Promises, Promises
Page 14
“I like them because the booze is always good,” Kenneth joked.
“Really, Kenneth,” Miriam chided. “This is for charity.” She turned around to face Judith. “It’s nice to see you going out more and enjoying life. You spend too much time alone.”
“What time does your plane leave?” Reviewing her social calendar wasn’t high on her to-do list, either. “Do you think you can get in a round of golf in the morning before you leave, Dad?” Thank goodness he loved the game and never failed to yak about it when asked. He spent the next thirty miles doing just that.
Eventually her tortuous journey ended when Kenneth slowed the rental car and pulled up to the hotel’s busy entrance, full of vehicles and several attendants issuing orders.
Judith scrambled out. She loved her parents. But they could be suffocating at times, like now. A bellboy with a luggage cart met her. She pointed out her things and discreetly asked if they could be stored for a bit. No need to advertise that she planned to room with Dev. She was meeting Kate in the ballroom. If she couldn’t find Dev, she would use Kate and Paul’s room for storage.
Judith turned to see her parents were out of the car, and her father handing the key to the valet.
“I’ll see you later.” Eager to break away, Judith gave her mother a quick hug, and then her dad. “I love you.”
“Aren’t you checking in?” Miriam asked, clearly bewildered. “Why not come with us?”
“I’m helping Kate. I told her I’d be here at two and it’s ten after now. You two go ahead and get settled.” She waved and hurried away.
“Okay.” A frown settled over Miriam’s face. “I guess we’ll see you later.”
“You can’t push her.” Kenneth scowled, then softened his tone and affectionately patted his wife’s hand. “She knows her own mind. She always has and always will. All you’ll do is put up barriers. Let her work it out with her young man. And, if nothing comes of it, for God’s sake don’t let her see our disappointment.”
“I know, Ken, but I can’t help it. I want the best for her. I don’t want to see her all alone when we’re no longer here.”
“Well, I’d like to see more of her before you have me buried, so try harder. I enjoyed last night, and the only way we’re going to get more evenings like that is to accept her the way she is. She’s a grown woman who deserves our respect for her choices,” he said gruffly. Then in a softer tone, he added, “Come on, let’s go check in.” He took her arm and led her into the hotel with the bellboy shuffling after them.
In the ballroom, Judith spotted Kate and Alicia, both with arms full of sheer fabric.
“Let’s try it this way.” Alicia draped her end over another column.
“Can I help?” Judith asked, nearing them.
“Oh good, another body to help.” Alicia climbed down the ladder and nodded. “Here, take over. I’ll tell you when it’s perfect.”
“Finally, the cavalry has arrived.” Kate heaved a heavy sigh, as Judith started climbing, then followed Alicia’s terse orders.
“Hold it there. No, drop it another inch.”
“This is it,” Kate said with annoyance, while hanging up her end. “This is the best way to drape it, and you know it.” Her look dared her mother-in-law to object. She tacked her end and then helped Judith with hers. “If it’s not good enough, find someone else to bully.” Kate moved the stepladder, then snatched another pile of fabric and stormed to the next pillar.
Judith followed.
Alicia remained silent, as if sensing the mutiny about to take place.
“Perfect! I think this scene is set.” Alicia beamed and clapped her hands an hour later.
Kate stretched. “Thank God. I was beginning to think we’d never get it right.”
“It looks so romantic,” Judith said. “I can’t wait till tonight.”
“I’m ready for my massage. I’ve earned it.” Kate grabbed Judith’s hand. “Come on.”
As they turned to leave, Judith caught Dev and James out of her peripheral vision right as he saw her. Both men were dressed for work detail in body-hugging jeans and t-shirts that traced every feature of their muscular, well-built frames. Judith only had eyes for Dev’s fine form, now heading her way.
“Hi, beautiful!” He reached out to grab her hands and hauled her closer for a kiss. He nuzzled his way along her neck to her ear and whispered, “Did you miss me? I missed you!”
“You know I did.” Smiling into his chest, she tried to keep her voice from sounding too breathless.
“Ahem, don’t mind me, I’ll just stand over here while you two finish.” Kate backed up in an exaggerated step.
Judith laughed and pulled away.
“Not so fast.” Dev gripped her hand tighter and halted her progress. “What’s going on? I still have another hour left with Paul and James.” He leaned in, lowered his voice, and said, “Then I’m going up for a nap,” with the emphasis on nap.
Kate seized Judith’s arm and tugged. “We’ve got plans, bucko, so go take your nap. Alone.”
Ignoring Kate, he pulled out a key card. “We’re in room five fourteen. Why don’t you come on up when you’re done with your plans?”
“Will you two stop.” Judith smiled, shaking her head. “Dev, Kate and I are having a manicure and a massage. I’ll take my stuff up to your room then return as soon as I can.”
Judith grasped his t-shirt in a fist and brought him an inch from her lips. She gave him a sloppy kiss and spoke so only he could hear. “Since you told me to rest up, I find I’m not the least bit sleepy for a nap.”
She snatched the card from his hand, scooted out of his range, and hurried out with Kate. She giggled as Dev called after them, “You know, Judith, I give great massages.”
Dev stood, watching them leave and unable to stop grinning. Damn, she fascinated him.
James’ voice startled him from behind. “So, what’s up? What’s taking so long?”
“Sorry.” Dev spun around. “I was giving Judith a key.”
“Come on, Mac, I just want to finish. I swear, next year I’m following you out of the country. My mother is driving me crazy!”
“She’s not that bad. But I agree. Let’s finish.”
“That’s it, right there!” Alicia Morrison said, nearly an hour later. “Perfect. Thank you so much.” Alicia’s smile could only be called satisfied. “I knew I could count on my boys.”
“Finally,” Dev huffed out a long sigh. “I’m outta here.” He left the two before she changed her mind.
In the elevator, he leaned against the wall and rubbed his neck, totally exhausted and ready for a nap. He’d logged long hours over the past two weeks without much sleep. Even when he’d tried to sleep, more often than not, thoughts of Judith kept him awake.
He smiled. He’d have an hour of shut-eye, then he’d take a ‘nap’ with her.
Outside his suite, he ran the key card through the slot, made his way through the living room to the plush bedroom, then spied Judith’s dress hanging on the closet door. Her bags were off to the side.
Dev shed his clothes and headed for the bathroom. First a shower; then he’d doze. He reached for the faucet and saw her toiletries mixed with his on the counter. A feeling of contentment shot through him. Her things were there, which meant soon she would be too.
He stepped under the hot water and soaped up. Tension eased from his shoulders as heat relaxed his body. Minutes later, he sat on the bed wrapped in a towel. Yawning, he stretched out, wishing Judith would hurry.
Chapter 14
“This is worth all the work we did,” Kate said.
“I agree.” Judith sighed, unable to move a muscle once the masseuse finished. There was something decadent in receiving all the amenities the hotel offered.
Twenty minutes later, she signed the bill, using Dev’s room number. Hopefully, he wouldn’t mind. She would reimburse him later.
“Now that I’ve been pamp
ered, I’m ready to tackle tonight,” Kate said, as they walked in the direction of the elevators.
“My sentiments exactly.” She did feel totally revived and ready for the evening ahead. Nervous energy hummed through her system, yet she wasn’t in such a big hurry to rush upstairs.
“What room are you guys in?” Kate pushed the Up button.
Judith fingered the key card. “Five fourteen.” The elevator door opened. “What about you?” She stepped inside and pressed five.
“Five twenty-seven, so we’re on the same floor, not that it makes much difference for all we’ll be in them.” Kate checked her watch and grimaced. “Wow, we barely have time to get showered, dressed, and made up for tonight…and I’m starving. I missed lunch. I might just have to break down and grab a snack from the room, but I hate paying five dollars for a fifty-cent candy bar.”
When the doors reopened both stepped out. Pausing, Judith poked through her bag. “Here, have a breakfast bar. I carry them to work in case I can’t go out to lunch when it gets hectic.”
“What a lifesaver.” Flashing a relieved smile, Kate tore off the foil. “Thanks, Judith, this is perfect.”
Outside Dev’s room, Judith slid the card through the slot and took deep breaths to quell the swarm of butterfly wings fluttering inside her stomach. “Wish me luck.”
“You don’t need luck,” Kate said, laughing. “I have eyes and I know the L word when I see it. Just have fun. See ya downstairs in a bit.”
Judith nodded, then slipped inside. When the door closed behind her, she glanced around.
“Dev?” she called softly. “I’m back.” She stopped short, catching a glimpse of him through the adjoining room double door, spread out, face up on the bed, naked except for the towel around him.
Sound asleep.
She stomped around, trying to make enough noise to wake him, yet soon realized he was out cold. Feeling curious, she kicked off her shoes, snuck closer to the bed, and stood, simply gazing at his toned body.
“Dev, wake up.” She bent over and shook his shoulder. “Dev…we have to get ready.”
When that didn’t work, she lifted his arm, then released it to flop on the bed, which did nothing to wake him. That was when the towel came loose, drawing her focus to what hid underneath—naked perfection.
He’s gorgeous. Such a beautiful male specimen, and he’s all mine. At least for a while.
Her eyes glued to his form, she sat next to him and gave his shoulder another shake.
She didn’t take her hand off his shoulder. Instead, her curiosity got the better of her, and she leaned closer. Eventually, she let her hand roam up and down his chest. His sprinkled wisps of black hair felt soft under her fingertips. One nipple hardened when her hand grazed it.
Her gaze flew to his face, but he was still out. Growing bolder, she straddled him to position herself for easier access.
She loved looking at his splendid body and wanted to discover it. She had to touch him. Checking his face periodically, she realized he wasn’t likely to wake up anytime soon without an alarm, so she felt safe enough to continue her explorations.
At first, she tentatively stroked up and down his torso, staying above the waist. For lingering minutes, that’s all she did. But her hands naturally worked their way south, below the V of black hair. Before she knew it, her hands grazed his penis and the organ jumped to attention.
Then, he moaned.
She stopped, not daring to breathe. When nothing happened and the erection remained, she couldn’t resist kissing it. Her heartbeat quickened. Unable to stop, she wrapped her mouth around the tip and began gently sucking.
Dev moaned again and whispered, “You feel so good.”
Judith raised her head to glance at his face, expecting him to be awake. She exhaled a relieved sigh. He was still sleeping soundly. Becoming bolder, mostly because he seemed comatose, she wrapped her hands around him. Her curiosity increased, compelled her to continue. It was so thrilling…and…so unlike her. He felt so warm in her hands, so sinful, so exciting. She started stroking. Her excitement spiked when his erection expanded. Seconds later, he began moving in her hands. The ferocity of his motions shocked her. So much so that she tightened her grip.
“Please, Judith,” he whispered more fervently, moaning louder. “I’ve waited so long. Let me love you. I need you.”
Oh my God, she thought. This had gotten totally out of control. What now?
She couldn’t stop…could only watch, mesmerized, reveling in the power she felt. After a few more strokes, he climaxed.
Too stunned to move, she held her breath. Her behavior shocked her. She’d never been so bold in her life. Having taken advantage of the situation, she panicked. Dev might not be too happy. She scurried off the bed and into the bathroom, grabbed a washcloth, and wet it with warm water before returning to wash away the effects, praying he wouldn’t notice.
She checked his face. Relief swept through her when she noted his closed eyes and even breathing.
Carefully, she dabbed at his skin and wiped up the evidence.
Dev was experiencing the most erotic dream of Judith. Never far from his thoughts, she weaved a spell over him, mesmerizing him with her touch. He’d wanted her for too long. Where she was concerned, he had no control. His dream, fueled with desire, took on a life of its own. Judith was naked in his arms. Damn, she felt good…so real…he had to be inside her.
Finally, he was there, moving in and out. He’d died and gone to heaven. He didn’t dare wake up, afraid that if he did, she’d disappear. So he continued until he succumbed to the pleasure and exploded, before falling back into oblivion.
Dev, not fully awake yet, but sensing her nearness, grabbed Judith’s arm and stopped her movements.
“It wasn’t a dream, was it?” he whispered. With half-closed eyes, he took in her mortified expression, as frozen in place, she stared at him with eyes that had doubled in size.
Judith swallowed hard. Shaking her head, she closed her eyes.
“Why, Judith?” He remained silent, watching. Finally he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, “Why didn’t you join me?”
“I don’t know.” She focused on her hands. “You were there and so beautiful. I just had to touch you. And then one thing led to another.”
Dev’s gaze never faltered. When he saw her risk a glance, he smiled.
“You’re not angry?” she asked, visibly relaxing her shoulders.
“No,” he murmured, sensing her dismay. He sat up and patted the bed next to him. “Come here, Judith.”
She still didn’t move.
“Come on, I won’t bite.” Chuckling, he added, “Well, maybe a little nibble here and there.”
She expelled a large breath and scooted to the edge of the bed where he’d indicated.
With one arm around her, Dev pulled her close and kissed the side of her face.
“That dream was one hell of an erotic experience and we haven’t even begun to make love,” he said. “What have you done to me, Judith?”
The phone on the bedside table rang. Dev glanced at the clock and swore. He reached to pick up the receiver and growled, “What now?”
“I didn’t interrupt anything, did I?” James’ laughing voice shot through the line.
“What the hell do you want?”
“To see if you two would like to join us downstairs for a quick drink before the bash begins, but I think I have my answer.”
“You got that right. Good-bye, James.” He hung up and glanced at Judith. “We should get ready, they’re expecting us downstairs. What I want to do will take more than a few minutes. I need all night.” He maneuvered her onto his lap with his feet on the floor. “But we have time for a kiss.” Nuzzling, his lips found hers while he lost himself in her mouth, a mouth that molded to his. When her tongue tentatively touched his, his erection poked her. He nibbled his way to her ear. “Let’s skip the ball…take up where you left off,” he whispered. “Only this
time, we’ll both fully participate.” Then, working to persuade her with kisses, he captured her lips between his and gently sucked.
Judith moaned, but broke free.
“Please, we have to go down.” Her request came out in breathy little wisps that only made him want to kiss her more. But he released her, set her aside, and stood, as she added, “Otherwise they’ll know what we’re doing.”
Dev’s bark of laughter rang through the room. He stalked naked to the bathroom, still laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Haughty annoyance was laced in the three words.
“You! What do you think they think we were doing right now? Considering my sharp retorts, James has more than a better idea. I guarantee they’re all downstairs right now drinking and wondering if we’re having a good time.”
“Oh.” Judith offered him a sheepish, embarrassed smile that did nothing to ease the urge to take her into his arms again.
“Come on. Get moving,” he said, focusing on washing his face instead. “Otherwise I’ll think you’ve changed your mind about going downstairs.”
He had an electric razor in his hand, ready to turn it on, when she appeared at the door holding all her stuff. “Hurry up, because I need the bathroom.”
“I hope you’re not one of those women who take forever. We need to be out of here in thirty minutes to be fashionably late. Forty-five, and we’ll border on being rude.”
“You just worry about you. I’ll be ready in plenty of time,” she countered, moving past him. She placed her items about the small room. Then she nudged him away from the doorjamb he leaned against while shaving, still watching her. She waved. “But I need the bathroom, so shave out there.”
He moved and she quickly closed and locked the door.
Dev stood at the window and stared out fifteen minutes later when the bathroom door opened. He turned. She emerged in a slip and stockings all made up, looking like a Grecian goddess. The sight of her padding to the closet where her dress hung left him breathless and he couldn’t stop gawking.
Judith took the dress off the hanger, quickly donned the navy silk creation, and stepped into her shoes.