Speed of Light (Marauders #3.5)
Page 20
“I like him.”
And Sisco liked Kathleen. He had from that first time, and it wasn’t just because she was a fan of Trudy’s.
“Then I pick Bull. You and three bikers at your wedding. You okay with that?”
“I’m gonna make sure we take a wedding picture I can send to my parents.”
Getting a marriage license was a quick business in Arizona, so they went and got it, paid the extra charge for the certified copy so Kathleen could change her name, and then they got married—easy as that. Easy, but still pretty fucking spectacular, according to Mace.
Because no matter how fucking easy or quick it was, it was still special. She wore a blue, pretty simple dress with a thin black belt at her waist. It was the kind of dress that was designed to be pulled up to the hips and rest there while the woman wearing it was being fucked silly. Mace looked forward to testing his theory for their first fuck as husband and wife.
He got stuck on that—husband and wife.
Sisco and Bull met them at the courthouse, and they’d brought Kathleen flowers. Red roses with some white star shaped flowers tucked among them.
“Oh,” Kathleen smiled. “Jasmine.”
“Yeah, we thought you’d like it, since you use Jasmine perfume,” Sisco said. “We ready?”
“You wear Jasmine perfume?” Mace asked. He’d noticed that she wore perfume sometimes, but he’d never thought to ask what it was.
“You’re really gonna marry this caveman?” Sisco asked Kathleen with a nod towards Mace. “Why?”
“I love him,” she answered. “But thank you for the flowers. They’re perfect.”
“Love. It always fucks things up,” Bull chuckled.
They had to wait for a while, and sitting on a bench, Kathleen spun the flowers in her hand, staring at them. She seemed stressed in a way she hardly ever did, and Mace put a hand on her knee.
“Nervous?” he asked.
“Eager,” she smiled. “I want this over with, because once it’s done, I’m your wife.”
“Like the sound of that,” he whispered. “Doesn’t sound very feministic, though.”
She kept smiling and leaned closer. “And you’ll be my husband. All mine.”
“Damn right.” He turned to the other two. “We’re taking a wedding picture.”
Bull leaned forward and looked at Mace. “You didn’t say nuthin’ about a picture.”
“She wants to send it to her rich, fancy parents.”
“That’s okay then,” Bull said and leaned back against the wall again. Then he leaned forward again, but this time he was looking at Kathleen. “So, want me to take off the shirt and only wear the t-shirt for the picture?”
“Depends on if I want to piss her off or kill her,” she answered.
“So?” Bull asked.
“I’ll think about it.”
“Let me know.”
By the time they were let in, Mace was eager, too. He wanted it over with, all the way until the part when they were back home alone. There wouldn’t be any honeymoon yet. They were making the announcement at the clubhouse the next day, and then they’d take a weekend somewhere as soon as they could.
He kind of lost track about what was going on once they faced each other and held each other’s hands. He knew when he said ‘I do,’ but mostly because Kathleen’s lopsided smile grew impossibly big.
“Kathleen, do you take Vincent to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
Mace held his breath, and then it came, in her slightly hoarse, almost too low voice, accompanied by a firm nod,
“I do.”