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That Kind of Special

Page 4

by Abby Wood

  She expected slow, and he gave her hard and open and demanding. She had no choice but to give him back what he was doing to her. Her tongue tangled with his. Her lips slipped into the perfect mold. He held her still, seeming to want her to accept it all, and she did without any question.

  There was nothing but him and her. And the feelings.

  Nothing compared to their kiss. Nothing. Not her independence. Not his pushy ways. Not any other man on the face of the earth.

  When he lifted his head a fraction of an inch, he placed his forehead against hers. She breathed deep, feeling the tingles on her sensitized lips after the kiss, and knew he felt it too.

  Finally, he spoke. “Tomorrow, I’ll pick you up at your apartment, early. I want you with me the whole day.”

  She nodded. That was all she was capable of doing.

  Chapter Five

  She wanted him, and he couldn’t be happier.

  Two hours into spending the day walking along the pier, holding hands, and enjoying a surprisingly decent day, weather wise, in Seattle, and Trent knew Katina wouldn’t be going home alone to her apartment tonight.

  He opened the trunk of his car, put the bag full of fabric Katina bought off a street vendor, and turned around. Progress was being made. She’d finally accepted he had specific ideas of how a woman should be treated, and indulged him.

  Not that her stubbornness allowed her to give him his way easily. She’d balked when he demanded his date not spend a penny. The vibrant cloth won her over. She really wanted the imported fabric and reluctantly allowed him to get out his wallet.

  He joined her on the sidewalk. “Hungry?”

  “A little.” Her phone rang, and she laid her hand on his stomach. “Hang on a sec. One of my clients promised to call me this afternoon, so I need to take this.”

  She pulled her cell out of her purse and frowned at the display before answering. “Hello?”

  Her back stiffened against his hand. He gazed down at her.

  “No, Colby. I’ve told you, it’s over.” She stepped away from Trent. “I don’t have time for this right now.” She paused. “Yes, I’m working. Stop calling.”

  Concern had him following her. He put his hand against hers and brought the phone off her ear. “Problem?”

  She pressed the cell between her hands. “He’s been calling a few times a day since I broke up with him, but I’ve let them go to voice mail. It usually has his number on the display, but I didn’t recognize the number this time, or I never would’ve answered. I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t want to talk with him?” he asked.

  She scrunched her nose. “Of course not.”

  He motioned for the phone. She rolled her eyes, but handed it over. But Colby had already hung up. “If he keeps bothering you, let me know. I’ll put a stop to his harassment.”

  “I haven’t hired you for personal security, Mr. Bauer.” She bumped her hip against him. “Colby’s a whiner. He’ll find someone new any day now and leave me alone.”

  He laid his arm across her shoulders, pleased when she leaned against his side. Her hand went to his stomach, and he kissed her upturned lips. One thing she wasn’t stingy about was handing out kisses.

  Last night, breaking past that first kiss, seemed to give her the confidence to try again, and he was more than happy to oblige this time around. She was learning fast.

  “You let me know,” he muttered.

  She kissed him again. “Yes, sir.”

  Mouthy. He grinned.

  “There’s a good place on the corner for fish and chips. I’ll order, while you find us a table out on the deck behind the restaurant.” He eyed her cheeks, her shoulders, and arms. “You don’t burn, do you?”

  She shook her head. “Sunscreen. The bonus of wearing it is it’ll keep me wrinkle free when I’m old, or at least that’s what I’ve heard.”

  He laughed before guiding her along the path and pointing her down the walkway to the back of the building. “Find us a place to sit. I’ll be right there after I order. What do you like to drink?”

  She shrugged. “Diet anything pop.”

  “Got it.” He took his place in line.

  Relaxed and pleased with the day, he rocked back on his heels and smiled at a mother and child standing in front of him. The last time he’d had such a relaxing day was when he’d let his sister talk him into taking the yacht to visit Whidbey Island. That was before everyone’s life changed. Since then, he’d put getting involved with anyone out of his mind and focused on his work. He pushed the past away, not wanting to spoil the day.

  Then Katina showed up, and he suddenly held hope that things would work between them. She was a challenge, mysterious, and stubborn enough to make him struggle to have it all. Half sex goddess and innocent. And he found the combination irresistible.

  He stepped up to the window. “Can I get two Halibut baskets, one Diet Coke, and an ice water, please?”

  He paid the woman at the register, took the slip of paper she handed him across the counter, and made his way to the side of the building and Katina.

  “Not today. Please. Just go back to the table, and pretend you don’t even know me,” Katina said.

  Trent whipped around the corner. His gut tightening at the tone, he met Katina’s eyes. Her brows lifted, and her mouth came open. He took in the situation in a glance. She was safe. That was his main concern.

  But something put worry on her face, in her shoulders, and in the fisted hands at her sides. He didn’t like what he was seeing.

  “Excuse me?” He stepped beside Katina and put his hand at her back. “Problem?”

  “No.” Katina shoulders slumped. “Trent, meet my mom, Tilda Lindtson.”

  Dark brown hair, swirling around her slim shoulders, framed a face untouched by time. The woman was stunning, but the bright smile, the obvious interest in her gaze, aimed at him, and Katina’s stiff body beside him warned him that something wasn’t right with the situation. For some reason, Katina didn’t want him to meet her mom.

  “Ms. Lindtson.” Trent shook her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Darling, you never told me you were seeing the Trent Bauer.” Tilda’s eyes were on Trent, but she spoke to Katina.

  “A date, Mom. Only a date. I told you that, and because it is our first date—”

  “Second.” Trent released her mom’s hand and pulled Katina to his side. “Did you find us a table, baby?”

  “Baby?” Tilda sighed loudly. “Did you hear that, Kat? He called you baby.”

  “Yes, Mom. I did. Thanks for letting him know.” She clamped her mouth together.

  His girl was about ready to blow. He smiled at her mom. “It was nice to meet you, Ms. Lindtson—”

  “Tilda,” Katina’s mom said.

  He nodded. “Tilda. I have something special planned tonight for your daughter, and if we’re going to make it in time, we’d better keep to our schedule. If you’ll excuse us…”

  “Oh. Oh. Of course.” Tilda hugged Katina, turned to him, and batted her eyes. “You take care of my darling, yes?”

  “Of course. I hope to meet you again, when we have more time.” He steered Katina away, leaving her mom smiling after them. And he knew this because he looked over his shoulder and gave her one more smile to reassure her that her daughter was in good hands.

  Talk about high maintenance. Her mom was beautiful and poised, but he wouldn’t want to be tied down to a woman who required ego stroking and refused to see the discomfort she pushed onto her daughter.

  He held the chair out and waited for Katina to sit. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. I’ve had a lot of years to figure out that either I could put up with her, or I could drive myself crazy trying to ignore her.” She paused and let him sit down across from her. “I love her. I do. She’s my mom, but she’s overwhelming at times.”

  He chuckled. “Aren’t all families like that?”

  “Yeah. I guess.” She glanced behind him and sighed. “T
his is awkward. I had no idea she’d be here, or I wouldn’t have come.”

  “Look at me.”

  She glanced at him but went right back to looking at her mom. He waited, but she seemed to have trouble disconnecting herself from what was happening behind him.

  “Look at me, Kat,” he repeated.

  She focused on him. “What?”

  “You’re here with me. We’re having a good time. Just relax.”

  She nodded. “You’re right.”

  He reached across the table and lightly touched her forehead. “Do you know you have a little line that forms between your eyebrows when you’re thinking too hard?”

  “I do not.” She pulled back, the line growing deeper.

  “Do.” He laughed.

  She glared. “So, my mom recognized you. It seems like I’m the only one in Seattle who didn’t bow to your greatness upon hearing your name.”

  “There’s still time.” He leaned back in his chair.

  “For what?”

  “For you to bow at my feet.” He grinned.

  She snorted. “As if.”

  He laughed at the same time the waitress came with their food. He thanked the young woman and motioned toward Katina’s overfilled basket. “Eat up.”

  The next several minutes, they both enjoyed topping their appetite. Katina no longer seemed worried about her mother. She shared a smile or two with him, complimented him on the food, and even teased him about their age difference.

  He wiped his fingers with the napkin. “We haven’t talked about that. I’m forty-three, if you’re wondering.”

  “Not a big deal to me,” she said.

  He must have made a noise, because she tilted her head and said, “I’m serious.”

  “I believe you, but being with me must be different than other guys you’ve dated.”

  “Well, you’re no Colby.” She grinned, flicking her gaze at him.

  “Fucking right.” He crumbled up his napkin. “So, no problems?”

  She shook her head. “Nope.”

  He’d wondered what she’d thought about dating him, and now he knew. He definitely didn’t have a problem dating anyone younger, even though he’d never dated anyone as young as Katina.

  She flipped her hair over her shoulder and patted her mouth with the napkin. Something primal roared in him.

  “You do know that you’re killing me.” He eyed her shoulder.

  She paused with a french fry in her hand. “How?”

  He reached across the table and tucked her bra strap underneath the thin strip of her tank. “Maroon.”

  She flushed and ducked her chin, unable to hide her grin. Guilty pleasure was written all over her face, and he had a feeling he was in for a surprise.

  “Fuck me,” he muttered.

  That was what he enjoyed about her. She’d made a production about him keeping her secret, but she’d gone out of her way to make sure he noticed. She pleased him more than he hoped for.

  His body hardened. His balls ached. His appetite fled. Tempting and beautiful, she’d given him more than he anticipated on their date. His suspicion that she’d gone out of her way to mix and mismatch her bra and panties, knowing she thought of him while she dressed this morning, knowing that she received pleasure keeping it secret from him, intoxicated him.

  “You mentioned plans for later?” She pulled the straw to her side of the drink and sipped, looking him square in the face. “What do you have in mind?”

  He tossed his napkin on the table. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Because he couldn’t wait, he lifted her out of her chair. She opened her mouth, and he cupped the back of her head, pulling her toward him. He captured her words with his mouth. His kiss answered her question.

  He wanted her now. Hot, hard, and screaming for release.

  Leaving her breathless and tottering, he reluctantly eased away without letting her go. His hands shook with how much he wanted her. “Yes?”

  She inhaled sharply and exhaled a breathy “Yeah.”

  “Good.” He clasped her hand in his and led her across the deck.

  They rounded the corner, and he became aware of someone clapping at their exit. He looked over at Katina. She was zoned out in the pleasure that would be coming soon and wasn’t aware of what was going on behind them. But he knew.

  Her mother gave them her approval.

  Chapter Six

  Traveling sucked.

  The seat belt held her away from Trent. She pressed her knees together, wanting to ease the ache growing at the apex of her thighs. His kiss at the restaurant had only added fuel to the fire burning in her all day.

  His small touches, his mouth, his attention kept her attuned to him. No matter if he was looking at something else or talking with other people, he never lost his connection with her. Whether it was his hand on her back, a glance and smile, or the way his arm curled around her, pulling her tight against him, she was like a sponge, soaking all his attention up.

  She’d never had a date who considered her needs first, without her helping him along the way. Before spending time with Trent, the notion of having anyone’s responsiveness directed toward her would’ve stifled her. Instead, she found herself craving more.

  He flipped on the turn signal and steered the car into the right lane, taking Exit 32. “Almost there…”

  She recognized the area. He planned to take her back to his house, instead of going the longer distance back to her apartment. His decision came as no surprise. He wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  Nerves hit her. She squirmed in the seat and rubbed the tops of her thighs. What was she doing?

  Although no stranger to sex, she never—never—threw herself at a man. She had to slow down, think about what was happening.

  He pulled into his driveway, pushed the garage door button, and looked at her. She exhaled. Oh, God.

  He was handsome, strong, and when he laughed—which he’d done a lot today—he made her knees weak. Even his faults amused her. He was overprotective, obsessed about safety, and he had a habit of doing what he wanted regardless of what anyone thought or said.

  The car stopped. He undid his seat belt, unlatched hers, and turned her to face him. “Listen to me. It’s real. It’s good. It’s going to happen. Don’t overthink the situation. I want you, and I’m not going to be satisfied with once, or even twice. I’m not a guy who fucks with a woman’s head. I’d appreciate the same.”

  There was that bossiness again that took away her power to argue. Her stomach fluttered. “‘Kay.”

  “Right.” He opened his door. “Stay there.”

  He walked around the car, opened her door, and offered his hand. She latched on to him, glad when he squeezed back. She wanted to please him, but she was afraid of disappointing him.

  It was too soon. Too intense. Too addicting.

  Inside the house, panic ensued, quickly replaced by hysteria. She tugged on his hand, shaking her head. What if she screwed everything up, and he made the decision to stop seeing her? “I—”

  “Baby.” His hands came to her waist, and he moved in. Her space evaporated and became their space.

  “Trent.” She panted. “I never do this.”

  “I know,” he said.

  Then he kissed her.

  God, she couldn’t fight against the feelings he evoked. His mouth was firm and warm. His hands burned her flesh. Pleasure walked up her spine, leaving tingles in its wake. Her belly rolled, warming her insides.

  He made everything okay. It felt good, right, thrilling.

  Yet she put her hands on his chest and pushed him away.

  “I shouldn’t,” she said. Her voice was oddly weak and pathetic.

  He was a distraction. She had the Mitchells’ house to redo, and that would take up most of her time. Then there were the shopping trips, consulting with the window dressers, and lining up someone to install the bookcases. Her winning bid had a deadline, and if she was going to make enough money to afford to
expand, she needed to stay on schedule.

  “We should.”

  She closed her eyes for a second. “No.”

  “Yes,” he said.

  He definitely wasn’t like the other men she’d dated. They’d backed down. She opened her mouth to protest. His tongue touched hers, and her whole body moaned. Heat shot through her, leaving her weak. A vibration of excitement settled between her legs.

  Without another thought, she kissed him back. She slid her hands up his chest to his shoulders and curled around his neck, pulling him closer. He seemed to feed off her response, because he scooped her into his arms, deepening the kiss.

  Barely aware of him taking her farther into the house, she lost herself to the security that he knew what he was doing. It wasn’t until he set her on her feet beside the bed that she realized he was the one in complete control of the situation. And she liked it.

  She’d never had anyone push her, but deep down she understood he was giving her time to come to her own decisions. The heady sensation of blaming him for her not stopping him turned her on. She never would’ve thought that she’d like a dominating man.

  No sooner had his mouth gone away, he came back down to her. She collided with him, wild with passion. She pressed against him, glided her hands down his back, cupping his ass, pulling him tight to her.

  Everything went in slow motion, too slow. She wanted him inside her, touching her.

  She no longer tried to find a reason to stop what she was doing with Trent. For a moment, she was beautiful, sexy, and wanted.

  She gasped, tearing at his shirt from the back, pulling it from his jeans. Her hands sprawled flat on his bare skin, feeling the hard muscles and heat.

  He tore his mouth away. “Bed.”

  “What?” she whispered, disoriented.

  “Bed, baby.” He walked her backward, until her legs hit mattress and her knees bent.

  She plopped onto the edge, her gaze aimed directly at the bulge in his jeans. She sucked in her bottom lip and clamped down.


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