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Expect Me (Rivers Edge Book 3)

Page 10

by Lacey Black

  “Sorry,” she whispers.

  “Don’t ever apologize for checking me out,” I say as we start to walk towards my room. “I won’t,” I add with a cocky smile.

  When we get into my room, Josselyn drops down on the side of the bed that she occupied two months ago for one night. I grabbed my pillow from the floor on our way into the room and drop it down on my side of the bed. I almost moan when I lay into the soft, cool bed. I instantly feel at home.

  After a few minutes of us each trying to get comfortable without actually touching, we are finally still. Josselyn moans a painful grunt as her hands dive down to her leg. That’s right – she was complaining of leg cramps.

  “Which one is it?” I ask as I lift the sheet and make a grab for her legs. Josselyn is wearing another one of my t-shirts. She mentioned the other night that she’s more comfortable in my large t-shirts so she’s been wearing them to bed every night.

  “My right calf,” she says as she continues to rub her leg.

  I reach down and grab a hold of her leg and apply gentle pressure as I dig my thumbs into her bare, smooth calf to try to alleviate the cramp in her leg. After a few minutes, I feel Josselyn relax under my touch.

  “That’s better. It stopped. Thank you,” she mumbles as sleep starts to take over her exhausted body.

  “You’re welcome. Go to sleep.”

  “Good night, Travis.”

  “Night, Josselyn,” I say as I succumb to my own exhaustion and desire to sleep.


  My internal alarm clock wakes me up at five am. As I’m rousing from the best night of sleep I’ve had in forever, I’m instantly aware of the very soft, very warm body pressed tightly against me. I crack open my eyes to see brown hair splayed out on my pillow and Josselyn’s head resting on my shoulder. I can feel her t-shirt that she’s sleeping in has ridden up and is above her waist. Shit. My morning wood has morning wood.

  I lay there and just take in the feel of her body pressed against me, the smell of her hair on my pillow, and the sound of her even breath in sleep. So this is what it would have been like if she would have still been here two months ago? I could definitely get used to waking up like this. Every. Morning.

  I hold still as long as I can, but my arm is starting to fall asleep from the awkward angle of being pinched between her body and mine. I try to carefully pull my arm out from underneath us, but as I do, I lift my shoulder causing her head to move. Her beautiful hazel eyes slowly open up. She looks at me for a few moments, half asleep and still heavily lidded, and then she seems to realize where we are - and how close our bodies are lying.

  Josselyn’s eyes fly open widely as she pulls her body away from mine. I feel the loss of her body heat instantly and have to stop myself from grabbing her and pulling her flush against me again.

  “Morning,” I mumble as I stretch my hands up over my head.

  Josselyn looks down as the sheet dips lower on my hips. Her eyes widen as she sees my morning wood for the first time.

  “Hi. Good morning. Sorry. Oh, God,” she says all at once, almost like one big run-on sentence as she shakes her head and throws the sheet up over her head to hide her embarrassment.

  I chuckle at her mortification. It’s cute. But that’s not the Josselyn I remember. The Josselyn I remember is sexy and impulsive and takes the bull by the horns, so to speak. I’d love it if she took a hold of my horn right now.

  Josselyn practically jumps up out of bed, the t-shirt falling back down to mid-thigh. Damn. “I’ll go start the coffee,” she says as she practically darts out of the bedroom.

  I lay there for a few moments and just start to relax again in bed. It feels so damn good to be sleeping in my bed again. I wonder if Josselyn will let me join her again tonight.

  I’m just getting ready to get up when I hear the sound of the bathroom door closing swiftly and immediately followed by the sounds of Josselyn retching in the bathroom. Here we go…

  An hour later, we’re both showered, have eaten breakfast, and are ready for the day. “What are your plans today?” I ask as I gather up the blueprints.

  “I’m probably going to call my mom today and tell her about the baby,” she says while keeping her eyes down on the ground.

  I walk over and gently raise her chin up with my thumb and pointer finger. “I’m on your side, Joss. Whatever, however you decide to tell them, I’m in. You and me. And the baby. We’ll figure it out. Okay?”

  She gives me a small smile - a beautiful smile - and nods at me. “Okay.”

  “Well, I’m going to the house. The foundation was finished yesterday and the plumber has started. I’m going to do a little ground work around the walls and get my materials organized for the floor joists. Why don’t you come out around noon? We’ll grab some lunch and you can help me around the yard for a bit if you’re feeling up to it.”

  “That sounds great. I’ll bring some sandwiches and chips out for lunch.”

  “Sounds good. Do you remember how to get there?”

  “Yeah, shouldn’t be too hard.”

  “Great. See you in a bit,” I say as I kiss her cheek – God do I want to kiss more than her cheek - and walk out the door.


  Josselyn and I spend the rest of the weekend at site of the new house. I move some dirt around and get everything ready for setting the floor beams and getting walls ready to build.

  Josselyn called her mother yesterday and told her about the baby. She wouldn’t elaborate too much other than to say her mom was disappointed in her. I could see it all over her beautiful face and in the way she has carried herself. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let that woman upset Josselyn anymore than she already has. So since that phone call, I do everything I can to keep her mind off of it. Together, we move dirt using a small bucket loader, get the stacked lumber ready and marked, and walk leisurely around the property. We’ve talked and gotten to know each other, and are striving to achieve the friendship we’re both after.

  Last night, Josselyn let me sleep in my bed with her again. It was another great night of sleep followed by waking up with her in my arms. We don’t act on our attraction to each other. We don’t talk about it other than the occasional quip or smart-aleck comment - on my part, mostly.

  I’m quickly discovering that I love spending time with Josselyn. She’s funny, passionate and a genuinely good person. She seems to enjoy hanging out with me too, even if she’s just sitting in a lawn chair reading a book or listening to music under the big oak tree at the new place while I work. The important part is we’re together. Not together, together. But together in the sense that bonds us as friends and confidants.


  Sunday night brings another family dinner. The mid-May weather is perfect so we’re all hanging out on the back patio while Dad and Will grill steaks. Avery is pushing Brooklyn on the tire swing under the big tree while she chats with Erin, and Josselyn and I are sitting with Mom on the patio furniture.

  “So, how’s everything going with you two?” Mom asks with that little gleam in her eye.

  “Fine, Mom,” I reply as Josselyn watches my sister push my niece on the swing.

  “Anything new you want to share with everyone?” she asks with a knowing smile.

  “Actually, yes there is. But can we wait until dinner, please?”

  “Absolutely,” she says with a huge smile on her face. I can see the excitement radiating off her small body. She’s practically bouncing in her seat at the prospect of Josselyn and I sharing our big news with the rest of the family.

  “I better head inside and make sure the rest of the food is ready,” Mom says as she stands up.

  “I can help you, Mrs. Stevens,” Josselyn says as she starts to get up.

  “No. Stay. Enjoy the beautiful day. I made easy sides so it won’t take me but a moment to get everything ready.” With that, my mom walks through the back door and into the kitchen.

  Before she can close the door, however, I see my oldest broth
er, Jake, along with Maddox and Holly walk out the back door.

  “Daddy!” Brooklyn exclaims from the tire swing. It takes Avery a few moments to get it stopped so that Bean can get down. As soon as her feet are planted on the ground, she’s sprinting towards Maddox. I smile as Maddox scoops her up and plants a big kiss on her dirty little cheek.

  “How’s my girl? Are you being good for Mommy?” Maddox asks as he walks towards my sister and plants a kiss on her lips.

  “Yep!” Brooklyn replies and then giggles at her parents as they kiss.

  “Knock that shit off you two,” Jake growls as he goes in and plants a kiss on Erin’s lips.

  “Daddy, Uncle Jake said a bad word,” Brooklyn exclaims with a giggle.

  “Jake, watch your mouth,” Avery chastises with a wink.

  Dad pulls the steaks off the grill just as Mom opens the back door and hollers at us to come inside for dinner. Jake places a passionate kiss on Erin’s lips and throws his arm protectively around her, Maddox carries his daughter and winds his arm around Avery’s shoulder, and I reach down and offer Josselyn a hand to help her up. Her hand feels so good, so natural tucked securely inside of mine.

  Mom has plastic dishes ready to go for Jake and Maddox. They gather up their to-go containers and place kisses on the lips of their ladies, respectively.

  “Hey, wait. Before you two leave, I have an announcement to make,” I say as everyone starts to take their seats around the dining room table. I reach over and grab Josselyn’s hand again, more for comfort and stability as I get ready to tell them our good news. All eyes are glued to me.

  “Josselyn and I are having a baby,” I tell my entire family. Well, everyone but Nate, but I can send him a text when we leave here.

  A resounding “congratulations” erupts from the room filled with Stevens. My mom jumps up and races to Josselyn. She throws her arms securely around her and gives her a warm, motherly hug. My dad comes up and shakes my hand and then pulls me into a hug too. Each of my brothers and my brother-in-law step forward and shake my hand. And of course, the girls – Avery and Erin - are wiping happy tears from their eyes as they flock to Josselyn.

  “My little brother does actually know what that thing is used for,” Jake throws at me good-heartedly with an ornery laugh and a back slap.

  “Jacob, knock it off,” Erin says and gives him the stink-eye. It’s amazing. Watching my brother fall in line the moment Erin opens her mouth. It’s actually pretty freaking funny. I’ve waited for this day my entire life.

  “Sorry, darlin’,” he tells her with a wink. “I’ll make it up to you later when I get home from work. I’ll show you how that baby makin’ happened,” he adds with a mischievous grin.

  Erin turns ten shades of red before she throws a wink over her shoulder at him and turns her attention back to Josselyn.

  “When are you due?” Erin asks.

  “November twenty-fourth. Right before Thanksgiving,” Josselyn replies with a smile.

  “Well, congratulations. I’m so stinking excited for you both,” Avery says with another friendly hug to Josselyn. “Wait until it’s time to go shopping! I can’t wait!”

  While everyone sits down around the table, the food is passed around, and Jake and Maddox head out to get back to work, the conversations all focus in on the baby and our plans.

  “When will the house be done, Trav?” Will asks from across the table.

  “I was planning on the end of the year, but I’m moving it up to early November. I want to be in and settled as much as possible before the baby comes.”

  “Well, just say the word and I’ll help you on my weekends off,” Will offers.

  “Which doctor are you seeing?” Avery’s friend Holly asks Josselyn.

  “Dr. Freeman. We met her for the first time this past Friday,” Josselyn replies.

  “We got to hear the heartbeat and see an ultrasound,” I add with a huge uncontrollable smile on my face.

  “Aren’t those moments amazing?” Avery asks with an equally happy smile on her face.

  “Definitely. Now, if I could get rid of this morning sickness, I’d be much better off,” Josselyn says.

  “I was sick too with Brooklyn. It’ll pass, I promise,” she adds with a wink and her trademark friendly smile.

  “I hope so. I’m sick morning, noon, and night. In fact, I’ll probably be excusing myself in just a little bit. Nothing stays down.”

  “I feel you, really. When the sickness does finally pass, you’ll have this whole new wave of energy. It’s amazing,” Avery says.

  “Hey, Travis, when does softball start?” Will asks in between huge bites of potatoes and steak.

  Shit. I completely forgot about playing softball this summer. “Umm, I think first part of June. I haven’t heard officially.” Thankfully, softball is only on Saturday evenings unless it’s a tournament weekend – of which there are two during the summer.

  I look over at Josselyn who is looking at me curiously. “I’m playing in a men’s softball league this summer. It’s twelve weeks of games on Saturday nights with a tournament the weekend of July Fourth and one the last weekend of play right before Labor Day. Most of the games will be at the ball field by the high school, but there are a couple that we’ll have to travel to some neighboring towns. I completely forgot that I agreed to take Jake’s spot in the league this year. That’ll make working on the house interesting.”

  “It’ll probably be good for you,” she says. “A little fun in the mix of working full time and working on the house the rest of the time. I can’t wait to watch you play,” she says with a smile.

  After dinner, I carry my niece and walk my sister out to her Jeep, before helping Bean get buckled in the backseat. Everyone else files out of the house and says their good-byes to Avery and Brooklyn.

  “Congratulations, again, big brother,” Avery whispers in my ear as she gives me a fierce hug.

  I return the gesture with an equally painful squeeze. “Thanks, sis. I’m pretty damn excited.”

  “I watched your face when you told everyone. You lit up like Brooklyn on her birthday,” she says with a big smile.

  I look over my shoulder at Josselyn talking to Erin. Avery follows my gaze and says, “What’s going on with you two?”

  I sigh. “I’m not sure. We’re friends. We both want to make a friendship work for the baby’s sake. Who knows, maybe someday it will be more.”

  I look down at Avery when she doesn’t reply to me. She’s smiling up at me but still doesn’t say anything. Finally, she steps up on her tip toes and peppers a few gentle kisses on my cheek. “I think it already is more, Trav,” she says with a coy smile and a wink before turning and getting up into the Jeep.

  As she pulls away, Josselyn comes up next to me and yawns. “Are you ready to head home?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I’m exhausted. I think I’ve had too much fresh air this weekend. Plus, I start working at the diner tomorrow so I should probably get some sleep,” she says.

  I reach down and link my fingers within hers and lead her back towards the house. “Let’s tell everyone good-bye and grab my leftovers before Will takes all the goods out of my bag.”

  We’re both fairly quiet on the ride back to my apartment. My mind keeps returning to the words that Avery said. I think it already is more. Is it more? I really like Josselyn. I love making her laugh and watching her sleep. I love the way she leans on me when she’s feeling down or ill. It makes me feel good that she seems to need me as much as I need her. I crave her every moment of every day. Her touch. Her smile.

  Yeah, I think this is already more, too.

  Chapter Seven


  16 weeks - 4 months

  It seems like overnight, my stomach just popped out. Seriously, I went to bed and woke up the next morning with a baby pooch. Even Travis noticed it as soon as I stepped out of the bathroom this morning, and ever since the discovery, he can’t keep his hands off of my belly. He also can’t hide the smile on
his sexy lips each time he rubs my stomach.

  Today I have my four month check-up with Dr. Freeman. We’re hoping to hear the heartbeat again today, and Travis is taking off early to go with me. He has a busy day in preparation for the weekend so we decided it would be easier if he just met me at the doctor’s office this time.

  About a week ago, I finally stopped throwing up. It was a very welcomed reprieve. But the vomiting has been replaced with a slight cramping feeling that has me a little freaked out. I haven’t said anything to Travis because I don’t want to scare or worry him. He’s my rock, my steady hand. He walks beside me and holds my hand. He held my hair back while I puked my guts up for weeks. He steals tender moments and just gazes deep into my eyes when no one is around. Heck, sometimes he does it when we’re surrounded by people. It’s like he can’t stop looking at me. It makes me feel special. Wanted.

  Travis and I still share a bed every night. I wake up every morning curled up against his big, strong body. I’m surrounded by muscles and heat, and revel in his protectiveness. I also can’t help the desire that is coursing through my body like a freight train. Every touch of his rough, calloused fingers is like a strike of lightning. I honestly don’t know how much more of this I can take. I want his lips on me so much it almost physically hurts.

  I’m finishing up my bagel alone since Travis took off a little early this morning to get some paperwork done at work when my cell phone rings.


  “Hey, Josselyn. It’s Avery. I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  “No, I’ve been up a bit. Your brother left for work about thirty minutes ago.”

  “Okay, good. So, I was thinking. I know you mentioned last weekend at my parents that your clothes were already starting to get tight. I was hoping to go to St. Charles to do a little shopping tomorrow, and I wanted to see if you were interested in going with me. The mall has that Motherhood store that we could stop by and check out.”

  Actually, that did sound really nice. My shorts are all too tight in the waist, and I’ve had to resort to creative ways at keeping them up with rubber bands or hair ties. “That sounds great, Avery. I’d love to go with you.”


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