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Sentinels of Creation

Page 32

by Robert W. Ross

  “But he got away, Oren,” growled Kellan. “I have no creative power to channel, so all your complex machinations and Ah’Anon’s death were for naught.”

  A Silence fell across the stones that felt as thick as the dread which accompanied it.

  Chapter 23

  A Mother's Love

  The telltale crackle of a portal forming broke the silence and a familiar female voice said, “No, ill advised though they may have been, Oren’s actions will not be in vain.” Everyone turned toward the voice as a crimson portal winked out.

  “Amy?” said Kellan. “What are you doing here?”

  She glanced at the Sentinel but said nothing as she passed by him to kneel by her son.

  He reached up and Lamia took his hand in hers. She kissed it and said, “Oh, my Oren, my sweet, sweet boy. Why?”

  He shook his head, “Mama, I’m sorry. I tried to maintain my cloak so you wouldn’t see me like this, but am too weak.”

  “You knew this might happen,” said Kellan slowly, “This was why you extracted the promise from me?”

  “I did not know,” said Merlin softly, “I suspected.” He turned back to Lamia and said, “I pierced the veil of time so that you would think me dead and with Taliesin and my sisters. I did not want you to know that I, alone, of your children faced oblivion because I had no soul. You had mentioned so many times how important it was to you. I just wanted.” Merlin trailed off and Lamia squeezed his hand tighter.

  “The fault is mine, Oren. We—” she gestured to indicate Ariel and Lucifer, “have always longed for a soul. So much so, that it precipitated the war in heaven and the first fall. I am sorry. The fault was mine. The obsession of my kind drove you to this.”

  She released his hand and stood, then turned to Kellan and lifted her chin. “Are you still willing to fulfill your promise to my son, Sentinel of Order?”

  Kellan looked at her questioningly, “Why are you talking like that, Amy?”

  “Because this is not a question between friends, Kellan. This is a formal entreaty and I beg you to keep your word despite what brought us to this moment.”

  The Sentinel shook his head, “Amy, I’m furious but no, I would not consign someone to oblivion because of the anger I know will someday fade. The fact remains, I have no means to breach the Guff. Maurius escaped and I have no Chaotic energy to fuse with Order.”

  Lamia smiled and rose on her toes to place a kiss on Kellan’s cheek. She whispered a word of thanks in his ear before saying, loud enough for all to hear, “I will provide what you need, Sentinel of Order.”

  Kellan looked around and found uniformed looks of confusion, even from Lucifer. Kellan looked into her eyes and saw the determination there, but said, “I don’t understand. How will you do that?”

  “It is a simple thing, really. You just need a small portion of my essence to fuse with your own.”

  “No, mother,” began Oren but she glared at him.

  “Hush, Oren, you have done quite enough.” Merlin fell silent. “Now, Kellan, all you need do is manifest your Sentinel’s sword.” Lamia glanced to the lightening sky and added, “Please do so now, we haven’t much time.” Kellan’s eyes flared and he felt the comforting weight of the weapon as it formed in his hand, then Lamia continued. “Excellent, now form it into a small dagger, but keep hold of it. I will guide your hand to make the wound. When I do so, I need you to draw in my essence. Do you understand?” Kellan nodded but looked decidedly uncomfortable. “Don’t worry, Kellan, it will just be a small thing, but I need you to concentrate. Close your eyes now and when you sense the Chaotic power, draw all that you can. The wound will be very small so draw quickly lest you not get enough.” Kellan nodded and closed his eyes as he felt Lamia’s hand on his own. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” said Kellan, then felt Lamia’s hand tense on his own.

  “Pull now, Kellan, pull with all your strength,” she said and moved the glowing dagger. Kellan felt the Chaotic power flow into him and distantly heard what he thought was several gasps and cries of alarm.

  He opened his eyes and released his hand on the blade. It puffed away and Lamia collapsed with a gaping wound that ran the entire length of her torso. Kellan tried to reach out to her, but was pulled inward.

  Like with Asmodeus, he found the stain of Chaotic energy sliding along the emerald river of his power. This time, however, the young Sentinel knew what to do. He leaped to the river’s center and interposed himself between the flowing red energy and Nurisha so that she would not suffer as she had before.

  He summoned the Chaotic power to himself. It tried to resist but Kellan’s will was inviolate. Where before he struggled to maintain control, now he commanded. The Chaotic power swirled and settled into a rotating sphere above his left hand even as he embraced the Ordered power around him and formed a rotating green sphere in his right.

  Kellan slammed both together and, as before, they fused into a gleaming violet orb which threatened to explode into channelable power. He fought with the power as it tried to do so and willed it into himself. It resisted his efforts seeking instead to go out into the world. With a final grunt of effort, Kellan seized the violet sphere and clutched it to his chest. It sank within him and the Sentinel opened his eyes.

  Around him the world blazed with life. He took in everything at once and understood all that he saw. Merlin lay as he was with a dim amber aura surrounding him. Lucifer stared in amazement filled with blazing red energy which his body could barely contain. Lamia lay before him, her body starting to blacken. Kellan reached down and touched her chest. He felt creative energy rush from him. The wound vanished and she took in a ragged breath.

  A brilliant green portal split the sky and Kellan looked up to see Michael sail through, his wings slowly beating the air.

  “What have you done, Kellan Thorne?” Then the Archangel saw the open portal and the Guff beyond. His eyes widened, then said, “And what are you about to do?” He pulled forth his sword and fire immediately licked up its blade. “Do not approach the Guff.”

  You could destroy him with a thought said a voice within Kellan. Do it. Take his power. Then destroy the other one. Kellan looked to Lucifer and back to Michael. Yes, destroy them both and you can fix many wrongs. You could bring Ah’Anon back to Mircalla. You could—“

  “Michael,” shouted Ariel, “stand down. Remember your vow. You swore to do anything asked of you by the Sentinel of Order.”

  “Unless,” responded the Archangel with a shout, “unless such a request put me in conflict with our Father, Ariel.”

  “Has Father requested anything of you? No, He has not. Our Father can intercede if he wishes.” The fallen angel joined Michael in the air and placed her hands on his shoulders as her blazing red eyes met the green of his. “All you need do, Michael, is nothing.”

  Kellan turned from the two and stared back at the portal. He reached for one of the violet shards within but found his hand still blocked. He pushed hard and felt the barrier flex but still he could not reach inside.

  “Sentinel-Kellan,” said Jarvis, “the sun rises. It is 8:00. I suggest you make haste.”

  Kellan cocked his head considering, then reached back and heaved a closed fist at the open portal. Violet cracks radiated from the impact and he felt Creative power rush from him. He punched again and translucent pieces fell away forming a small opening. Kellan summoned the remaining Creative energy within him and forced all but the smallest sliver into his next blow. The barrier shattered and the Sentinel felt his hand slip within. He wrapped his hand around three shining motes of light and withdrew them. As he did so, the barrier sealed itself and Kellan released the portal.

  He knelt down beside Lamia and Merlin, then gently placed one of the glowing shards on each of their chests. They sank silently within and both glowed with an intense violet aura for the span of three heartbeats. Kellan stood and opened his palm, eyes resting on the last of the violet shards. He held it close to his lips and whispered something so
softly that none could hear, then blew on it. The spark of creation flew off to the South, rapidly disappearing from view. As it did so, Kellan felt the last of the creative energy fade and he collapsed to the ground.

  Kellan opened his eyes to find Lamia cradling her son’s head in her lap. The Sentinel glanced eastward and let out a relieved breath that the sun had yet to break the horizon. He hastened over to the wizard who looked up at him with a smile. “You did it my old friend. I feel the soul within me.” The smile faded and he said, “Forgive me.” Kellan just held his hand and kissed it softly. “Thank you,” breathed Merlin. “Just one last duty to perform. Lean close Sentinel of Order and I will fulfill my last promise to you.”

  Kellan glanced to Lamia who just nodded and he placed his ear next to Merlin’s mouth. The Sentinel could feel his stomach churn as he took in the words, then pulled back and said, “When will I need to do that Oren?” But the sun had risen and Merlin was gone.

  Lamia kissed his forehead and closed his eyes as her tears dripped onto his cheek. “I will take him with me,” she said and gestured, but no portal formed. She gestured again, then slowly raised a finger to her eyes.

  Kellan smiled at her. “I’m afraid you aren’t my favorite demon anymore. You hold no Chaotic power and in its place you have a human soul. Use it well.”

  Lamia started to respond when an amber mist gathered around Merlin’s body like a glowing shroud, and a runic circle formed beside them. It flashed and a plump middle-aged women with a comically bulbous nose stood among them as the circle faded.

  “I thought you might come,” said Kellan.

  The woman turned to him, “We would have come sooner, but there were risks to doing so.” Gaia turned to Lamia and said, “Mother, it was Oren’s wish that he be buried here amongst the stones, do you consent?”

  Lamia seemed taken aback but looked to Kellan who gave her a reassuring nod. The former demon nodded and said, “Yes, but so many mortals visit this place how can we ensure he will not be disturbed?”

  Gaia stepped forward and removed the tartan skirt from beneath Merlin’s head and handed it to Shannon. She then crossed the wizard’s arms in a position of dignified repose. As soon as she had done so, the glow about him intensified as fresh shoots burst from the ground growing all around and through the body.

  The goddess raised her hands as her eyes blazed with amber fire, “We are Gaia, and from death comes life. We honor you Oren son of Taliesin. We honor you Oren son of Lamia. Death shall never touch this spot of earth again. Do all our aspects agree?”

  At the question Gaia wavered a moment then split into three figures, each stepping from the other. Clotho stepped forward and power left from her hand to the growing mound of blooming flowers. “She who spins agrees.”

  Lachesis stepped forward and said, “She who measures agrees.”

  Finally Atropos stepped forward and said, “She who severs agrees.”

  Then all three spoken in unison, “All aspects agree so shall it be.”

  As their words faded all the shoots burst into bloom.

  Lamia stared at the vibrant carpet of flowers, then locked her eyes with Lachesis who nodded through tears of her own. She opened her arms and Lamia flew to her daughter. The two embraced as the assembled group all shared their own tearful glances.

  “I’m sorry,” said Lachesis, “you have grieved prematurely for two of your children. Gaia and her aspects cannot align with either Order or Chaos for creation requires both. When I took up the Mantle of Clotho, Shaylee had to die so that Clotho could live. Forgive me, Mother. You are no longer of Chaos and we need never be parted again.”

  Lamia stepped back and kissed her daughter. “There is nothing to forgive. I gained a son I thought to be lost and was able to see him safely to the next step of his journey and I gained a daughter I thought long dead.” She reached over and embraced Kellan, squeezing him tightly. “You made all this possible. I will never be able to repay you Kellan.”

  He shrugged, “Friendship isn’t about keeping score, Amy. It’s about doing all we can for each other without ever expecting or desiring something in return.”

  Lucifer swung his legs off the chase and said, “Yes, well, that is all very touching, baby-Sentinel, but I think I’ll be off now. Things to do, Chaos to seed.”

  “Way to spoil the moment, but I should have expected no less,” said Kellan. “Just one thing before you go.”

  “Hmmm, and what’s that?”

  “Why didn’t you try and stop any of this, Lucifer? Seems a whole lot of good just got accomplished.”

  “Why, indeed?” said Lucifer with a grin. “I mean, angels becoming demons. Demons becoming humans. Sentinels of Chaos getting their arms chopped off. Oh, and let’s not forget about a Sentinel of Order actually breaching the reliquary of souls and pinching three of them. Yes, Kellan, I simply have no idea why the High Prince of Chaos would enjoy any of that. Cheerio.”

  Lucifer ripped open a portal and leaped through without a backwards glance leaving Kellan to say, “Well, when you put it that way,” to empty air.

  Shannon slipped up beside him as the winter sunlight bathed them all and said, “Sweetie, can we please go home.”

  He kissed her and said, “Absolutely!”

  Chapter 24


  “Hey, Shan, We are going to be late and I’m pretty sure they will not wait for us.”

  “Kellan Thorne, if you tell me that one more time, you can go by yourself. I am taking just as much time as is required. You bought me these things, now keep quiet while I make use of them.”

  Kellan sighed and poured another finger of bourbon into his glass of eggnog. He glanced at his watch: 5:30pm. They had time. Fortunately, he reminded himself, he had told Shannon they needed to arrive an hour earlier than they actually had to be there.

  Christmas Eve in Roswell was one of Kellan’s favorite things in the world. All his friends knew of his borderline obsession with the season. They smiled indulgently at the few Santa figurines that seemed to never be put away in his home. They even stopped poking fun at the tiny artificial Christmas tree he kept lit in the corner of his home office all year long.

  Kellan swirled his glass and watched as the amber bourbon became lost among the white liquid. He sighed and took a sip as his thoughts turned again to Ah’Anon and Oren. It doesn’t even feel right to go to this thing, he thought.

  What would they want?

  I imagine they would want not to be dead.

  Oren wanted to die, and you helped him do so with a living soul

  Kellan nodded internally, fair point on that one, but what about Ah’Anon

  Yeah, the Sentinel agreed with himself, that one just sucks, no way around it.

  He looked up at the reclaimed wooden beam that comprised his fireplace mantel and the two stockings which hung there. The one on the left looked to be rather old and had Kelly stitched across the white trim. The other seemed brand new and bore the name Shannon. Kellan took another pull from his glass, turned his attention to the eight foot tall Christmas tree and blessed old homes for their high ceilings. The tree stood to the right of the large stone-worked fireplace, nestled in a corner of his living room. Beneath it lay several colorfully wrapped presents that he and Shannon would exchange in the morning. Of course, the gift with which she currently struggled was the one Kellan had, according to his own family’s tradition, been able to give her on Christmas Eve. He fingered the soft cloth around his neck and lifted up the scarf, admiring the many earth tone hues within it. He could have chosen any of Shannon’s presents to open. Those were the rules after all, but she had encouraged him to select this one. Like many of her suggestions, Kellan was glad he’d taken it. The temperature continued to drop and was already well below freezing. He knew that the scarf would be most welcome on their walk to the Roswell Square.

  Kellan’s lips quirked up as he replayed the recent memory of his opening the gift.

  “Yes, Kellan Thorne, I knitte
d that with my very own hands. You needn’t look so surprised. Knitting is far easier on the fingers than rolling knives across the knuckles, and of course you didn’t see me making it. That would have ruined the surprise now wouldn’t it, you daft man.”

  He laughed softly as the picture-perfect memory finished playing. Shannon had fully embraced his love of all things Christmas, especially after having so little use for it last year. Of course, thought Kellan, all she had known was the depressing thirteenth century Christmas. He’d spent the better part of 2017, slowly unveiling the magic that was today’s Christmas season. Everything from Rankin-Bass cartoons, to It’s a Wonderful Life. It culminated in their Christmas Eve viewing of the 1951 version of Charles Dickens’ classic Scrooge, starring Alistair Sim.

  That’s really the only one worth watching, thought Kellan when the bedroom door swung open.

  He stood and swallowed hard as butterflies danced in his stomach. Shannon ran her fingers through her loosely curling hair and released it to cascade effortlessly across her shoulders. She looked at him and he saw lines of nervous anticipation in the corners of her eyes and mouth. They relaxed into a smile as she took in Kellan’s reaction.

  He stared at her, gaping and his fingers lost their grip on his glass. It began to tumble toward the floor when a light green shimmer surrounded it causing the glass to straighten and floated to the nearby end table.

  “Shannon, you are so beautiful,” he said softly and she beamed as the green glow faded from her eyes.

  “Shall I twirl for ya then?” she asked with laughter in her voice, then did so without waiting for Kellan’s response.

  The wool McLeod tartan skirt floated up slightly as she twirled, revealing a bit more of Shannon’s well toned legs. She wore warm navy blue stockings that had subtle embossed lines running their length. As she completed her twirl, Shannon shifted her weight and bent her left leg. “And where did you get these?”


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