Last Night

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Last Night Page 3

by Jade Winters

  Fighting the urge to make double entendres about how available Hannah really was, Jess cleared her throat and stood up. She held up Hannah’s purse and stood her ground. ‘I’m sure she’s got a few minutes to thank me in person for coming all this way to return her purse?’

  ‘Ms Harris, are you hoping for a reward of some sorts? Perhaps a dividend for effort?’ Samantha asked condescendingly.

  Jess held her tongue with so much effort that it appeared that she was chewing on something.

  ‘I make my own living, thank you, sweetie. Money means nothing to people like me. I rather count my feats by what I achieve not what I earn, now be a good girl and go tell Hannah who I am and why I’m here.’ Jess hoped she didn’t sound too bitchy with her. She hadn’t gone to fetch Hannah yet.

  ‘I didn’t mean to insult you, Ms Harris.’ Samantha spoke louder, her tone suddenly conciliatory. Jess put it down to the smartly besuited older man that had just walked into the area. He’s probably the boss.

  Jess, shook her head and laughed at the absurdity of the situation. She wasn’t that desperate to see Hannah that she was going to stand around and be treated like a fool. She had more self-respect than that.

  ‘Here you go.’ Jess smiled as she threw Hannah’s purse towards Samantha, ‘Everything’s still in there. Would you like me to wait while you check?’ She held the young woman’s glare.

  ‘That won’t be necessary,’ Samantha said coldly. ‘I’m sure Ms Clemens will be grateful for you returning her purse.’

  ‘Well,’ Jess said. ‘Be sure to say hello from me.’

  Furious, Jess briskly strode out to the lift, keeping her head held high. She hated that kind of superior attitude in people and much as she had hoped Hannah might be something more meaningful than a one-nighter, if she was anything like that Samantha robot in real life, then Jess was well out of it. It was obvious Hannah was avoiding her by sending out her little lapdog to deal with her. Well fuck her! I don’t need her anyway.

  Once Jess stepped outside into the warm summer breeze, she immediately started to feel the tension ease. The idea of trying to impress a woman who had obviously just used her, was lifted by her growing indifference to the whole situation, and Jess decided to call Kirsten for a quick chat while she had a coffee before her next scheduled yoga class.

  ‘So, Casanova, how was your night?’ Kirsten said, sounding out of breath, Jess didn’t have the courage to ask her what she was doing to be so out of breath in the middle of the day. She could guess though.

  Jess shrugged. ‘It started out as something, but as always,’ she sipped on her coffee, ‘it turned out to be a big fat nothing.’


  It had been three weeks since her one-night stand with Jess and Hannah was still furious with herself for leaving her purse behind. It had never been her intention for Jess to find out who she was, or more importantly where she worked. Her number one rule was never to mix business with pleasure. Hannah could still remember the shock she had felt when Samantha had called through to say a woman was at reception with her purse. She could have died on the spot. Especially at the thought of Jess thinking she might have left her purse behind deliberately. In truth it had been an honest mistake. She had gone into that situation for a meaningless fuck, a one-nighter to tick off her list, a birthday treat. Not to start a romantic relationship, despite how hot Jess was.

  That didn’t mean she never thought of Jess. Because she did. Often. Hannah missed the way she had made her feel. But with the stack of work on her desk, she would be lucky if she actually got the time to go anywhere in the foreseeable future.

  ‘You’re working late?’ Jack, a senior partner, poked his head round her office door.

  ‘I have to.’ Hannah sighed. ‘Most of the properties on McNamara’s list haven’t even been evaluated yet, so I have to put in some extra time for that too, otherwise we’ll never have the proposals ready by next week.’

  ‘Christ, Hannah, even so, you might want to take a day or two off,’ Jack said. ‘There’s a reason for weekends, you know?’

  ‘I didn’t come this far in my career watching footie, eating pizza, and going to the movies. You should know that better than most,’ Hannah said defensively. She worked hard because she enjoyed the challenges she faced daily. No one had a gun to her head. Why people couldn’t understand that was beyond her, particularly Jack who she knew had been the same when he was her age. He’d told her that often enough.

  ‘I understand, believe me.’ Jack smiled kindly. ‘But look at me now. Since my wife died I realised that putting work above everything else only leads to loneliness in the long-term. If you’re not careful, you’ll end up a lonely old woman with just your cat for company and you are much too nice a person for that to happen.’

  Hannah knew he was coming from a good place. He was going on seventy and was more like a father to her than a colleague. He was soon to retire, and she knew she would miss him dearly.

  ‘Thanks, Jack,’ Hannah chuckled, taking off her half-moon lenses, ‘but at least I will be a rich lonely old lady.’

  He shook his head and laughed. ‘I see there’s no convincing you. I suppose the company should be grateful they have a workaholic genius like you in their employ. One of these days you are going to usurp Gareth’s throne and take this place over!’

  ‘I hope so,’ Hannah jested.

  ‘Work away then,’ Jack said cheerfully. ‘Have a good weekend, but please, for me if not for yourself, take a few hours to unwind. Go and have a drink, meet people. There is more to life than work, believe me, I speak from bitter experience!’

  ‘Maybe I should,’ Hannah whispered under the sharp white light of the desk lamp. Maybe another one-nighter is what I need. It might help take my mind off Jess too. The thought of Jess and their night together filled her mind with glorious images and her body with feelings she could do nothing about right then. Had there not been security cameras all over the offices, Hannah would have given herself a bit of self-gratifying relief.

  Perhaps Hannah could see Jess one more time? She was so powerful, so dominant, and yet playful at the same time. Unlike other lovers she’d had short-term relationships with, Jess had paid attention to Hannah’s wants, needs, and wishes and genuinely seemed to want her to feel good.

  Suddenly, out of the blue, Hannah craved Jess, distracted from her work by the reminiscence of her wildness.

  Jess was obviously nothing like herself in her feverish pursuit of a massive bank balance, and yet, for some reason, Hannah could not get her out of her head.



  A hangover was something Jess had not suffered from in years. Since she had introduced yoga into her life and into the classes she gave. She had been more mindful of how she treated her body, but sometimes … nothing could beat a binge.

  That morning she was paying for it big time. The old throbbing migraine she remembered from her younger days made its return, thanks to the endless tequilas her friends had insisted she drank the night before.

  In truth Jess had been a willing participant and she had spent a lot of the night pondering the condition of her love life. By now she had totally written off the only woman she had known who seemed to be able to offer her the passion she needed.

  Most women, nice as they were, did not offer much in the way of that necessary fire. That burning, raging desire that turned her on so much. Sadly, only the woman who was so unsuitable in other ways, had offered her that.

  Jess’ insatiable sexual appetite had never been matched by any woman, which always made her believe that something was wrong with her; that she was some sort of pervert.

  But that changed when she met Hannah, the woman who was so wrong for her, and yet so right for her needs. How could someone so wild and free in her down time, possibly thrive in the dead world she worked in?

  All the thinking had made Jess’ head throb, although some of that was down to her heart rate rising every time she thought of Hannah.
  ‘Never again,’ she groaned. ‘Fucking never!’

  The digital clock radio headed for one o’clock way too briskly, and she still had to shower before her class at two. Forced to pop two painkillers, she got in the shower before checking her e-mails for the day. She was going to be late and that made her head ache even more.

  Quickly dressing into her workout clothes, Jess checked her e-mails and fed Paws.

  Paws ignored his food and looked at her for a second, then meowed, kicked up a leg and began licking bits Jess really didn’t want to think about.

  ‘Gross creature,’ she said quietly as she headed for the door.

  Twenty minutes later, Jess walked into her class.

  ‘Afternoon, people. Nice to see some new faces here.’ She smiled, taking up the membership clipboard where they signed in. She read the names of the new people. ‘Let me see. Harold, Jeff, Lindsay, Vivian, Kate, Hannah and Janet.’

  Wait a minute! Hannah? The name hit her like a hammer. A jolt surged through her as she prayed it was just a coincidence that another Hannah had joined her class. She slowly looked around the room then stopped and stared.

  There she was, standing in the far corner, just as she did in the bar that night – sexy as fuck.

  Do not look at her! her mind cautioned like a hysterical mother.

  The class went smoothly as Jess took the new people through the safety tips of stretching and muscle maintenance. She tried not to look at Hannah but couldn’t help flicking her eyes over to her when she thought Hannah wasn’t looking. Jess couldn’t help but notice how Hannah’s nipples were hard under her vest.

  During ‘reverse warrior’ Jess casually strolled straight toward her to correct her posture.

  ‘And remember, during this position it is important to keep this arm up, all right? No slacking,’ Jess said.

  Jess held the sides of Hannah’s arm that was pointing up. In her low lunge she was so close that Jess could smell the familiar scent of Hannah’s skin, and could see the sheen of sweat across her forehead. This was the first pose so Jess didn’t think it was there from exertion. ‘Feel the benefits of this stretch?’ Jess teased, revelling in Hannah’s inability to concentrate. ‘Do you feel it, Hannah?

  ‘Yes, I feel it. I feel it clearly,’ Hannah replied, looking directly into her eyes.

  ‘Good,’ Jess said.

  After class, Jess noticed Hannah struggling to close her sports bag. Once all the students had left, she slung her bag and made for the door, but hesitated when Jess closed and stood in front of the door.

  Without a word, Hannah tossed her bag aside and pressed herself up against Jess. Though Jess wanted not to feel anything, not to admit that this high-flying, power-dressing, corporate wage slave meant anything to her, the throbbing between her legs was off the scales and told the truth.

  ‘Take me home, Jess,’ Hannah whispered.

  Jess knew nothing could come of this.

  They had nothing in common and came from different worlds, but something inside her beseeched her to hold on to her just the same. Jess’ body rebelled against her sensibilities and before she knew it they were in an Uber heading back to her apartment.

  No sooner were they inside, it felt to Jess, then they were naked on her bed.

  Hannah made her way down Jess’ body and latched her mouth over her wet centre.

  It was Jess’ turn to be dominated it seemed. She didn’t mind. What better way to blow away all that pent-up energy than with a woman she wanted more than anything?

  Hannah was her fix.

  Her only addiction.

  Jess closed her eyes as her body surrendered to Hannah’s tongue, moving slowly and firmly, revolving around her clit. Hannah’s hands fondled Jess’ breasts as she sucked and thrust her tongue as deep as it could go, evoking a loud cry from Jess until she couldn’t contain the pleasure she felt, as Hannah increased the pressure and slipped two, then three fingers easily inside her.

  Jess’ hands caressed Hannah’s hair gently while her fervent thrusts continued, fast and furious then slow and gentle, teasing her towards a blissful release.

  Jess pulled Hannah up beside her and kissed her deeply, her hands firmly on her arse pressing against her. Heat oozed out of Hannah when Jess found her centre and slid her fingers inside her again.

  With a naughty smile, Hannah returned the kisses passionately as she used her thumb to rub Jess’ clit into a frenzy. Jess’ moans echoed through apartment as Hannah moved on top of her, grinding her pubic bone into Jess while her free hand massaged Jess’ breasts.

  Now and again Jess would bend her neck to flick her tongue over Hannah’s erect nipples.

  Jess pulled away and flipped Hannah onto her back. She then moved down the bed and placed Hannah’s legs over her shoulders.

  Licking Hannah’s ankles, Jess gazed down at her, looking vulnerable. Hannah’s eyes spat passionate fire, but she was less dominant now and accepted her caresses.

  Hannah writhed wildly beneath Jess, spreading her legs willingly for her and her body jerked from the force of Jess’ fingers as she entered her again. Exactly as Hannah had requested, Jess didn’t stop, but she did change her brute thrusting to a closer encounter where she could enjoy Hannah’s heavy pants as Jess flicked her tongue across Hannah’s clit. Hannah finally surrendered jerking and arching her back as she came. This was the spice Jess had never known and it only added to her own sexual pleasure.

  Now Jess finally confirmed that by avoiding relationships she had missed out on the very ingredient she needed to ignite her sensual bliss, and finally find a way to satisfy her cravings. She needed more than just animal lust. Jess needed a connection with someone who was just as fulfilled by her as she was by whoever she was with.

  That person was Hannah.

  Jess needed to tell her that the next time they met.


  It was shortly before the end of the day and on the other side of her window, clouds promised an evening shower. Pining for one last cup of coffee, Hannah brought her cup in from the kitchen down the corridor.

  It was unlike her to make her own drink, but she had gradually begun to abandon her rigid regimens in the past few days, although none of her colleagues had mentioned it or even seemed to notice. Almost as if a piece of gauze that had covered her eyes, only allowing her to see what was immediately in front of her, had fallen away, she had started to look around her and wonder why? Why did she push herself so hard? It wasn’t for herself because it didn’t make her feel better. It wasn’t for somebody else, because the moment somebody, Jess, had come into her life, all she wanted to do was get out of the office to see her.

  Usually she had Samantha do everything because she couldn’t bear to be away from her desk. But now it felt good to spend a little time away from her office, even if it was just for a lunch break or to grab a coffee, something she would never have considered before.

  When Hannah came back in, she drew the blinds so as not to be distracted by the slow switch of city life, from work and business to food, friend, and merriment. She intended to join that very atmosphere within the hour. She wanted to be with Jess. As if a switch in her head had flipped, her obsession had switched to this incredible woman who was so wrong for her she had thought but had turned out to be utterly and overwhelmingly right.

  ‘Gareth wants to see you, Hannah,’ Samantha told her, peeking around the doorway.

  ‘Of course, sure,’ Hannah answered. ‘Have a good weekend, Sam.’

  In anticipation, Hannah waited for the reprimand she was expecting for no longer being first in and last out anymore.

  The pot-bellied older man was a gentle soul when he was not negotiating business deals. She smiled when she walked into his office. ‘Please, sit down, Hannah.’

  ‘I know what this is about—’

  ‘Then explain yourself. What’s happening with you?’

  ‘I guess things are just catching up with me,’ she apologised sincerely. ‘To be honest I’m f
eeling a little burnt out.’

  ‘Why are you only telling me this now?’ Gareth asked.

  Hannah knew Gareth cared about her wellbeing. He was not the typical tyrant boss most thought he was by his sharp-edged eloquence in business meetings and his impeccable dress.

  ‘I didn’t even realise myself, it’s just sort of come on me. I mean I’ve been doing this cutthroat type stuff for almost four years and I’ve never felt the need to slow down before. You know that. It’s just that…’ Hannah hesitated, ‘…that I have been doing more stuff, apart from work. I’m just not used to having other things taking up my time. Usually, I live for my job. But now, something else is occupying my mind.’

  ‘Something or someone?’ Gareth asked.

  Hannah looked down, suddenly shy to talk about what was happening to her. ‘Someone,’ she said eventually.

  ‘OK, you don’t have to tell me the details.’ Gareth chuckled. He stopped talking then, steepling his fingers and pressing them against his pursed lips. ‘How long have I been telling you to take a break?’

  ‘I know, I know,’ she said, feeling disappointed in herself.

  ‘And what you’ve been doing has interfered with your schedule?’ he asked. ‘I’m not prying. Just curious as to what or who it is.’

  Hannah scoffed, holding back a delighted giggle at the thought of telling it like it was. ‘Well, Gareth, it’s like this, I have been pussy-whipped so much that I haven’t got the energy to think about work… only love!’

  She quickly recovered and shrugged. ‘I’ve taken up yoga after work.’

  ‘But that’s great!’ he exclaimed. ‘You know, that is the best thing you can do for this kind of stressful job.’

  ‘Oh, believe me, I know.’ Hannah smiled. ‘It has done wonders for me. The benefits are overwhelming.’

  ‘Just take it easy. Find your centre.’


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