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Fool Me Twice

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by Aaron Klein







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  Washington, D.C.

  Copyright © 2012

  Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott

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  1. U.S. Armed Forces to Fight “Injustice,” Poverty, and “Global Warming”

  2. What Solyndra? New “Green” Stimulus, Federal “Green Bank”

  3. Open Borders, Amnesty for Illegals

  4. A Jobs Plan for America

  5. It’s Back! FDR’s Works Progress Administration and Other Obama Job Nightmares

  6. Blueprint for a New Economy, National Infrastructure Bank

  7. “Equal Pay for Equal Work” and Other Acts of “Fairness”

  8. Government Health Care for All

  9. Elections: Stealing the Future


  Glossary of Acronyms



  AMERICAN VOTERS HAVE often heard a presidential election called “the most important election of your lifetime.” And surely the failure to defeat Barack Hussein Obama in November 2012 would be momentous. It would mean a continuation of his relentless expansion of federal government power; more explosive increases in his crushing, multitrillion-dollar inter-generational debt; a weak foreign policy coupled with his evisceration of America’s military; and the likelihood that more Obama-appointed Supreme Court justices would assure a left-leaning majority on America’s top court for at least a generation.

  But these trends, insidious as they are, do not capture the real meaning of a second Obama term. These conventional concerns—which would normally be at least partly reversible under some future change in administration—do not encompass what is truly at stake for America in 2012. That risk is the progressive socialist takeover of our country, the “fundamental transformation of the United States of America” that Obama proclaimed just five days before the general election in 2008. The danger is that 2012 may not only be the most important election of our lifetimes, but that it will be the last chance we have to save liberty as Americans have known it since 1776.

  The progressive socialists normally operate—to borrow a Fabian socialist term—by stealth. But Obama himself accidentally revealed his duplicitous program in a now notorious “open microphone” incident with Russian president Dmitry Medvedev. Americans were momentarily stunned to hear the two in private conversation on the sidelines of a March 26, 2012, Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea:

  Obama: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.”

  Medvedev: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…”

  Obama: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”

  Medvedev: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”

  These deceitful remarks do not simply betray Obama’s willingness to compromise American security interests. As we expose in this book’s chapter on defense policy, a second Obama term would go far beyond caving in to Russia’s objections to U.S. missile defenses for Europe or the Kremlin’s longstanding goal of diminishing America’s nuclear arsenal. What Obama’s “open-mic moment” made stunningly clear is his strategy of concealing his true agenda from the American people by telling the leader of Russia that he will have more “flexibility” after his reelection to enact policies the American public would oppose—if only we knew. This begs the obvious question: What other unpopular policies is Obama hiding that he plans to foist on the country if he wins a second term?

  This book reveals the blueprint for a second term that Obama and his progressive backers don’t want you to know. Months of painstaking research into thousands of documents have enabled coauthor Brenda J. Elliott and me to expose the secret template for Obama’s next four years—the one actually created by Obama’s own top advisers and strategists.

  Fool Me Twice is our third and most important book-length investigation into Obama and the progressive socialist movement. Here we lay out in great detail the progressive agenda for a second Obama term. All the main areas of domestic policy are covered—jobs, wages, health care, immigration, electoral “reform,” as well as the “green scheme,” or what passes in progressive circles for a national energy policy. Each of these plans seeks to permanently remake America into a government-dominated socialist state.

  The American public has a broad sense of the president’s agenda, should he capture four more years. For example, Obama has been clear he would use another term to ensure the implementation of the legally challenged ObamaCare and the “reform” of our financial sector. Obama also stated recently he would attempt the central goal of progressive-style immigration reform, as well. But these generalized ambitions do not scratch the surface of the specific, radical assault that is planned upon our country and that we have labored to expose in this work. Here are just a few samples from dozens upon dozens of specific plans unveiled herein:

  • detailed plans to enact single-payer health care legislation controlled by the federal government, regardless of any Supreme Court decision to overturn ObamaCare;

  • the re-creation of a 21st-century version of FDR’s Works Progress Administration (WPA) program within the Department of Labor that would oversee a massive new bureaucracy and millions of new federal jobs;

  • further gutting of the U.S. military in shocking ways, while using the “savings” for a new “green” stimulus program and the founding of a federal “green” bank to fund so-called environmentally friendly projects;

  • the spreading of already vastly reduced resources of the U.S. Armed Forces spread even thinner by using them to combat “global warming,” fight global poverty, remedy “injustice,” bolster the United Nations, and step up use of “peacekeeping” deployments;

  • an expansive new amnesty program for illegal aliens linked with a reduction in the capabilities of the U.S. Border Patrol and plans to bring in untold numbers of new immigrants with the removal of caps on H-1B visas and green cards.

  And this is just the start.

  How did we uncover this radical blueprint? Surprisingly, many of the plans are lying in plain sight but are in need of investigative energies and trained eyes. In our previous book, Red Army, Brenda and I copiously traced the origins of Obama’s first-term signature policies, including ObamaCare, defense initiatives, and the massive “stimulus.” In nearly every case, we found each plan was crafted and perfected over time by key progressive organizations and activists, usually first p
romoted in extensive research and policy papers. Many times, the plan at hand was only gradually introduced into legislation pushed by progressive Democrats. Progressive marketing strategists, we found, were then brought in to sell the plan to the American public, cloaking the most radical proposals in the guise of moderation, in the bland-sounding rhetoric of popular social ideals.

  For example, we documented how ObamaCare was largely a rehashed version of legislation that first originated in progressive research in 2003 as something called Health Care for America, the centerpiece of the progressive Economic Policy Institute’s Agenda for Shared Prosperity. Many of the major facets of the health care law, we showed, were attempted in earlier, less grandiose legislative efforts. We revealed how progressive marketing experts helped to sell ObamaCare to the public, even providing suggestions on exactly which words supporters should use to promote the bill.

  We further documented how key progressive organizations served as the nerve center for formulating such White House initiatives as the “stimulus,” defense strategy, and education reform. This same cast of characters has been busy plotting Obama’s second-term agenda in exhaustive detail.

  To be clear, we do not argue that every plan exposed in this book would be implemented by Obama exactly as outlined. But we have no doubt that we are presenting you with the detailed game plan that would form the basis of a second Obama term.

  I have been investigating Barack Obama since December 2007 when the Democratic primary was getting into full swing and the largely unknown junior senator from Illinois emerged as a serious contender. At the time, I was a Jerusalem-based reporter primarily focused on the Middle East. From five thousand miles away, I was forced to involve myself in U.S. domestic affairs, since I found the Washington press corps to be mysteriously uninterested in doing any real vetting of Obama’s background.

  I am proud to have played a role in uncovering Obama’s radical history. My own Middle East investigations led me to first piece together Obama’s extensive relationship with unrepentant Pentagon-bomber Bill Ayers, penning an article that broke into a major issue of the 2008 Presidential campaign. I also first documented Obama’s close personal and professional ties to the PLO-connected, anti-Israel professor Rashid Khalidi, as well as a host of other nearly lifetime ties to radical groups and anti-American personalities, including the Nation of Islam; the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN; and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

  It was in a now-notorious April 2008, WABC Radio interview with myself and then cohost John Batchelor that a top official of the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas “endorsed” Obama for president. Our interview made world headlines and became a prominent theme of the 2008 presidential campaign.

  Later, as his presidency took shape, I teamed up with Brenda and together we researched Obama and White House officials. We were among the first to report that Obama’s “Green Jobs Czar,” Van Jones, had founded a communist organization—a theme later picked up by Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck leading to Jones’ resignation. We also released a video, circulated nationwide, in which White House communications director Anita Dunn boasted that Obama’s presidential campaign had focused on “making” the news media cover certain issues while rarely communicating anything to the press unless it was “controlled.” Dunn stepped down weeks later, though she continues to this day to serve the White House in an advisory role. Together, we wrote both Manchurian President, documenting Obama’s lifelong ties to radicals, and Red Army, which detailed how the progressive machine formulated the president’s first-term White House strategy.

  Of course, it is now our hope to contribute even further to the exposure of President Obama’s radical policies, and of the progressives’ deceptive designs for our country. America’s failure to grasp—or unwillingness to confront—the grave threat we now face is not limited to liberal elites or to practitioners of what has become essentially the partisan news media. Even much of the “conservative” political class has not risen to this challenge. We despair, for example, to hear conservatives criticize Obama as being “either too naïve or too incompetent” to govern effectively. To the contrary, what we continue to document here is that he is a highly skilled political radical who has spent a lifetime preparing to reach the pinnacle of American power, and is for the most part succeeding in implementing the progressive socialist agenda.

  But we realize, also, that the continued success of Barack Hussein Obama depends on concealing his true nature, his radical policies, and his second-term goals. We are about to blow the lid off all of that.

  Obama is notorious for blaming his predecessor, President George W. Bush, for the current economic woes, as well as a host of other failures. One joke going around Washington after the rare earthquake of August 2011 was that Obama had proclaimed it: “Bush’s fault.” Yet it was Bush who must be credited with dusting off an old American saw that well applies to his White House successor: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

  Will we, the American public, allow ourselves to be fooled again? Let us pray, not. For even a politician most adroit at manipulating democratic elections (see Chapter 9) cannot succeed to “fool all of the people, all of the time.”

  Aaron Klein



  IMAGINE THE FUNDAMENTAL transformation of the U.S. Armed Forces into a social work organization designed to combat “global warming,” fight global poverty, remedy “injustice,” bolster the United Nations, and increase “peacekeeping” forces worldwide.

  This messianic fantasy of “swords into ploughshares” is to be implemented in our dangerous world, driven by the think tanks of ’60s radicals and their disciples who have infiltrated the highest levels of American—and global—power.

  The major leagues of progressive groups with deep ties to the Obama administration got together to produce a comprehensive, ninety-six-page report with these and other specific recommendations for how Obama should reform the U.S. military during his second term in office. This detailed blueprint, titled “A Report of the Task Force on a Unified Security Budget for the United States” (or 2012 Unified Security Budget), lays out a future Obama “defense” agenda.1

  The Unified Security Budget is a joint product of the Center for American Progress (CAP) and the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). Throughout this book, we will thoroughly examine CAP’s deep influence in framing White House policy under Obama, indeed in directing Obama’s initial transition into the White House, aiding in the selection of administration officials, and crafting Obama’s specific first- and second-term plans. It is fair to say CAP, led by John Podesta, is the de facto policy nerve center of the Obama administration. Time magazine called CAP Obama’s “idea factory,” noting that “not since the Heritage Foundation helped guide Ronald Reagan’s transition in 1981 has a single outside group held so much sway.”2 Time reported it is “difficult to overstate the influence in Obamaland of CAP.”

  It is instructive that CAP got together with the IPS, a policy group infamous for its Cold War-era support of the Soviets and its long–standing crusade to diminish the U.S. military, all while pushing for the elimination of our nuclear arsenal. Later in this chapter we will detail Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s ties to the IPS, including his past advocacy for the group’s specific military recommendations. We will also document how key members of other organizations sponsoring the Unified Security Budget, such as the Connect U.S. Fund, can now be found at the top level of the Obama administration. Another Unified Security Budget report sponsor deserving special attention is George Soros’s Open Society Institute.

  The 2012 Unified Security Budget itself recalls how the group’s policy recommendations from some other of its recent defense papers have already been adopted by Obama’s Sustainable Defense Taskforce, which has notoriously recommended $1 trillion in cuts over ten years.

  The Unified Security Budget project has contributed to this debate by outlining a set of cuts in unneeded military programs that formed the core of a proposal by the Sustainable Defense Task Force … A majority, though not a supermajority, of the members of the President’s Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform adopted the annualized figure of $100 billion, and many of the recommendations from this proposal.3

  And it continues:

  These figures—the $100 billion annual benchmark and the 10-year accumulated total—were not invented by the Commission’s staff. They aligned closely with the two major blueprints released during the Commission’s deliberations that had given military spending a role in deficit reduction commensurate with its dominant role in the discretionary budget. The first, the Sustainable Defense Task Force (SDTF), expanded on the recommendations for military cuts from the 2010 Unified Security Budget (USB) report.

  The report revels in the overlapping membership between the two policy groups: the “Unified Security Budget and Sustainable Defense task forces share several members, including both USB principal authors.”

  We do not believe Obama would adopt every defense recommendation in the 2012 Unified Security Budget, including some shocking suggestions we will soon reveal. But what is certain—given these groups’ influence within the administration until now—is that the report would serve as a defense policy wish list for a second Obama term and that its concepts will inform Obama’s military approach if he wins reelection. We will even show how much of the report has already been incorporated into key progressive House and Senate legislation.


  The Unified Security Budget proclaims its goal as the “rebalancing” of our country’s security resources to “strengthen our capacity to prevent and resolve conflict by non-military means, and to constrain terrorist threats not by waging a ‘war on terror’ but by finding and isolating terrorists and bringing them to justice, protecting ourselves from future attacks, and strengthening the capacity of the United States and other nations to resist terrorism.”


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