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A Cinderella for the Duke: A Historical Regency Clean Sweet Romance Novel

Page 12

by Abby Ayles

  * * *

  They each smiled wryly at each other. Both feeling a little guilty for thinking such an unchristian like thought about Lady Hendrickson, and then satisfaction in at least knowing that they were not the only one that thought so.

  * * *

  For surely if at least two or more people draw the same conclusion on a person’s character isn’t it more likely to be true?

  Chapter 15

  All three Hendrickson ladies were dressed in their finest as they left the carriage in front of Bassen Park. Lady Louisa, who had taken the time to dress in her lemon colored silk dinner gown, couldn’t believe the sight of the estate upon exiting the carriage.

  * * *

  She had only seen one other great house to her knowledge, and that was Wintercrest Manor. Bassen Park seemed to rival it in grandeur. She supposed that was the look of most estates outside of London and wondered for a moment on her brother’s own country seat not too far away from her current residence had the same majesty.

  * * *

  They were welcomed up the stone steps by a waiting footman who opened the door for them upon entering. Waiting just inside the hallway was another footman to show them to the hosting party in the library.

  * * *

  Lady Louisa watched each shut door they passed by as they made their way deeper inside the estate house. She was amazed by the number of rooms and bustling people all about.

  * * *

  She wondered what each oaken door held behind its thick barrier. Perhaps some were fine drawing rooms or offices. Others might have been massive dance halls like the one she was shown by Isabella at Wintercrest Manor. Though she had a hard time imagining anything as wondrous a spectacle as Wintercrest’s dance hall.

  * * *

  Each lady was announced in order, much to Lady Hendrickson’s displeasure, before they entered the room. Inside they found a warmly lit vast space full of books and various arranged sitting area. Though there was not much chill in the night air, a fire glowed in the large fireplace for comfort.

  * * *

  As each lady entered all three gentlemen stood to greet them. Lady Louisa only stole a look of the Duke for a second before promising herself not to look again. The effect of his dress had already done its damage, however.

  * * *

  The Duke of Rowland was meticulously dressed in a navy coat with cream undershirt and tan pantaloons with high black boots. His black hair seemed to reflect the firelight like ebony glass and his eyes seemed all the fiercer green as he bowed respectfully to the welcomed ladies.

  * * *

  His eyes only met Lady Louisa’s for just a second, but he couldn’t help but hold his gaze on her long after she looked away from him. She looked rather breathtaking in her soft color dress that shined in the light. Next, to her simple beauty, her aunt and cousin seemed well overdone in their elaborate frocks and frills.

  * * *

  He remained himself, with a clearing of his throat, that he was not to speak to this lady again. In fact, he was supposed to be disappointed to see her at all after their last exchange.

  * * *

  For some reason, however, in the time they had spent apart since the public ball and this night, he had entirely forgotten why her words had seemed so offensive to him. He decided that if she were to speak to him this night not only would he be cordial as he was raised to be, but also be willing to brush away old opinions and start anew.

  * * *

  With that sentiment, he invited the whole party of ladies to join them on some sofas for some light refreshments before dinner was served.

  * * *

  “I have set up a table for a nice game of cards if anyone should wish to join,” Colonel Jasper said after all parties were comfortable and settled into the room.

  * * *

  “I am quite sure that Lady Louisa would be happy to,” Lady Hendrickson said. “She does love a good game of cards, don’t you dear?”

  * * *

  Lady Louisa looked at her aunt with a bit of surprise. Not once had she entered into a game of cards at her aunt's house. Though she was in no way averse to the game, she was however irritated that the purpose of her aunt’s words was only to tease her for the ill-formed opinion that Lady Hendrickson had of the Colonel’s affection for her.

  * * *

  “I would be more than happy to join you,” Lady Louisa said with a smile at the Colonel.

  * * *

  He was a very kind man, and she did enjoy being in his company. It would be a pleasant diversion for her and at least kept her from having to converse with the Duke.

  * * *

  “Perhaps Miss Mary could join us as well?” Lady Louisa asked turning to her youngest cousin.

  * * *

  Lady Louisa was quite sure that Miss Mary would not have volunteered to do so on her own. At the same time, it was easy to see that she had a growing affection for the Colonel and was rather hoping for the chance to spend time with him.

  * * *

  “A splendid suggestion,” the Colonel said approving the idea as he looked over at Miss Mary.

  * * *

  She blushed shyly as their eyes met and in that instant Lady Louisa was sure that the growing feelings were a mutual occurrence.

  * * *

  Rowland looked over at the tabled trio as they quietly moved cards around on the table with occasional giggles and conversation. He was happy to see his friend in such high spirits as he enjoyed the game with Miss Mary.

  * * *

  He had wondered at Lady Hendrickson instant suggestion that Lady Louisa joined Jasper when it seemed so clear to him that both Jasper and the younger Hendrickson daughter had eyes on each other.

  * * *

  He turned back to his own party. Currently, his uncle was deep in conversation with the two ladies discussing the vast property and various amenities that it held. He rather felt like a horse for sale at that moment, as his uncle outlined all the highlighting benefits of his purchase. He wondered if soon he would be made to bare his teeth for Miss Hendrickson’s inspection.

  * * *

  “Would you say that you have found your return to England very pleasing then, Mr. Vaughan?” Lady Hendrickson said to keep the conversation going.

  * * *

  “It is always good to return home,” Mr. Vaughan said though Rowland knew it to be a blatant lie. “I do miss the entertaining distractions of foreign lands, however. I haven’t found the same excitement as we had there.”

  * * *

  “Please do tell us a tale of some of your adventures then. I do find the idea of traveling to far off lands rather thrilling,” Lady Hendrickson countered with a lie of her own.

  * * *

  As Rowland’s uncle wove a tale of elephant rides and exotic dancing Rowland’s eyes went back to the card table. He wondered if perhaps he could excuse himself and join them. The trio seemed to be enjoying themselves far more than he was.

  * * *

  “I dare say we have just as many wonderful distractions here in England. Especially for you, Your Grace, who has spent such little time in your homeland,” Lady Hendrickson said encouraging him into their conversation.

  * * *

  “Really, Lady Hendrickson?” Rowland turned and answered obediently. “Perhaps you would be kind enough to give me some pointers on the matter. As you said, I left the country just after my schooling and know so little of the land.”

  * * *

  “Well, there is the hunts to start. I know fine gentleman find that very exciting and distracting. Of course, there is also London during the season. It might be a wonderful event for you to attend next year. Though I do find it more exciting when one has a partner to share it with,” she added with a curled smile to insinuate her daughter.

  * * *

  “My own Elisabeth was sent to London for improvements in her skills from masters, and found it most pleasing, didn’t you dear?” she added to create a conversation between the Duke and he
r daughter.

  * * *

  “Quite so,” Miss Hendrickson said without skip of a beat. “The musicals and plays during the season are wonderful to watch, Your Grace. You really must try to see a few before returning to your adventure.”

  * * *

  “I suspect it will be some time before the Duke returns to adventuring, if at all,” Mr. Vaughan interjected.

  * * *

  “Yes,” the Duke agreed though his heart was not in it. “I rather feel an extended break would suit me fine. I have found the country very diverting thus far and enjoy the idea of spending many more years getting to know my homeland.”

  * * *

  “Many find an open-air carriage ride around the town a wonderful opportunity to get to know the land better. Have you done such as of yet, Your Grace?” Miss Hendrickson asked fluttering her honey eyes at him.

  * * *

  “I have been to Market Day in the village, but other than that I have not seen much of the country past my own estate. Perhaps you would be willing to join me and direct me around to the best sights one day?” The Duke asked knowing it was her meaning by the question.

  * * *

  Miss Hendrickson split into a seductive smile and waved her fan before her as if the thought was a little embarrassing to her.

  * * *

  “I would be more than happy to, Your Grace,” she replied.

  * * *

  The Duke studied Miss Hendrickson then with the eyes that she could very well be his intended wife. She indeed was nice enough to look at. She seemed to have the grace and poise of a duchess and would quickly find a way into polite society.

  * * *

  There was something about her, however, that unnerved him. He realized somewhat reluctantly that it was the same quality that had discouraged Lady Louisa when last they spoke. She was very limited to only what was expected of her.

  * * *

  He told himself, just as there was more to him, there had to be more to Miss Hendrickson. Yes, she was behaving a very certain way in such settings because she felt the need to say the things he wanted to hear. He only needed to give her a chance to be more. If he could find the time, perhaps really taking her on a carriage ride later this week, he could learn who the real Miss Hendrickson was and no longer find her wanting.

  * * *

  He had rather hoped in such a private setting that she would have relaxed and shown more of her true self than the same lady he danced with at the public ball or was upon their first introduction at Mentheith House.

  * * *

  Rowland considered the overbearing presence of her mother at her side, though. Perhaps if he got the Miss Hendrickson without her mother’s presence, she would be more willing to let her mask down and be who she actually was.

  * * *

  Even in the few visits he had with Lady Hendrickson, Rowland had already seen how clearly overbearing she could be with her two daughters. He would have to bide his time yet again and wait until he could get to know Miss Hendrickson on her own before he was ready to make up his mind about her.

  * * *

  Finally, dinner was announced, and the Duke couldn’t be more relieved to leave the room and the small party of useless chit chat to a new location.

  Chapter 16

  Lady Louisa sat down at the table with the Duke at the head on her left and his uncle on her right and Lady Hendrickson across from her on the Duke's left. She could tell that Miss Elisabeth was rather irritated that Lady Louisa was on the Duke’s other side instead of her. It was custom, however, to seat oneself by rank, and so Miss Elisabeth was placed beside her mother with her sister on the other side.

  * * *

  On Lady Louisa’s left was Mr. Vaughan next to him was the Colonel. Lady Louisa was satisfied with the fact of knowing that the Colonel was across from Mary so that they could continue their somewhat intimate conversation that had occurred during the card game earlier.

  * * *

  She was quite apprehensive, however, to be so close to the Duke. After all, their last meeting they had agreed that neither had more to say to the other. What could she possibly do now seated next to him? It would be rude not to at least make light conversation.

  * * *

  “You must have my Elisabeth play for you after the meal, Your Grace,” Lady Hendrickson said at the third course. “She is very practiced, and you will find her music and voice beautiful.”

  * * *

  “That would be a wonderful delight,” the Duke said as he looked down the table at the expectant Miss Elisabeth.

  * * *

  Satisfied with his answer she whispered something over to her sister.

  * * *

  “Do you also play, Lady Louisa?” The Duke asked hoping to include her in some conversation. She had been very quiet for the whole meal only have a few words pass between her and Mr. Vaughan.

  * * *

  Up until this point most of the talking had been done between the Duke, Lady Hendrickson, and Mr. Vaughan.

  * * *

  Lady Louisa looked over at the Duke shock that he asked in her soft doe eyes.

  * * *

  “I do, Your Grace,” she finally said with her eyes fluttering to her aunt for just a beat before looking back down in embarrassment, “But I fear not as well as my cousin. She far surpasses my abilities.”

  * * *

  “None the less, perhaps we will make a concert of the night?” He suggested.

  * * *

  It was clear that Lady Louisa was getting bullied by her aunt to stay far out of the picture of the evening. He thought it a rather silly thing. Of course, Lady Hendrickson wanted her own eldest daughter to be the center of attention for him, but that was no cause for him to ignore his other guest.

  * * *

  “What a wonderful idea,” Lady Hendrickson said. “Mary shall sing for us as well then. She doesn’t have her sister’s skills on the instrument, but she has a rather agreeable voice to hear.”

  * * *

  It was clear that Lady Hendrickson was keen on keeping the focus on her own daughters at all costs. Of course, her eldest was preferable to her cause, but she would choose either over Lady Louisa.

  * * *

  “I am not terribly skilled, but I can pluck a few keys,” Colonel Jasper announced a bit bashfully. “Perhaps I might accompany you, Miss Mary?”

  * * *

  “I would like that very much,” Miss Mary said with rose to her pale skin.

  * * *

  Lady Louisa smiled too, clearly seeing the intent going between the two. Her eyes flashed to the Duke, and she was surprised to see him just as satisfied with their interaction. They had a brief moment of silent civility as they both shared the knowledge in Jasper’s and Miss Mary’s secret feelings for the other.

  * * *

  “May I ask, Lady Louisa, if it is not music that you find yourself drawn to, what do you enjoy practicing your talents in instead? Perhaps taking long walks? After all, I have caught you doing so twice now,” he added with a playful tease.

  * * *

  Lady Louisa saw her aunt’s eyes fall on her in frustration. She didn’t like the fact that the Duke had apparently met her twice and not just once on the road as Lady Hendrickson had previously thought.

  * * *

  “I can’t say that I had enjoyed the exercise extensively before coming here, Your Grace. But the fresh air of the country has been so invigorating; it is so much different than London.”

  * * *

  “Had you spent most of your time in London then and never returned to your father’s country seat? My understanding is that it is not far off from this county.” “No, it is not far,” Lady Louisa agreed. “But my mother enjoyed town so much we rarely left it. I have been to the Duke of Wintercrest’s estate on a few occasions to visit with a very good friend of mine, but outside of that, I rarely left London.”

  * * *

  “And you didn’t find that part of the country very enj
oyable?” He continued in conversation.


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