Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Vengeance [Sweet Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Vengeance [Sweet Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 14

by Nicole Morgan

  “Jesus, Chelsea, I can’t wait anymore.”

  He removed his mouth and pulled her shorts down so quickly she was surprised there was no sonic boom. Meeting his urgency, she reached around and unclasped the hook to her bra. Her breasts bounced free, her aching nipples still longed to be played with by Adam. By his touch, his tongue, his mouth, it didn’t matter as long as it was Adam.

  Bending his knees, he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her in the air. The elevation brought her chest right at eye level to him. She prayed he would continue what he was doing, but instead he spun her around and laid her down on the bed.

  She wanted him so badly she spread her legs and waited as he crawled in between them. She waited as he tore the foil packet of a condom open. When he threw the packaging aside, she sat up, placed her hands on his, and took the condom from him.

  “Let me. I wanted to do this since that first time in your bedroom.”

  When he released his hands and allowed her to have her moment of control, it wasn’t without consequence. With her bent over him, he pulled her hair back and licked the back of her neck, sending a rush of liquid to drench her already aching sex. She finished rolling the condom on his mouthwateringly hard erection and took pleasure in pumping him a couple of times before he forced her hand away.

  “No way. I wanna make this last. You feel so damn good I can never make it last. Tonight I wanna spend all night making you feel good.”

  Chelsea would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit that the way his voice whispered and caressed over her skin didn’t have incredibly erotic consequences. Her body reacted to his voice the same way that his gaze did.

  Lying back down, she spread her thighs for him one more time. When he reached underneath her and palmed her cheeks, lifting her closer, she felt one of his fingers graze the seam of her ass. She whimpered at the urgency she felt at that moment.

  Suddenly she wanted nothing more but to be filled by Adam, in any way, in every way. With wide eyes, she looked up at him expecting to see a cocky grin, but instead what she saw was desire. Not lust, but desire. He knew how much that small touch had turned her on, and yet he just looked at her as though she was the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world.

  She lifted her arms, motioning for him to come closer. When he came down on top of her, he brought their mouths within inches, and rather than kiss her, he kept their lips just barely within reach of one another.

  “You’re beautiful. God, Chelsea, you are so damn beautiful.”

  With those simple words, he thrust into her, and she literally screamed in complete and total ecstasy. Any chance she had at all of getting Adam out of her system he had completely blown to hell that evening. She was too far gone. Being with him was too intense, too consuming, and far too emotional to ignore.

  She was in love with Adam Collins, and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

  Outside and parked a few houses down was a man sitting in a black car. He reached for his phone and answered.


  He listened to the man on the other end that was talking to him. After a few moments the person that called had stopped talking, and he answered his question.

  “Oh yeah, it’s definitely Collins. No doubt about it. And guess what? Our Mr. Collins has a new lady in his life. How about that, huh? He’s so broken up over his girlfriend’s death that here it is a little over a year later and he’s already getting it on with some hot little number.”

  He was silent while he let the other man speak. He nodded as he listened to his instructions.

  “Yeah, I got it. Seems kind of cruel though.” He winced when the other man started to scream. “Okay, yeah, right, I know, not my business. No problem, boss.”

  He hung up the phone and for a moment actually felt sorry for Adam Collins, but then he remembered a very important lesson that some people have had to learn the hard way. In his line of work, it was kill or be killed.

  Adam was holding Chelsea’s sleeping form in his arms. Her head was placed gently against his shoulder, and her hand was covering his heart. He wondered if she could feel how fast it was beating.

  He had spent the last half an hour just holding her, caressing her back and listening to her soft breaths as they tickled his chest. True to his promise to her, they had gone on for most of the night.

  It was in the early morning hours, and he knew the sun would be up soon, but he didn’t care. He was afraid to close his eyes and give into sleep. It felt so right lying here with her. He hadn’t treated her badly and made her feel special. He made sure of that.

  The nagging feeling that if he allowed himself to sleep he would wake up and push her away wasn’t a chance he was willing to take. Maybe he was being selfish, but he wanted her. He no longer wanted to do the right thing and give her up just because he didn’t deserve her or happiness.

  Not caring about being selfless, he gave into the ache that plagued him whenever she was around. He now knew that after tonight the ache would only get worse if he didn’t just succumb to it.

  Right now, he had nothing to offer her. There were no promises he could make and be sure that he kept them. One thing he was certain of was that when he was finished taking care of Bianchi, when he finally had vengeance for Ally and their child, then he would talk to Chelsea. Really and truly talk to her and tell her all of his secrets, his faults, and his baggage. Then he would hope and pray that she didn’t run away screaming in the opposite direction, because whether he would have thought it possible a few days ago or not, he was definitely falling for Chelsea Hart. Falling hard.

  Chapter 24

  Chelsea opened her eyes and was forced to squint against the harsh sunlight. She had to take a moment to get her bearings straight. This was definitely her room, but something felt different. She glanced down when she felt something brush against her stomach. Adam.

  “Morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?” his gravelly yet sexy voice whispered into her ear.

  She laced her fingers with the large hand that was holding her stomach and turned around to face him. The surprised look on his face worried her.

  “Oh God. I bet I look horrible. Give me a second to at least freshen up a bit.” She started to get up from the bed when he pulled her closer.

  “No…you look the exact opposite of horrible. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look so gorgeous first thing in the morning.”

  Giving him an “oh please” look, she smiled. “Really, Adam? Because we’ve already had sex, so there’s really no reason to sweet talk me.” She laughed but found herself stopping from the serious expression on his face.

  “No, sugar. No sweet talk. I mean it.” He leaned up and kissed the tip of her nose. “But I do admit, being with you does make me want to say sweet things.” He winked at her.

  She wasn’t sure what to say. It felt so good to wake up with him, hear him say such sweet things to her. If she spoke, would she break whatever spell he was under? The possibility wasn’t a chance she was willing to take, so instead she smiled at him.

  “Hey…what’s wrong? You almost look worried. That smile isn’t fooling me one bit. Now spill it, Chelsea.” Teasingly, he tickled her.

  Her struggle to free herself failed when he pulled her down on top of him. Her naked body was met with the feel of his dick, hard and ready, poised right at her entrance. She stared at him, wondering what she should do next, but her questions were answered by his actions.

  Quickly and with no hesitation, he slid inside her. “Oooh God, Adam!”

  The intensity of his deep, hard, and fast thrust almost made her come. Instantly, she began rocking against him, grinding into him, needing to get closer yet knowing he was already reaching the deepest parts of her body. She suddenly remembered that he wasn’t wearing a condom. The memory of the time in his bedroom when he accused her of trying to trick him sent an unwelcome fear to settle in her gut. She stilled her movements and started to get off of him.

bsp; “Chelsea…what’s wrong?”

  The concerned and worried look in his eyes made her love him that much more. “You’re not wearing a condom. I don’t want…” Why in the hell tears started to fall from her eyes, she had no idea.

  “Oh, baby, don’t do that.” He sat up and wrapped his arms around her. “Please don’t cry. Jesus…what’s wrong?”

  What was wrong with her? He was going to think she was a lunatic. Instead of calming her overly sensitive emotions, she found herself curling up and into his arms, allowing herself just to let go and get lost in the comfort of his embrace.

  As she continued to cry, she was hit with the realization that this wasn’t just about Adam and the way his demeanor could change at a moment’s notice. No, this was about her past with Derek too, and her fear that if she did something to upset Adam he would do the same things Derek had done to her. The knowledge of what was upsetting her only increased her tears rather than slow them down.

  “God, baby, what is it? What’s wrong?” His words tried to soothe her just the same as his lips did.

  Sniffling, she tried to answer. “I’m sorry.” She looked up at him. “I’m so sorry. I know this isn’t why you stayed.”

  Her comment must have shocked him because his expression looked as though she had smacked him clear across his face.

  “What? Is that what you think?” He closed his eyes and dropped his head back in frustration. He muttered a curse before looking back at her. “Of course you do. What else would you think?”

  Worried that he was going to leave, she immediately began to apologize. “I know you made me no promises, I just…God, I’m sorry.”

  “Jesus, you’re shaking. Fuck!” He wrapped his arms around her tightly. “Chelsea, please don’t cry, baby. I’m sorry, just please stop crying.”

  Surprised by his tenderness, she looked at him with confusion. He was apologizing to her? Why? When she cried with Derek he would get so angry and usually end up… No, she had to stop that. Adam was not Derek.

  “Will you tell me, Chelsea? Please?”

  She could see the sincerity in the depths of his chocolate-brown eyes. “I…I have issues with my past relationships. No, not relationships, but one relationship in particular, and I’m afraid I might be projecting some of that baggage on you.”

  She was relieved that she’d managed to get that much out without sobbing hysterically. Nervously, she waited for him to say something, but instead of talking, he wrapped her back up in his arms. She could hear his heart racing and wondered why it was beating so fast.

  “Chelsea…you’re not the only one with baggage. I’ve got so much it would probably make yours seem minor. I’m sorry you’re upset, but if you want to talk about it…you can. I want you to know that.”

  She wondered if he really meant what he said. She might not know him very well, but she was certain he wouldn’t say anything if it weren’t true. Wanting to be honest with him, she decided to trust his words and hope it didn’t turn out to be a mistake.

  “My ex boyfriend…he had a drug problem. So when he got really high, he would turn mean.” She felt his hands tense while rubbing her back, so she stopped. Why was it so hard to trust him? She wanted to. More than anything, she wanted to be able to tell him and have him assure her that he was nothing like Derek.

  “Chelsea? Is that all you want to tell me? Or is there more?” His hands continued stroking her back in a soothing fashion.

  She should have known he wouldn’t give up so easily, and yet she was thankful that he didn’t. This was important. Even if things didn’t last with Adam, she needed to be able to talk about it.

  “Yes. He was always a little controlling. Nothing major, just…in charge, of everything. Looking back at our relationship, I’m not even sure why I didn’t leave him sooner. It just seemed as though he had a way of making things seem like that’s just the way they were supposed to be.” She shrugged her shoulders before continuing.

  “Anyway, he had hurt his back at work and pulled some muscles. The doctor gave him some medicine for the pain, but he started taking a lot of it. Much more than he should. So, when the medication ran out and the doctor refused to give him any more after already giving him several refills, he started buying drugs illegally.”

  Needing to make him understand, she pulled away just enough to be able to look up at him. “I need you to know, Adam, that I didn’t help him. I knew it was wrong. I tried to get him help, but he didn’t want it.”

  “I know that, sugar. Of course I know that. Can I ask you a question?” His hands had left her back and were now caressing the sides of her arms.

  She nodded. “Yes. I’ll tell you the truth.”

  He kissed her forehead and rested his against hers. “Did he hit you?”

  Closing her eyes, she nodded. “Yes.” Since her tears had stopped, she did everything in her power to stop them from returning.

  “Just once?” he asked her quietly.

  She wondered how he knew that she was not lying, but not exactly telling the whole truth either. She shook her head. “No. A few times, actually. I want you to know that I wanted to leave, and I tried, it’s just…”

  “He wouldn’t let you.” His words weren’t a question, but a statement of fact.

  “No…it only happened a few times. The last time, though, the cops were called by a neighbor. If they hadn’t…” She couldn’t go on. The memory and terror of that moment was still so fresh in her mind.

  “Oh God. How bad was it?”

  With a deep breath for strength as well as to calm her nerves, she answered him. “He choked me until I blacked out. When the police showed up, I was unconscious, but he hadn’t stopped. I don’t think he was going to, either.”

  Adam’s heart squeezed unbearably tight. His mouth fell open in shock and disbelief. He had seen horrible, inhumane things while he was in the SEALs, but for some reason, the thought of Chelsea being hurt was a pain that he’d only ever felt once in his life.

  “Chelsea, oh, sugar, I’m so sorry.” He needed to feel her warmth, know she was okay. It was a ridiculous feeling. He knew she was okay, but he couldn’t ignore the rage he felt at the idea of someone hurting her.

  “It’s okay. I’m okay. You know…I think for the first time in a long time I actually believe that now. I’ve never been able to get through the whole thing before. Even the other day while I was talking to the girls I couldn’t.” She smiled at him, wishing she could seal this moment in time.

  He smiled back at her. While he hated the tears that were still evident on her face, he loved to see her smile. “I’m glad it was with me then. You can tell me anything, okay?”

  He watched her smile fade, if only slightly before she turned away. “Hey…now come on. You said you were gonna be honest with me. Tell me what you haven’t already.”

  “Everything I told you was true, but that was only part of it. When I realized you weren’t wearing a condom, I panicked. I remembered how angry you got the other day and…I…I got scared.”

  Of all the things he would have expected to hear, her being afraid of him wasn’t even in the top ten. Had he treated her that coldly that she would be fearful of him? What the hell was he thinking? Of course he had. Not only had he treated her like nothing more than a casual fuck, but he’d also screamed at her when he had forgotten to wear a condom.

  Looking at her wide eyes, he saw the way the colors gave away her nervousness. He hated that in the span of just a few days he was able to put it there.

  “Sugar, I won’t hurt you. Ever. I promise you that, okay? Please believe me. I swear it to you.”

  “I know…I do. It wasn’t so much a physical fear. I was worried you were going to leave. I thought you’d be angry if I didn’t stop you before it was too late.”

  God, he was such an asshole. Why she was even still talking to him, he had absolutely no idea. “You mean before there was a chance you got pregnant?”

  Nodding she said, “Yes.”

; He’d be lying to himself if he said he was ready for this. He wasn’t ready to talk about it, and he certainly wasn’t ready for Chelsea, but that didn’t seem to matter to this nagging ache in his chest. If he stood any chance of being with her after everything was over with the Bianchi family, he knew he was going to have to be honest with her.

  “You trusted me…now I have to know, can I trust you?”

  Chapter 25

  Adam watched her expression change from sad and hesitant to complete shock. She hadn’t answered him, but instead looked almost frozen.

  “Chelsea? Can I trust you?” He knew that he could, but he still needed to hear her say it. If for no other reason than to convince himself he was doing the right thing.

  “Yes. Oh, Adam, I swear you can trust me.”

  Jesus, the hazel in her eyes drove him crazy. There was so much emotion hidden in them. Needing to taste her lips, he leaned in and kissed her. He lingered there for a moment, savoring the sweetness that she radiated.

  “God…I could kiss you forever.” He pulled her a little closer so that they could lie together.

  Once he had her secure in his arms, he lifted her arm and laced their fingers together. Bringing her hand to his mouth, he placed a kiss to the tip of each finger and then kissed her palm.

  “What I’m going to tell you, Chelsea…I’ve never told anyone before. Not Rex, not Jack, no one. I want you to know that. I need you to understand that this isn’t easy for me, but I feel like if I don’t tell you…oh hell, just listen to me, hear me out, okay?”

  “Okay, I promise.”

  She sounded so sweet. Her voice was almost a whisper. God, he hoped after all this was over he would get to lie here with her like this again. He prayed that he would have the chance.

  “Okay, here goes.” He expelled a huge breath before he dove in.


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