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Back To The Stars: ROMANCE: ALIEN (Alien Invasion Abduction SciFi Romance) (Fantasy Anthologies & Collections)

Page 47

by Clare Morgan

  Daniel agreed to whatever I had to say. I knew that we had to be fast and to be honest, I had become tired of the oscillating movements and trying too hard and not knowing who and what to ask for. It’s been very stressful and I needed to break free from the dilemma. I was waiting anxiously to find out what would be the outcome but I really wanted to believe that things would fall into place.

  I decided to leave for the airport so that I could find James there. If he had Rosie with her, I would anyhow take Rosie and then we will look into the rest of the pan. If I could get Rosie, I knew that I would win the battle because I didn’t care much what happened to Victoria after that.

  I reached the airport well before time. There were three of Daniel’s men there but I had no clue who they were. Daniel asked me to stay on an alert and I didn’t need to know who his guys were. They all recognized both Rosie and James and I knew that if any of them would spot her, they would call Daniel and he would inform me.

  The trap was well set and I wished that this one would fall in place. I really wanted to save my daughter and I wanted to be done with all the mess. When I saw James coming out of the next door terminal, I strained my neck to see who was with her. There was a little kid who was wearing a hooded jacket that made it impossible for me to assess how she was. But, I knew that it was Rosie. Even though I couldn’t see her face and I had no idea that if the little kid was my daughter, but she had the same height and build. I immediately called Daniel and told him about James and Rosie.

  He asked me the specific coordinates and promised that he would send his men there to help me save Rosie.

  We all plunged on James and just as I took away my daughter, he quickly put in a call and then gave a mirthless laugh.

  I was shocked to find that the little kid was not my daughter. She was someone else.

  “I told Victoria that only you could be behind all of this. I have known you for so long Andrew and I told her that you are the one who is planning all of it. I informed Victoria about your evil plans and she is going to take your daughter away from all of you. You have messed with the wrong person, dude.”

  I couldn’t believe my own ears. My world came crashing down. After putting in so many efforts and trying so much, I was once again on the verge of losing everything. I didn’t know what I would do and how I would break this news to Elaine. I was shit scared. I held James by the collar and said, “Why did you do this to me? What is your reason for all this? Give me an answer damn it. I trusted you. You were one of my best friends.”

  He looked at me with disgust and said, “Dude, ask your wife, what is the problem! She could fuck a hundred men but when I made a move, she slapped me. She slapped me in front of my friends. What did I want? Just some sex! She is a fuck doll. There was nothing wrong with having sex with me. I don’t even know what she saw in you. I am so much better. I had told her that I would give her all the luxuries she needed, but she slapped me and all my friends were there and they watched me and it embarrassed me. I vowed then and there that I would avenge this. I would make all your life a living hell!”

  “You made a sexual move at Elaine? Are you out of your mind? She is my fucking wife! What is so hard to get in this! How could you even do this! I am so tired of all your melodrama. You don’t deserve to live.” I said and I wanted to kill him but I wondered if it would serve any use.

  It became very clear that he had already informed Victoria about me and I was sure that she must have some alternate plans too. Victoria was looking to seek revenge and this meant that she would try all she could to ensure that I got punished.

  The worst thing was I still had no clue where Rosie was now. There was no time left to act. With my secret out in the open, I had to make sure that Victoria could be stopped. I decided to call Elaine and fill her in on everything, I would need her help too. Elaine could be smart when it was needed. She had been through her own struggles too and this gave her an edge as she could smartly handle too many people.

  As I headed out to meet Daniel and called Elaine and told her everything, she was shocked to know that all this was planned by me. However, we both didn’t have the time to applaud each other as it was important to know what was to be done.

  “Rosie is still with Victoria and we have no clue where she is taking her. I will need to find Victoria and you need to head to Victoria’s mansion. There have to be evidences there. Daniel’s men will find you and they will go with you for safety. Raid her house with the men and try and look for evidence.”

  I told her about the possible passages and rooms wherein she could find the details. Natasha’s companion would swing for some help too. Daniel had met Natasha and she had agreed to help but in exchange of lump some money. When she had heard about me, initially she had been very angry. But later she realized that it was important for her to make sure that Victoria suffered and she was willing to befriend me for that sake.

  Mr. Shaun had come in support of us too and after his launch turned out to be successful, he promised to give us more assistance. I had an army, but all I needed was my daughter. Everything rolled smoothly only for the absence of Rosie. I needed Rosie because Victoria still had the trump card with her.

  “What are you going to do?” Daniel asked.

  “I have got no idea. I need to find Rosie and save her. I did all of this for my daughter and there is no way I can let her go.”

  Daniel understood my options too well and he kept calling his team to get some ideas. They had taken James in captivity but he had refused to open his mouth. After nearly twenty minutes, Daniel got a call and he told me that Victoria was headed to Arizona.

  This was strange I thought only to realize that she easy now targeting Elaine’s parents. Knowing Victoria, I knew that she could go to any length and she must have some kind of an idea. I was scared thinking of the other thing she could possibly be wondering about.

  Victoria knew well about the green ruins and how they had an entire community working there. What if she was taking Rosie to the same place from where I saved Ila. My heart shuddered at the very thought and I knew that I would have to shake free of this.

  There was no way I could let my little daughter be a part of the sex racket. Her life would be destroyed forever. Rosie was young, but they would take anyone. I couldn’t even imagine the kind of troubles she would go through. I was petrified and scared and I wanted to make sure that things would soon become normal.

  Daniel could feel that I was tensed and he wanted to know what the matter was. When I told him of the possibility, he got scared as well. He decided to call some of his men at Arizona and sent them pictures of Victoria and Rosie to give them an idea regarding who they were to look out for.

  I didn’t know how I would ever pay off my debt to Daniel. I called you Elaine but then I decided not to tell her about this. She had been in the sex racket and I knew that if I told her that Victoria planned on forcing Rosie in it, she would lose every piece of her mind. I couldn’t do that. That would be wrong on my part.

  However, Elaine was extremely scared. I knew she had realized the seriousness of the situation and she wondered what would happen.

  “Andrew, we need to hurry. We can’t let Victoria board the flight to Arizona. This can mess everything,” Daniel said and I nodded. I pushed the speed limit and drove their car as fast as I could.

  When I finally reached the airport, I knew I would have to wait.

  “Daniel, what if this is the wrong information? What if Victoria is still trapping us? She knows that it was my mastermind then what if this is another of her false trap?” I asked as I was unable to think right. I didn't really know what to do.

  “I think I have got it right this time. I have taken one of her attendants in confidence. She was Mary’s girlfriend and she knew that Victoria was at fault. When I traced the connection, I asked her for all the details and she had given this information. She will also be helping Elaine get the records if Victoria has left them.

  She knows a lot a
bout Victoria’s mansion and Mary would go along with Elaine to help her out. I have everything planned; all we need is a little luck.”

  Just as Daniel was filling me in all the details, I saw Victoria coming out of her car. She had put in a scarf to hide her face softly and I saw Rosie in her lap. Rosie was sleeping which made me realize that she had drugged my little child.

  I wanted to smack her face right there. I almost jumped and wanted to kill Victoria when Daniel stopped me.

  “What? Why are you stopping me now?” I asked clearly furious.

  “We do not know if she had the records against you or Elaine. It would take her just a second to hand over the things and then Rosie would end in foster care. We need to trap her in her own plan.”

  “How are you going to do this? We do not have a lot of time and what if she ends up boarding the plane?” I asked as I didn’t know what to do.

  In the worst case scenario that we are unable to work, we will come back to your plan and run away with Rosie. We will figure the rest of it out but for now let me see what I can do.

  Daniel made a few calls again and soon enough, a security guard stopped Victoria. Daniel smirked letting me know that it was all a part of his plan.

  “Why are you questioning me? Don’t you know who I am?” Victoria said. Under the police laws, she was not supposed to travel or leave the place. She was going under disguise and as she realized the loophole in her plan, she panicked.

  Daniel emerged out of the den at that time and then decided to play the lead.

  “She is Victoria Green, officer and she is not supposed to be traveling. She has a lot of cases filed against her and she is doing all of it in disguise. I am not sure the kid belongs to her either.” Daniel said and the officer nodded.

  “Who are you and what the fuck do you have to do with me?” Victoria barked and Daniel smiled and said, “I am the FBI”

  Victoria could feel the color drain from her face and he quickly took Rosie in his arms and asked the officer to take her away. Surprisingly, the officer didn’t take Victoria inside the airport for questioning but rather outside.

  Daniel came to me with Rosie and said, “Quickly, let us run away.”

  “What do you mean run away? Why do we need to rush?” I asked.

  “That guy is not an officer and neither I am from the FBI. This was all a lie so that I could have Rosie and now we will make an exit and Victoria would be left wondering what the fuck just happened.”

  I couldn’t believe it. This was finally happening. I took Rosie in my arms and even though she was asleep, I knew she was safe. We hit the car and just as we were about to leave, I saw that Victoria saw the two of us and she immediately realized that she had been fooled.

  She jumped and started chasing us but to not avail. I was sure that she was not the kind of person to give up and she would have tried harder. However, I kept checking the rearview mirror, but she was nowhere to be found.

  I called up Elaine and let her know about the success we had. She took the phone and thanked Daniel time and again. Elaine still didn’t get the records and I asked her to hurry because Victoria might get back to her home. I knew she wouldn’t give up so easily as she would try to do something about the whole situation.

  As I was on the call, I heard a shrill voice and I realized that Elaine’s phone had fallen down. I tried to strain my ears until I could finally hear her.

  “You bitch, you took away the guy I loved. Let me see what it is that Andrew loves about you. I gave him everything. Every fucking thing but you came out of the blue and he was soon yours. There was nothing he asked or said, but he was yours! I am never going to leave you. If I can’t have your daughter, I am going to kill you fucker,” Victoria said and my soul shuddered at what she could do.

  I could clearly understand her wrath and I knew that this signaled a lot of problems.

  “Daniel, we need to head to the Victoria mansion right now. Call in as many people as you can. Elaine is in danger and I need to do something. Do one thing rather. Take Rosie with you and make sure that no matter what happens; you do not leave Rosie. Keep her with you, I am going to the mansion and I will take care of the rest.”

  I drove the car as quickly as I could and I wanted to be sure that I could be there before Victoria did any major damage. I kept praying that nothing would happen to Elaine.

  I went back to the time when I had saved her at Arizona. I knew that even at that time, I could have easily lost her but destiny had played in my favor and I had saved both Rick and Elaine. Then again, when we were out there running away, Rick had almost killed me had it not been for Elaine.

  We had always been there for each other, but I regretted the time when I asked Elaine to go to Victoria’s mansion. I should have been more careful. There was no way I should have let her be by herself. I knew what Victoria was capable of and I knew that she could kill my Elaine without blinking an eye.

  I tried to use some kind of distraction. Daniel told that he would send fake media to the mansion as it might end up creating some kind of a distance. I prayed that these plots would work. I had no idea what I would do in my life if I would lose Elaine. Amidst the struggle I had gone through in the last few months, it hadn’t once occurred to me that I might lose Elaine and the very thought made me claustrophobic.

  I knew that I would have to handle the situation in a much better manner. As I reached her mansion, there were no guards there. I guess this was it for Victoria. She too had realized that there was nothing more she could do. Being on the verge of another loss had left her to the point that she had become crazy and had absolutely no idea what to do anymore.

  So, she decided to let everyone be and she was after the one true love of my life. I kept praying all the time hoping that I will eventually find a way out of this mess. I climbed up the stairs in a jiffy and I could hear Elaine’s voice. She was petrified and a little scared and I knew I would have to hurry up.

  By the time I reached the edge of her room, I knew I would have to conceal my position. I had to keep everything hidden so that I could attack her from behind. I saw that Victoria had a trigger pulled at her neck.

  Jesus, I didn’t know what to do. I could feel my heart beating profusely and it was hard for me to decide the right plan of action. I knew that if I missed it even by a little, I might end up in a lot of problems. This was my wife who was in danger. I had a split second to react and I wanted to be sure that I didn’t miss it. I remembered the times when I had saved her in Arizona and I wanted to trust my judgment. I had been in such dangerous situations a lot of times and I knew I could trust my gun.

  I carried a gun with me and I wanted to fire it. This could kill Victoria but I had no other option. I knew that this was my one last shot and I didn’t even think again and pulled the trigger. When I opened my eyes, I saw Victoria was lying still.

  The trigger had hit right at the bull’s eye and she stayed there motionless. Elaine was shocked and stunned and we both knew that in that state, we were back to where it had all started.

  This time, only the person had changed and the one to pull the trigger. The rest all of it was still the same. I remembered the time when Rick was after my life. I had seen the flashbacks of my life and I had known that this was my last moment, the real goodbye, but Elaine had come out of nowhere and saved me. She was Ila then. Ila saved me and we had vowed to live a life where there would be no more bloodshed, no more killing, but there we were again.

  Life often had a way of bringing people on the same crossroads of life. Life knows how to make people walk in the same circles which we vow to leave. Elaine was shivering and we were both remembering our past.

  There was no point promising that we would lock our past because often life knows how to throw your past right in your face.

  I hugged Elaine and I could feel her tears wet my shirt. I knew that she was going through a tumultuous time and I was well aware of the fact that the troubles might not have subsided completely.
/>   There were so many incomplete stories and it would be hard for us to justify who killed Victoria. She was a renowned name and not someone obscure as Rick. I knew that this might open an explosive investigation and what if more leads came out. Elaine was still Ila, and she was one of the prime culprits in Anthony’s murder.

  “What is going to happen now?” Elaine whispered and I didn’t know what to answer. The real horror was over, but even then the pain hadn't completely gone. Regardless, I was happy that both my daughter and wife were safe, at least in that instant.

  There was nothing that could go wrong so soon and yet I wanted to get done with this phase of my life one more time.

  “The storm has subsided. The real trouble is over. Yes, there are a lot of missing pieces and puzzles that we need to deal with and we will find out the ideal ways to battle it out. I am not sure how everything is going to work out, but we are all together and alive and that is a lot.”

  As I said those words, I heaved a sigh of relief. I wanted nothing more but to relax. I kissed Elaine and she kissed me back. Our lips touched and in that second, we could feel how much we were entwined in each other’s life. I knew that this was one of the perfect moments which brought us closer.

  Every cloud has a silver lining and in this case too, despite all the troubles we both went through, nothing changed the fact that we made it. We remained together and that was telling a lot.

  “Regrets?” I asked and I knew Elaine could remember our wedding. I had asked her the same thing and she had kissed me. She did the same thing. Life never comes with a promise that everything would be always alright. There were always a lot of changes that often came up and I couldn’t predict what was ahead.

  Given the kind of life we had lived, I knew that there would be more troubles in the upcoming days, but then again, I was happy to know that we would fight it out. There was no point changing identifies or running away to new places. I was here and I was with the people who mattered to me.


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