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The Royals of Monterra: Midnight in Monterra (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 7

by Caroline Mickelson

  Chapter Ten

  As they neared the palace, Madison was grateful to have Luis beside her. Despite the fact that Kat had repeatedly assured her that her in-laws were wonderful people, she was more than a little nervous about meeting the royal family en masse. Nico was kind and charming, she reminded herself. Not to mention that his littlest sister, Serafina, was nothing short of adorable. Surely the rest of the family would be just as welcoming.

  Madison paused near the entrance to the family's dining room. She looked up at Luis for reassurance. "I'm nervous."

  He squeezed her hand. "You shouldn't be. You look too beautiful for words."

  "Thank you, but there exists the possibility that you might be a bit biased."

  "True, I'm guilty as charged." He thought a moment. "Don't think of the family as a royal family. They're just Kat's in-laws. Good people who have responsibilities and problems just like we have. Does that help?"

  Madison remembered Kat confiding in her that Violetta, the oldest daughter, battled an eating disorder and drug addiction. Not to mention that they'd lost their precious little boy, Luca, to cancer, and then there was the King's accident that left him paralyzed. "Of course, you're right. I was being very self-absorbed. I just don't want to embarrass myself. There's so much I don't understand about royal life."

  Luis answered by putting his hands on her shoulders and gently turning her so that she faced him. His brown eyes were filled with so much tenderness that she felt tears prick at the back of her eyes. He cared for her. Deeply. Which made her the luckiest woman in the world.

  "Madison, mi amor, all you ever have to do is be yourself. Anyone fortunate enough to be in your presence could never ask for more. I'll never ask for more." He gently kissed her forehead. "Are you ready?"

  She nodded. "For anything." Especially if he was with her.

  As they entered the dining room, Luis slipped a steadying hand under her elbow and guided her toward Nico's parents. He greeted them with the respectful affection of a long time family friend and then he introduced her.

  King Dominic bowed his head and smiled warmly. "Welcome to Monterra, Madison. It's an honor to have you with us."

  Queen Aria gave Madison a gentle hug. "I second my husband's welcome, my dear. My husband and I are in your debt for your work on behalf of the Fiorelli Foundation in honor of our dear Luca's memory." A shadow of sadness slipped over her delicate features. "We thank you."

  "I assure you that the pleasure and honor are all mine," Madison said. Kat had been right. Her in-laws were kindness and grace personified. "Monterra is truly breathtaking."

  They chatted for several moments before Luis explained that he wanted to introduce her to the rest of the family before they were seated for dinner. The entire family, with the exception of Violetta, was present. Madison marveled at the fact that Nico, Dante, and Rafe, despite being so very different in temperament, all shared an effortless refinement that would have put anyone in their company at ease. By the time she reached Kat and Lemon, her earlier nerves were all but gone.

  Lemon made short work of sending Luis on his way. "You've had more than your fair share of time with Madison," she protested. "It's our turn now." She waved toward where Nico and his brothers stood talking on the other side of the room. "Go. Have some boy time."

  Kat and Madison laughed at Lemon's direct dismissal. They were used to her outspoken ways, but the torn look on Luis' face was amusing.

  "Really, Lemon?" Kat asked after Luis left them. "That was hardly subtle."

  Lemon raised a well shaped eyebrow. "I think Prince Luis already blew right past subtle when he whisked our friend here off to Monaco, don't you?"

  Kat's eyes widened. "I heard about that. How was your evening?"

  Madison glanced in Luis' direction. He was deeply engrossed in a conversation with Dante and Rafe. She sighed.

  "That dreamy, huh?" Kat teased her.

  Madison was unsure just how much to share with her friends. Part of her wanted to gush about her feelings for Luis but it was all still so new. Would talking about it jinx it in some way? She didn't want to find out the hard way. "I enjoy spending time with Luis."

  Lemon laughed heartily enough that both the king and queen looked over at her with an affectionate smile. "Well, aren't you the coy one?" Lemon leaned over and squeezed Madison's arm. "We don't blame you if you want to keep it all to yourself for now. Just know that we're here for you when things get crazy."

  "Crazy?" Madison frowned. "I'm not sure I follow."

  Kat reached out and laid a hand on Lemon's shoulder. "I think she means that dating anyone when a relationship is new can be a roller coaster ride. When you're dating someone like Luis, there's an extra layer of considerations to every decision. But that doesn't matter now. Take it one day at a time."

  "And don't forget we're here when you need us," Lemon reiterated.

  Madison groaned. "I'm so in over my head."

  "Head over heels in love, isn't that the expression?"

  Love. There was the word that had tripped Madison up in every past relationship she'd ever had. She'd dated guys who were kind, respectful, hardworking, and thoughtful. Never once had she been able to say that she loved any one of them. Most often she'd thought that they would make wonderful husbands, for someone else. But now she knew why she hadn't met anyone. She loved Luis and they were meant to be together.


  "Are you sure?" Dante's expression was unusually serious. "I mean, are you certain that she's the one?"

  Luis glanced over his shoulder. Madison stood talking with Kat and Lemon, a smile on her lips. His heart did a funny flip-flop in his chest. He turned back to his friends. "If I'm only sure of one thing in this world, it's that I love Madison."

  Dante groaned. "I think you're crazy."

  "I think he's lucky," Rafe's voice was quiet.

  "But it's all happened too fast." Dante protested. "How can you know, really know, so quickly after meeting her that's she the woman you want to spend forever with?"

  Luis opened his mouth to answer but Rafe beat him to it. "We don't all need to be hit over the head a few times to realize what's right in front of us." He gave his brother a knowing look.

  "Okay. I'll give you that," Dante conceded. "But how are you going to handle this? Is Madison going back to Santa Rosa with you? Or are you going to America with her?"

  Luis shrugged. "We haven't gotten that far. I don't have a plan."

  "You need one." Dante shook his head. "Take my word on this one, trying to connect under the glare of media attention, well, let's just say it'll be rough. Especially for Madison."

  "I don't know the best way to handle this," Luis confessed.

  "I do."

  Luis and Dante exchanged a quick look of surprise. It wasn't like Rafe to grab the reins.

  "If it makes Madison's life easier, I want to hear this."

  "Well, my thought is that if a European prince just shows up in a Texas town to court one of the local girls, it's going to draw massive media attention. All that's going to do is put a strain on your relationship."

  "So you recommend I invite Madison to come and stay with me in Santa Rosa?"

  "No, that would create just as unbalanced a result," Rafe said. "A woman as independent as Madison isn't going to be happy acting as Princess-in-waiting while you pick up and continue with your life. It would be all about you, and not about her."

  "So you're saying that we need to be on a neutral territory." It made sense to Luis. He couldn't imagine that Madison would be happy being a plus one to his life. They needed to create a balance where they could be equal partners in every aspect as they began their new life together.

  "Exactly. You need time together in a place that isn't Texas or Santa Rosa."

  Dante grinned. "You, brother of mine, are a genius. I see where you're going with this. The perfect place for you to live for awhile is..." he motioned for his twin to complete his sentence.

  "Monterra," Rafe supplied wit
h a proud smile. "You've got to admit it's a perfect solution. You two can have all the privacy you need, but at the same time, you both have friends here. You can have your meetings online and I'm sure Madison can work on her cookbook recipes here just as well as in Texas."

  Luis hesitated. The idea was sound. It would require compromise on both of their parts but if it meant he and Madison could be together, he was more than willing to lasso the moon if that's what it took.

  "The best part is that you'll be free of the paparazzi as long as you stay here in Monterra," Dante said. "And we all know what that means."

  The three princes exchanged knowing looks. It meant that Luis and Madison would have a real chance to begin their very own happily-ever-after.


  Queen Aria raised her wine glass, which brought the after dinner conversation to an immediate end. The meal had been nothing short of brilliant. Madison could hardly wait for the opportunity to meet with the palace chefs. She wanted to compliment them in person, and she wasn't above hoping they'd share a few trade secrets with her. Conversation during dinner had been every bit as enjoyable as the food. She was seated between Rafe and Dante, both of whom were amusing companions.

  The entire Fiorelli family were generous and warm-hearted. When Kat had raved about her new family-in-law, she hadn't exaggerated. Most of all Madison marveled at how the queen, for being such a petite, lovely, and soft-spoken woman, could have such a commanding presence. All eyes were now upon her.

  Nico's mother lowered her glass. "Before His Majesty and I retire for the evening, we wanted to ask Lemon to share an idea she'd had in regards to the launch of the cookbook project that Madison has been working on." She nodded in Lemon's direction. "Go ahead, my dear."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty." Lemon stood and clasped her hands together in front of her.

  This usually meant that her friend was trying to contain her enthusiasm.

  "I think I can speak for everybody when I say that I know we're all excited about the debut of the Fiorelli Royal Family Cookbook next month."

  Serafina's hand shot up. "I'm excited! Especially if it means we're having a party and I can have a new dress."

  Everyone laughed and Nico ruffled his sister's hair.

  "I'm glad to hear that, honey," Lemon said. "Because that's exactly what we're planning to do. Their Majesties have graciously offered to host a gala to celebrate the project's launch. The theme is a good old-fashioned 'Midnight in Monterra' costume ball."

  Serafina's eyes widened. "Midnight? But that's after my bedtime," she protested.

  Queen Aria beckoned for her youngest daughter to join her. "I'm sure your father and I will grant you a special exception to your normal bed-time provided you promise to be an ideal guest."

  The little girl leaned into her mother's embrace. "I'll be perfect. At least, I'll try."

  Lemon reclaimed the floor. "So, we have almost precisely thirty days until the gala so I'll be speaking to everyone individually about what I want them to wear and what jobs I'll assign each of you."

  Dante leaned toward Madison and spoke in a stage whisper, "Don't you wish Lemon wasn't so shy?"

  After much laughter and good-natured teasing, Nico's parents excused themselves from the gathering, taking a reluctant Serafina with them.

  Luis made his way over to where Madison stood by the French doors leading out onto the balcony. "Come with me." He slid an arm around her waist and guided her out through the doorway.

  Madison smiled as Luis wrapped his arms around her waist. Being in his arms made her feel comfortable and secure. She inhaled the crisp evening air and admired the stars scattered across the dark night sky.

  Luis kissed the top of her head. "Will you be my date for the Midnight in Monterra gala?"

  She smiled. "You're assuming that I'll be back in Monterra that soon?"

  Luis gave her a gentle squeeze. "I'm assuming nothing of the kind. But I am hoping that you'll stay here in Monterra with me for the next month."

  Her smile faded. She twisted around to face him. "I'm scared."

  The expression in his brown eyes was gentle. Caring, understanding, yet probing. Luis wanted something from her. He wanted a commitment, and he wanted it now.

  "Look at me, mi amor." Luis took a deep breath. "Estoy enamorado de ti." He cupped her face between his hands and caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. "I'm in love with you. Say you'll marry me."

  He'd spoken barely above a whisper but she'd heard him above the thudding of her heart. She searched his eyes and found her answer. "Yes, I'll marry you."

  "Gracias." His smile radiated both relief and delight. "Madison, I will spend the rest of my life loving you, protecting you, and treasuring you. I promise."

  Her eyes bright with tears, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed her prince.

  Chapter Eleven

  It just about killed Madison to wait until the sun rose in Texas before she called Mackenzie. Her sister had the right to know about her engagement before anyone else. Together, the two of them had weathered many a storm by clinging together during the tough times. It was only natural that they celebrate the good times together. And these were good times.

  The night before, she and Luis had slipped out of the palace without bidding farewell to any of the others. Hand in hand, they'd walked back to the Royal Lodge, anxious to savor each moment together that they could.

  Luis had refused her offer of a drink, claiming that he didn't trust himself to leave if he came inside. After she'd watched him leave, Madison had to face the nearly impossible task of trying to sleep. She'd dozed. She'd napped, but she hadn't slept.

  Now, though, she was wide awake. Ready to take on the world. With Luis by her side. She reached for the phone. It wouldn't kill her sister to lose an hour of sleep, not when Madison was about to burst if she didn't share her news with someone.

  The phone only rang once before her sister's voice came over the line. "Oh, my God, Madison, what is going on there?"

  Startled, Madison didn't immediately respond. Not only did her twin sound wide awake, Mackenzie's voice was edgy. "Mac, what's wrong?"

  "You tell me."

  Madison sunk onto a bar stool. "I don't even know what you're talking about. Is something wrong at the restaurant?" She sucked in her breath. "Was there a fire?"

  "No, nothing like that. The restaurant's fine," her sister replied. "Unless you count the fact that I drove over there about a half hour ago and couldn't get through the front door for the mob that's crowded around the front door."

  "Mob?" Madison frowned. None of this was making a bit of sense. "Is something going on in Amarillo that I don't know about?"

  Mackenzie didn't immediately answer.


  "Let me turn that question around on you, Madison. Is there something going in Monterra that I don't know about?"

  "Yes." But where to start? Her entire relationship with Luis had happened in the literal blink of an eye. She could imagine her reaction if the tables were turned and Mackenzie told her that she'd met someone and fallen in love within a matter of days. She'd have laughed. Or cried. Probably both. "I've met someone."

  "Oh, God, it's true, then?"

  "Is what true?" Madison's earlier happiness had given way to confusion. It was like she and Mackenzie were talking at cross purposes.

  "You're dating a prince?"

  Madison closed her eyes. This conversation was starting to feel like a runaway horse that that she couldn't control.

  "Madison, is it true?"

  "Where did you hear that?" This just wasn't possible. She'd not said a word to anyone other than Kat and Lemon. But they would never betray her confidence.

  "Like I said, I went in early this morning to go over the accounts. When I drove past the restaurant there were several news vans, a hoard of photographers, and heaven only knows who else, gathered in the front. The driveway was blocked so I drove down the block and called Amy."

  Amy was the woman who came in whe
n the night stars still twinkled so that she could begin baking. She was as much a family friend as an employee to them both.

  "Did she know anything about what was going on?" Madison asked.

  Again there was a silence that unnerved her. For the first time that she could ever remember, there was more than a physical distance between the two of them.

  "Amy didn't open the doors but she said the reporters were shouting questions through the window about you and some prince."

  Some prince? Madison winced. Luis was so much more than 'some prince'. To hear such an intelligent, good-hearted soul minimized into such a trite two-word cliché was painful. But she didn't utter a defense. Inexplicably, the last thing she wanted to do was discuss their relationship with anyone other than Luis. Not even with her sister.

  "Madison? Come on. Tell me this is all a big mix-up and I'll help you straighten it out."

  "It's not a mix-up. But I'm not ready to talk about it. Not over the phone." She stood and began to pace the kitchen while her mind tried to piece together the puzzle pieces. How had the press found out anything? "What did you tell Amy to do?"

  "I told her to wait it out inside the restaurant without talking to anyone. Which, believe me, she was happy to agree to do. Neither one of us want to have to deal with a circus. I don't know if we're going to be able to open today." An uncomfortable silence filled the miles between them. "I'll call the sheriff's office to see if they'll help after you and I are done speaking."

  "I'm sorry." Although the words were inadequate, Madison didn't know what else to say. "Does this mean you want me to come back to Amarillo?"

  "Aren't you due back in a couple of days? I'm confused. Why wouldn't you come home?"

  Because my life is about to change forever. Because the man I love is here and I want to be with him. Because I'd give up everything to be with him. But although these thoughts flashed through her mind, she remained silent.

  "Oh. My. God. Madison. You've got to be kidding me, right? This isn't all a joke?"


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