screamed in a cry of rapture, her thighs hugging Jess’ fingers in wild spasms.

  ‘That’s it,’ Jess groaned. ‘That’s it. Come for me.’

  ‘Oh, God!’ Hannah whined, grabbing fistfuls of Jess’ hair as she finally got back the breath to chuckle victoriously. ‘That was amazing.’ Hannah leant back against the wall, spent.

  But Jess was not done with her. Not by a long shot. She pulled Hannah over to her bed an
d pushed her onto her back. Hannah was clearly still reeling from her earth-shattering orgasm, to which Jess was about to add part two. Parting Hannah’s legs, Jess lowered her mouth to Hannah’s centre and rammed her tongue into her wetness as her hands cupped her breasts. Hannah’s cries, together with Jess’ tongue thrusts, came every time Jess jerked into her.

  ‘Oh yes! Yes!’ Hannah moaned as Jess increased her speed. She slammed into the beautiful stranger with violent movements that plunged her into a frenzy of flesh and sweat and passion.

  Hannah’s yelps of pure pleasure drowned out the relentless patter of rain on the windows.

  ‘I’m coming…’ Hannah’s breaths were sharp and furious.

  Jess held her tightly as Hannah climaxed, bucking violently against her. The skin of Hannah’s neck exuded the sweet smell of her perfume as Jess’ hungry lips found her ear lobe and the side of her cheek. ‘Oh my God, you feel so good!’ Jess moaned softly, caressing Hannah’s skin until she finally relaxed into her arms and both their bodies collapsed in bliss.

  It wasn’t long before the intense experience wrapped Hannah in a deep sleep. Her warm curves rested against Jess, and she exhaled, satisfied. Hannah’s hair laid on Jess’ chest as Jess drew her close. Silence reigned apart from the noise of the storm outside, and Hannah’s now slow, steady breathing. Jess thought about nudging her awake to fully satisfy her own craving for release, but she knew that they both had got exactly what they wanted. It was, what it was.

  A one-night stand, no comebacks, no recriminations, no guilt. Just passion and sex.

  They didn’t need to know each other’s life story to know each other’s desires. Jess felt herself falling asleep holding this perfect stranger without a thought for the world or for what would happen tomorrow.


  Jess woke up disorientated. Her pubic bone ached from the night before – what time did we finally stop? She had never known anyone with an appetite equal to hers in her life. Hannah had certainly matched up to her step for step.

  As the sunlight blazed through the large window, assaulting her eyes through the thin skin of her eyelids, she turned on her side. If Hannah was game for a round of morning sex, she wouldn’t say no even with the ache down below. It took her a few seconds to realise the bed beside her was empty. Throwing back the cover, Jess slipped out of bed, and went in search for her. There was no way she would have left without saying goodbye, or without rearranging another night together. Would she?

  To her amazement Jess found herself feeling a sense of disappointment. Hannah was nowhere to be found in the apartment, and Jess searched everywhere – the bathroom, her office, her tiny gym, even the storage cupboard. Why would she be in there? In the end, she had to face facts – Hannah had skipped out on her. Jess rebuked herself for feeling pissed off. This was unfamiliar territory for her and she didn’t like it one little bit. Despite the fact that she had done it herself, many times, to her surprise she’d harboured hopes that maybe, at last, this was something different. Someone she actually wanted to see when she opened her eyes in the morning. Someone whose waking up smile would set her up for the day.

  God, what’s happening to me!

  Jess caught sight of herself in the hallway mirror and groaned at the reflection that looked back at her. Her hair, wild and unkempt looked like Edward Scissorhands’. Added to this her lips were still swollen from the frenzied kissing that had taken place only a few hours earlier.

  In the kitchen, Paws sat on the worktop peering at her hopefully.

  ‘You don’t know how lucky you are, Paws,’ Jess said to the indifferent cat. ‘You’ll never know what it’s like to be alone.’

  Paws obviously didn’t care. He simply yawned and meowed plaintively to be fed.

  ‘Sorry, Paws,’ Jess apologised, realising that there were others to consider, no matter the blows to her personal life. She rummaged through the cupboards for a tin of cat food, one of the last two she had. Paws licked his lips and jumped down, heading straight for his bowl, unconcerned about anything to do with Jess’ love life.

  An object caught her eye on the dining table as Jess bent down to empty the contents of the can. Straightening up, she walked over to the table and frowned when she saw a bright pink purse. It wasn’t hers, that was for sure. Jess had never owned a purse in her life. Certainly not a pink one. And she was positive it hadn’t been there before she went to meet her friends at the bar the night before.

  That left only one possible owner. Hannah.

  Did she leave it here on purpose? Maybe leaving her purse was the perfect excuse to see me again without it being awkward.

  No, why couldn’t Jess just face facts. It was only a one-night stand for Hannah and nothing more. It was obvious from her early departure that she had no intention of seeing Jess again. Or so she thought.

  ‘Let’s see who you are,’ Jess muttered as she opened the purse. Inside, she found an American Express card and two other credit cards. Four hundred pounds in notes lay in the long inlay at the back, next to the plastic pocket with Hannah’s driving licence. Jess’ heart raced as she drew it from the plastic to read her name.

  ‘Hannah Clemens,’ she said to herself in wonderment. A few business cards peeked over the side pocket edge and Jess drew one out.

  ‘Hannah Clemens,’ she read, ‘Financial Advisor, Litchberg & Associates.’ Jess frowned and gave the title some thought.

  Suddenly, she sprinted to her laptop on the coffee table, determined to find out as much as she could about Hannah.

  Jess wanted to see her again.

  She couldn’t help it. She was almost thirty, and here she was, fawning like a schoolgirl over a woman she’d had a one-night stand with. But what a fucking night! Booting up the laptop, Jess googled Hannah, and if she was being honest, what she found was a little intimidating. Tag lines on every link pointed to her elite prowess in a world she knew nothing about, nor cared for.

  ‘Financial wizardry from Clemens again secures Markus & Hailin’s second merger’

  ‘Award winning financial genius Hannah Clemens clinches another plaque from the mayor for invaluable investment advice’

  ‘Hannah Clemens appointed Manager of London Financial Division…’

  Jess stopped reading after that as she tried to make sense of it. Why would a woman that successful waste her time in a bar full of ‘ordinary’ women on a Sunday night? More to the point, why did she pick me? Clearly, Jess in her jeans and top was not the executive type, yet she went straight for her. ‘Doesn’t matter,’ Jess told herself. ‘She picked me last night and nobody else. She had to have her reasons.’

  And now she’s made sure you know who she is and where to find her.

  Jess smiled impishly. ‘Smooth, Hannah. Real smooth.’

  Hastily, Jess got dressed in her best smart casual attire and tied back her hair. After briskly cleaning up the mess Paws made, Jess was ready to venture out and hopefully surprise her stunning and memorable one-night stand.

  It was just before lunchtime when she arrived at the business centre where Hannah worked. In the lobby, she looked for the name on the business card again and mumbled it repetitively as she scanned the floor numbers. ‘Litchberg & Associates, Litchb…ah! Gotcha!’ she said triumphantly.

  When she reached the eighth floor, Jess strode hesitantly into an alien environment for her. Compared to her normal surroundings of a gym room or out in a park, even in her smart casual outfit, she felt like a court jester at a royal ball. All about her, prestigious, sharply dressed professionals paraded with solemn faces and accents that defied her translation skills. Even the receptionist was dressed immaculately as she pinned the intruder down with a sharp glare.

  ‘How may I help you?’ she asked loudly enough to draw attention to the out-of-place visitor.

  ‘Um,’ Jess uttered as she lunged forward to reach the desk. ‘I’m here to see Hannah.’

  ‘Hannah?’ The receptionist raised her eyebrow. ‘As in? Hannah Bilton, Hannah Clemen

  ‘Um, Clemens,’ Jess stammered. ‘Hannah Clemens.’

  ‘Do you have an appointment?’ she retorted.

  ‘No, I’m afraid not, but I do have her purse.’ She held it aloft by way of explanation.

  She left it at my place after I fucked her brains out. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

  ‘You have to have an appointment,’ the receptionist said.

  ‘What? To give back her purse? Are you for real?’

  The receptionist gawked at her. Giving her a look of disdain, she reluctantly said, ‘Please take a seat. I’ll call Miss Clemens’ office to see if she is available. Your name?’

  ‘Jess Harris. And thank you,’ she said with forced politeness. Jess hated these corporate environments and couldn’t imagine ever having to force herself to work in one. She hated snooty receptionists even more.

  While Jess sat in the stuffy waiting area which had neatly folded stacks of the ‘Financial Times’ and ‘Forbes’ on the coffee table, she couldn’t believe that people chose to work in such a smothering, soulless environment.

  Jess hadn’t failed to notice there wasn’t even one window open. How did people manage all day without breathing in fresh air? It was one of the highlights of her week when she got to work outdoors, working up a sweat, listening to the wind blowing through the leaves in the trees, the birds merrily chirping away.

  Even with the high wages and bonuses, she wouldn’t want any of this. Her gaze fell on a group photo of the company’s staff, mounted in an elaborate gold frame, and enlarged to almost poster size.

  What a bunch of stiff upper lip robots. Jesus! she thought to herself. What the fuck is Hannah doing in a place like this?

  ‘Ms Harris,’ a loud female voice startled her. ‘My name is Samantha, Miss Clemens’ PA.’ A prissy, business-suited woman of about twenty-two stood at the reception desk. Her hair was back in a tight bun, stretching the skin around her eyes until it almost seemed to shine. Her acne was covered with heavy makeup, although Jess could still see the bumps on her skin nonetheless. Sternly, she cocked her head and said, ‘I’m sorry but Miss Clemens is not seeing anyone today. She’s unavailable.’


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