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Calla's Kitchen

Page 3

by Teresa Crumpton

  “Damn! Has it really been that long?” Trey wonders, stepping up next to the table.

  She nods.

  “Some ideas started running through my head, and I wanted to test them out. No, you can’t try anything yet,” I tell her, as I hold up a hand in a stop motion. “You need to go relax and have a fun time tonight. I don’t want to get you sick if this doesn’t turn out how I’m envisioning it.”

  “Oh, but it’s alright if you get us sick?” Trey points between himself and Adam.

  “Hell yes!” I laugh.

  “How are we still friends?” Trey wonders.

  “Knock it off you two,” Adam cuts in, taking the cup out of my hands. “Let me try that, will you? I need to get back out to the bar.”

  I hold up my hands in surrender once Adam has the cup, and I go back to the bottles of whiskey. I spot a single malt and pour two fingers into the remaining chocolate sauce. Picking up the spatula, I fold the liquor and chocolate in on each other, until both are blended together. Taking one of the tasting spoons off the counter, I sample this concoction before pouring it into the other glass jar. I repeat the process with the pot, then take the sauces to the refrigerator to chill until I need them.

  By the time I return to the pastry area, Adam is walking out of the kitchen, and Calla is heading to the office.

  “When are you going to put us all out of our misery and break up with Zoe so you can have Calla?” Trey’s words are spoken low.

  “She needs to have a little fun first. You know I’m a broody SOB.”

  “She knows that, too. What she doesn’t know about is your preference for kink when it comes to sex. Is that what you're so worried about? That Calla will judge you for it?” Trey asks.

  I flinch.

  “Seriously? What the fuck?” Trey mutters. Exasperated, he stalks off.

  Chapter 4


  During the meeting with the guys, I was informed that I could leave at any time, and they’d take care of the restaurant for the night. Ha! If they only knew about all the behind-the-scenes stuff I deal with on a daily basis.

  Running the restaurant is part of the reason I can’t, “just let down my hair, have a little fun, and get laid,” as the boys put it. They make me sound so uptight. I’m not usually uptight, though. In many respects, I agree with them. I do need to get laid and have a bit of fun. The problem is, Belladonna takes up most of my time, and I really don’t want to fall into the same trap that I did with Torrance.

  With me, he’d only wanted “vanilla” sex, which was fine. But really, I want so much more. Hell, so had he, obviously. Just not with me. Talk about a confidence killer.

  Maybe I just need to go to the BDSM club the guys don’t think I know they frequent.

  I’ve become a hermit in the last year, so I can see why they say I’m uptight now. To make matters worse, everyone, kitchen and bar staff alike, has taken bets on when the last time I had sex actually was.

  What do they expect from me? This is the first time I’m running my very own kitchen. I’m beyond stressed. And Belladonna is my life! I don’t have someone at home to vent to or to help me de-stress.

  Sighing, I run my fingers through my hair before pulling it back into a messy bun at the nape of my neck.

  My head is spinning, so I scoot everything on my desk away, fold my arms on the glass top, and drop my head onto them. Yeah, I know all about the bet. In fact, I had laughed it off, saying they got laid more than enough for my sex life to matter to them. “Honestly,” I’d said, “I don’t have time for sex, or a relationship.” Which only made the guys laugh.

  Since opening the restaurant, and Torrance cheating on me two months later, I haven’t dated anyone. And the staff know it. I couldn’t figure out why Torrance had cheated. He’d tried to tell me in the days following “the incident,” but I just couldn’t bring myself to listen at the time. For all I knew, it could have been for a number of reasons. Maybe he couldn’t handle my independence, ambition, or abilities. Or maybe he couldn’t handle the new hours I’d been keeping.

  Up until that moment, I’d been making a name for myself. Maybe that was what he couldn’t deal with. There had been other issues, though. Namely our sex life. He’d never satisfied me. Not only could I not remember the last time I’d had sex, but besides pleasuring myself, it’s been years since I’ve had an orgasm. It was a huge issue for me. One which I had tried to discuss with Torrance, but he would always change the subject. The reason, or reasons, didn’t really matter in the end. He’d done it. I’d witnessed the act, in our bed of all places, and that was all she wrote as far as our relationship was concerned.

  I should have known it wouldn’t last when I could talk to Adam, Forest, Trey, or Wes about not having an orgasm. But not Torrance.

  On the other hand, I don’t need to hide anything in my life from my boys. They are my family. The core of Belladonna’s staff have worked with me before, too. Whether it was at the Institute, or one of the other restaurants I’d worked at before opening Belladonna.

  In the kitchen there are about fifteen staff. However, I haven’t a clue how many people work in the front of the house. Nessa handles that aspect of the restaurant, and I am beyond grateful for her.

  A knock at the office door has me lifting my head.

  “Calla, what’s going on?” Trey’s deep, roughened cadence is like music to my ears.

  “Just thinking about the differences between you guys and Torrance.”

  He frowns.

  “I’m not dwelling on the past. And I definitely don’t want him back. I was just thinking about how I can talk to you guys about everything, and well… how I couldn’t with him.”

  “Speaking of talking about everything, I need to talk to you about a few things for tonight.” He steps further into the office and closes the door.

  “What?” I stiffen.

  “We’ve been talking. Well, more me and Wes, but Adam was in on some of it.”

  I glare at him.

  “Let me finish before you spout off. We think you need to let your hair down and have a little fun tonight, so we set up a dinner reservation for you at this new place. Check it out. And after dinner, meet us at Insanity,” he leans against the wall. “Calla, we want you to have fun and possibly get laid. It’s been what… almost a year and eight months?”

  My mouth drops open as I sputter.

  “How do you know that?” I finally get out.

  “Trust me, we know. Plus, we want to help. Well, as much as we can.” He grins and gives me a wink.

  “Trey.” I draw out his name in exasperation.

  “In all seriousness, we asked Nessa to take you shopping. No wearing jeans and a t-shirt tonight, Darlin’. You need a new little black dress. And shoes.” He pulls out his wallet and hands me a black credit card.

  “What the fuck is this for?” I fold my arms across my chest.

  “My gift for getting you out the door. Besides, I told you after the asshole did his damage that, when it was time for you to get back out there, I’d get you your first fuck you, Torrance outfit. Well, this is the day.”

  I cover my mouth to keep in the sob that’s desperately trying to escape.

  Swallowing thickly, I tell him, “I remember you saying that into my hair the day after I caught him. I’d been thinking that maybe I had dreamed you actually said that. Trey--”

  He holds up a hand. “Don’t. You’re one of my best friends, and while I wasn’t chomping at the bit to go to jail after kicking his ass, I did want to. But that wouldn’t have helped you. This can.”

  He pushes off the wall and takes the few steps that separate us. He holds out the card and narrows his eyes when I don’t take it right away. I finally take it from him and wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly for a long moment.

  “Grab your things. Do the rest of this from home. After you go shopping. Call Nessa. She’s expecting it.”

  I nod, fighting back the tears that threaten to leak from
my eyes if I don’t pull myself together. We separate, and I quickly gather my stuff and follow Trey out of the office.

  In the kitchen, Wes is still hard at work over in the pastry area. He hasn’t ventured into the pastry area since my heart was broken.

  When my feet hit the sidewalk, I pull my phone out of my bag and hit the speed dial for Nessa.

  “Hey chica! You ready to go shopping?” Nessa’s comforting voice greets me.

  “Not really. Why didn’t you tell me this was happening?” I grill her.

  “Adam didn’t tell me what they had planned until this morning, when he knew I wouldn’t have a chance to call and warn you.”

  “Ugh. Well, to top it all off, Trey gave me his credit card for this shopping spree.” I head toward the end of the block.

  “Did Wes hand you one, too?” Nessa asks.

  “No. Why would he? He’s with Zoe, and she would have a hissy. Hell, he hasn’t even really talked to me in the last few days. I’m guessing they’re fighting, yet again.”

  “He just needs to end it. I don’t know why he stays,” Nessa responds.

  “I agree. He hasn’t been happy since they first started dating. I can only hope that for his sake, the sex is amazing.”

  “Mmmmm. I think she’s all about his money and somehow has him over a barrel.”

  “I hope he’s smarter than that. If not, I think his brothers and mine may have hit him a little too often on the football field.” I grab keys out of my bag and click the unlock button. “I’m getting in Trey’s car. I walked today. Meet at your usual?”

  Snickering, Nessa responds, “I’ll see you there.” And with that, the call ends.

  I hop into Trey’s sports car and set my bag, laptop, and phone on the seat next to me. I start the engine and am about to pull out of his spot, when a familiar truck pulls into the parking lot.

  Oh, brother.

  I grab my phone and quickly send off a text.

  Calla: Zoe just pulled into the parking lot.

  Adam: Good grief.

  Trey: What the fuck? Why are you still here? Go shopping! Spend my money like I said!!!

  Wes: Fuck!! Wait, why is Calla spending your money?

  Trey: Does it matter? She’s driving my car too!

  Calla: Lock the doors. We’re not open yet. Xo

  I plug in my phone and blast music through the speakers as I drive out of the lot toward the boutique Nessa frequents, dragging me kicking and screaming whenever she can. The drive takes longer than the normal fifteen minutes, thanks to getting caught at every last red light on the way there. I sing along to every song that comes on to pass the time.

  Once at the store, I park in the small lot around back and get out. Glancing around, I spot Nessa’s car, so I scramble for the front door. A bell chimes as I open it.

  “Good morning,” the lady behind the counter greets me as I step in.


  “Your friend’s in the back. Let me know if you need any help.”

  “Thank you. We will.” I walk past the counter to the back of the store.

  Passing rack after rack, I finally find Nessa. Two glasses of wine sit on a small end table between two retro-style arm chairs. Nessa sits in the chair closest to me, while the other chair is loaded with dresses.

  “How long have you been here?” My eyebrows rise, as I drop my bag next to Nessa’s.

  “About ten minutes, I’d say. What took you so long to get here?” Nessa picks up her wine and sips.

  “Zoe showed up just as I was leaving then I hit every fucking red light. I think it’s a sign. Tonight is not going to be good. I just need to stay home.”

  Nessa laughs. “Nice try. Now take those,” she gestures to the mound of dresses, “and get your ass in the dressing room.”

  “You’re evil. You know that, right? You’re supposed to be on my side, not theirs.” I pick up a glass, take a sip of the wine, and set it back down before grabbing all the hangers and strolling into the dressing room.

  I place the hangers on the hooks, separating the load between the four hooks around the room. Kicking off my shoes, I shimmy out of my jeans and t-shirts and stare at the different styles Nessa has picked out.

  “Seriously? You know I won’t be able to wear some of this. My chest will fall out! How am I supposed to wear a bra in this?” I hold up one of the dresses and furrow my brows.

  “Stop bitching and try them all on,” Nessa demands from the other side of the door.

  I scrunch my nose.

  “Fine! But I’m not happy about this. I’m going to bitch the whole time, and I’m kicking Trey’s ass later.”

  “Have you started sparring with him yet?” Nessa asks.

  “No. But I haven’t asked him, either. Tomorrow I’ll ask him if he’ll train me.” I slip the first dress on over my head.

  It is short, strapless, and way too loose.

  “Ah, Nessa? First, I need something that covers my ass and tits, and second, I need a smaller size.”

  “What do you mean you need a smaller size? Calla, I grabbed a ten didn’t I? Let me see.”

  I open the door, holding the dress in place as I step out.

  “Damn it. Are you still not eating? It’s been--”

  “Stop right there. I know back when asshat did his thing, I lost a lot of weight. And I understand it was too much. But now I eat healthy and run. A lot. I’ve been really stressed the last two weeks, so I may have lost more weight than I needed to. But not on purpose.”

  Nessa holds her hands up in surrender.

  “Do you like the style? I can see if they have a smaller size.”

  “No. Let me try on the others. I’m not coming out again unless I like the dress, so just deal. Hand me my wine. I think I’m going to need to drink as I try the rest of these on.” I hold out my hand for the glass.

  Nessa nods as she passes it over.

  Stripping out of the dress, I put it back on the hanger and toss it over the door. I do the same thing seven more times before I come across the first dress I like. It’s a slinky black number, and whether or not this is the dress for my night out, I am definitely going to buy it. Most of the dress is satin. The top is a form-fitting A-line, with a scoop neck and thick straps. Just below my breasts, the satin transitions into wide black lace that covers my ribcage to the top of my belly button. From there, the satin remains form-fitting until it reaches my hips, where it flows down to mid-thigh. When I spin in the room, the bottom of the dress spins out with me.

  “I want this one!” I open the door and exit the dressing room.

  Nessa holds her phone in her hand, the back camera facing me. I roll my eyes at her.

  “That’s hot. I agree. You definitely need that one. Let me find some shoes for you.” Nessa jumps up and walks off.

  “I’m going to try on another dress,” I call after her. “I’ll put this one aside in case I find another one I like just as well. Or better.” My phone buzzes with an incoming text message, and I move to get my phone out of my purse.

  Wes: Holy Fuck! That will get you laid alright.

  Calla: Thanks. Guess it’s the winner, since you and the guys want me to have sex tonight.

  A new text message comes through.

  Trey: You should get that one.

  Calla: I like it. And I plan to, but I still have a few more to try on. I’ll let you know which one I pick, and the price.

  Trey: Anything you want today is on me. You never let me get you presents for your birthday, and you always get me things, so call this even.

  Calla: Trey, I never spend this much on you, and you know it.

  Trey: Baby girl, don’t argue with me. Just let me do this for you.

  Calla: Thank you.

  Trey: You’re welcome.

  More texts cause my phone to vibrate.

  Adam: Damn! Tell Nessa to pick up one of those. I think she’ll look just as hot as you do in it.

  Calla: lol I’ll tell her you said that.

Adam: She said you’re going to get it, even if it’s not the one you want to wear tonight?

  Calla: Yep, I’m in love with this one. It’s the first one I’ve found that I like.

  Adam: Then you should definitely get it.

  Adam: Oh, btw... Zoe didn’t come in, and Wes didn’t go out to talk to her when she called. He’s engrossed in the desserts he’s working on.

  Calla: lol I’m shocked.

  Adam: Me too, actually. Alright, I need to get back to work. See you tonight.

  I take a sip of my wine before setting my glass and phone on the bench in the dressing room. My phone chimes again, but I undress before checking the text message.

  Wes: I just want you happy. Getting laid is the best way to get him out of your system.

  Calla: I don’t need to get laid for that. He’s been out of my system since that night.

  Wes: Then why haven’t you dated?

  Calla: Because I’m never out! I live and breathe Belladonna. Therefore, I never meet men.

  Wes: Well, now you’re going to.

  Calla: I need to finish trying on dresses. I’ll see you tonight.

  Wes: You’re not getting that one?

  Calla: I am, but I may pick up something else for tonight. Bye, Wes.

  Wes: Bye, Calla.

  I try on the remaining dresses, finding a couple more that I really like hiding at the very back of the stack. Nessa brings me shoes, a new pair of jeans, and a shirt to try on, as well. By the time I finish trying on everything and polish off my wine, two hours have passed. Thankfully, I’m able to narrow down my selection to two dresses I really can’t live without... the little black one, and a red number that reminds me of a pinup dress. Added to those is a pair of heels that just beg to go home with me. Also, the jeans and shirt Nessa brought over for me are way too good to pass up. After paying for my loot with Trey’s nifty black credit card, Nessa and I quickly say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.

  Chapter 5


  An hour ago, as Calla was shopping, I finished the desserts I’d wanted to experiment with. Adam and Trey seemed to enjoy them. Now, Nessa needs to taste both of them before I set aside one of each for Calla and add the rest to tonight’s specials.


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