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A Cinderella for the Duke: A Historical Regency Clean Sweet Romance Novel

Page 24

by Abby Ayles

  * * *

  Lady Louisa let her gaze drift up to him.

  * * *

  “Well, I suspect that now Jasper and Miss Mary will receive their due happiness, despite your aunt. Would that not be something to brighten your disposition over?”

  * * *

  “‘Tragedy delights by affording a shadow of the pleasure.’ I can’t see how she will hold true to her word,” Lady Louisa quoted from Shelley before she even realized what she was doing.

  * * *

  Suddenly her hands clamped over her mouth while the Duke’s grey simultaneously.

  * * *

  “Let me guess,” he said after a moment, “Percy Shelley.” Lady Louisa still had her hand cupped over her mouth, but she nodded yes.

  * * *

  “I believe he is a poet you hold very dear to your heart,” the Duke continued to confirm. Lady Louisa could only nod again.

  * * *

  “It was you then,” he said as he searched his own thoughts. “Yet you kept the truth from me.”

  * * *

  Lady Louisa removed her hand and placed it on the Duke's arm.

  * * *

  “It was only for your own sake. I didn’t want you to be disappointed. Not to mention how much it would enrage my aunt. I feared it would ruin Mary’s prospects permanently. I did promise Mary and the Colonel I would tell you after they were wed.”

  * * *

  “They knew too?” Rowland said feeling personally offended by his friends withholding from him.

  * * *

  “Well, Colonel Jasper only found out today. You must see I couldn’t tell you for Mary’s sake? I told you how volatile my aunt and mother’s relationship is. It would only make things worse between the two families if I made such things known.”

  * * *

  “Why? I suppose your aunt would again be furious that

  * * *

  I chose you over that self-important Miss Elisabeth.”

  * * *

  “I am not putting such words in your mouth, Your Grace,” Lady Louisa said hurriedly. “I would not presume that you would still hold affections in your ideals of the woman at the ball now that you know the real person behind them.”

  * * *

  “I promise you,” he said tipping his head down just slightly and lowering his voice, “My honor to my word kept me searching, but my heart has long you to be the one.”

  * * *

  Lady Louisa looked up at him with tears brimming in her eyes. He had spoken the words she had never dreamed to hear him say.

  * * *

  “But such things could never be determined by one night,” Lady Louisa shook the tears out of her eyes. “It was just the infatuation of the moment. We surely are not good for one another. I could never bear to stay behind while you return to the Indies.”

  * * *

  “And I would not wish you to,” Rowland countered. “You have stirred change in me to be the man my uncle wanted me to become, and I promise you, you started that process long before you hid behind that gold mask. I care little of location, as long as you would let me be at your side.”

  * * *

  “I have always wondered what the Indies might be like,” she said with a soft smile.

  * * *

  He relaxed a little. Looking around to make sure no one was watching he gingerly picked up her hand and kissed it ever so softly.

  * * *

  “I am certain you would love it,” he said with his lips against her flesh.

  * * *

  “Will you accept me then?” Rowland asked looking up at her hand behind his thick lashes.

  * * *

  Lady Louisa felt her heart beating in her chest. She wanted to scream yes and wrap her arms around him, but she also had the nagging knowledge of Mary and the Colonel.

  * * *

  “What of Mary? I cannot take my happiness at the expense of hers.”

  * * *

  “Is that all that keeps you from being my wife,” he asked with a growing smile.

  * * *

  She looked at his growing smile questioningly. He was much better at hiding his thoughts than she was.

  * * *

  “I would secure happiness for all of us this very moment if you would but allow me to,” he said letting go of her hand and instead brushed his fingertips against her cheek.

  * * *

  She leaned into his touch and close her eyes. The sensation his gentle caress gave her was exhilarating and addicting all at the same time. She opened her eyes and looking lovingly back as she leaned into his touch she nodded the affirmative.

  Chapter 32

  “Well that settles it then,” Rowland said coming to stand.

  * * *

  Lady Louisa was a little shocked by his quick movement. He reached down and helped her up from her place as well.

  * * *

  “I am not sure what is settled, Your Grace,” she said as she leaned against his steading touch.

  * * *

  “Come with me, my love, and I will have us all toasting to our futures by dinner,” Rowland retorted while holding out his arm for Lady Louisa to take.

  * * *

  She did so and together they walked over to where the others had migrated to. It was not lost for an instant on Lady Hendrickson that her niece and the Duke had interlinked arms. The pointed stare she shot Lady Louisa made her remove her arm rather reluctantly from its place.

  * * *

  “I have a bit of an announcement to make,” the Duke said gather everyone to him. “Let us retire back to our place at the luncheon so I may share it with all of you.”

  * * *

  Mr. Vaughan simple mumbled that his knees were quite ready to be over with all this crouching over berry shrubs and was glad that it was finally over.

  * * *

  As they walked back to the picnic area, Lady Louisa watched the Duke of Rowland and Colonel Jasper speak in a rapid whisper. She had no idea what he was planning but did hope that it would work.

  * * *

  Finally, they were all again settled in the warmth of the setting sun while the Duke stood before them all preparing to speak.

  * * *

  “I have done much soul searching these last few months since returning to England. I am happy to say that much of it has to do with a certain lady,” he flashed a look at Lady Louisa but let his gaze linger on Miss Elisabeth.

  * * *

  Miss Elisabeth sat a little taller in her spot.

  * * *

  “I was not the only one to find my eye caught by a fine lady either. My dear friend, really brother, Huge Jasper,

  * * *

  has informed me of his intentions to marry Miss Mary Hendrickson.”

  * * *

  All eyes looked at the couple. Really only Mr. Vaughan was unaware of the prospect of marriage though he had known that Jasper had feelings for her.

  * * *

  “Now, Lady Hendrickson,” he said turning his attention to the lady who was rather fuming at the Duke’s public announcement that attached her daughter to the Colonel. “I understand you felt some hesitance in their engagement. I completely understand. After all, it must be hard to allow one's daughter away from the safety of your home.”

  * * *

  Lady Hendrickson flicked her fan back and forth a few times.

  * * *

  “I can assure you that not only is Jasper like a brother to me, but he is also the finest gentleman I have ever known. Not only this, but I believe this connection to be but the first between our two families.”

  * * *

  He looked again at Miss Elisabeth. Lady Louisa’s eyes widen as his actions dawned on her. He was going to use Lady Hendrickson own manipulative ways to get her to publicly accept the Colonel in hopes that it would then mean the Duke would attach himself to Elisabeth. Miss Elisabeth could hardly contain herself. It was clear to her that he was speaking of a marriage between the two of them. Lady Hendrickson di
dn’t waste time agreeing with this.

  * * *

  “Your Grace, you are quite right that I had some hesitation for I care for my girls so deeply,” she said a little too dramatically. “But with your assurance of the Colonel’s character, I see no reason why the two should not be wed,” she added with a slick smile.

  * * *

  “Truly, Mother?” Miss Mary asked.

  * * *

  “Of course, dear. I only want your happiness after all,” Lady Hendrickson said for the benefit of the public display.

  * * *

  “I am so pleased to hear you say that,” the Duke said rubbing his hands together. “Then if you don’t mind I would like to announce one more thing. Then perhaps we can all retire to the house to toast in celebration of the future.”

  * * *

  Miss Elisabeth fretted with her skirts waiting for her time to stand as the Duke publicly proposed to her. She was sure that there could be no other kind of announcement he would want to make at this time.

  * * *

  “I do hope that Jasper will forgive me for making my own matrimonial announcement in the same moment as his,” he said looking at his friend.

  * * *

  Jasper only nodded in agreement, while Mr. Vaughan, who was feeling rather drowsy at this point, perked right up at his nephew's words.

  * * *

  He reached down to the space between Lady Louisa and Miss Elisabeth. For just a second she thought his taunting might be a bit cruel, but one look at Miss Elisabeth’s high held nose washed away any guilt on that front.

  * * *

  “Lady Louisa would you please come stand by me,” the Duke asked reaching his hand out to her.

  * * *

  She took it though blushing red and stood next to him. Lady Louisa could barely keep back the smile at seeing both her aunt and Miss Elisabeth’s shocked expression.

  * * *

  “Earlier today, I asked Lady Louisa if she would be my wife. She told me no,” he said looked down at her with a smile.

  * * *

  “She said what?” Mr. Vaughan asked unsure if his hearing was off.

  * * *

  “She said no,” he explained to his uncle, “unless I could ensure that she and Miss Mary could share in engagement celebrations. I am happy to announce that, thanks to Lady Hendrickson, I can make that promise. So, Lady Louisa Frasier,” he asked in front of everyone present, “would you do me the honor of being my wife.” Lady Louisa did her best to choke back the tears that were bursting to fall out. This man had used Lady Hendrickson’s own skills of deception and misleading to somehow pull out a miracle.

  * * *

  There would be no way for Lady Hendrickson to deny Mary her happiness now after approving it so publicly. Of course, she had done so under carefully created misunderstandings. Though Lady Louisa was sure her aunt would never forgive her for such a thing, she was sure she cared very little for Lady Hendrickson’s approval at that moment.

  * * *

  “Yes, I will,” Lady Louisa responded looking up into her future husband’s eyes.


  “My love,” a soft deep voice cooed against Lady Louisa’s ear to rouse her from her sleep.

  * * *

  Lady Louisa woke to find herself having drifted off by the gentle rocking of the carriage ride.

  * * *

  “Oh, have I slept long?” The Duchess of Rowland said raising her head from her husband's shoulder.

  * * *

  “For a bit,” Rowland said while he waited for his new wife to waken fully. “We are just getting to the docks; I thought you might want to see it.”

  * * *

  “Oh yes,” Louisa said as she leaned over her husband to see the view of the coast out his window. “And we leave tomorrow?” She asked as her eyes scanned the many ships below.

  * * *

  “Yes, provided there is a good tide the ship will leave in the early afternoon.”

  * * *

  Her eyes furrowed as she concentrated on each ship.

  * * *

  “Are you regretting your decision. I know the Indies are far, but I can assure you that sailing the Mediterranean is quite safe even in the winter.”

  * * *

  Though he had retold her many tales of the warm winds that blew and the exotic animals, Louisa had a hard time imagining it with snow on the ground.

  * * *

  “I was just trying to see which one was ours. I don’t understand how you could possibly tell,” she said happy to sooth her husbands concerned. “I am not regretting this at all. In fact, I am rather excited to have a warm Christmas. We can stay through the new year?”

  * * *

  “My love, we can stay as long as you wish,” Rowland assured his wife. She smiled comforted by his words.

  * * *

  “I do want to return when Colton gets home though,” she said more to herself. “His last letter said they plan to

  * * *

  sail in the spring. It will be so nice to meet our little nephew.”

  * * *

  “Yes, and Gilchrist estates is less than a half a day’s ride from Bassen Park. We will be quite close neighbors. I expect you will enjoy that since you speak so highly of your brother.”

  * * *

  “I promise you will enjoy it too, Rowland,” Louisa added as she was distracted by studying the ships again. “Is it that one?” She asked pointing down.

  * * *

  Rowland looked out his own window.

  * * *

  “That is a military Sloop, my love,” he said with a hint of humor as if that point was quite clear. Louisa wrinkled her nose at his teasing words.

  * * *

  “Do you think Uncle James will be alright while we are gone though?” Louisa asked the concern seeming more real with the ships before her. She had started calling Mr. Vaughan as such the day of her wedding upon his request.

  * * *

  “He has Jasper and Mary to keep him company,” Rowland replied.

  * * *

  “Yes, I suppose you are right. I guess I am just not used to going out on my own without a purgative to care or do something for another.”

  * * *

  “Well,” Rowland said resting his thumb under her little chin and tipping it up ever so slightly. “I am afraid, my love, that on this trip, you will not be allowed to do anything but relax and enjoy it. I plan to treat you as a proper Duchess should be.”

  * * *

  “Oh, Rowland,” Louisa said waving off his words, “you don’t have to do any of that. I’m just happy that I can be here with you.”

  * * *

  “Funny,” he said with a wicked glen to his eyes, “You seemed quite contrary to that when you ran away from me at the ball.”

  * * *

  “Yes, well it's a good thing you didn’t give up on finding me,” she responding tipping her head up more ready for one of his sweet kisses.

  * * *

  He didn’t have to be asked with words. He leaned down and met her lips with his own. Wrapping his arms around her, Rowland pulled her even closer against him in their already tight space of the carriage.

  * * *

  “It’s a good thing,” he said against her lips between kisses, “that you were willing to be caught in the end.”

  * * *

  And he kissed her again, knowing that he would have the rest of his life with Louisa in his arms and yet it would still never be enough.

  The Extended Epilogue

  A Cinderella for the Duke

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