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Light My Fire

Page 18

by Jodi Redford

  Agony and indecision warred across his face. What was he waiting for? She got her answer a second later when Jace pulled back too.

  “Sweetness, you can have us separately or together. If it’s together, we will claim mark you. The choice is yours.”

  Aiden’s fingertips ran along the skin quivering above her pelvic bone. “I know you need more time, but we don’t have that luxury. It’s now or never.”

  “You bastards did this on purpose.”

  Jace’s mouth twisted in a pained grin. “Guilty as charged. We’ll make it good for you though, baby. You have our promise.”

  At this point, Aiden could stick that damn paintbrush in her coochie and she’d have a screaming good time. Still, that didn’t sound nearly as appealing as the alternative. Unconsciously, her gaze traveled to the erection straining against the placket of Aiden’s trousers. She licked her lips. His eyes darkening, Aiden thumbed the hook free on his fly.

  “I didn’t say yes yet.”

  The yet part of her statement hung heavy in the air, but neither Aiden nor Jace called her on it. Instead, Aiden eased his zipper down, the metallic rasp of the teeth as they separated providing an erotic tune. “I know. But I figured I might give you some food for thought.” He stood and tugged his Henley over his head, tousling his midnight black hair. Tossing the garment aside, he kicked off his boots and shucked his trousers and briefs, stooping to free them of his muscular calves.

  He straightened and her breath lodged in her throat. No matter how many times she saw him naked, she would always be bowled over by how gorgeous he was. His hand moved to his cock and gave it an indulgent stroke. The air trapped in her windpipe hissed free. “You don’t play fair.”

  “Nope.” Aiden fisted his shaft and gave it a good jack. The muscles in his chiseled six-pack rippled in reaction.

  Lust and need pooled thick and heavy in her breasts and pussy. “I want you inside me.”

  Jace pinched her turgid nipples. “Both of us?”

  She swallowed hard, her eyes following the path of Aiden’s fingers. “Yes. Please, just do it.”

  A strange mix of resignation and triumph flared within Aiden’s eyes. He dropped his fist and crawled over her, resettling between her legs. Supporting his weight on his elbows, he ravaged her mouth. Still imprisoned by the ties, all she could do was suck on his bottom lip and parry the thrust of his tongue with her own. The sexy growls purling from his throat and the erratic thud of his heart against her breast were enough to skyrocket her over the edge. She tilted her pelvis, trying to rub on the delicious length of his cock. Yes, she was acting like a total nympho. Did she care? No. “Now. For the love of God, now.”

  Frantic jerking on the ties at her ankles made her cry in relief. While Jace wrestled with her bound feet, Aiden rolled onto his side and reached for her closest arm. He made quick work releasing one hand then the other. Depositing the ties next to her, he pressed a kiss to each wrist. She turned her head and inspected the strips of cloth. “What in the world did you tie me up with?”

  “One of Jace’s T-shirts.” Aiden gave a wry grin that made her tummy do a funny flip. “He probably wouldn’t have sacrificed it if he’d known all his other shirts would suddenly turn pink.”

  “Nah. It’s still worth it.” Sinking onto the opposite mattress, Jace began unlacing his boots.

  Aiden cupped her face, his touch gentle as his mouth returned to hers. Their kiss was languid this time. Exploratory. Slow, slick passes of tongue. Teeth barely grazing kiss-swollen lips. He stoked the fire steadily, until she wanted to climb inside his skin. The thought made her giggle. He pulled back, his ragged breath puffing on her cheek. “Should I be insulted that you’re laughing right now?”

  “I was just thinking how I wanted to climb inside you.” Her palms coasted over his shoulders and collarbone, reveling in his silky texture. “But there’s probably not enough room in there, what with that fourteen-foot dragon hogging all the space.”

  His lips curled upward. “Honey, he definitely wouldn’t mind sharing.”

  “Speaking of sharing, can I get a taste of some of that sweetness?” Jace leaned over Aiden and cupped the back of her head. His tongue dipped inside her mouth in a sensuous glide. It felt beyond weird and very naughty to be naked and entangled in the arms of one brother and getting the daylights kissed out of her by the other.

  Then again, it was fairly tame compared to what was about to happen.

  Jace pulled back and licked his lips slowly. “Mmm, tasty.”

  A warm palm molded over her breast. Glancing at Aiden, she discovered his hot, hungry gaze affixed to her. He kneaded her flesh, plucking at her nipples before he caressed over their peaked tips with his calloused knuckles. The abrading sensation was almost too much to bear. His head lowered to the crook of her neck and the light scrape of his teeth on her tendon made her whimper. Abandoning her breast, his hand coasted to her butt. With an encouraging squeeze on her left buttock, he dragged her thigh over his and shifted onto his back so she straddled him.

  Need spiraled in a tight coil as Aiden’s cock prodded at her wet folds. She wiggled, enticing him to take the plunge. Taking the hint, he eased inside her, inch by slow inch. He buried his face against her neck and groaned, the sound vibrating against her skin.

  His fingers stroked along her spine. “I love being inside you like this. Nothing between us but each other.”

  She did too. It wasn’t in her nature to indulge in unprotected sex, even knowing her period would be starting in less than a week, technically making her pretty safe in that aspect. But being flesh to flesh with Aiden in the truest sense of the word stoked all kinds of forbidden thrills within her. Thrills she didn’t care to examine at the moment. Better to just immerse within the decadent sensations and leave the psychoanalysis for later.

  Jace’s weight settled behind her. He traced the indent of her tailbone before trailing into the crease of her butt cheeks. Instinctively she tensed and Jace’s finger stalled.

  “Sweetness, how much experience do you have with anal sex?”

  “None,” she squeaked, thankful that her more-than-likely glowing red face was hidden from view.

  Aiden muttered a curse but Jace splayed his hand on her lower back, keeping her anchored in place.

  “It’s okay. I’ll take it slow and gentle, ease her into it.”

  “You better. Because so help me, if you hurt her I’ll rip your tonsils out.”

  The sudden click of a bottle cap opening cut off Aiden’s growl. Two seconds later, Jace rubbed something cool and slippery over her puckered hole. His finger pushed inside, working past the tight ring of muscle. She flinched at the foreign invasion, her mind not letting her get past how big his finger felt. How the hell was she going to be able to take his cock in there?

  Apparently reading her troubled thoughts, Jace massaged her lower back. Aiden added his own brand of soothing by caressing her everywhere he could reach and whispering words of encouragement and love in her ear. Soon enough, they lulled her into a relaxed state.

  Until Jace added another finger. He scissored the two digits, stretching her. Incredibly, she felt herself begin to loosen and even welcome the pressure against her inner walls. Biting her lip, she pushed back slightly.

  Jace hummed in satisfaction. “That’s it, sweetness. You’re doing great.” He pumped his fingers a final time and slid them free. The blunt head of his cock appeared and nudged intently. Before she had time to freeze up again, he pressed down, fighting the resistance from the band of muscle. A burning sting seared her and she cried out in shock.

  Aiden went rigid, deep lines of anxiety bracketing his mouth. Guessing that he was seconds away from calling a halt to the festivities, she leaned down and brushed their noses together. His breath shuddered from between his lips, making her smile. Jace chose that moment to thrust deeper, lodging his cock all the way inside her.

  The feeling of fullness was almost overwhelming.

  “Are you all right?
” Aiden and Jace demanded in unison.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she nodded. Jace’s cock started to retreat and she gasped as he hit all sorts of undiscovered nerve endings. Her fingers dug into Aiden’s chest and she cried out again, this time in ecstasy.

  “Ahhh, goddamn. You feel so fucking good, sweetness.” Jace palmed her butt cheeks together on his forward stroke, intensifying the sensations.

  She opened her eyes and found Aiden staring at her, thinly leashed desire raging in his dark irises. Her nails grazed over his nipples and the fire in his expression turned into a three-alarm blaze. Arching his hips, he filled her on Jace’s departure, stuffing her to the hilt. Upon his brother’s re-entry, he eased off. They kept up their alternating strokes until she was shivering and out of control. Aiden’s hands tangled in her hair and held her steady for a full-on devouring from his mouth. Dimly, she became aware of her body heating, growing hotter and hotter until she swore she’d burst into flames. Instead, she broke apart into a million pieces, the orgasm crashing over her sending radiant sparkles exploding behind her eyelids. She barely registered the twin shouts of completion from Aiden and Jace as she fell blissfully into oblivion.

  Chapter Twenty

  The downside to amazing, blow-your-freakin’-mind sex was the inevitable morning-after regrets. And oh boy, did she have them in truckloads.

  Moving with exaggerated caution, she lifted onto her elbows and inspected the whiskered jaw nuzzled against her arm. She stared at Aiden’s sleep-relaxed features. Longing, sharp and intense, erupted inside her. Every inch of her body tingled with the desire to touch him. Swallowing hard, she forced her attention to the provider of the toasty warmth blanketing her right side. Jace lay sprawled on his stomach, one leg flung over hers and the other one half falling off the air mattress. The riotous sensations playing havoc with her body still made their presence known while she eyed him, but they’d mellowed significantly. Testing her body’s reaction, she returned her focus to Aiden. The craving renewed itself in an overwhelming surge.

  What the hell was going on?

  Her caution taking a permanent hike, she scrambled out from between the sleeping brothers. Aiden roused with a raspy grunt. He blinked at her blearily before letting his smoky gaze travel over her in a thorough sweep. “G’ morning.”

  Just the sound of his husky voice stoked the embers of her lust into a raging inferno. Embarrassed and edgy, she reached for her discarded underwear. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Levering onto one elbow, he cracked a wide yawn. His hand came up to scratch absently along his sternum. “Any idea what time it is?”

  Gulping, she tore her scrutiny from the lazy motion of his fingers. Yeah, time to get the hell out of here. “My guess—not yet six. It’s still fairly dark out.”

  “Hmm, then why don’t you come back to bed?” He patted the spot next to him invitingly.

  “I…uh…need to shower and get dressed. I have to be at the festival fairgrounds early today for set up.”

  Aiden thudded backwards onto the mattress with a groan. “I forgot you’re working the festival this weekend.”

  She wiggled into her panties and he stacked his arms behind his head, making no pretense about ogling the show. His cock stirred beneath the cover of the blanket. “I suppose it’s not necessarily a bad thing. If Morgan shows up, we’ll be able to nab him pretty easy in your booth.”

  “Yeah, that would certainly make things simpler.” Twisting into her bra, she bundled her remaining clothes together and streaked from the tent. By the time she reached the bathroom, the strange sensations overtaking her body had subsided. Pushing aside the towel hanging on the back of the door, she checked herself in the full-length mirror, half convinced she’d find her body glowing like a nuclear reactor. Whatever the claim mark had done to her, it didn’t appear to have left any visible evidence on her exterior.

  Grateful for that welcome news, she jumped into the shower and endured the icy spray until her teeth began to chatter and various body parts went numb. Hopefully that’d put a damper on things for a while.

  Her brilliant plan stayed in effect through five cups of coffee and an excruciating car ride. The aggravating sensations returned around the same time her bladder started bitching about the five cups of coffee. Not exactly convenient, considering it forced her to use the port-a-johns. Try squatting without touching any surfaces while wearing a bulky skirt and petticoat. Fun times.

  After wrestling her way from the cramped john, she slathered on the disinfectant provided at the wash station. Aiden escorted her toward her booth. During the walk, she stared at the tips of her kidskin boots, trying to get her mind off the lustful urges crawling beneath her skin. It didn’t work. Nothing did. “What the hell did that claim mark do to me?”

  She didn’t realize she’d spoken the question aloud until Aiden jerked to a halt. The tree canopy diffused most of the early morning sun, throwing his face in shadow. Still, she could detect the concern lurking in his eyes.

  “What do you mean? Are you having a bad reaction?”

  A humorless laugh escaped her. “Yeah, you could definitely say that.” She crossed her arms to hide the stiffening of her nipples. “I’m turned on. Constantly.”

  His gaze automatically drifted to her chest, making her glad she’d opted to conceal her arousal. He massaged the back of his neck. “The claim mark often has an aphrodisiac effect. That’s why it’s used prior to the binding ritual. It’s a guaranteed way to earn the sacrifice’s cooperation.”

  She glared at him. “Thanks for mentioning this sooner.”

  “It honestly didn’t occur to me. Some people experience no side effects at all. Or so I’ve been told.”

  Gnashing her teeth, she swooped up the hem of her skirt and marched to her booth. Haddie met her outside the entrance with the deck of tarot cards clutched in her wrinkled hands. Just what she didn’t need. More advice from the oracle regarding her disastrous life.

  “Haddie, could we do the reading another time? I really need to get set up.”

  “Oh pooh. That’s what your strapping young lads are for.” Snatching Dana’s arm, Haddie dragged her toward the tarot booth. She was surprisingly strong for a seventy-plus-year-old woman.

  Heaving a sigh, Dana dropped into the provided chair and went through the required rigmarole. Haddie flipped over the first card. The Lovers. Dana made a grumping noise beneath her breath. “I already got that card.”

  Haddie gave her a peevish look. “Obviously the oracle feels the need to hammer the truth into your stubborn head.”

  “What truth? That I’m destined for a dead-end relationship with a pair of dragons?”


  “Let’s just move on to the next card.”

  Wearing an expression like she’d rather argue, Haddie turned the middle card. Dana took one glance at the grim-reaper-looking dude on the front and gave a triumphant snort. “What did I tell ya? Dead end.”

  Haddie clucked her tongue in exasperation. “You know, most folks don’t act all excited when they draw the death card.”

  “Death shmeth. With everything going on right now, a visit from ole skeletor is the least of my problems. Speaking of which, could we speed things up before the sickle wielder comes to cart me off?” She drummed her nails impatiently on the velvet-draped table, drawing a weary exhale from Haddie.

  With a suitably dramatic flourish, Haddie revealed the final card. A knight on horseback, carrying a sword. From what Dana could see, there wasn’t anything the least bit scary about the card. So why did Haddie jerk away from it like it’d zapped her?

  “This isn’t good.”

  “What, the card?” Dana frowned. “How bad can it be? I already drew freakin’ death, for Pete’s sake.”

  “A nasty enemy has been hiding in the shadows. He isn’t to be trusted.”

  The pronouncement brought on a creepy sense of awareness. Was Haddie talking about Morgan? Had she somehow seen him in the card? A p
art of Dana wanted to scoff at the notion, but she’d witnessed too many weird things lately to doubt anything at this point. She reached out and patted Haddie’s trembling hand. “It’s okay. Aiden and Jace are well aware of the danger. They’re doing everything they can to protect me.” Including shooting me up with their liquid Spanish fly juice and turning me into a horny slut.

  Pasting on an overly perky smile, she excused herself and went to check on Aiden and Jace’s progress in her booth. She had to admit they were doing a great job shelving everything. Still, to keep things in perspective and enact a wee bit of revenge for them turning her into a raving nympho, she made them change the rear display three times. Yes, it was devious. But highly satisfying.

  The rest of the day passed in a surreal haze of aching flashes of lust mixed with paranoia. Every time a man entered the booth she’d tense and shoot a questioning look toward Aiden and Jace. The pounding of her heart wouldn’t subside until one of the brothers would inevitably shake their head. She almost wished Morgan would just show up and put her out of her misery.

  Relieved when the PA system announced the fair’s closing, she rushed to the outer display racks and started gathering the prints she didn’t want exposed to the elements overnight. With Aiden and Jace’s help, she got everything stored in record time. As she trudged toward the parking lot flanked on either side by her fierce protectors she suddenly remembered Emmaline’s potluck.

  Would this day from hell never end?

  “Crap. Guys, we’re going to have to stop and pick up a relish tray on the way to my aunt’s.”

  “No problem.” Aiden tossed her a look as she climbed into the passenger seat. “Do you want to stop by your house to change?”

  “No time. Besides, I’m starting to get used to my boobs falling out of this damn dress anyway.”

  As he’d promised, Aiden stopped at a grocery store down the street from Emmaline’s house and she hurried inside with Jace to grab the tray of assorted cheese and crackers. Less than five minutes later, they pulled behind the long line of vehicles blocking Emmaline’s driveway. Dana climbed from the Navigator and waved to Raul as he lifted a large stockpot from the floor of his Mustang. Her salivary glands started kicking in. “Is that your duck gumbo?”


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